Super Reflexes buff




That's about what we were talking about in the posts above yours.

"With everything that I do, I hope that they see people struggling to live decent, moral lives in a completely chaotic world. They see how hard it is, how often they fail, and how they get up and keep trying. That, to me, is the most important message I'm ever going to tell." - Joss Whedon



That's about what we were talking about in the posts above yours.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey now! I skimmed most of them! I searched for "near miss" and "close call" as I figured those would be the most likely phrases applied to the concept, but noooo...somebody had to go and use something associable with livestock feeding.



That's about what we were talking about in the posts above yours.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey now! I skimmed most of them! I searched for "near miss" and "close call" as I figured those would be the most likely phrases applied to the concept, but noooo...somebody had to go and use something associable with livestock feeding.

[/ QUOTE ]


Well soooooooooooorry!

Silly me went and used one word monosyllabic word instead of two.



Tested the I6 buff to /SR on live. It's kinda nice. I respecced out of tough, and I barely notice the difference in damage mitigation. 5% resists is better than nothing, and the scaling increase does seem to help when the damage comes in slowly and steadily, in surviveable amounts. So if you're soloing -2 to +2 cons or heroic-tenacious and maybe even some rugged missions, you will notice the difference. At one point, the extra resist gave me just enough oomph to take down a +2 purple boss without getting killed.

Unfortunately, the main problem of /SR (the fact that it doesn't scale as well/linearly as resists and self heal) still remains.

While I was able to solo much more easily on the lower difficulty setting, on the higher ones (Unyielding and Particularly Invincible), I found my defense being defeated with astounding ease, and was hit by LT's and Bosses for incredible amounts of damage. A few times I was 2-3 shotted so fast, that the scaling resists didn't have time to kick in.

And that's when I realized that /SR's defense was still inferior to resists/self heal, or a mix of resist/heal when fighting higher con/class enemies. Yes, even after the buff. I found myself wishing for a self-heal like dull pain when I got particularly unlucky and a LOT of hits from a group of minions got through my 3-slotted toggles AND passives and afterwards nearly died.

And I -seriously- wished that I had more reliable damage mitigation not based on chance when red and purple LT's and bosses (which I know you aren't supposed to be soloing... but still!) completely blew through my defenses and hit me EVERY single time.

If you're hit every single time with /regen and /inv, you still get reliable damage mitigation. With /sr, you get scaling resists that don't mean squat because the hits are so powerful compared to the measely resists that you get 2-3 shotted anyhoo.

So devs, while I LOVE the changes you've made in the game to make /sr more viable (resist inspirations are great, as are the new scaling resists in the passives, even if the scaling part doesn't make sense to me from a "roleplaying" perspective [although the resists can be explained by the "rolling with the punch" concept that several of us would be /sr reformers espoused])

I think /SR needs more work to be as good as /inv /regen and even /da now are.

Sure /SR is the best when you're fighting -cons (you can be surrounded by literally hordes of greens/blues and be totally untouched)... but who fights that way?

Arc Salvo: Okay hold one sec guys, we can't just rush in blindly vs these Nemesis, they've got these ranged aoe's tha-
Teammate1(charging in): Shut up, Arc Salvo, you lame*$% Viewtiful Joe wannabe! What do you know?!
Teammate2(also charging): yeah, ST#& arc salvo u PWR RANGR U!
Arc Salvo: *sigh*



What lvl SR were you playing? Invuln scraps are pure crap now after i5 nerf and the i6 nerf(ED). I have ran missions with my lvl 50 spine/invuln with my roomates lvl 50 spine/SR and his SR beats me hands down in any mission. We were fighting +1's and +2's. He rarely took a scratch while i got killed in a matter of seconds. Trust me our dmg res is pure crap now. We go down quick without a healer. We're basicaly blasters that do alot less dmg. I haven't tested out my 43 regen in pve post i6 but post i5 he was better than my invuln. In i6 they took another hard hit though. If i had to rank the scrapper sets right now SR or DA would be at the top then 3rd would be regen and dead last would be invuln at this point.



Sure /SR is the best when you're fighting -cons (you can be surrounded by literally hordes of greens/blues and be totally untouched)... but who fights that way?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well...actually, I ran the BP close portal mish with a SG mate's 47 emp defender set to invincible with my 50 SR scrapper, and it was a blast. She could not handle the bosses, which were purple to her (white to me), but held her own against the minions, which were just big crowds of greens that I could wade into if she got into trouble. Good xp for her and lots 'o prestige for the SG. I could see playing that way more often.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



This is excellent news for Super Reflexes! I can see it now...

"Statesman Buffs Super Reflexes, Scrappers Call Off Bounty!"

I would suggest, however, not removing the flame-retarding longjohns until you deal with Ice Tankers and the perceived Nerf to Invuln Tankers

[/ QUOTE ]

Or in some cases the longjohns, or frost-retarding longjohns. This is a good thing to see though.



I have ran missions with my lvl 50 spine/invuln with my roomates lvl 50 spine/SR and his SR beats me hands down in any mission. We were fighting +1's and +2's. He rarely took a scratch while i got killed in a matter of seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]

I play a level 37 MA/SR. And I think the reason why he was outperforming you was because you were fighting +1's and +2's. I fought hordes of mobs near even-connish today in Eden with a /Regen scrapper, and while the huge numbers were able to hit him reliably and therefore blow through his regen, they were barely able to touch me as well. I was amazed at how much damage white and blue minions (and white/yellow Lt's and yellow/orange bosses) could do to /Regen compared to how little they did to me. My /regen friend took every hit for full damage (he had no resistances) and got either nearly killed or flat out killed. I, on the other hand took damage steadily, and if I used a luck or two (I loaded up my tray 2/3rd full of lucks) I was able to take on bosses pretty darn safely too!

So I totally believe that /inv (which doesn't have as much defense as /SR, even with invincibility/tough hide) could be worse than /SR in situations where enough defense can lead to near-invincibility (enemies swing a lot, but miss all or most of the time), whereas resists (without as high defense) would just lead to getting hit by lots and lots of damage that you don't quite resist enough not to die.

Arc Salvo: Okay hold one sec guys, we can't just rush in blindly vs these Nemesis, they've got these ranged aoe's tha-
Teammate1(charging in): Shut up, Arc Salvo, you lame*$% Viewtiful Joe wannabe! What do you know?!
Teammate2(also charging): yeah, ST#& arc salvo u PWR RANGR U!
Arc Salvo: *sigh*



I wish I4 was back... Now that was a fun game.



Actually I think the 'graze' idea is an awesome one... make it similar to scrapper critical hits, cuts damage in half.



Played extensively with Elude last night.

I know this has been said before, but I honestly think that I5's nerfs (with ED in consideration) were at least partially based on the maximum amount of defense a /SR Scrapper could achieve with all toggles, passives AND Elude.

So far, only fighting 5 +4 Rikti Bosses (didn't pick the fight intentionally, found myself in it in the Sewer Trial) allowed damage to come in so fast and frequently that I couldn't pop an insp or two to rescue myself.

And to think of what you could do with Elude in PVP... sheesh!

But now that I have Elude, it makes me wonder again about the kind of "bipolar" nature of /SR. This isn't the case all the time, but there's a lot of times where you're either you're getting hit all/almost all the time for almost full damage (depending on whether you have the passives or not), or you're totally invincible unless you get unlucky. Until I got all the toggles AND passives, I never felt as if I had a solid, reliable defense vs all enemy classes and types. One lucky streak from a large enough group of LT's or 2-3 bosses and I was meat. And now that I have Elude, I've noticed that it's the opposite case while it's on. Nothing can hit me.

Until I had enough toggles/passives (all of 'em, pretty much) I was kind of underpowered. Now that I do have all of 'em AND Elude... I'm kind of overpowered. I'm just saying that with defense designed the way it is... it's very tricky to find a healthy in-between.

Also: this might be kind of a stretch, but I think that the resistance in the passives is sort of meant to represent this "grazing hit" principle.

Arc Salvo: Okay hold one sec guys, we can't just rush in blindly vs these Nemesis, they've got these ranged aoe's tha-
Teammate1(charging in): Shut up, Arc Salvo, you lame*$% Viewtiful Joe wannabe! What do you know?!
Teammate2(also charging): yeah, ST#& arc salvo u PWR RANGR U!
Arc Salvo: *sigh*



i was playing with my scrapper in synapse
only time he died was when he was alone and got one-shotted in the low green health with no color changes



Well, with my level 40 kat/SR scrapper, I was fighting these level 33 Tuatha to help clear a mission for this team and these guys were hitting me! and all of my SR powers are 6 slotted except for Elude, PB, and quickness. Add in combat jumping and Divine Avalanche (which is autoed) and I find this a sorry state of affairs. I did not use Elude but for mobs 7 levels below me i shouldn't need it. Fortunately, they don't hit for much with the level discrepency.



Played extensively with Elude last night.

I know this has been said before, but I honestly think that I5's nerfs (with ED in consideration) were at least partially based on the maximum amount of defense a /SR Scrapper could achieve with all toggles, passives AND Elude.

So far, only fighting 5 +4 Rikti Bosses (didn't pick the fight intentionally, found myself in it in the Sewer Trial) allowed damage to come in so fast and frequently that I couldn't pop an insp or two to rescue myself.

And to think of what you could do with Elude in PVP... sheesh!

But now that I have Elude, it makes me wonder again about the kind of "bipolar" nature of /SR. This isn't the case all the time, but there's a lot of times where you're either you're getting hit all/almost all the time for almost full damage (depending on whether you have the passives or not), or you're totally invincible unless you get unlucky. Until I got all the toggles AND passives, I never felt as if I had a solid, reliable defense vs all enemy classes and types. One lucky streak from a large enough group of LT's or 2-3 bosses and I was meat. And now that I have Elude, I've noticed that it's the opposite case while it's on. Nothing can hit me.

Until I had enough toggles/passives (all of 'em, pretty much) I was kind of underpowered. Now that I do have all of 'em AND Elude... I'm kind of overpowered. I'm just saying that with defense designed the way it is... it's very tricky to find a healthy in-between.

Also: this might be kind of a stretch, but I think that the resistance in the passives is sort of meant to represent this "grazing hit" principle.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was under the understanding that while Elude was running you couldn't attack.




I was under the understanding that while Elude was running you couldn't attack.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what the original guidebook said, and that was the case way back in the beginning. However, SR was found to be vastly underpowered, so we were given increased defense in our passives and toggles, and allowed to fight with elude running.

Then they decided we were overpowered and changed it in I4 so that even with perma-hasten you couldn't have perma-elude.

Then came the global defense nerf in I5. We were hurting, but most of us could still survive.

Then came ED. Without Elude, our melee/ranged defenses are now lower than those original 'underpowered' values, though our AoE is okayish. They gave us a tiny amount of resistance in our passives, which doesn't even activate until we've already been hit, to 'fix' this. With Elude, which isn't up NEARLY as often as a lot of people want it, we still do fine.



Well that is a crock. I understand more of the issue now then when people say pre-Elude SR = crappers (at 26 pre ED and I5 I loved my MA/SR), with Elude = over powered. Hmm, balance as a whole doesn;t seem to be the issue it is balance for each AT and let them shine at what they where ment for which should be looked at. Maybe Cryptic will redo the game for our needs like they have moved us to remake our characters away from what they where intened on being and where for 3-4 issues, or 66% of our game play for those that have been here since Beta.



Trust me our dmg res is pure crap now. We go down quick without a healer. We're basicaly blasters that do alot less dmg.

[/ QUOTE ]
Exaggerate much?
I'm sure all the blasters will be glad to know that they've gotten dmg resist buffs equal to invuln scrappers

Sorry if that sounded like a flame - but really, just trying to set the record straight here. Sure, invuln isn't what it used to be (neither are any of the defense sets), but to say that its the same as an AT that gets zero defense powers is patently false.

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I spoke to States yesterday at Showcase Comics in Bryn Mawr. He thought I didn't know who he was (Please, I so did ), and after I told him he did, he was all like, "Awww, I was going to ask you about ED and all." I told him that my blaster was hurt less than I expected, and that my controller was doing fine but was only a low level, and my defender was pretty much unscathed (actually, she laughs at ED, but I didn't say that. ). Well, I told him I had an SR scrapper that I'm pretty bitter about. He said "Well, we gave you that resistance." I restrained myself from saying that it's crap, since he was pretty nice IRL, really.

But... he DID say that they were working on yet another boost (not the debuff resist, we already have that) for SR. Yay! Let's just hope that it's better than the SR scrapper resistance defiance.

*Crosses Fingers*



So far it's been sort of odd. I get hit SO MUCH! It almost feels like I don't really have super-reflexes on, like maybe there's a glitch of some sort.

I thought this might just be my imagination, but then I went to the scrapper forum and found that if it was my imagination, it's an imagining that I'm sharing with many others.

But that's okay, just requires me to be kind of clever. I think I need to take more attacks with knockdown, maybe. Bad guys can't hit me if they're too busy standing back up ...



But... he DID say that they were working on yet another boost (not the debuff resist, we already have that) for SR.

[/ QUOTE ]


Be well, people of CoH.



But... he DID say that they were working on yet another boost (not the debuff resist, we already have that) for SR.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmmmmmmmm indeed.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)


Posted really liking the new buffs =D
helpin out my SR alot



The resistance buffs are decent, but like a boxer already leaning on the ropes, it is often too late. SR needs some personality, as it is Ninjitsu and and Energy Aura provide comparable protection with much more utility and flair.

Personally, I'd fix SR by removing the passives (Dodge and Agile) and upping the toggle defenses to make up the difference. This would free up two powers to add some utility or a "reactive" defense.

My suggestions:
1) Make Agile on a 2 minute timer and when the power is activated the next 5-10 attacks (randomly generated) will miss you.
2) Make Dodge on a 2 minute time and when the power is activated it will heal the damage from last attack that hit you, as if it never occured. Example, boss hits you for 70% of HP; if you are quick enough you can hit Dodge and act as if the dmg never hit you (since it will heal back the exact amount of dmg taken, from the last attack). If you're too slow, you might only get back a minion's dmg.





The resistance buffs are decent, but like a boxer already leaning on the ropes, it is often too late. SR needs some personality, as it is Ninjitsu and and Energy Aura provide comparable protection with much more utility and flair.

Personally, I'd fix SR by removing the passives (Dodge and Agile) and upping the toggle defenses to make up the difference. This would free up two powers to add some utility or a "reactive" defense.

My suggestions:
1) Make Agile on a 2 minute timer and when the power is activated the next 5-10 attacks (randomly generated) will miss you.
2) Make Dodge on a 2 minute time and when the power is activated it will heal the damage from last attack that hit you, as if it never occured. Example, boss hits you for 70% of HP; if you are quick enough you can hit Dodge and act as if the dmg never hit you (since it will heal back the exact amount of dmg taken, from the last attack). If you're too slow, you might only get back a minion's dmg.



[/ QUOTE ]

Since you are talking about energy aura and only two passives (dodge/agile), I'm assuming you are referring to the SR stalker set, and not the SR scrapper set. The two do not play identically.

The SR scrapper set can take all three passives, including lucky. Because of the way the passive resistances stack, the mitigation they provide gets amplified non-linearly. As a result, three is way stronger than two, and the SR scrapper set gets a much larger benefit from the passive resists (when they take all three) than you might expect if you've only seen the effect with one or two. The SR scrapper set has way more net mitigation than the ninjitsu or energy aura stalker sets.

The SR stalker set has much more mitigation potential than the ninjitsu or energy aura sets. The passives are not trivial defense for stalkers, especially with ED preventing the use of more than 3 defense slots in the toggles. And the specific advantage of SR over energy is that hide stacks with SR defenses, but since energy is damage-typed, hide doesn't stack with energy defenses. The combination of passives and hide give SR stalkers a significant edge in pure defensive mitigation over ninjitsu or energy.

One thing that some people are overlooking in the SR stalker set is that hide - even in its suppressed state - is more slot-efficient than the SR passives, and its defense is non-trivial (its defense is lower in base value when suppressed, but hide is defense to melee/ranged/aoe). And when SR gets evasion, the combination of evasion and hide means that when SR is in the hidden state, its for all intents and purposes immune to AoE splash damage - important for stalkers.

Ninjitsu and energy get other toys to compensate, but SR's defenses are nevertheless significantly higher overall.

I used to believe that SR lagged tremendously behind the other sets, but I don't believe SR stalker lags the other stalker sets by a large margin (its hard to say yet with any precision, but if anything is lagging its probably energy - until it gets overload). The SR scrapper set with the passive resists is probably at least in the same ballpark as the other scrapper sets at the moment - I doubt anyone would say the four scrapper sets were dead even, but the ridiculous imbalances of the past seem to be strongly suppressed.

If there is a problem with the SR scrapper set, its that the resistance component of its defense is so high on a relative basis, SR is not the "don't get hit" set anymore: its mitigation is roughly split 50/50 between defense and resistance, and that breaks the "feel" of the set, as a separate issue from its overall performance.

This is in PvE. In PvP, the passive resistances are much less of a factor. Regen and DA probably both still outperform SR on average in PvP, without elude. Within the elude window, SR does at least as good if not better than the other scrappers: sometimes better and sometimes worse, but possibly better overall.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



The resistance buffs are decent, but like a boxer already leaning on the ropes, it is often too late. SR needs some personality, as it is Ninjitsu and and Energy Aura provide comparable protection with much more utility and flair.

Personally, I'd fix SR by removing the passives (Dodge and Agile) and upping the toggle defenses to make up the difference. This would free up two powers to add some utility or a "reactive" defense.

My suggestions:
1) Make Agile on a 2 minute timer and when the power is activated the next 5-10 attacks (randomly generated) will miss you.
2) Make Dodge on a 2 minute time and when the power is activated it will heal the damage from last attack that hit you, as if it never occured. Example, boss hits you for 70% of HP; if you are quick enough you can hit Dodge and act as if the dmg never hit you (since it will heal back the exact amount of dmg taken, from the last attack). If you're too slow, you might only get back a minion's dmg.



[/ QUOTE ]

Since you are talking about energy aura and only two passives (dodge/agile), I'm assuming you are referring to the SR stalker set, and not the SR scrapper set. The two do not play identically.

The SR scrapper set can take all three passives, including lucky. Because of the way the passive resistances stack, the mitigation they provide gets amplified non-linearly. As a result, three is way stronger than two, and the SR scrapper set gets a much larger benefit from the passive resists (when they take all three) than you might expect if you've only seen the effect with one or two. The SR scrapper set has way more net mitigation than the ninjitsu or energy aura stalker sets.

The SR stalker set has much more mitigation potential than the ninjitsu or energy aura sets. The passives are not trivial defense for stalkers, especially with ED preventing the use of more than 3 defense slots in the toggles. And the specific advantage of SR over energy is that hide stacks with SR defenses, but since energy is damage-typed, hide doesn't stack with energy defenses. The combination of passives and hide give SR stalkers a significant edge in pure defensive mitigation over ninjitsu or energy.

One thing that some people are overlooking in the SR stalker set is that hide - even in its suppressed state - is more slot-efficient than the SR passives, and its defense is non-trivial (its defense is lower in base value when suppressed, but hide is defense to melee/ranged/aoe). And when SR gets evasion, the combination of evasion and hide means that when SR is in the hidden state, its for all intents and purposes immune to AoE splash damage - important for stalkers.

Ninjitsu and energy get other toys to compensate, but SR's defenses are nevertheless significantly higher overall.

I used to believe that SR lagged tremendously behind the other sets, but I don't believe SR stalker lags the other stalker sets by a large margin (its hard to say yet with any precision, but if anything is lagging its probably energy - until it gets overload). The SR scrapper set with the passive resists is probably at least in the same ballpark as the other scrapper sets at the moment - I doubt anyone would say the four scrapper sets were dead even, but the ridiculous imbalances of the past seem to be strongly suppressed.

If there is a problem with the SR scrapper set, its that the resistance component of its defense is so high on a relative basis, SR is not the "don't get hit" set anymore: its mitigation is roughly split 50/50 between defense and resistance, and that breaks the "feel" of the set, as a separate issue from its overall performance.

This is in PvE. In PvP, the passive resistances are much less of a factor. Regen and DA probably both still outperform SR on average in PvP, without elude. Within the elude window, SR does at least as good if not better than the other scrappers: sometimes better and sometimes worse, but possibly better overall.

[/ QUOTE ]Your 2nd to the first MA/nin theres one on justice , but grats to you anyways, back on the subject please buff the hell out of SR i love the set, i just hate how bad they really are.