Super Reflexes buff




SR scrappers have to be very careful about where they engage in large teams with AoE prior to Evasion (which is 35, not 28 - lucky is not exactly stellar AoE protection).

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Maybe the devs' first step should be to switch Evasion and Lucky, then. With the other two defense types, the toggles are available first -- why should AoE be any different?

But another reason I would like to see AoE defense folded into ranged defense: The invulnerability set has a defense toggle and a defense passive, so why shouldn't super reflexes similarly get a damres toggle and a damres passive? It would be totally in concept, too: the idea is that you move so fast because of your SR that nobody can land a blow dead-on -- all you get are glancing blows, so that reduces the damage you sustain.




The problem I've always had with SR is that you don't get any AoE protection until lvl 28. Try playing against Council hand grenades in the Volcano TF at lvl 27 -- it's impossible. You'll be thrown into the air so many times your butt will never touch the ground until you're dead.

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Um, if you're a scrapper by lvl 27 you should have some sort of KD/KB/Stun Protection (SR's Practiced Brawler for my Scrapper) that you don't have to seriously worry about AoEs. Aside from taking the damage more often, you can keep chugging along.

One time I did come across another SR Scrapper at lvl 40+, he didn't have PB and didn't seem to listen to me about how fantastic the power is. He died alot needless to say.

"Without LAN play? How the **** do you release a PC game without LAN?" ~Hitler

50s - Cutlass, Fyrechic, D'Mal, Knightfox, DessertFox, Capt Davy Jones, Cutlass II



And did you know that Ring Mistresses have this horrible attack called Mask of Vitiation? I had never even heard of it until I was playing something other than my SR scrapper.)

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Its nastiest effect is really the end drain, and its SR's high defense that protects against that: PB doesn't really protect against MoV. Its the main reason my invuln goes unstoppable against Ring Mistresses, even though unstoppable has no psi protection at all.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Maybe the devs' first step should be to switch Evasion and Lucky, then. With the other two defense types, the toggles are available first -- why should AoE be any different?

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Actually, Agile(the range passive, for those playing along at home) is available long before Focused Senses(the range toggle).

But another reason I would like to see AoE defense folded into ranged defense: The invulnerability set has a defense toggle and a defense passive, so why shouldn't super reflexes similarly get a damres toggle and a damres passive? It would be totally in concept, too: the idea is that you move so fast because of your SR that nobody can land a blow dead-on -- all you get are glancing blows, so that reduces the damage you sustain.

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/SR has, in fact, got 3 resistance passives: Agile, Dodge, and Lucky. They provide a scaling damage resistance that gets better as you lose HP, like Defiance. It eventually gets to the scrapper resistance cap, if I'm not mistaken, if you have all 3 passives at level 50.



too bad the passives aren't worth taking on stalkers



[Actually, Agile(the range passive, for those playing along at home) is available long before Focused Senses(the range toggle).

[/ QUOTE ]

Focused Senses is tier 2, Agile is tier 3.

Lucky is the only passive that comes before the toggle. Peronally, I'd rather actually have it that way since the resists are much better than the acutal defense, and I don't even take Evasion because Elude covers it fairly well.

I'd acutally considered getting the passives slotted up when I heard they were going to be at 7.5% as then the slots would actually be worth more than 1%, but as it is, I have better things to slot for, like friggin' slow or something. Anything else, really.



I understand since you get Lucky that you Scrappers can be overpowered. So, what about Stalkers we dont get lucky. I would rather it than the Toggle. I think you guys look awefully 1 sided on this Issue. Why don't Stalker archtypes get SR inproved for them. I guess because we get hide. Good thing that has not been nerfed. Wait it has! Why was hide not the Melee toggle or range toggle rather than take lucky away? I guess Villains are not allowed to hold their own like in comics, video games, or real life.

Stalker SR needed that.
Scrapper SR did not need this.

Devs fix this!



dude, the AoE def in Hide is way better than the AoE def in Lucky.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



I understand since you get Lucky that you Scrappers can be overpowered. So, what about Stalkers we dont get lucky. I would rather it than the Toggle. I think you guys look awefully 1 sided on this Issue. Why don't Stalker archtypes get SR inproved for them. I guess because we get hide. Good thing that has not been nerfed. Wait it has! Why was hide not the Melee toggle or range toggle rather than take lucky away? I guess Villains are not allowed to hold their own like in comics, video games, or real life.

Stalker SR needed that.
Scrapper SR did not need this.

Devs fix this!

[/ QUOTE ]

You would rather have lucky than which toggle? Your AOE toggle which gives you 13.8% base defense? You'd give that up for a passive that gives you 5.6% def to AOE? Huh?

And as the above poster mentions, hide gives a significant bonus to AOE unsuppressed, and I believe only slightly lower than Lucky (in terms of +DEF) when suppressed. Hide also adds to your melee and ranged defense.

And note, for the record, stalker does not equal scrapper. Scrappers are built to go toe to toe, stalkers are built to have a shot at surviving toe to toe when necessary.



I understand since you get Lucky that you Scrappers can be overpowered. So, what about Stalkers we dont get lucky. I would rather it than the Toggle. I think you guys look awefully 1 sided on this Issue. Why don't Stalker archtypes get SR inproved for them. I guess because we get hide. Good thing that has not been nerfed. Wait it has! Why was hide not the Melee toggle or range toggle rather than take lucky away? I guess Villains are not allowed to hold their own like in comics, video games, or real life.

Stalker SR needed that.
Scrapper SR did not need this.

Devs fix this!

[/ QUOTE ]

Assuming I understand this passage, and thats a big "if", stalkers lost lucky to get hide, but got lucky's defense folded into evasion. SR Stalker's get exactly the same defense from toggles and passives as SR scrappers do, even though they don't actually have lucky. What they lose is the extra scaling passive resistances in lucky, which are less useful to a stalker than a scrapper anyway. In exchange, they got hide, which when slotted has about an extra 3% defense to all when unsuppressed (and a lot more suppressed), which equates to an extra 10% damage mitigation or so, at SR defense levels. Its mostly a wash.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Actually, Agile(the range passive, for those playing along at home) is available long before Focused Senses(the range toggle).

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Focused Senses is tier 2, Agile is tier 3.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, whoops, my bad. I was thinking it was the other way around because I always skip Focused Senses until the mid-20's because range defense isn't as important early on, so Agile is usually plenty.



SO, where are the SR Passive sitting now? Are they still at 7.5% or back down to 5%?



SO, where are the SR Passive sitting now? Are they still at 7.5% or back down to 5%?

[/ QUOTE ]

5.65% or so, their original value. It appears that they were never actually changed to 7.5%, it was an erroneous patch note. I think. Arcanaville knows. But the passives are definitely at the same value on live and test (c.a. 5.6%).



SO, where are the SR Passive sitting now? Are they still at 7.5% or back down to 5%?

[/ QUOTE ]

5.65% or so, their original value. It appears that they were never actually changed to 7.5%, it was an erroneous patch note. I think. Arcanaville knows. But the passives are definitely at the same value on live and test (c.a. 5.6%).

[/ QUOTE ]

Scale 0.75, or exactly 5.625%.

I've actually measured them to be 5.63%, plus or minus 0.012% or so. So I really certain that's the number. It was never, at any time (I'm pretty sure), ever set to 7.5% for SR scrappers, although they might have been for a short time for SR stalkers. I'm still simultaneously amused and horrified by the reports from SR scrappers who absolutely *loved* the defense boost they never had. I'm sure there are red names that experienced a similar reaction.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Scale 0.75, or exactly 5.625%.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fine, get nitpicky why dontcha?

Damn mathmeticians.



Scale 0.75, or exactly 5.625%.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fine, get nitpicky why dontcha?

Damn mathmeticians.

[/ QUOTE ]


[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Scale 0.75, or exactly 5.625%.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fine, get nitpicky why dontcha?

Damn mathmeticians.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, and those damn languagematitians too. ;p



SO, where are the SR Passive sitting now? Are they still at 7.5% or back down to 5%?

[/ QUOTE ]

5.65% or so, their original value. It appears that they were never actually changed to 7.5%, it was an erroneous patch note. I think. Arcanaville knows. But the passives are definitely at the same value on live and test (c.a. 5.6%).

[/ QUOTE ]

Scale 0.75, or exactly 5.625%.

I've actually measured them to be 5.63%, plus or minus 0.012% or so. So I really certain that's the number. It was never, at any time (I'm pretty sure), ever set to 7.5% for SR scrappers, although they might have been for a short time for SR stalkers. I'm still simultaneously amused and horrified by the reports from SR scrappers who absolutely *loved* the defense boost they never had. I'm sure there are red names that experienced a similar reaction.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you Arcana, I will be updating the Hero Builder tonight and hopefully Sherk will get it posted for an update by the weekend. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me get the RIGHT data for the various NEW and CHANGED powersets!!

My data on the new PPP is VERY limited and my time to scour the boards has been, and will continue to be so very diminished for some time (taking my mother in for surgery tomorrow).



Just for the record, in case it hasn't been mentioned before (would take WAAY too long to read this wntire thing...) The buff to Super Reflex passives was mentioned in the very first Issue 7 patch notes for test. Supposedly, SR is currently at a .75 Scale, and was originally upped by 1/3, or to a 1.0 scale. For whatever reason, this was removed in the 5/16 (?) patch of Issue 7 on test.

The buff was given on test for a matter of weeks, made lots of people happy, and now has been removed. Although I am disappointed, It is basically a buff that I never actually had. It is now the same as it has been in the past, and as far as I know, the only real buff to SR at this point in time is the defense scaling that every other set gets... in fact, because of the defense scaling, SR is losing some AoE protection (that granted, was added for AVs, and is no longer nessecary)

so... Massive defense scaling buff, and a minimal nerf to AoE protection, that averages out.