56 -
I believe the in game channel we're all thinking of is Victory MA
2) Why is +acc such the big deal in PvP builds i've seen, or is it just a by-product of another goal when forming a PvP build?
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Keep in mind that your base tohit vs other players is 50%. It's basically like trying tohit +3 mobs. Now tack on any extra defense and Elusivity on top of that.
Before you can do anything to your opponent you must be able to hit them.
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What Sarrate says is true. Keep in mind, PvP does not play like PvE. Back right before Arena matches were introduced on test, I hopped onto a Last Man Standing match on my DM/SR... managed to get myself locked into combat with another level 50 Broadsword/Regen, popped Elude, he literally missed me twice (maybe even only once) then promptly hit me three times in a row killing me and then complained about how powerful Elude was because he couldn't hit me.
That was way back before Elusivity. But for all those who complain that SR simply dominates, all you used to have to do is train a decent amount of tohit powers and slot them (keep in mind Broadsword has defense debuff, and even if I had def debuff resistance at the time, it maxed at 90% verse Build Up and Focused Acc). E.g., Focused Accuracy and Build Up would have completely negated my Elude AND toggles if slotted up, meaning at least a third of the time, you'd hit me.... Stack on some defense debuff (or just use a heck of a lot of it before there was a cap per person) and I'd be in a decent amount of trouble, since defense is literally my only defense....
Now add Elusivity to that, and basically you'll need as much +acc and +tohit as possible, or at least 3 +acc set bonuses plus the old acc enhancements you'd use for regular mobs, it seems, to counteract the 30% SR seems to give you... unless you want to whiff a lot against defense builds. -
Okay, this sucks I had a decently written reply that timed out, back button, copy and pasted and I just copy/pasted the original post. Here's the gist:
In a pvp zone, are farmers truly fair-game...?
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Yes, they're fair game. I hate it when it happens to me, but so long as they're out there. But see the question about multi-kills....
Inspiration-usage is fair game right?
[/ QUOTE ]
Along with "Is Elude fair game" or "Hide/Assassin Strike" or "Mez": Yes, they're fair game. We have an excessively large amount of powers available in this game, we're not just dark clerics and holy knights and balancing the two. Balancing Tanker Ice Melee v. Blaster Devices v. Stalker Regen doesn't always make sense all the time, and adding possible team combinations to balance gets even more difficult, so there will be better PvPing AT combinations on some characters than others. If a dominator mezzes my gimpy "Purple?" character who I've brought into RV for PvPing fun, before, and he double teams me with a Stalker, he shouldn't complain if I pop a tray full of inspirations and somehow manage to survive and kill him. I personally don't like to have to reload tons of insps, nor do I like to have to hide and run right after an initial strike, etc..., but it's part of the game.
[quote[Mercy Rules? I would say that taking down a obviously much weaker opponent more than three times is enough for me to move on to bigger fish. I think thats a personal choice, but is there such a thing practiced openly?
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There's nothing official, and there are those that actually do it. I get annoyed when badge hunting and it's done to me over and over when there's no rep and I'm not fighting back, so if someone doesn't fight back, I usually won't kill them more than once. Otherwise, they're pretty much asking to PvP....
Is there a "Band of Brothers" i should be wary of trying to take on or antagonize?
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As far as I know, none of the PvP oriented supergroups will actually actively hunt you down in PvP zones because you ticked off one of them once upon a time, but it's probably best to follow general gaming decorum. Sure trash talking and agitation will occur, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to really harass anyone at all.
Do IOs make a difference?
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They do not. Because before going to RV to fight, everyone must go to Ouroboros and run a no enhancement task force. Well, short of that happening, I guess they would make a difference.
Will i miss much turning off zone broadcast? Or do I not have to worry about much "pwnage" or "i roxxorz!" chatter?
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Yes, you will miss it. PvPing is competitive, so of course, just like in basketball, you will hear some people say they rock and you suck, you will hear others that love to compliment you and/or your build, and you will hear others that just wanna talk in general. Before PvP even existed, though, I moved Broadcast off my chat tab and left it only on my global tab like Request. That way I don't have to worry about stupid "Atlas"-style chatter unless I feel like scrolling back.
Can I also work on other PvE badges such as defeats or dmg or even prestige badges in PvP zones if the opportunity presents itself?
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Here's where I gave you a whole list of things to defeat in all the PvP zones, which I won't do again (sorry), but you can go ahead and fight/do that kind of stuff in your spare time while you're waiting between PvP battles. There will be plenty of downtime.
Finally, turning to arenas, do gladiator matches share the same badge code as a regular CoX avatar match? I mean, since the healing badge is shared, does the defeat/dmg/held code work in the same way?
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No, as far as I understand. You're defeating someone's henchmen, so you're not defeating a freak tank, for example, you're not taking dmg, your henchmen are, and you're not being held. It's different for healing because if your pets do healing, you get progress towards the badge. I haven't heard of a healing farm in a while, though, so that even may have been nerfed.
Is there really any harm to turning on the option to have a arena battle count towards you "stats"? Does the "stats" info field have an on/off feature in zone pvp?
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I haven't done arena stuff in a while, and stats are only for the arena. But I do recall back when the Arena was still in test, I tried to run rated matches, but would lag out and half the time it would add it as a lost match, probably because the other guy got me before I had a chance to log back in, and won it 1-0.... I.e., watch out for lag, if you're worried about your arena stats. Also, try unrated matches for a while until you know what sort of rated matches you'd want, as there are options you can choose, let alone players you'll know whether or not you want to have them count against your tally. There used to be (not sure again, since I haven't paid much attention to the arena in a while) a badge, even for winning a rated match. -
Which is kind of my point. Judging an arc on the basis of "soloable with a defender" is rather arbitrary. It really doesn't tell us much about the arc.
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Sorry, I misinterpreted what you were saying as all missions that are a breeze for scrappers are too easy. -
If you set up an arc such that a high power solo scrapper is forced to chomp down insps more or less constantly, it means that other than tanks, brutes, and maybe Masterminds your arc could easily be unplayable.
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Wouldn't that also mean that anything a scrapper can breeze thru would essentially be a snore-fest for a halfway decent team?
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Of course, it's always a little more complicated than that. Scrappers have powers that are much more solo oriented than team oriented. Sure, they have the damage to take on AVs and stuff like that, but they don't have the massive nukes to take out overflow mobs that Blasters have and in exchange have more survivability. Scrappers also have better mez protect than most ATs (counting Kheldians).
Depending on your definition of a halfway decent team (which probably includes a tank and one or two defender/controllers when full up), you're spawning more mobs, not to mention higher ranked mobs (I've run Invinc and Unyielding both and unless a MA mission actually has a boss objective, there are no bosses). The Scrapper can breeze through the Mastermind summoned stuff and Controller summoned stuff solo, but on a team, those can start summoning large amounts of mobs that are too many for a Tanker to keep taunted, especially fire controller bosses that may end up locking down your controllers with group holds and even blasters who can't use their AoEs until they figure out and defeat the NPC locking them down. -
Arc Name:Crustacean Fancy Pants Plaza
Arc ID:3009
Creator Global/Forum Name:Jack Drek
Difficulty Level:Medium
Synopsis:Basically, it's an extension of a level 40-45 hero arc, but there are no spoilers. Mostly, I ran around thinking what if there really was a place called Crustacean Fancy Pants Plaza, took notes on the arc, and threw in one or two of my toons because they seemed to fit in with what would be the story. You'll either get all the allusions, some of the allusions, or will just think it's total wackiness, so it's not for everybody, but some will love it.
Estimated Time to Play:30 minutes average, I'd say
Link to More Details or Feedback:Just use the Victory Feedback thread.
Arc ID:4345
Creator Global/Forum Name:Jack Drek
Difficulty Level:Easy to Hard (see below)
Synopsis:It's starts with you going undercover in a startup hero group to cause some mayhem.... Note-This can be easier or harder, depending on how much you wish to do, notes will appear in the arc, for example, suggesting that you ignore the first villain AV and allow the mission to fail.
Estimated Time to Play:30 minutes average, again depends on what you do.
Link to More Details or Feedback:See above arc.
Arc Name:Volunteer Firefighting
Arc ID:128512
Creator Global/Forum Name:Jack Drek
Difficulty Level:Easy
Synopsis:Run errands for the fire department. There are no AVs or EBs, though the last villain group can be fairly tough.
Estimated Time to Play:Soloed it in 17 minutes.
Link to More Details or Feedback:See above arcs -
From what I've seen, a favorite farmer tactic is to make groups that have nothing but bosses. I'm not sure why (better ticket rewards over time maybe?). I haven't really investigated the farming stuff too much, just what I hit when I was trying for the early bird badge.
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Simply put, more tickets per mob. Remember me commenting about how I had a virtual arc (which I refuse to publish because of the no story/defeat all thing) with nothing but AVs that would always spawn as EBs? Well, it was giving no tickets after a quarter way into the map in a full team before the team tickets were changed, but with most of them on extreme/extreme, I went back to solo it and probably averaged over 25 virtual tickets a mob.... Only a couple didn't drop tickets. In fact, I found a published mission last night which had about half a dozen ambushes from EB only groups, obviously to boost the ticket count.
[/ QUOTE ]
Jack there is another thing that could cause the EB only ambushes.
The ambushes won't allow just a single to come. If you have an ambush group and only want and EB to ambush it will come out with an entire spawn of EBs. I had this issue in my arc when we first played it. The last boss fight got insane. I had to go make new special mobs that were LTs instead to get the difficulty about where I wanted it.
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Well, in this case, the ambushes, mission, etc... didn't exactly have a story and were clearly being used to create more things to get tickets from.
And yes, you can set a single elite boss to "ambush" you by using the defeat boss function and selecting the appropriate surrounding enemies group, but it rarely really works correctly because you have to hope there's another spawn point nearby (best on smaller maps, as well). If you use the ambush function, you can only choose a villain group, so you're not choosing a specific enemy to fight, unless that enemy will spawn within a villain group spawn. -
From what I've seen, a favorite farmer tactic is to make groups that have nothing but bosses. I'm not sure why (better ticket rewards over time maybe?). I haven't really investigated the farming stuff too much, just what I hit when I was trying for the early bird badge.
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Simply put, more tickets per mob. Remember me commenting about how I had a virtual arc (which I refuse to publish because of the no story/defeat all thing) with nothing but AVs that would always spawn as EBs? Well, it was giving no tickets after a quarter way into the map in a full team before the team tickets were changed, but with most of them on extreme/extreme, I went back to solo it and probably averaged over 25 virtual tickets a mob.... Only a couple didn't drop tickets. In fact, I found a published mission last night which had about half a dozen ambushes from EB only groups, obviously to boost the ticket count.
As for Voodoo, I completely agree. I try to avoid the defeat all maps, even if there is a story line purpose to it, partly because it just takes that much extra time where I could be testing out any other arc. I WILL say that defeat alls don't have to be annoyingly time consuming. I've used them, but I usually make sure to add allies, including maybe patrols as allies or battles, etc.... Patrols seem to make them go the quickest (for a published example, see my arc "SPLICE" mission 3, though that mission does have a boss/EB at the end). -
However, if you list your arc publicly are you not asking for a public response?
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In a simple word, no. Some people posted their arc just so that people on Victory would know they had one, so that it would not be lost in a sea of 10 thousand other arcs. Some people wanted the praise or critique. Some people just want to learn HOW to make an arc. And some just want the tickets for the badges. If someone specifically asks for comments, then by all means, comment away, but I do not think that is what people were all looking for.
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I get your point.... It is sad when no one plays an arc that isn't rated 5, so some people aren't gonna want their arcs rated just because of that.
But here's a counterpoint with a counterexample: My not yet publicly posted arc (ID:3009 I believe named "Crustacean Fancy Pants Plaza)," but was publicly posted on the test server would probably be better off and more played than it is now if people were talking about it on the forums. No one tested it on the test server, so the minute I fixed the major bugs and published it to live, I announced it in a couple channels and within the time it took to run it, I had two simultaneous votes and two feedback messages. One seemed to love it, and the other seemed to hate it. I was left with an overall rating of 3 or 4 and since that day, have had only a third person vote who gave no feedback and left me with an overall rating of 3. Since then, I've fixed at least one glaring issue (we are talking about an arc that ran roughly 99.97% in file size to begin with).
So, look at it this way. Even if it deserved less than an overall 3, I'm gonna get less people playing it, unless someone talks about it. It's obviously one of those arcs that people either really like or don't like. If you didn't like it, I don't blame you, since I really wanted to delve much more into the story than I did. That may partly be my failure as a writer, as common teaching suggests good writing is also concise, eg, in the AE tutorial, mission dialog should be kept to a paragraph at most. It may also be that I had three custom groups running around and hoped people could catch the allusions a little more than I'd normally ask them to. So, considering how unconcise I've been, here (sorry, my fingers get to typing and they just don't seem to stop), the point is for the missions that aren't as well liked I'd think it's better for people to discuss what's wrong so it can either be fixed, highlight it's virtues, but most importantly, keep attention on it, so it can continue to be play tested. And let's face it, there is a point where some arcs really are better than others and some of the ones with higher rankings don't necessarily make sense to me (eg, I saw a farm mission with no dialog the other day on page one ranked by rating with several votes. I gave it a one).
But, I do agree civility should be kept in mind, on all sides, not just the testing responses but the author responses, as well. -
Arc ID 17747: A Most Precious Cargo
Rating: 5/5
Notes: Ran it twice, once on test
Overall: Decent use of a mix of enemies, standard and custom. -
Arc ID 36974: V'kta A'cha Vox'm
Rating: 5/5
Notes: My biggest complaint was supposedly fixed. Note to all - if you want your NPC allies to follow you around, don't give them Earth Armor: Rooted where they may spawn in a ditch.
Overall: Really enjoyable story that fits well in the CoH universe. -
Arc 6788: Bad Bad Bad Bad Boys
Rating: 3/5
Notes: annoying map, way too many objectives, super gay.
Overall: Other than the overly gay themes it wasn't too bad. Decent use of multiple objectives for a mission, but the map was annoying. Clearly not aimed at my demographic, but otherwise reasonable.
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My rating for the same arc: (I forget... probably a 5, might've been 4)
Notes: Lots of Incubi, but you'd know that from the start....
Overall: Annoying objectives had me running back and forth from one end to the other. Now that I think about it, might have been better split up into multiple missions than having to re-hunt down objectives. -
I was wondering what to do about our missions, actually. I was debating whether we should just have a review thread to compliment the MA list thread, or what?
But I dunno, I would encourage careful writing and receptions of reviews. On the receiving end, people can be altogether too defensive when they receive any feedback, even if it's being kind and helpful. It's also important to be careful of tone when you're writing feedback or a review. Do NOT follow the lead of those crappy movie reviewers that think it's their job to insult the maker as much and as wittily as possible.
I think following both guidelines will help review be helpful, rather than a bad/negative thing.
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I totally agree. "Feedback" threads can easily become flame threads. The two arcs I've got (yet to be posted on the boards) have gotten mixed feedback from two or three people, some loved them, some hated, but every sent feedback was at least civil and I've actually made a couple minor adjustments based on feedback.
The only problem with a thread like this is we may not understand someone's personal ranking system. Basically, my rating system judges whether an arc is incomplete/fits in the CoX universe. If it's got really poor writing, it usually doesn't fit in the CoX universe, for example.
I'll give anything five stars if it makes sense in the CoH world and is complete (i.e., explains everything that needs to be explained in the arc). If it's just one mission that says more to come later with a really creative premise that fits in with the major CoX characters, I'll mark it down to four, because imo, you shouldn't be publishing an arc until the arc is ready to be published. If it's complete, but forgets to mention something important to the plot, eg, you say "something" drove Statesman crazy enough to fight the Freedom Phalanx, but you never mention what in five mission, I'd also mark it down to four. Three if there's really a lot of other things missing (eg, no NPC descriptions, minimal dialog, etc...) or if it's fully flushed out but there's something that really just doesn't make sense in the CoX world (eg, the arc consists of Clockwork summoning demons to take out Penelope Yin). Two if the dialog is a bare minimum, but enough to make sense, etc....
When I get down to to marking three, I usually say it needs to be finished before I can judge it fully, and when we're talking about less than three, I wouldn't usually give any feedback, because we're talking about bare minimums in story line and I'd guess that I just wasn't understanding what they were getting at or that there wasn't any real purpose to the mission besides, say, fighting an entire army of EBs. When I gave out five stars, however, I'd tend to point out minor fixes that could help them, eg, typos, minor playability fixes, etc....
AoE and 'Cones' don't always crit, remember, because then (if you could line them up) you'd always crit multi targets.
I look forward to a detailed explanation of how this will work.
Glad you asked. Basically, Level advantage in PvE, Lts, Bosses, AV's, and Monsters had To Hit bonuses. This made Defense not scale properly. We changed them so that instead of To Hit bonuses, they have Accuracy bonuses. What that means is, Defense is applied before their bonus, rather than after. Since Accuracy is a multiplier, it is multiplying a small base value than before.
For instance, an AV had a base To Hit of 75%. If a player had 25% Defense, the AV would have had a 50% chance to hit.
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Thank bleep! I was long waiting for some sort of switch between acc and tohit was made. Of course, this does nothing for PvP, but it sounds like it'll make it so I can run missions again and spend some more time PvEing in PvP zones, without expecting the mobs to get me long before a player even sees me. -
I think what I'm most worried about in storm's scenario is not the percent, but that when it starts to fall apart is when you're getting hurt the most and need it the most. I.e., once you started getting hurt enough, you'd get hurt fast and probably die instantly.
I think the design is fine, now, but I do think the numbers need to be upped. I don't see what's wrong with reaching the max resistance numbers if we're only gonna have them for a short time anyway, but really the 60% range is where it's a little low, imo. In other words, I don't mind the 60% being lower than other numbers, but think of it this way, Defiance does something like 10% more once you hit the 60% mark, but resistance for SR is only 2%ish per passive (compounded)? I'd prefer at least 3%-5%, but at these current levels, it's just not an acceptable compensation considering since ED imo our defense is negligible. For same level mobs, my Blaster can provide comparable results, and in fact, my Defender can provide comparable results solo and comparable damage increase to a team, healing to a team, etc.... In other words, it's not just that SR secondaries behind other Scrappers (which I feel we are, too), it's that overall, SR Scrappers are behind other ATs, now. -
Wasn't Hide changed near the end of Beta to protect from all damage types and positions precisely so it would stack with energy's defences?
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I strongly think Hide currently stacks with EA, from the way I've seen EA operate (I've faced lotsa EA Stalkers in the past week or two, and there's no way they had a total defense of under 50%, and probably more like 60%).
edit in response to storm's post> I don't think that'd work. The way it seems to be now is to work on a curve so that if you had one passive, you'd resist about 1% of your total health if you slowly took your total health in damage. I don't know if you resist 100% with only 1% health and recover and take dmg or if it's on a graduated scale (ask someone else), but I don't think we want to take no damage when at full health... that just seems like we'd never get hurt. -
ACC / Length of miss streak before we force a hit
>90 / 1
80-90 / 2
60-80 / 3
30-50 / 4
20-30 / 6
10-20 / 8
1-10 / 100
[/ QUOTE ]
The only thing that bugs me about this chart is that about a year ago, there was an argument about the streak breaker on the Scrapper forum and someone claimed to have logged over 100 consecutive misses. I can not confirm the actual count nor can I confirm that there were no uncontrolled variables involved in the test itself (eg, maybe the mob attacked someone else, too, and hit?), but certainly since then, the prevailing argument has been that the streakbreaker never really comes into play significantly enough to negatively affect defensive sets. Certainly, the numbers from this chart show otherwise.
For instance, with a 33% chance to hit, you'd have a 64/729 chance to miss 5 times in a row, or roughly a 1/12 chance to miss 6 times in a row and automatically hit the 7th time. 1/12 is pretty significant. -
Time for me to start recruiting for Purple?'s SG.... Since no one went to great lengths to join it as a "pool power" oriented SG, I'm changing the type of SG a little....
Name: Purple's Pool Party
Server: Victory
Colors: Purple (must like purple)
Essentially, it will be a casual SG, nothing required other than nettiquette (no teamspeak, pvp, level limits, etc...). Players that expect to be inactive are welcome to join. The idea is to have a fun-based SG (and to get a nice purple base started). We may/may not have party type events/contests).
Contact: @Jack Drek or Purple? on Victory -
Thanks for the thought, but I don't think it's going to work. "Minor damage resistance" isn't going to save us when we're dying from something that's easily smacking us around, and anything more than a minor +DR isn't fair to users of some of the other sets.
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Yes, it will. ANd here's why. without getting into exact possible +res numbers.
SR is about getting lucky at times and unlucky at others, with a bias towards getting luckier and luckier the more you train. The more mobs you have attacking you, the less likelier you are to be either unluckier or luckier than the bias would have you set at.
In simpler terms, if you have 25% def or whatever, that doesn't mean you'll always be hit 1 in 4 times, sometimes you may be hit twice and sometimes not at all. It's even quite probable you'll be hit three times (something like a 1/14 possibility). But, if you get attacked 20 times, you're no where near as likely to get hit 15 or more times. Just like flipping a coin, you could easily believe it would come up the same twice, but 100 times in a row is a little on the dubious side.
What's this have to do with this? Minor reswill help you survive one more attack, maybe more, depending on exactly how much res. Sure, something that can two shot will probably still two shot even with this res, but most mobs we face do less damage than that. We'll be able to survive maybe thirteen minion hits, if before we survived only a dozen. Or 4 or 5 Boss hits if before we only survived 3 or 4. The problem is without this resistance, we can be "unlucky" and receive 10 hits out of 20, but 11 is at least a little less common, and so we'll definitely be surviving more than we would under the current system. -
Sounds good. I'd rather have +res all the time and not ever be under 60% HP, but it happens and happens a lot...and I keep fighting until either all the baddies are dead or until I'm dead. So, it's a good thing.
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Even if you didn't fight, and wanted to run... well, you'll get hit in the back for less, now -
1) For thematic purposes i.e. this is a form of rolling with punch, it would great if the +RES could be to Melee/Ranged/AoE as are the passives. In addition, they should be negated when our +DEF is eliminated.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was just assuming it was a generic resistance to all?
2) It'd be great if the amount of +RES was tied to the amount of +DEF.
3) Please don't let us slot for +RES. It will mean you will have to set a lower base value, and, those slots we got back from ED will be consumed. I like the slots I got back. However, in the spirit of customization, I suspect you will let us slot it.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm hoping they let us slot it, because there's no history of +res being based off of +def values, so the +res value would be unenhanceable. A lower +res, yet enhanceable, base should be good because we are dealing with the impending ED and 2-3 slots max enhancement effectiveness for DEF anyway.
4) Please make the description of the power term his as "damage mitigation" and not resistance. I agree with others who say that "resistance" breaks the theme. Let the description dissuade players from thinking of this as toughness or armor.
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Nah, call it what it is. We don't have to cater to everyone who can't figure out that +RES can be attained by dodging, luckiness, or agility just as easily as +DEF.
5) As far as the numbers, it'll be interesting to hear how you want this to help us. In other words, what situation should /SR be better at because of this. Can an AV that would normally two shot us still be able to two shot us?
[/ QUOTE ]
Obviously, an AV will still be able to two shot us, we don't even need to know the RES numbers to know that. Most of them could one shot us, but for those that don't, then we'll be much too low on health and even if we got hit for 80%, and capped our RES at 75%, the next hit would kill.... Unless we healed a little by then. I strongly suspect we won't be hitting the RES cap, though, at low health with our passives, lol.
6) Again on numbers, if the "lucky" aspect of the set is to be preserved, you could make the resistance variable a la <omitted> so that it has a % chance to kick in after X hit points. And subsequently, it could a very high lvl of damage mitigation without being overpowered.
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Ewww, yuck! We're already getting a lower chance to be hit for that ability to start getting the RES, don't we want the RES to work everytime we're suddenly having an anxiety attack because we're hurting bad? -
Ahh, this will be good with ED coming.. we CAN diversify our enhancements, at least
. Or will we not be able to slot this?
It still won't provide "one" shot protection, but 2-3 shot protection will be good -
As some players have pointed out, Defense builds (Super Reflexes, Ice Armor, Stone Armor to a degree) have an inherent weakness in that there are a plethora of powers that debuff Defense in PvE and PvP.
In order to rectify this situation, we will be adding a Resistance to Defense Debuffs to a number of powers. This Resistance will not be enhanceable, but it will increase over level.
The Resistance % for the powers and Archetypes are as follows. The two numbers represent the Resistance at levels 1 and 50, respectively:
Super Reflexes
Focused Fighting: 4/21.6
Focused Senses: 4/21.6
Agile: 2/10.8
Dodge: 2/10.8
Lucky: 2/10.8
Evasion: 4/21.6
Elude: 10/54
Ice Armor
Frozen Armor: 5.2/27.2
Wet Ice: 5.2/27.2
Glacial Armor: 5.3/27.2
Stone Armor
Rock Armor: 5.2/27.2
Rooted: 5.2/27.2
Crystal Armor: 5.2/27.2
Granite Armor: 13/68
The way this works is that the % above represent the amount subtracted from the incoming Defense Debuff. For instance, a level 50 Scrapper with Agile has any incoming Defense Debuff lessened by 10.8%.
Our general philosophy was to make it so that a player could achieve at level 50 high protection against Defense debuffs; a Defense build absolutely depends on the enemy missing his attacks!
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I don't understand.... Do these "stack?" If I pop Elude with all toggles and passives, does that mean I totally resist defense debuffs at level 50? Or do I just take the Elude number?
I'll assume they don't stack, but that only solves the problem of the plethora of def debuffs (which I guess is what you were going for). It doesn't solve the plethora of large tohit buffs. Nor does it solve that defense debuffs are additive and resistance debuffs are multiplied (i.e., with resistance you can never have equal resistance than someone without resistance, but you CAN have an equal chance of being hit when debuffed with or without defense).
edit - missed the last post by States somehow. Still, SR is the only one that will potentiall be able to get 100% or more def debuff resistance, so the two other issues still apply, when it's NOT at 100% or more.