Super Reflexes buff




I agree with people who have mixed feelings. I'm glad the devs realize they need to do something with SR. But I'm not clear on how this is going to help that much. The scrapper is your one-on-one fighter. When there's a boss in the room, the scrapper is in there tangling toe-to-toe with him (scrapper as boss killer). When the big nasty guy breaks through the ranks to go after the squishies, the scrapper runs him down and stops him (scrapper as bodyguard). And of course the scrapper is (theoretically) the primary "soloing" class (scrapper as loner).

In such a context, there is often some serious damage coming the scrapper's way. SR's main vulnerability is, if you get unlucky, you die really fast. That big nasty boss who does 75% of your hit points per blow can whiff you 20 times, and then *bang*bang* dead, before you can even react.

So let's play with some admittedly entirely fake (easy to round off numbers). Let's say my scrapper, SR, has 1,000 hp (again, nice round numbers). Let's say she is boss-killing for the team and the boss does 750 damage a shot (unmitigated). Obviously, she's dead in 2 hits. After the first hit lands, she has 250/1,000 hp left, and gets her "res" boost. Is this going to be enough to let her survive the next (750 damage) hit? If not, then what good did it do?

Something like a 1-2-3% resistance boost progression, in other words, isn't going to help much. When my scrapper gets killed, it's rarely by *just* a tiny number of hit points. Usually it's by a lot, because she's fighting something powerful and it hits so fast and so hard I do not have time to click a heal insp or engage elude. In such a context, is a small resistance boost going to help? I don't see how it could.

On the other hand, a serious resistance boost (10-20-30% or something) which *might* help, seems out of the scope of the SR powerset. Besides which, resistances like that (as a base) aren't even allowed to resist-based tankers any more, so I can't see how you'd give them to a defense-based scrapper.

I'm really not sure what to do about this though. SR's concept makes it want to be defense-based, but in terms of playability, pure defense-based characters have serious trouble against anything with even mild to-hit buffs or defense de-buffs (dunno if it's still true but back in the day, even GREY con DEs could shred my SR scrapper because of their buffs/debuffs). Short of re-thinking the entire powerset and mixing powers around, which is clearly outside the scope of what can be done in the immediate or even near term, I'm not sure what you can do about this.

The one idea I have really liked is the "reflection" idea. That's kind of cool. An ability to reflect attacks back at the other guy (for HTH, it might be an over-the-shoulder throw, re-directing an enemy's force at him, perhaps doing little damage but acheiving an auto-knockdown), where the chance of reflection (thereby not only doing zero damage to you but doing some damage to your enemy) goes up as your HP goes down. The idea is that your agility and dodging kicks into "panic" mode and you start being more defensive.... That might be cool. I'm not sure how it would fit in with animations of course (if you're in the middle of an Eagle's Claw animation it's hard to see how you could throw someone over your shoulder or catch an arrow out of the air and hurl it back at the bowman). But it's at least worth thinking about.





Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.

[/ QUOTE ]

Excellent finally something I can slot in addition to def bonuses, with enhancement diversification coming up I was concerned as those passive powers could only hold 1 type of enhancement period. Right now my SR has 6 def slotted in each passive and 4 def, 2 end in the toggles. Enhancement diversification had me worried but with this announcement I can still 3 def 3 resist slot my passives and keep my toggles intact. I was never worried about my attack powers and I will be thankful when I can respec and drop hasten again.

Basically I felt Cryptic forced me to respec with hasten if I ever wanted to do PvP and have a chance. Before the nerfs to elude and practiced brawler for the Arena I had never ever used or wanted Hasten, but then if I ever wanted to use Elude in PvE or PvP at all I had to respec and take hasten, I have been very uphappy I had to take Super Speed to make eludes recharge even feasable. In fact before the changes my Elude was 1 slotted for defense (not recharge). I used it normally only againest Arch Villians or in emergencies. With this change to SR Cryptic will keep my account, enhancement diversification wont effect me with something else to slot now in Passives and my blaster doesnt have more than 3 SOs in much of anything except Stamina (of course) and hasten (which I can drop no problem). With the 12% stamina drop across the board that will compensate for Stamina only getting 4 slots with SOs if I did my math correctly. My Peachbringer is only level 13 and I cant see where it will cause problems either.

THANK you Cryptic for adding Damage resistance to passive slots, now I dont have to hate you for enhancement diversification.




Infernal 1 shoted me 5 times in one mission alone arrg and that was not my mission. Mine is still sitting there never to be done and I was running tough.

[/ QUOTE ]

Again, what level was he as compared to you?


Babbage has done the old 1 shot me

[/ QUOTE ]

I fought Babbage last night. He spawned +2. None of his attacks could one shot me. His big one did do ~80% of my bar though.


Envoy of Shadows is just a lost cause for SR's because of the auto hit aura was not one shotted but he is almost a guaranteed death for sr even with perma elude running in I3 he owned me

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure, and Psi AVs kill Invuln. That's irrelevant to the one shot discussion though.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Only in the movies is it possible to dodge the effects of an explosion.

[/ QUOTE ] On the contrary, one can dive for cover. This is a reflexive reaction.
Dropping down and over your ears can dramatically minimize the damage compared with someone who stands erect.

Injury and death come from high velocity shrapnel

[/ QUOTE ] All explosions do not necessarily involve shrapnel as the tool of lethality. Incendiary bombs do not rely on shrapnel for damage. Napalm does not use shrapnel for damage. And, even if they did, we're talking "Super" reflexes. Dodging large chunks/groupigns of shrapnel and thus taking less damage from smaller chunks, is completley consistent with a +RES mechanism.

which expands uniformly radially and is impossible to dodge altogether

[/ QUOTE ] And that's exactly why +DEF seems a poor choice for an AoE avoidance power.

SR, therefore, could conceiveably +DEF shrapnel, but only +RES incendiary. Unforunately the game can't be that specific.

In truth, resistance by dodging is the special case, not the general case. It seems like the general case because of the familiarity of some examples (i.e. boxing), and general misconceptions, most of them presented in the movies.

[/ QUOTE ] Obviously you've never actually played any contact sports where avoiding full on collisions can be the difference between minor bruising and broken bones.

And it isn't "resistance" it's damage mitigation. +RES is not "resistance," it is a mechanism. No one here is saying that /SR should have an armor or tougness type of power.

But its *especially* in fiction that dodging *lethal* attacks tends to be all or nothing.

[/ QUOTE ] I'll concede this. Especially in Martial Arts movies. The combatants seem to take full damage or no damage. But it's more for drama reasons than reality. It's cool to show the fighter completely avoiding an attack, or getting slammed. Grazing in movies has a much lower entertainment value in an action sequences...but it does server some purposes e.g. The Matrix.

But I agree with something you alluded to earlier. These are mechanism and should be thought of as such. That's not to say some mechanisms or worse than others given the specifics. And like others have said, the mechanics of how the power is implemented will determine whether the passives in /SR are equal to all the things a set like /Ninji has in place of them.



Usually it's by a lot, because she's fighting something powerful and it hits so fast and so hard I do not have time to click a heal insp or engage elude. In such a context, is a small resistance boost going to help? I don't see how it could.

[/ QUOTE ] How could small resistance help? It would help if we were fighting even level mobs: Far smaller chunks of damage. With SO' slotted Toggles and Passives, a minion might have as little as a 25% chance to hit.

As an aside, even level minions haveing a 25% to hit doesn't seem so Super does it?



Assuming that the passives will now be slottable for damage resistance, please start them at non-zero damage resistance (when the SR scrapper is at full health). This helps prevent the SR scrapper from being one-shot, and keeps the scrapper from getting zero benefit from having slotted his or her powers.

In other words, if I put three damage resist SOs in a passive, it should be doing something for me right away.



What makes anyone think they'll be able to enhance this? None of the other powers that are dependent on current Health (self or team) are enhanceable as far as I know...



What makes anyone think they'll be able to enhance this? None of the other powers that are dependent on current Health (self or team) are enhanceable as far as I know...

[/ QUOTE ]

Since no answer has come to Statesman regarding slotting either:

They know it's not slottable but don't want to tell us yet;
It's being debated behind the scenes;

Either way, I never got the idea that it was slottable from the dev comments about it. I was HOPING it was, but then it would be on all the time and, universe forbid, that the SR set actually be useful again.

Be well, people of CoH.



You know, I still haven't run into any Archvillian or monster that one shotted me unless it was +3 or above. Two shotted yes. If you fight even level or +1 AVs what the heck is one shotting you so often? And if it's one or two AVs in the entire game do you think you could use an orange pill for that one encounter?

I don't know, I hate to sound like a fanboi because there is plenty still wrong with the game and SR even with this buff (cough*tohitbuffs*cough) but for me the one shot scenario is a non-issue. I have never actually encountered it in game and there is an easy and obvious way to prepare for it.

Getting two shotted has been a threat many times however.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been one-shot by:
Bobcat (+1 level I think, maybe +2; I had less than 20 too few HP to take the AoE Alpha)
Clockwork King (even)
Infernal (even)
Siege (+1 level)
Battle Maiden (+1 level)
Neuron (in fact, I was strangely proud that I fought Neuron 6 times and took his alpha all six times. Dirtnapped me at least once on five of those fights, and the only reason I didn't die on the sixth was because I was called in to help out a group who had cleared everything but him, so that Neuron was a few levels below me).

I think Siege is the only one who didn't dirtnap me multiple times (I've only fought him twice). I was never a perma-elude scrapper though, and I didn't take tough; I felt neither fit my concept, so when an AV turned on me I had a much better chance of getting dirtnapped than a perma-elude, tough-toggle scrapper.

I don't care about being one-shotted; that's a badge I wear as a reflex scrapper, and the reason why tanking an AV pre-I5 was such a rush. I could be at full health but know that the next hit might defeat me. The problem for the AV was in getting that one shot in on me. The AV might hit me with the very first attack (Bobcat and Battle Maiden have both done that to me, and Battle Maiden even did it through elude), or it may take minutes to finally land the defeating blow. With today's system, hitting me really isn't a problem for the AV and the attacks still hurt just as much, so that makes it less fun for me. Maybe it's time to re-think AV encounters. Have the AV less tough, but have him spawn with some almost as tough boss to elite boss level 'second and third in commands'.

But we're getting sidetracked if we're talking about one-shots; preventing one-shots is not what this buff was intended to do. If it was, they could just put a cap on SR damage taken. Only 95% of the hero's health at one time, so an alpha would drop you to 5%. This isn't an alpha strike fix, and shouldn't be mistaken as one.

Aside from the fact I don't really want resistance put into in a third of the SR powers, I think the abilities and buffs all archetypes have recieved have been overly complex and gimicky. I prefer the KISS mentality: Keep It Simple, Statesman.

I think we're getting away from the simple mentality. Maybe we should scrap some of these inspirations we've got now. Scrap both resistance and defense inspirations, then do defense and resistance properly. Include a reasonable amount of defense in each set to offset the use of purple and orange insps, and know that the only way you're getting more defense or resistance is to be buffed by another player.



As this change to Super Reflexes appears to be a compensation for the overall changes of I5 & ED, I have a question for you...

Out of curiosity, do you do anything for Defense or Resistance powers that are hit by a DeBuff?

Under the new regime, Inv tanks can expect roughly a 68% Smashing/Lethal resistance (no more than three enh in any one power). Now if I get hit by a Sonic power that reduces my resistance (by say 10%), the adjusted value will be something like 58%.

If I slot Unyielding, RPD & TI with four resist enhancements, my Sm/Le percentage skyrockets to something like 69%. The pre-ED percentage would have been something in the neighborhood of 76%. Again, what happens in the new ED regime when this build gets hit by a Sonic power (again 10% debuff)? Will it be a straight percentage cut >> 59% or will it factor in the extra enhancement slots as a pseudo-debuff dampening (i.e. 76% - 10% == 66% [capped at 69% or some such])?

Actually, I'd like to know if over slotting ANY power would provide any kind of dampening effect to debuf powers (damage debuff, -recharge, defense debuff, resistance debuff, health or endurence regen, etc).



But everyone gets hit by ED.

[/ QUOTE ]

True, everyone gets hit but some MUCH harder then others. My storm/elec defender, my dark/rad defender, my ill/rad controller, they laugh in the face of ED, they are divisified already and were so since day one of their builds.

But my scrappers, my tank and my FF defender? they are getting tarred and feathered by ED.

Certain subsets of each AT are naturals for "focused enhancement slotting" and why? becuase the powers that are in those ATs are naturals for one or two types of enhancments.

Buff or no Buff SR(or should I say any SR with more then two Def res SO's in any Def power) is in a world of hurt come ED becuase here is the simple truth of it for SR.

You are going to be hit more then you are today. Minions will hit you more, Officers will hit you more, bosses will hit you more, Archvillians will hit you more and Monsters will hit you more (but then they were hitting through elude anyway). More damage=more defeats.

When this goes live I will test it of course. I fully expect that I will have to lower my difficulty a notch or two as I5 put me just about on the edge of where I wanted to be difficulty wise. What is more important to me is wether I will feel like a hero anymore. If my lvl 46 feels like hes lvl 9 again, I will walk away from this game and never look back.



I guess one question Helmkat is, what makes you feel like you are a hero? What's your level 46 doing that your level 9 can't?

Not being sarcastic here. Let's actually analyze it. Aside from the 46 having more (in total number) powers, what can he do that the level 9 can't? Is he taking on a greater number of mobs? In missions, at least, I think the mob # is basically constant from level 1 to 45. Usually each spawn point has on the order of 2-4 mobs for a solo mission, with 3 being average. I just returned so I might wonder if they have changed this, but I played my level 4, 18, 30, and 45 on 3 or so missions each the last few days and it still seems the rule. But maybe I'm wrong. Is he going up against more (numbers of) mobs? Is that the difference?

Or is it that he's going up against harder mobs? That is, the level 9 has trouble vs. yellows, and the level 46 mops up against reds... is that it?

Or is it a combination of some or all of these?

Again I am not trying to be sarcastic or asking rhetorical questions. I think if the devs are going to do this right, in terms of balancing powers, ED, and mob strengths, we need to get at what exactly makes people feel "more powerful" at level 46 than at level 9. Because you're right, my higher level characters feel that way too... but why? I'm not sure myself.

I think we need to answer that question.

Any comments?




Yes, SR really needs some love. But turning it into yet another DEF/RES secondary is the wrong idea. As stated before, it bleaches the flavor right out of the secondary.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've seen this argument made multiple times now and I honestly don't understand where its coming from. SR is currently *flavorless*. Its just bald game mechanics, +DEF posing as a powerset. Dark Armor is flavor. Ninjitsu is flavor. "Nothing but DEF" is not flavor.

Don't get me wrong, I like SR but its currently a *theme* set which is a different thing than flavor. While it would be nice to keep SR all-DEF (and return Invuln to mostly-RES), such focused sets are easier to min/max and abuse. I think we'll see more and more of defensive sets being combination def/res/healing damage mitigators and less of this "very good at one single thing".

Umber's Hall of Heroes & Villains



Honestly I think the answer for melees is for ED is to change the Schedule B enhancements to Schedule A. The 20% Enhancements become 33% Enhancements with the accompanying increase in cap. This increase just about matches the loss experienced by instituting the cap. Actually you will have a little bit less defense but that is ofset by the fact that you will have more slots to put elsewere.

The point is that you won't have a lot less defense (either defense or resistance) as after I5 defense would seem pretty balanced (read that - it has been weakened enough).

The only other power that strikes me off the bat as possibly critically effected is END Drain. I always thought that Short Circut was a worthless power until I 6 slotted it and now I can't . Now they are saying that you won't be able to completely drain a Leut/Boss with one attack. That is a death sentance for a blaster who won't survive their counter attack. I liked to solo my Elec/Elec Blaster, I suppose I could try following up SC with Power Sink but I really don't see a boss (+minions) letting me live long enough to get both off.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.




Only in the movies is it possible to dodge the effects of an explosion.

[/ QUOTE ]

On the contrary, one can dive for cover. This is a reflexive reaction.
Dropping down and over your ears can dramatically minimize the damage compared with someone who stands erect.

[/ QUOTE ]

Again, only in the movies. No matter how fast you are, if you are in the blast radius of an actual explosion, its *gravity* thats unable to get you to the ground faster than the supersonic shock wave hits you. It takes about half a second to hit the ground from a dead drop, and in that time a supersonic shock wave - or supersonic projectiles - can move about 500 feet, and this presumes reaction time is zero. And unless you have suction cups for feet, no amount of strength or reflexes can cause you to hit the ground any faster than gravity will get you there.

Only for nuclear weapons can you see the blast with significant warning time to attempt to "duck and cover."

And studies have shown that the instinctive reaction of people is not to drop to the ground, but to freeze and sometimes turn into the direction of the blast.


In truth, resistance by dodging is the special case, not the general case. It seems like the general case because of the familiarity of some examples (i.e. boxing), and general misconceptions, most of them presented in the movies.

[/ QUOTE ]

Obviously you've never actually played any contact sports where avoiding full on collisions can be the difference between minor bruising and broken bones.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can't say I have. The closest I've come to is Karate, and the various other martial arts friends have attempted to teach me (at least, I think they were trying to teach me), and as a rule, running towards each other at high speed is generally frowned upon.

But all of these fall within the original exception I specifically stated in my original post: smashing damage, at least as its envisioned conceptually. And none of them simulate actual combat very well. In football, the tacklers stop hitting you when the whistle blows (well, unless we are talking about old school Raiders). Most "full contact" sports aren't truly full contact: the most dangerous and damaging contact possible - and the ones most difficult to "roll with" are made illegal. In effect, full contact sports are explicitly designed around the exception: contact explicitly allowing for trained mitigating response. Contact that can't be mitigated is disallowed.

On the other hand, the mechanisms in real life are extremely ineffective for real combat situations, like sword play, or high speed projectiles, or detonations which is why there aren't any full contact hand grenade competitions.


But I agree with something you alluded to earlier. These are mechanism and should be thought of as such. That's not to say some mechanisms or worse than others given the specifics. And like others have said, the mechanics of how the power is implemented will determine whether the passives in /SR are equal to all the things a set like /Ninji has in place of them.

[/ QUOTE ]

And as a mechanism, damage resistance isn't dodging, weaving, rolling, or getting lucky. Its just proportional reduction in damage intake. This broke the SR concept - not just mine, but Cryptic's concept for the set, as articulated by them many times - which is not that SR is dodging, weaving, or getting luck, but SR as simply "all or nothing damage" which by definition contradicts the resistance mechanism. However, that concept is untenable in an environment where its unclear how debuff resistance is going to work (I still have no response from my posted question or my PM regarding stacking), when and if they are going to address tohit buffs, and now, what to do with a one-dimensional set if you aren't allowed to slot the one dimension.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Thank you Sates! Now how can anyone say that States here is a bad guy?



On behalf of all the SR scrappers, Stone tanks and Ice tanks....we all thank you!
I hope this will get less to quit CoH for some stupid reason =P



I appreciate the intent of this, but if this is anything like Blaster Defiance, it will never be of any use.

The reason is that by the time my blaster has so few hit points that damage output is substantially increased, I have either fled the scene or a healer on my team has made it moot. I therefore have never seen my Defiance bar at anything other than zero in actual play.

The original release note for Defiance talked about "managing" your hits points so that you could maximize your damage output. This was optimistic at best. By the time your damage output is increased by a significant amount, almost any successful attack by a white or higher mob will defeat you. Furthermore, if it were actually possible to "manage" your hit points so that Defiance could be used consistently, it would be immediately nerfed because it is seriously unbalancing.

Similarly, if your SR scrapper defenses have been debuffed to the point that you're getting hit frequently, odds that you're up against foes that can one-shot you with whatever remaining hit points you have, even considering the minimal Damage Resistance you'll have at, say, 30% hit points.

So, if you're playing to stay alive or on a competent team, you will never see the upper regimes of this Damage Resistance buff, because you'll either flee or be healed before it comes into play.

Finally, the conceit of SR scrappers is that they have no DR; they just avoid getting hit. Giving them DR when their hit points get low is, to put it bluntly, a kludge. It goes completely against the grain of the powerset.

Adjustments like these are indicative of a design that has not been thouroughly considered or is unbalanced. Each change that you make requires another raft of changes, each of which in turn requires another raft of changes, etc., ad infinitum.

Enhancement Diversification seems to be the final nail in the coffin requiring DR for SR scrappers, but ED also required across the board End reductions, and probably reductions in recharge times on powers.

Playing at low levels is tedious because of the long travel times between missions and the long recovery times between battles (zero recharge time on Rest would be helpful here), in addition to constantly running out of End during battles. When you get into your 20s and you have Hasten and Stamina the game is no longer painful to play -- you can attack at will and you have the endurance for a whole fight. Then, in the 30s teams can move without pause from one battle to the next, given a good Empathy, Kinetic or Radiation controller or defender.

If the changes you're making force users to sit on their hands waiting to recover or to attack, they will vote with their feet.




Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.

[/ QUOTE ]

I second a lot of people here who ask for some measure of this to be given to ice tanks. This is, more or less, what we asked for you to add to permafrost anyway, when we instead got the (slight nerf disguised as a buff) change to CE.

Though I understand CE is going up, from 7 to 14%, would it be so hard, in light of this change to SR's auto-powers, to give us a similar resistance in permafrost? Even capped out at 10%, would help make up a lot for what I'm about to lose to ED in the way of defenses and survivability...not to mention damage output.

CE doesn't affect everything, and it's a damage debuff, not a resistance, which means it behaves under different rules. Also, it being pbAOE, it pretty much necessitates herding...since some mobs refuse to be brought into melee range, it makes engaging many types of common foes extremely hazardous, especially if you lack ready mobility. People with TP and SJ got screwed on this deal...flight to a lesser degree, but SS is really the only way to go with this debuff, and you still end up with half an answer if you can survive long enough to get a decent percentage of the enemies within CE and EA range.

Lacking six-slotted health (in I5)'s effectiveness, I just don't see how ice is going to become anything more than a scrapper set in the wrong AT. We're barely holding on as it is...even if I diversify around EDs holes (yeah, I needed more holes in ice, thanks a bunch), Ice was barely hanging on, and this may push it down to "total gimp" status.



if you are in the blast radius of an actual explosion, its *gravity* thats unable to get you to the ground faster than the supersonic shock wave hits you.

[/ QUOTE ] A couple of, diving for cover behind an erect object, such as a car or the side of a building is not limited by gravity. Two, 'super reflexes' does not limit your reaction time to the blast after it occurs. You see the incoming grenade...or the grenade bounces through the window....the split seconds before the grenade goes off is where "super" reflexes saves your life. It's jumping out the window before the blast that the normal human doesn't have the time to do. This is what Evasions is supposed to simulate, but as a +DEF onlly mechanism, it lacks any realism. Either I avoid the entire blast or none of it, is unreal. But I think we can agree that arguing about reality shaping the game is pointless.

And studies have shown that the instinctive reaction of people is not to drop to the ground, but to freeze and sometimes turn into the direction of the blast.

[/ QUOTE ] Well, it's a good thing we're super heroes

This broke the SR concept - not just mine, but Cryptic's concept for the set, as articulated by them many times - which is not that SR is dodging, weaving, or getting luck, but SR as simply "all or nothing damage" which by definition contradicts the resistance mechanism.

[/ QUOTE ] I agree that this has been expressed by Jack, but I never understood how it made logical sense in the context of using +RES, +MAX HP, +DEF to simulate Invulnerability. Nor did it make sense in terms of what "reflexes" would do for a hero. Damage mitigation not resistance should have been a part of a power called Super Reflexes if the name is supposed to accurately reflect the experience.

SR is getting a form of damage mitigation. They are not geting straight resistance. /SR will not resist all damage, all the time, for the same amount, the way resistance works in Inv. If their solution was to simply add X% of static resistance, I would agree that they are breaking the concept. Thankfully they aren't doing that.

As I pointed out, I think it should be negated by defense debuffs...but not +to Hit. I do not think it should be affected by -RES, but then +RES never is, so that's not a problem.



Again I am not trying to be sarcastic or asking rhetorical questions. I think if the devs are going to do this right, in terms of balancing powers, ED, and mob strengths, we need to get at what exactly makes people feel "more powerful" at level 46 than at level 9. Because you're right, my higher level characters feel that way too... but why? I'm not sure myself.

I think we need to answer that question.

[/ QUOTE ]

I understand exactly what you mean and it is an excellent question. I understand like the definition of "fun", feeling "heroic" will br different as well.

I will try my best to define this.

As my heroes progress there is an increase in their power curve. Makes sense of course. When my heroes are faceing bosses and challenges say in the 1-21 there is a feeling of well "noobiness" but I expect that, hes the new kid on the block and he is learning what it means to be a hero.

The noob feeling though is offset by the quick leveling.

Then 22 hits with single origins. Honestly to me its like a breath of fresh air. I go from noob hero to seasoned hero. My damage, holds, heals whatever suddenly "feel" like they have weight compared to their training/DO incarnations. I feel like I have graduated.

This feeling continues to grow but changes flavor slightly at about 40. Your contacts seem more well 'serious", your mission seem to take on a "weighty" feel compared what came before. Additionally depending on your contacts and the missions you have to team and I like the concept of having challenges so large that only a team can handle them.

So right now my level 46 ma/sr plays on unyielding. He performs well both solo and on a team. I role play and have a lot of fun with my SG. I love the power level I am at now after I5. I will admit to being shocked that my performance got better after I5. Well let me be honest, my primary got better and my secondary got worse but the net result was toward better.

I also like(d, no longer, I5 moved more to min/max) to slot differently and take powers that some don't like. Like I had a couple slots in CJ and Stealth, I put them there knowing I would get better numbers from my say my toggles but my hero is a concept and I like to think that his combat and his stealth were a little better then some others.

I5 took that from me. They hit cj and Stealth so hard in defence that I could no longer keep those slots there. They had to go places to me make me survivable.

Now I look at ED and well you would have to look at my build but there is'nt really any good places to move more then a slot or two.

The cumlative effect of ED and what does it mean? Less defence and less damage. The two critical things I need to function as a scrapper.

And if ED' net nerf makes me feel like a "noob" instead of a veteran (as I think a lvl 46 should feel), then I leave. Its almost like say watching the super friends and then watching Justice league. Right now I feel Justice league, I don't want to feel like Super friends.

I know I rambled but thats it.

thanks for asking.

/e bow




My main character is SR scrapper. I am grateful for the attention but if this is the buff I have been waiting for since issue 2 I wish it was something more useful. I have personally had little difficulty in PvE with my SR scrapper. Is my secondary weaker than other scrapper secondaries? Sure but only a little bit. Since issue 5 all scrappers secondaries are pretty weak especially when compared to tanks. So a weak PvE secondary does not really bother me. What does bother me is how weak SR is in PvP. Especially with CoV coming up. So with CoV and PvP in mind I have a couple questions about this Buff.

1. Does this help the fact that our toggles are completely useless in PvP? I mean I am hit about 70% of the time in the arena when I run 6 defense slotted toggles + 6 slotted passive +6 slotted weave + 5 slotted stealth and that is with out my enemy using a acc buff, throw in Focused Accuracy and it jumps to 95%

2. Is this going to allow me to stand toe to toe with a invul, regn or dark armor scrapper and stand a resonable chance of winning? Invul and dark armor are both able to max S/L resistance(which is 90% of all melee attacks) even with ED Invul will be able to max S/L is they take tough( not sure about dark armor) and regn is, well the best and most versitile scrapper secondary.

3. Does this make up for the fact that we have no means to boost our hps or heal ourselves. I mean shouldn't our defenses work a-little better than the other scrapper secondaries since we have no way to heal ourselves and the other scrapper secondaries do?

Finally I have a possible solution for SR( in PvP anyway) make SR scrappers and Ice tankers ( and any other secondary that relies on defense for most of its protection) 4 or 5 levels higher when determining there attackers base accuracy. example: when a level 50 character attacks a SR scrapper that is also level 50 the SR scrapper is treated as being level 55 when the calculation is made to determine the attacking characters base accuracy. Not sure if this would actually help but the game mechanic is already there and defense based sets need something to offset the fact that ever player in PvP has better than AV level accuracy. This would not help with acc buffs but since Issue 5 acc buffs are really not needed to hit SR ( without elude). The Acc buff issue is another matter.



Instead of giving SR Damage Resistance, or even more defense, perhaps sticking to the theme of SR is where the answer lies.

I have seen countless situations where the agile and dexterous Hero deftly avoids multiple opponents with such skill and grace that often the opponents hit each other with their own attacks.

I'm not sure how you would translate that into this game, but I'll toss out a suggestion.

Each of the passives, (melee, range, and AoE) has a chance to redirect all or some of the incomming attack to a nearby enemy. To make it feasable, the positional aspect of each auto power determines what attack can be redirected, for example: Your melee auto power can only redirect melee attacks, your range auto power can only redirect range attacks, and finally your AoE auto power redirects AoE attacks.

Now, to illustrate how this would work in keeping with the SR theme: Imagine your some agile Kung Fu Hero facing off against 3 Freakshow. They all rush you and begin melee attacks upon you. Since your Defense is now significantly reduced due to the ED changes, you can't rely on Defense alone to keep them from beating the snot out of you. So, every attack that overcomes your defense and "would" land, your new ability kicks in and makes a check to see if none/some/all of the damage is taken, and what damage, if any, is redirected to one of your opponents.

Scenareo: Freak Slammer swings his sledgehammer at you, you duck behind his Freak Stunner pal and us him as a shield, thus Freak Stunner takes the damage you would have taken.

Again, I'm not sure how this can be implememnted, or even *IF* it can be implemented, but it's just an Idea, and if it sparks some creative mojo in a Dev's brain, then my job is done.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think the implementation issue is probably at the forefront, but ignoring that, how about this:

Instead of a change to redirect all damage, or some amount of the damage, have a (somewhat) random split. Currently, you get attacked, the enemy either hits or it doesnt. Make it a 3 part chance.

If the enemy misses, then the enemy misses, works like now.

If the enemy hits, and their "roll" or however its actually calculated is less than some redirect threshold(lets say 2x defense whose source is a SR power, capping out around 60ish), then you can redirect the damage to the closest enemy. I say closest enemy because a), it makes sense (redirecting a ranged attack is pretty difficult, redirecting an AoE? much more so I would think), and b), given the AoE limit explanation, theres obviously something that already determines the "closest" enemy/ally built in. So if you redirect the attack, you will take some percentage of the damage, and the enemy takes whatever you don't.

If the "roll" is above the redirect threshold, you take full damage, as it was an especially accurate attack.


[/ QUOTE ]
Well, since I'm not any sort of programmer, admittedly I have no clue if this idea I tossed out is feasable, but anything that keeps the theme of SR and doesn't rely on stealing resistance or health regen from the other scrappers would make SR unique and not feel like a second rate scrapper.

Oh yeah, wanted to add this in too, since redirecting a heavy damage attack means that you suddenly gained a free attack for all intents and purposes, and that would likely be game breaking, perhaps the amount of damage that opponents take from your ability to redirect attacks should be a base amount (slottable with damage enhancers) similar to how a typical PBAoE damage aura power works. They don't usually do alot of damage, even when enhanced. So assume that even a heavy damage attack loses some potency in all the maneuvering required to redirect it to other foes. Or something along those lines, use your imagination.

Or (this occured to me just as I was about to hit submit)

If you want the easiest way to simulate this, just have the ability to burst forth an extremely short duration PBAoE confusion power (like 1-2 second duration) whenever you get hit by something, which adds a bit of tension especially if each burst costs endurance to activate.

It would look something like this: You jump into a pack of 4 Freakshow, several swing at you but don't connect due to your Defense, finally one hits you, and then your PBAoE confusion kicks in and hits 2 and misses 2, so the two affected are confused roughly long enough for one attack each to be made against their pals. Then they are back to normal, until another one lands a blow on you.

This method seems very do-able, but it doesn't really help with being one shotted, but it does add damage mitigation that increases the more you get hit, since you will pulse more confusions that way.

Wow, I really think this method can actually be implemented, since this power already exists in the game (Mind Controllers I think have it).

I don't think it will step on the toes of Heroes who's job it is to crowd control because it's an unreliable power that doesn't activate when you want it to, but randomly, also by making it have a less than 75% for base accuracy means that you now have several options in how to slot for it, Accuracy, Damage, Endurance, and whatever else the Devs feel like it should have, thus keeping in the theme of enhancement diversification.

This frees up the current SR damage resistance for Ice Tankers that way everyone wins and no one's "fix" is a copy of another, they are all different, and all are in keeping with the theme of the respective ATs.

I need to go lie down, my brain got a hernia thinking of this.

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.



The Mad Badger thanks you for this toaster kicking good news. The Mad Badger, the only lvl 50 Claws/SR Badger on freedom will soon rule more supremly then the supreme rulership that is now. BWHAHAHAHAHAAH.



You want to buff SR, Statesman? Here are my humble suggestions.

1) Remove the two AoE powers, toggle and passive and move their benefits to the melee and ranged powers of their respective field.

2) Add in a moderately charging power that has a 50% chance of not taking taking damage from a hit that would have hit you otherwise. (Example, you take a hit even through your defense and this second 55% chance comes up to see if you get hit or not anyway.) If successful you do some sort of juke motion. And the next attack you do to that person has a higher chance of performing a critical than normal.

3) Add a moderately charging power that has a 45% chance of absorbing 50% of the damage you would have taken from an attack that landed on you. If successful, you have a higher percent of a change to land an attack on the person you deflected against.

That adds style and flare to the set while not simply boosting defenses so even level minions mean nothing.