PvPrinciples on Victory?
*throws down a glove*
I totally challenge you to a Glad match. Just no mages or widows. BRING IT!
As for other pvp...I'm just rep bait. I suck so bad.
...a glaad match?
Main Server:Victory
***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***
In PvP zones anyone is fair game, but it's up to you. Some people duel in zones, you can choose to let them be or attack them. Honestly doesn't matter that much, if they really wanna be left alone they can do so in arena matches.
Insps are fair as well, anyone who says they are cheating have no idea what they are talking about. Insps are generally patches for any build in PvP, if you are an SR scrapper you have no heal so grab a bunch of greens. If you are an Assault Rifle blaster you lack burst damage so grab reds.
- Can I also work on other PvE badges such as defeats or dmg or even prestige badges in PvP zones if the opportunity presents itself?
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- Can I also work on other PvE badges such as defeats or dmg or even prestige badges in PvP zones if the opportunity presents itself?
[/ QUOTE ]Damage, Mez ect badges do count in PvP zones but I wouldnt suggest farming those badges there. Your most likely gonna be target more often than others.
- Mercy Rules? I would say that taking down a obviously much weaker opponent more than three times is enough for me to move on to bigger fish. I think thats a personal choice, but is there such a thing practiced openly?
[/ QUOTE ] Just personal choice.
- ...and seriously guys, between us pvpers: Do IOs make a difference? No need to give me the whole "it really the player behind the toon" speech. If that toon you've been harassed by or harassing either lost or gained that uber-IO build would the tables be seriously turned?
[/ QUOTE ] Yes they do, IO's can turn bad players into average ones or great PvPers into unstoppable ones.
- Will i miss much turning off zone broadcast? Or do I not have to worry about much "pwnage" or "i roxxorz!" chatter?
[/ QUOTE ] Personal choice mostly but i suggest the one thing not to do in PvP zones is complain, just take your lumps and continue forth. Complaining about stuff or whining only gets you killed and targeted more.
- Is there a "Band of Brothers" i should be wary of trying to take on or antagonize? (if the answer to that question will lead to calling someone or some persons out unjustly or as personal vendettas, i would appreciate a PM instead)
Few other things.
1. Practice PvPing. Don't expect to go into zones and roll people. A lot of really good PvPers have been pvping since PvP was released.
2. PvP is totally different than PvE. Powers react differently, some AT's or powersets perform better than others. Heal Suppression, Diminishing Returns, PvP resistance.
3. NPC's however still react the same but in PvP zones they are not affected by DR. This may make them a bit tougher.
PvP night is I think every monday night around 9 Eastern in Pocket D.
- In a pvp zone, are farmers truly fair-game or do I have to send a written proposal declaring my intent to harm, as well as having a spare white glove to smack across the face and adamantly challenge in a commanding southern accent? Or do i just punch-punch-pow?
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Most zone pvpers will attack anything that is "orange". It is fair game to attack people who are farming, they will often complain but honestly if you are farming in a PvP zone you should expect to be attacked at some point.
Having said that, I will often send a tell to someone who is clearly farming. "Are you here to just farm or pvp as well?" If they say just farming, I will leave them alone.
- Inspiration-usage is fair game right? I have seem some whining about running back and forth to the vendors is lame in the past, but with the new changes does that even matter anymore, much less is it still much of an issue?
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If you have it in your tray pop it! You will get people who cry "way to pop!" Its zone pvp not a duel so use anything and everything at your disposal because you opponent may.
However, if you agree to "fight club" someone (Lets meet under Atlas in RV or at the rings in Siren's) then typically you are agreeing to duel without insp usage, just ask what you can and can't use.
- Mercy Rules? I would say that taking down a obviously much weaker opponent more than three times is enough for me to move on to bigger fish. I think thats a personal choice, but is there such a thing practiced openly?
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Sadly, not really.
- Is there a "Band of Brothers" i should be wary of trying to take on or antagonize? (if the answer to that question will lead to calling someone or some persons out unjustly or as personal vendettas, i would appreciate a PM instead)
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- ...and seriously guys, between us pvpers: Do IOs make a difference? No need to give me the whole "it really the player behind the toon" speech. If that toon you've been harassed by or harassing either lost or gained that uber-IO build would the tables be seriously turned?
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IO's can make a huge difference.
- Will i miss much turning off zone broadcast? Or do I not have to worry about much "pwnage" or "i roxxorz!" chatter?
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You may miss some very interesting conversations. As well as someone trying to just talk to you. If you are not easily frustrated by trash talk, keep it on. If you do get worked up easily.... keep it off.
- Can I also work on other PvE badges such as defeats or dmg or even prestige badges in PvP zones if the opportunity presents itself?
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- Finally, turning to arenas, do gladiator matches share the same badge code as a regular CoX avatar match? I mean, since the healing badge is shared, does the defeat/dmg/held code work in the same way?
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No idea. Sorry.
- Is there really any harm to turning on the option to have a arena battle count towards you "stats"? Does the "stats" info field have an on/off feature in zone pvp?
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zone does not have such a feature.
Thank you in advance!
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Thank you for your interest. See you in the zones .
To not wall of text here, I just cut off the end of the questions.
- In a pvp zone, are farmers....: It really depends on the person. It is rather easy to see if someone is farming or not so you don't have to go in and display an intent to fight.
- Inspiration-usage is fair game right?....: If you don't use them, you're a fool. If someone tries to call you out on them, just call them a moron and be on your way.
- Mercy Rules?...: Again, depends on the person. After I kill someone a few times, I tend to just stand around and let them do what they do. If they continue to attack me, I will go really easy on them but ultimately kill them. They usually don't do that though. Some people will farm you like there is nothing left to do in this game(lol, get it?).
- Is there a "Band of Brothers"....: There's a few Just don't talk trash to people, it's soooo i6. And it just makes you look bad.
- ...and seriously guys, between us pvpers...: IO's make too much of a difference if you ask me. The game has continually been made into an easy mode version of it's former self, IOs being the main factor followed by DR. I would say that the current balance is about 70% build, 30% skill. These even out more at the test level though.
- Will i miss much turning off zone broadcast?...: I would keep it. People get chatty when fighting each other, not necessarily just trash talk. It helps to communicate.
- Can I also work on other PvE badges...: You get credit for all your badges just like in PvE. I wouldn't go in to work on them, but you do get credit.
- Finally, turning to arenas, do gladiator matches share the same badge code as a regular CoX avatar match?....: You would have to ask the badgers. The only badges most of us could tell you the best way to get are those for accolades.
- Is there really any....: Arena only rankings, which are irrelevant.
I have been craving some more PvP on Victory for a while, ended up transferring a character to Infinity since it has better zones. If you need any tips, build help, etc etc related to PvP, shoot me a tell, I will be more than willing to help. Also...
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Rofl :P
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Shouldn't you be playing a nightelf or something? Its a shame to see you go Solo, you were always interesting to say the least.
GLHF on that other game.
Thanks for the replies all. I did a little round-robin of the zones last night and even a quick arena match last night. I might give one particular zone a run tonight to try and get the location badges at the very least.
Some two follow up questions:
1) Are they going to fix it so that PvE rules apply to critters in a PvP environment?
2) Why is +acc such the big deal in PvP builds i've seen, or is it just a by-product of another goal when forming a PvP build?
Main Server:Victory
***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***
@Celt on VICTORY!
Heroes - Mr. BoJangles, Boom-stick, GalacticCelt, Hap Hazard, Judas Cradle, Knotwork, Riddle of Flame, Archangel Lucius, Boomerang, Mrs. BoJangles
Villains - Mike Brady
1)I'm not sure what you mean by PvE rules applying to critters(im assuming NPCs). They do apply to them in pvp zones. What people are trying to state is that NPCs do not follow the same DR rules as players, so if a player mezs you it has a very short duration however, if a NPC mezs you it has the same duration as in PvE (which will often allow players to then swarm you and defeat you).
2) Acc is important because you can't defeat what you can't hit. Yes it is just that simple. Some builds are very def heavy, widows and SR brutes come to mind. Some builds debuff your to-hit, rads/storms/darks. If you lack acc either of these types of builds will take your lunch money and give you a swirlie. Acc is important also for the reason that if we have identical builds but I hit you 4 out of 5 times and you only hit me 3 out of 5 times, I should win in a fight (not always, but usually).
Another important aspect to build for is recharge, for the same reason, if I can "trow fire" 4 times in 4 secs and you can only throw fire 3 times in 4 secs..... you get my point. If you build massive amounts of recharge you can also get some really nice powers to be perma or pretty darn close: dull pain/mind link/domination comes to mind.
Peril and Solo both stated that IO's can make an average player into a good pvper, this is true for duels. However, my understanding is you are also talking about zones, and honestly, the best deffense/offense in zone is to be on a good team. Working together a small group can often beat a larger less organized group, and even the best pvper can be overwhelmed by a herd of talentless cats.
oh and hi VV.
2) Why is +acc such the big deal in PvP builds i've seen, or is it just a by-product of another goal when forming a PvP build?
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Keep in mind that your base tohit vs other players is 50%. It's basically like trying tohit +3 mobs. Now tack on any extra defense and Elusivity on top of that.
Before you can do anything to your opponent you must be able to hit them.
Hey y'all why can't we just be friends.
Kid_CP, out!
No one told me that PvP IOs drop in zone-pvp! I thought it was only in arena! I was running around and tagging some random villian in BB the other day and he got a drop off of one of my deaths. I should have dug further but was too tired to inquire more about how that was possible, i could have sworn that someone told me "arena-only" for the IOs except for gladiator matches.
Was I lied to/misinformed?
Main Server:Victory
***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***
Was I lied to/misinformed?
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Including now. >.>
Hope I was helpful.
I've already forgotten about most of you

PvP recipes drop in zone and arena PvP, Im not sure about Gladiators thhough. Gladiators arn't really PvP it's more PvE.
pvp recipes drop from defeating players in zone or arena. glad matches do NOT drop pvp recipes.
hmm...then i sense there might be profit in this little badge endeavor here!
Main Server:Victory
***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***
Elusivity?! WTF?
*sigh* I just want to punch people.
Main Server:Victory
***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***
Okay, this sucks I had a decently written reply that timed out, back button, copy and pasted and I just copy/pasted the original post. Here's the gist:
In a pvp zone, are farmers truly fair-game...?
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Yes, they're fair game. I hate it when it happens to me, but so long as they're out there. But see the question about multi-kills....
Inspiration-usage is fair game right?
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Along with "Is Elude fair game" or "Hide/Assassin Strike" or "Mez": Yes, they're fair game. We have an excessively large amount of powers available in this game, we're not just dark clerics and holy knights and balancing the two. Balancing Tanker Ice Melee v. Blaster Devices v. Stalker Regen doesn't always make sense all the time, and adding possible team combinations to balance gets even more difficult, so there will be better PvPing AT combinations on some characters than others. If a dominator mezzes my gimpy "Purple?" character who I've brought into RV for PvPing fun, before, and he double teams me with a Stalker, he shouldn't complain if I pop a tray full of inspirations and somehow manage to survive and kill him. I personally don't like to have to reload tons of insps, nor do I like to have to hide and run right after an initial strike, etc..., but it's part of the game.
[quote[Mercy Rules? I would say that taking down a obviously much weaker opponent more than three times is enough for me to move on to bigger fish. I think thats a personal choice, but is there such a thing practiced openly?
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There's nothing official, and there are those that actually do it. I get annoyed when badge hunting and it's done to me over and over when there's no rep and I'm not fighting back, so if someone doesn't fight back, I usually won't kill them more than once. Otherwise, they're pretty much asking to PvP....
Is there a "Band of Brothers" i should be wary of trying to take on or antagonize?
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As far as I know, none of the PvP oriented supergroups will actually actively hunt you down in PvP zones because you ticked off one of them once upon a time, but it's probably best to follow general gaming decorum. Sure trash talking and agitation will occur, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to really harass anyone at all.
Do IOs make a difference?
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They do not. Because before going to RV to fight, everyone must go to Ouroboros and run a no enhancement task force. Well, short of that happening, I guess they would make a difference.
Will i miss much turning off zone broadcast? Or do I not have to worry about much "pwnage" or "i roxxorz!" chatter?
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Yes, you will miss it. PvPing is competitive, so of course, just like in basketball, you will hear some people say they rock and you suck, you will hear others that love to compliment you and/or your build, and you will hear others that just wanna talk in general. Before PvP even existed, though, I moved Broadcast off my chat tab and left it only on my global tab like Request. That way I don't have to worry about stupid "Atlas"-style chatter unless I feel like scrolling back.
Can I also work on other PvE badges such as defeats or dmg or even prestige badges in PvP zones if the opportunity presents itself?
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Here's where I gave you a whole list of things to defeat in all the PvP zones, which I won't do again (sorry ), but you can go ahead and fight/do that kind of stuff in your spare time while you're waiting between PvP battles. There will be plenty of downtime.
Finally, turning to arenas, do gladiator matches share the same badge code as a regular CoX avatar match? I mean, since the healing badge is shared, does the defeat/dmg/held code work in the same way?
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No, as far as I understand. You're defeating someone's henchmen, so you're not defeating a freak tank, for example, you're not taking dmg, your henchmen are, and you're not being held. It's different for healing because if your pets do healing, you get progress towards the badge. I haven't heard of a healing farm in a while, though, so that even may have been nerfed.
Is there really any harm to turning on the option to have a arena battle count towards you "stats"? Does the "stats" info field have an on/off feature in zone pvp?
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I haven't done arena stuff in a while, and stats are only for the arena. But I do recall back when the Arena was still in test, I tried to run rated matches, but would lag out and half the time it would add it as a lost match, probably because the other guy got me before I had a chance to log back in, and won it 1-0.... I.e., watch out for lag, if you're worried about your arena stats. Also, try unrated matches for a while until you know what sort of rated matches you'd want, as there are options you can choose, let alone players you'll know whether or not you want to have them count against your tally. There used to be (not sure again, since I haven't paid much attention to the arena in a while) a badge, even for winning a rated match.
2) Why is +acc such the big deal in PvP builds i've seen, or is it just a by-product of another goal when forming a PvP build?
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Keep in mind that your base tohit vs other players is 50%. It's basically like trying tohit +3 mobs. Now tack on any extra defense and Elusivity on top of that.
Before you can do anything to your opponent you must be able to hit them.
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What Sarrate says is true. Keep in mind, PvP does not play like PvE. Back right before Arena matches were introduced on test, I hopped onto a Last Man Standing match on my DM/SR... managed to get myself locked into combat with another level 50 Broadsword/Regen, popped Elude, he literally missed me twice (maybe even only once) then promptly hit me three times in a row killing me and then complained about how powerful Elude was because he couldn't hit me.
That was way back before Elusivity. But for all those who complain that SR simply dominates, all you used to have to do is train a decent amount of tohit powers and slot them (keep in mind Broadsword has defense debuff, and even if I had def debuff resistance at the time, it maxed at 90% verse Build Up and Focused Acc). E.g., Focused Accuracy and Build Up would have completely negated my Elude AND toggles if slotted up, meaning at least a third of the time, you'd hit me.... Stack on some defense debuff (or just use a heck of a lot of it before there was a cap per person) and I'd be in a decent amount of trouble, since defense is literally my only defense....
Now add Elusivity to that, and basically you'll need as much +acc and +tohit as possible, or at least 3 +acc set bonuses plus the old acc enhancements you'd use for regular mobs, it seems, to counteract the 30% SR seems to give you... unless you want to whiff a lot against defense builds.
Thanks for the replies!
Oh, and apparently it seems that just as soon as I started to PVP they "mysteriously" turn off all rewards (cash/prestige/IO drops) from PVP.
Hopefully its fixed soon, but if its not? Well....i am a Regen, so maybe they nerfed PvP to get at me? My fault guys
Main Server:Victory
***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***
Niv its a bug.
See Castle's post.
Hopefully it will be fixed soon, untill then expect all the prices of PvP-O's to sky rocket.
If you need any tips, build help, etc etc related to PvP, shoot me a tell, I will be more than willing to help.
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Offering help on how to rule pvp with an Nrg/Dark Corr again Peril?
So, as I have come to notice that my badge counter has stayed idle for a little to long, I have decided to enter the joy that is PvP. Now I did some perusing of the PvP section of the boards and even snuck into test to do some pre-i15 'scouting of the talent' so I do see what I'm going against.
However, I do have some questions that I want to throw out to the Victory crowd as maybe some unwritten rules of the server/game like:
- In a pvp zone, are farmers truly fair-game or do I have to send a written proposal declaring my intent to harm, as well as having a spare white glove to smack across the face and adamantly challenge in a commanding southern accent? Or do i just punch-punch-pow?
- Inspiration-usage is fair game right? I have seem some whining about running back and forth to the vendors is lame in the past, but with the new changes does that even matter anymore, much less is it still much of an issue?
- Mercy Rules? I would say that taking down a obviously much weaker opponent more than three times is enough for me to move on to bigger fish. I think thats a personal choice, but is there such a thing practiced openly?
- Is there a "Band of Brothers" i should be wary of trying to take on or antagonize? (if the answer to that question will lead to calling someone or some persons out unjustly or as personal vendettas, i would appreciate a PM instead)
- ...and seriously guys, between us pvpers: Do IOs make a difference? No need to give me the whole "it really the player behind the toon" speech. If that toon you've been harassed by or harassing either lost or gained that uber-IO build would the tables be seriously turned?
- Will i miss much turning off zone broadcast? Or do I not have to worry about much "pwnage" or "i roxxorz!" chatter?
- Can I also work on other PvE badges such as defeats or dmg or even prestige badges in PvP zones if the opportunity presents itself?
- Finally, turning to arenas, do gladiator matches share the same badge code as a regular CoX avatar match? I mean, since the healing badge is shared, does the defeat/dmg/held code work in the same way?
- Is there really any harm to turning on the option to have a arena battle count towards you "stats"? Does the "stats" info field have an on/off feature in zone pvp?
Thank you in advance!
Main Server:Victory
***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***