Super Reflexes buff
They will appreciate this -- I think Ice Tankers should get this too.
Will this resistance be in any way enhanceable?
Against what types of damage will this resistance protect?
Will the resistance from each power stack, or is it just a set resistance granted after taking one of the powers?
What is it with you wanting people to get into near death situations before you give them a buff for anything?
Kinetic Fusion - lvl 50 EM/EA Brute
Galvanized - lvl 50 Bots/Dark Mastermind
Umetrus - lvl 50 Fire/Kin Corruptor
Psychotropic Pstud - lvl 50 Mind/Psi Dom
Ahh, this will be good with ED coming.. we CAN diversify our enhancements, at least . Or will we not be able to slot this?
It still won't provide "one" shot protection, but 2-3 shot protection will be good
My SO played a katana/reflex scrapper into the 20s. While damage taken was certainly starting to be a real issue, their primary complaint about Super Reflexes was not that it let them take damage, but that the defense bonuses died so quickly once the powers shut down due to OOE situations.
When good Endurance Management practice was feasible, it was not so big an issue, but it really came to bear when my SO was trying to make choices about burning down an opponent, or trying to DPS agro an enemy off of a squishy. The DPS was there, of course, but burning the endurance necessary to do so meant that the powers were likely to shut off while the character was in the yellow or red.
To counter this, perhaps the damage resistance could have a short expiry timer so that it lasts just a few seconds after the defense powers shut down?
Just a thought.
They will appreciate this -- I think Ice Tankers should get this too.
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Ditto on the Ice tank love.
i appreciate the attention, but I'm not getting my hopes up just yet.
Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.
▲Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition▲
Ahh, this will be good with ED coming.. we CAN diversify our enhancements, at least . Or will we not be able to slot this?
It still won't provide "one" shot protection, but 2-3 shot protection will be good
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This would be really cool, assuming you can enhance it. Scrappers would have to make the choice between slotting for endurance usage, or a little more resistance that only helps them when things have already gone south.
This is excellent news for Super Reflexes! I can see it now...
"Statesman Buffs Super Reflexes, Scrappers Call Off Bounty!"
I would suggest, however, not removing the flame-retarding longjohns until you deal with Ice Tankers and the perceived Nerf to Invuln Tankers
Thanks, Statesman. Another good step in the right direction.
However, questions:
Why would I get BETTER at rolling with a punch the more I get my face smashed in? Shouldn't the dam-res start high? (I understand that this doesn't quite work with game mechanics, so let's move on.)
Why not just make it a standard base that doesn't change? Even having the passives 5% positional defense and 5% dam-res to all but psi/toxic would allow us to slot the passives. Currently, slotting them is all but useless because:
a: we only get 1% defense per SO
b: once ED goes live, after 3 SOs there's NO REASON at all to slot them.
But that won't work because with all three passives 3slotted for dam-res we'd end up with 24% dam-res to all but psi/toxic.
Actually, for the toggles that would be pretty good. Supposedly like an extra 12% def. Which still wouldn't let us floor even level minions.
Yea, it'll be nice to slow down the incoming damage... a little... but it's doubtful it will stop the 1shot/2shot issue that we deal with, it won't cover the loss of the 3slots of health as some of us 6slot health for a poor man's Regen, we still haven't dealt with tohit buffs and high accuracy negating SR....
What else we got?
Be well, people of CoH.

sounds like defiance. which still doesn't do anything for blasters.
I hope that it works better than Defiance.
That is to say, I hope players will notice a difference before they're one shot away from defeat.
Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)
sounds like defiance. which still doesn't do anything for blasters.
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Not really. Defiance works on something you have to activate - an attack. This will be there whether you're active, stunned, held, slept or whatever.
What is it with you wanting people to get into near death situations before you give them a buff for anything?
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Risk = Reward. It also really fits into the general comic book feel that as times get dicey the heroes start to get tougher by necessity.
I find it shocking and offensive that Jack Emmert has time to post about this but does not have time to address the issue of ED which is obviously the most pressing thing on the playerbase colective mind now. Way to through up some more smokescreen, Mr. Emmert. Now care to explain how ED is going to improve our gameplay?
Ah you see this is the kind of thing i like to see and a reason i have some faith in this development team. This is a benefical alteration of our powers and DOES promote enhancment diversification.
whereas ED itself takes something away instead of giving something, this change will improve our potential instead.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
I've alluded to this in a couple of places, but I wanted to describe something we'll be doing for Super Reflexes quite soon...
Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.
This change is in addition to the recent modification that gave most Defense Primary and Secondary powers resistance to Defense Debuffs (self Defense powers).
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Well, its not what I wanted, but I appreciate you continuing to look at and attempt to help out SR scrappers, who I've been saying for a while now needed some sort of helping hand.
Now, a question: is it really appropriate to be giving the only scrapper with no way to boost health and no self heal the only power that requires you get seriously hurt before it offers any benefit? When you added defiance to blasters, you added more health to them so they wouldn't immediately drop dead trying to benefit from it. Shouldn't SR scrappers get some sort of consideration of the fact that now a significant amount of their damage mitigation might come from a power that only engages while at low health? Maybe something like slottable regeneration in practiced brawler or something to take the edge off of constantly taking more damage and no way to heal it back would be appropriate.
Also, have you guys put any more thought into the fact that, as I've pointed out in a lot of places, SR appears to be the only defensive set that cannot in any way slot diversify in accordance with ED? I posted an interesting (I think) perspective on slot efficiency and ED here.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
Ah you see this is the kind of thing i like to see and a reason i have some faith in this development team. This is a benefical alteration of our powers and DOES promote enhancment diversification.
whereas ED itself takes something away instead of giving something, this change will improve our potential instead.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ssssh. This is to fix some of the problems ED is creating....
Everybody keep complaining.....
Mr. Lithuania
Jessica to Nathan in bed: "I'm not really bad, Isaac just drew me that way."
Take 3 Steps Forward. Now, Take 6 Steps Back! Where you At???? Read the Sig!
What is it with you wanting people to get into near death situations before you give them a buff for anything?
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Because that's heroic. Seriously, what's heroic about crushing everything in your path?
True, I don't believe we're super enough. Nerf 34,622 Code Named: Enhancement Diversification took care of the last bit of that.
But this is a bit heroic. I like the idea of reducing damage by taking a glancing blow, or getting hit in the arm, as opposed to the head, but I'd just like some more defense. Back up to acceptable levels.
I've alluded to this in a couple of places, but I wanted to describe something we'll be doing for Super Reflexes quite soon...
Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.
This change is in addition to the recent modification that gave most Defense Primary and Secondary powers resistance to Defense Debuffs (self Defense powers).
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Passive Defense only provides 5%. Please let the Base of this resistance buff be AT LEAST that much.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

First, I love the addition of damage mitigation for /SR. Something I've been asking for. I also appreciate your acknowledgement of the general disastvantaged situation that /SR is in and would find itself in.
A couple of thoughts...
1) For thematic purposes i.e. this is a form of rolling with punch, it would great if the +RES could be to Melee/Ranged/AoE as are the passives. In addition, they should be negated when our +DEF is eliminated.
I suspect however that this will not be possible because:
A) you probably can't give +RES based on position.
B) the +RES wouldn't stack properly with something like Sonics.
2) It'd be great if the amount of +RES was tied to the amount of +DEF.
3) Please don't let us slot for +RES. It will mean you will have to set a lower base value, and, those slots we got back from ED will be consumed. I like the slots I got back. However, in the spirit of customization, I suspect you will let us slot it.
4) Please make the description of the power term this as "damage mitigation" and not resistance. I agree with others who say that "resistance" breaks the theme. Let the description dissuade players from thinking of this as toughness or armor.
5) As far as the numbers, it'll be interesting to hear how you want this to help us. In other words, what situation should /SR be better at because of this. Can an AV that would normally two shot us still be able to two shot us?
6) Again on numbers, if the "lucky" aspect of the set is to be preserved, you could make the resistance variable a la <omitted> so that it has a % chance to kick in after X hit points. And subsequently, it could a very high lvl of damage mitigation without being overpowered.
You mentioned that you were looking in to the To-Hit problems for /SR. With ED, a power like Tactics will cut our defenses by nearly half. Focused Accurcy will completely negate it. Heck, even one Insight will negate our defense. There is no power that makes a hero's damage unresistable or grants a -regen component.
Is the dmg mitigation power you are offering hear the answer the the +To Hit problem or is that still being looked at?
Thanks. Love the game.
I've alluded to this in a couple of places, but I wanted to describe something we'll be doing for Super Reflexes quite soon...
Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.
This change is in addition to the recent modification that gave most Defense Primary and Secondary powers resistance to Defense Debuffs (self Defense powers).
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I think this would be a good idea for Tanks with the upcoming ED changes. It would be like the opposite of Fury for a Brute. The more damage we take the better our resistance gets.
As I said on the other thread:
Well... it's better than nothing. But it's not what the set's supposed to do. I assume this is supposed to be a kind of a "rolling with the punches" type of thing?
Thanks for the head's up, and not to sound ungrateful, but I'd still really prefer just to have my defense-based set have more bloody defense. As in, bring back our old defense percentages (They should have been increased not nearly halved). If I want resistance, I'll play as my fire tanker.
I find it shocking and offensive that Jack Emmert has time to post about this but does not have time to address the issue of ED which is obviously the most pressing thing on the playerbase colective mind now. Way to through up some more smokescreen, Mr. Emmert. Now care to explain how ED is going to improve our gameplay?
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Hey bub, some of us have been waiting for SR help since issue farking ONE. This thread is about SR getting a buff. Leave it at that. There's a thread for special-ED, go post there.
Back to the topic at hand....
Be well, people of CoH.

I've alluded to this in a couple of places, but I wanted to describe something we'll be doing for Super Reflexes quite soon...
Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.
This change is in addition to the recent modification that gave most Defense Primary and Secondary powers resistance to Defense Debuffs (self Defense powers).