Super Reflexes buff




And the specific advantage of SR over energy is that hide stacks with SR defenses, but since energy is damage-typed, hide doesn't stack with energy defenses.

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Wasn't Hide changed near the end of Beta to protect from all damage types and positions precisely so it would stack with energy's defences?



With Elude, /SR is practically invincible in PVP (with all passives and toggles 3-slotted with defense) unless you run into a defense debuffer, or a person with confuse/fear.

Arc Salvo: Okay hold one sec guys, we can't just rush in blindly vs these Nemesis, they've got these ranged aoe's tha-
Teammate1(charging in): Shut up, Arc Salvo, you lame*$% Viewtiful Joe wannabe! What do you know?!
Teammate2(also charging): yeah, ST#& arc salvo u PWR RANGR U!
Arc Salvo: *sigh*



With Elude, /SR is practically invincible in PVP (with all passives and toggles 3-slotted with defense) unless you run into a defense debuffer, or a person with confuse/fear.

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thats a great thought but you still have the defens bypassing powersets like rad blast which allows defenders to hit you almost anytime and eluded scrappers still have to worry about getting leveled by all of the AT's in PvP. PvE the sr scrappers have a slight chance up till 40 then their survivability goes down the drain (a friend had a lvl 50 so my info comes from him teaching me) and as far as the damage resist, it's almost null and void i haven't seen any attack to my scrapper be reduced in damage what so ever. my solution is that they revers the damage resist data so you take less early on and as you get hurt more and more you become more elusive but at the cost of being more recless and taking more damage as you get hit



Two issues with SR. As you get higher level and can fight mobs higher level than you, SR is far less effective than other defensive sets since the Conning rules will eliminate any protection you had.

And second, Stalkers have much lower health than Scrappers do. If a Stalker gets wounded enough to where the damage resistance kicks in, it's not going to save us like it might a Scrapper.



Wasn't Hide changed near the end of Beta to protect from all damage types and positions precisely so it would stack with energy's defences?

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I strongly think Hide currently stacks with EA, from the way I've seen EA operate (I've faced lotsa EA Stalkers in the past week or two, and there's no way they had a total defense of under 50%, and probably more like 60%).

edit in response to storm's post> I don't think that'd work. The way it seems to be now is to work on a curve so that if you had one passive, you'd resist about 1% of your total health if you slowly took your total health in damage. I don't know if you resist 100% with only 1% health and recover and take dmg or if it's on a graduated scale (ask someone else), but I don't think we want to take no damage when at full health... that just seems like we'd never get hurt.



i'm not saying take no damage just half damage with full health and as you get hit say like they have the scale now at 60% it would drop to 40% damage resist and this ability cannot take damage resists like now and the 50% resist is spread over focused fighting, focused senses, dodge, agile, lucky, and evasive that way people like me who rely heavily on defense and not damage like most in total that would be 8.334% damage resist on all those powers and as you get weaker useing their formula of every time that thehp bar changes color you lose the damage resist but you start becoming more evasive from attacks with the cost of more damage say 25% more damage at a quarter life my figures are completely off the top of my head
help with a cost thats what it should be.
invuln and regen were too powerful pre I5/ED with some 90% damage resist if i'm not mistaken their limit is for invuln and regen had/has an insane healing to the point of almost no worry of defeat aginst purps
this would change all due to the secondary powers taken and your level so since you can't get evasive till your 35 you'll never have full damage resist till then and thats even if you take all 6 powers considering that some people can get better (supposedly) defenses form pool powers



Response to Jack Emmert's post:


This just isn't enough... or at least isn't done in any concievably working fashion according to these numbers. You have to die before you defense works? Just like blasters have to die before they get a .5 second window to use their quarter bar of Defiance? What happened to powers we could actually manipulate through enhancements anyway? All of these new stupid 'constant' class powers suck for CoH yet they seem to be great working fine in CoV where you actually get some use out of them. Oh, you'll probably nerf those though.

Of course you'll tell everyone to try it on test first, then when it gets to test you'll ignore the pages and pages of complaints that it sucks, then it'll go live... so why even bother posting this crap here Jack? Really, you must think the people that play this game and respond here are dumb not to see all of this coming.

Here's a better idea: Fix the code for the streak breaker so people can't auto-hit players with high defense.



I think what I'm most worried about in storm's scenario is not the percent, but that when it starts to fall apart is when you're getting hurt the most and need it the most. I.e., once you started getting hurt enough, you'd get hurt fast and probably die instantly.

I think the design is fine, now, but I do think the numbers need to be upped. I don't see what's wrong with reaching the max resistance numbers if we're only gonna have them for a short time anyway, but really the 60% range is where it's a little low, imo. In other words, I don't mind the 60% being lower than other numbers, but think of it this way, Defiance does something like 10% more once you hit the 60% mark, but resistance for SR is only 2%ish per passive (compounded)? I'd prefer at least 3%-5%, but at these current levels, it's just not an acceptable compensation considering since ED imo our defense is negligible. For same level mobs, my Blaster can provide comparable results, and in fact, my Defender can provide comparable results solo and comparable damage increase to a team, healing to a team, etc.... In other words, it's not just that SR secondaries behind other Scrappers (which I feel we are, too), it's that overall, SR Scrappers are behind other ATs, now.



i totally agree and thats why i said as the damage resist goes down but you get more defense which would be equivelant to the loss of damage resist but make it that you become more elusive and "careless" (take more damage when hit) an eye for an eye just like with unstoppable/MoG once it runs out your pretty much screwed but your so hard to take down while it's in it's kinda useless to try.
make it so that we can stand next to the regen/invuln scrappers and not have to back out as quickley as we do and besides we always have elude to fall back on when you hit 38 that you'll be ok o i forgot that'll be the next nerf they hit us with because the MOGers and unstopers will say that it's unfair that sr keeps all of their health when elude wears off




Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.

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Why not a scaling defense buff that acts the exact same way?

It would be more fitting to the set and a better idea in my opinion...



9 times outa 10 I'm only dying agaisnt something that hits pretty hard (pve wise) bosses mainly. Now he hits me once, and I'm down to 25% of my health. How much res do we have at that it enough to turn a hit that would normally take 75% of my health into one that takes LESS than 25% of my health? if not I feel it's completely worthless, since vs minions and LT's were in the green of our health 80% of the time, it doesn't help vs then. Yeah theres the issue of bosses+minions, but at that point you're popping insps anyways, which add pretty big numbers as is.



I've alluded to this in a couple of places, but I wanted to describe something we'll be doing for Super Reflexes quite soon...

Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.

This change is in addition to the recent modification that gave most Defense Primary and Secondary powers resistance to Defense Debuffs (self Defense powers).

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Thanks! I might make a super reflex hero sometime...
My question is will there be a buff for stealth? My enemies can see me now with it on!




I just wanted to say thanks for the buff. A lot of people got on Statesman for this and fired off before they knew anything. The resists add an incredible amount of survivability and I don't see how anyone who tests this out could claim otherwise, barring my use of the word 'incredible'. While it's not necessarily what I'd like to see in my SR defense based set, it sure is a boost, and I7 will only help more. Thanks again.



I've alluded to this in a couple of places, but I wanted to describe something we'll be doing for Super Reflexes quite soon...

Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.

This change is in addition to the recent modification that gave most Defense Primary and Secondary powers resistance to Defense Debuffs (self Defense powers).

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Thanks! I might make a super reflex hero sometime...
My question is will there be a buff for stealth? My enemies can see me now with it on!


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Try running Stealth and SuperSpeed together.

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



I've alluded to this in a couple of places, but I wanted to describe something we'll be doing for Super Reflexes quite soon...

Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.

This change is in addition to the recent modification that gave most Defense Primary and Secondary powers resistance to Defense Debuffs (self Defense powers).

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I just started reading this because I started a SR/Nin Stalker. FIrst, has this taken affect yet. This thread was started in Oct or Nov of last year. Secondly, my first thought was this...
What is with having to almost be half way to death before getting a buff? And just how fast is it going to kick in?In like-thought, I think this is why so many people dislike Defiance. Defiance does not noticeably kick in when it is supposed to. I have P-lenty of Blasters on my rosters who say so. My concern is that the same thing will happen in this case with the SR. And also, I suspect this will give no protection against one-shotting. Am I right?



I love you... *sniff* You don't know how long I've been waiting for something like this to happen...all the humilliation...all the suffering...

Now if I can just get a good respec team so I can get rid of hover...I've failed the darn thing 17 times.



What is it with you wanting people to get into near death situations before you give them a buff for anything?

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just had to quote this third post. lmao



I rather have increase a stalker, i'm usually running from battle when injuried rather than trying to stay in there and scrap



This does not feel right to me, super reflexes are for doging, evasion. Not "rolling with the punch", that kind of thing should be under brawling. In Super Reflexes I want more DEF.

I go back to the source for my benchmark, and superheroes with Super Reflexes just don't get hit, at least not by bullets, laserbeams and melee attacks. Sure let the Area Effect stuff get them. The Flash, Quicksilver (even the Beast) just don't get hit unless the attack is big or launched with supreme accuracy.

It looks to me that this a poorly conceived buff. I thought we where playing super heroes, The bad guys should not be hitting a /SR hero very much at all.

Perhaps the right balance for the game is to have the missions alter based on the hero mix...



I mean... you, like, know this is live already, right? And it has been for... I mean, a long time now.



This does not feel right to me, super reflexes are for doging, evasion. Not "rolling with the punch", that kind of thing should be under brawling. In Super Reflexes I want more DEF.

I go back to the source for my benchmark, and superheroes with Super Reflexes just don't get hit, at least not by bullets, laserbeams and melee attacks. Sure let the Area Effect stuff get them. The Flash, Quicksilver (even the Beast) just don't get hit unless the attack is big or launched with supreme accuracy.

It looks to me that this a poorly conceived buff. I thought we where playing super heroes, The bad guys should not be hitting a /SR hero very much at all.

Perhaps the right balance for the game is to have the missions alter based on the hero mix...

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The only problem with your request, is that there is a 5% hard cap on defense. In other words, you can never, ever had 100% defense against any attack; there will always be a 5% chance that an enemy can hit you.

So, even if you were to have your wish, with the high accuracy that Elite Bosses (EBs) / Arch Villians (AVs) / Giant Monsters (GMs) all possess, it is highly likely that they will still hit you.

While resistance also has a hard cap (95%), it works better than defense when it comes to handling damage. Defense is very binary; you're either hit, or you're not. Resistance, on the other hand, is scalable, but always works. Now, in the case of the afore-mentioned buff, this is an exception (though I do not know if this is still the case or not); regardless, it is far less of a roll of the dice when dealing with resistance than with defense.



I mean... you, like, know this is live already, right? And it has been for... I mean, a long time now.

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Although States announced this a while back, I'm pretty sure that it won't actually hit until I7 (assuming you're talking about the Def fix. This being a necroed thread, I can't tell for sure).



I mean... you, like, know this is live already, right? And it has been for... I mean, a long time now.

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Although States announced this a while back, I'm pretty sure that it won't actually hit until I7 (assuming you're talking about the Def fix. This being a necroed thread, I can't tell for sure).

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This is live, and has been since Issue 6. It gives a good deal of survivability, but it's hard to notice until you have all three auto powers (SR stalkers only get two of them, btw). I also suspect that it also improves with level, but that's just a guess.

Its main virtue is that it enhances survivability, but it does have one drawback: it makes every power in the SR set except Quickness a "must have": all three toggle powers, all three auto powers, the mez resist and Elude. Makes it kind of hard to add power pools and color to an SR scrapper.



Ah, I see where I got mixed up. I was thinking about the upcoming Def scaling fix. My bad.



I mean... you, like, know this is live already, right? And it has been for... I mean, a long time now.

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And what? That means I can't comment on it?

All I'm saying is that you don't see characters in the comics getting hit all that much if they possess this kind of power - As far as I'm concerned a game about superheroes should try and stick close to its genre.

Does anyone disagree with that statement?

If big old bosses are hitting the /SR character too easy then there is a flaw in the implmentation of Super Reflexes and it should be fixed.

(goes for invunerabilty too for that matter - invunerable, don't make me laugh, more like "slighty tougher than the average joe" than bullet bouncing hard bodies).