Super Reflexes buff




I mean... you, like, know this is live already, right? And it has been for... I mean, a long time now.

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And what? That means I can't comment on it?

All I'm saying is that you don't see characters in the comics getting hit all that much if they possess this kind of power - As far as I'm concerned a game about superheroes should try and stick close to its genre.

Does anyone disagree with that statement?

If big old bosses are hitting the /SR character too easy then there is a flaw in the implmentation of Super Reflexes and it should be fixed.

(goes for invunerabilty too for that matter - invunerable, don't make me laugh, more like "slighty tougher than the average joe" than bullet bouncing hard bodies).

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yeah, but if SR never got hit, except for AOE's, well, there would be a big nerf cry, and the devs would take SR in the same alley they took regen and beat it with the nerf bat till it screamed.



Too many people believe that every power combination/ AT should be comparable to each other. Some power sets should be more effective against some sets, while weaker against others. Paper, Rock, Siccissor style.

Some heroes are just more effective in differing circumstances - The Martian Manhunter and Superman are comparable - but I wouldn't send the Manhunter to take on a firebeast. I have no problem with COH characters being more effective (even at the same level) against different foes.



Too many people believe that every power combination/ AT should be comparable to each other. Some power sets should be more effective against some sets, while weaker against others. Paper, Rock, Siccissor style.

Some heroes are just more effective in differing circumstances - The Martian Manhunter and Superman are comparable - but I wouldn't send the Manhunter to take on a firebeast. I have no problem with COH characters being more effective (even at the same level) against different foes.

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On that note to bad they couldn't change the code so we could modify the powers to give you a slightly higher defnse against one type of attack at the expense of the defense of lowered effectiveness against another type. I'm sure there's quite a few people who would do this modification in order to make their toon fit with a concept they have in mind.

Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".



Too many people believe that every power combination/ AT should be comparable to each other. Some power sets should be more effective against some sets, while weaker against others. Paper, Rock, Siccissor style.

Some heroes are just more effective in differing circumstances - The Martian Manhunter and Superman are comparable - but I wouldn't send the Manhunter to take on a firebeast. I have no problem with COH characters being more effective (even at the same level) against different foes.

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On that note to bad they couldn't change the code so we could modify the powers to give you a slightly higher defnse against one type of attack at the expense of the defense of lowered effectiveness against another type. I'm sure there's quite a few people who would do this modification in order to make their toon fit with a concept they have in mind.

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Too continue this thread jack I belive blasters should get an always on power for resistance against a chosen element they wield fire didnt hurt the torch ..



This does not feel right to me, super reflexes are for doging, evasion. Not "rolling with the punch", that kind of thing should be under brawling. In Super Reflexes I want more DEF.

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The only problem with your request, is that there is a 5% hard cap on defense. [...] While resistance also has a hard cap ([correction - 90%]), it works better than defense when it comes to handling damage. Defense is very binary; you're either hit, or you're not. Resistance, on the other hand, is scalable, but always works.

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In other words, the basic issue is as follows: If you have hit the Resistance cap, then you can fight a theoretical foe that is doing slow, steady damage to you. You are losing HP, but it is 10% of what normally would have been taken, and so it is very static and constant. You can see, by watching your HP bar, exactly how much time you have, and either defeat the foe, or retreat when it becomes obvious you can't kill him.

OTOH, if you have capped Defense, then you still are taking only 10% of the damage you would have taken. (50% normal to hit compared to 5% is 10%) But, instead of taking this damage slowly and steadily, you take it ALL AT ONCE. Again, using this theoretic foe as an example you could fight him for as long as the Resistance character was fighting, and then SUDDENLY, you would be hit for all of your HP. The final result is the same, you fought for the same amount of time, and took the same amount of damage.

The problem is, you can never tell WHEN that attack will hit you. It could come ten seconds into the fight, half a second into the fight, or never. You could be dropped before you even get a chance to try, get your foe down to half HP and then get killed, or manage to defeat him. You have no opportunity to anticipate you defeat and escape.

Now, this is an extreme example and normally you won't take that much damage. But it is the essense of high Defense, the Defense you get from Evasion. And again, it can never get any higher. You cannot increase your predictability by raising Defense, in fact, it only becomes MORE a factor of luck.

Finally, there is the OBVIOUS fact (to me at least, I'm not sure why no one else can see it) that no other Defense set actually DOES rely on one form of defense. Invulnerability has a combination of Defense and Resistance, and has Dull Pain to fall back on. Stone Armor is also as much Defense as Resistance. Ice Armor has a heal and HP boost, as well as a recharge reduction on foes, reducing the amount of incoming damage. Regeneration combines healing and Resistance, while Dark has healing, fear, and Resistance, along with some Defense (probably not a small amount) in its stealth. All of these sets allow the hits that do get through Defense to be mitigated again in some way, either by resisting them, allowing you to survive what might be a one hit kill, or healing afterwards, reducing the risk of a second hit killing you.

Super Reflexes' variable Resistance, while it is minor compared to any other Defense set, at least provides a chance that should you take one massive hit, a second will not be guaranteed to kill you. You can still be one-shotted, and you can still be killed by a second hit, but at least it has to be significant, and not a minor hit from a Minion. It may be hard to explain in concept terms, but it's necessary if SR is to be entirely Defense, with nothing else to fall back on. I personally believe a heal would be better, but there are those who argue against that concept as well. (Although I wonder who hasn't seen Batman use a stimulant or some sort of medical device to heal himself sufficiently to get back into the fight. Maybe that's Ninjitsu, though)



Although I wonder who hasn't seen Batman use a stimulant or some sort of medical device to heal himself sufficiently to get back into the fight. Maybe that's Ninjitsu, though

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Batman doesn't need to use drugs, he just calls upon the image of his Mom and Dad's death and that string of pearls breaking and he's back in the game!

Of course if he was heavily using stimulants and pain relievers, that could be a whole new storyline!! Quick! someone call the Batman editor!!!

Okay threadjack over.

"Without LAN play? How the **** do you release a PC game without LAN?" ~Hitler

50s - Cutlass, Fyrechic, D'Mal, Knightfox, DessertFox, Capt Davy Jones, Cutlass II



From the 5/10 patch:
The 1/3rd increase in Super Reflexes Passive Defense abilities has been removed. These powers are returned to Issue 6 levels.

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but... but... And I was planning to spec in the melee auto too :-( At least those to-hit changes will help a bit, even though minions will keep smacking me around periodically.




_Castle_ why?



Alright! Something besides Regen gets nerfed!

At least you guys get global defense scaling changes.



It's not so much that we got nerfed since this never made it to the live servers. It's more like we had a cookie dangled in front of us and when we reached for it, it was taken away and eaten by someone else.

We can cry all we want, but it won't bring back the cookie.

The Players' Guide to the Cities



That sounds like a bet!







yeah, but if SR never got hit, except for AOE's, well, there would be a big nerf cry, and the devs would take SR in the same alley they took regen and beat it with the nerf bat till it screamed.

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They found SR as a baby in that ally. We know all about that alley.



OK I logged on to test and tried out SR on a lvl 20 with the changes (before they took them away) and I was extremely impressed. I finally felt that SR was a usable scrapper set.

Now I tried out the same scrapper same lvl after they removed the 1/3 defense bonus and 3 minions (+1) owned me!!!

Guess I will stick with regen...

In support of what others have said here I firmly agree that SR should truly be based on defense. The small resistance buff we will get makes sense for the same reason Defiance makes sense but I think we need an increase in defense since we have no heal.



I was really looking forward to trying out an SR Scrapper after hearing about the SR buff. Now I'm not so sure I'll bother...



it was a crappy buff anyway. 1/3 of 5% is barely over 1%

wooooooo, 1% extra def and we were suddenly overpowered and needed it taken away

do what i did, respec out of the passives into stimulant/aid self, you'll survive a lot longer



I love the passives. Loved them from the moment they added the scaling dam-res. I happily let myself dip into orange level health just to have the dam-res kick on and laugh as I fly through whole missions bouncing between red and orange health.

No aid-self needed at all.

Be well, people of CoH.



maybe for a scrapper they're better since you can get 3 of them, but for a stalker 2 isnt enough, esp. since our HP are a fair bit lower



maybe for a scrapper they're better since you can get 3 of them, but for a stalker 2 isnt enough, esp. since our HP are a fair bit lower

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Good point.

Be well, people of CoH.



maybe for a scrapper they're better since you can get 3 of them, but for a stalker 2 isnt enough, esp. since our HP are a fair bit lower

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Good point.

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Wait stalkers have hit points? I though they only had the one

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



maybe for a scrapper they're better since you can get 3 of them, but for a stalker 2 isnt enough, esp. since our HP are a fair bit lower

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Good point.

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Wait stalkers have hit points? I though they only had the one

[/ QUOTE ]they have 2, actually. sometimes they rub them together to keep warm.



Now I tried out the same scrapper same lvl after they removed the 1/3 defense bonus and 3 minions (+1) owned me!!!

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Thats funny since the values that have always been on test are the values of what is currently on Live.

And if your whole test was based on one fight vs 3 +1 minions then yeah go play a regen and leave +def builds alone.



OK I logged on to test and tried out SR on a lvl 20 with the changes (before they took them away) and I was extremely impressed. I finally felt that SR was a usable scrapper set.

Now I tried out the same scrapper same lvl after they removed the 1/3 defense bonus and 3 minions (+1) owned me!!!

Guess I will stick with regen...

In support of what others have said here I firmly agree that SR should truly be based on defense. The small resistance buff we will get makes sense for the same reason Defiance makes sense but I think we need an increase in defense since we have no heal.

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Wow.. what complete and utter nonsense! First of all, the change never went to test as per Arcanaville's posts. The original patch note indicating their increase was a mistake. Secondly, if you get owned by +1 minions with ANY scrapper, even without running any defenses you have problems far beyond whether the passives give you 5% or 7.5% defense.

Thus, I call shenanigans. I call you truth challenged. I call you attempting to use fictional encounters to try to squeeze a couple of percentage points of defense out of the set.

In fact, the critter accuracy changes made my scrapper significantly more effective on test. Instead of getting hit seemingl a third of the time by Marauder's minions, it was down to about 20% (very rough estimate) without elude. With Elude, Marauder could not strike me enough to drop me below about 40% HP (As I was testing, I didn't use siphon life, and I don't have tough. All mitigation was from SR with the exception of combat jumping and my primary's to hit debuffs.

Yes, the extra 2.5%/passive would have been nice. But we've still gained significant survivability. Can we all test that out for awhile and see how it feels before crying over milk that we thought we saw once but turns out was never taken home much less spilled?