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  1. I certainly hope this an April fools.
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    Both those power sets seem very boring and uninteresting compared to all the ones that were put up for a poll a few months ago.Bummer.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed, major bummer.
  3. Will power=Sounds cool

    Dual blades=We didn't need another sword set.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I agree. It's not on our side. My connection issues have been getting worse, also.

    Considering that, before i10 they were fine and I've made no changes to my computer in the meantime, I'd have to say it's something else.

    There are lag spurts around the Black Market/Wentworths, University, and Vault for me since I9... They're usually not major, so I don't think much about them unless I'm around there when an invasion starts. Dunno if anyone else has had this problem, but I figured I'd toss that out here.

    I understand you guys are trying to look into all possibilities, but with the problem still being so widespread... [sigh] Not like it'll stop me from playing anyway, 'cause I'm an addict.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    My roomie is very tech savvy, everytime he sees me in a Invasion fight or in RWZ he says "they haven't fixed that yet?"
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Issue 10: The Slide Show Invasion !!!

    Invasion event lag is so gameplay destroyingly horrific that until this issue is resolved I am, for all intents and purposes, unable to participate meaningfully in the invasion events.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is basically where I am as well. When I do the street fighting I have to relive it with screenshots. I can look at the screens and say "oh that was cool!" because I gaurentee you that I never saw it during the actual fight. Kinda reminds me of my first Hamidon raid...
  6. For Primary I like the sound of Psionic and for secondary I like Density control.

    Though by the sound of the name alone Density control could also be a Primary.
  7. [ QUOTE ]




    I think bases are/were a step toward that Pandora's Box.


    I agree. I'm also willing to roll the dice to give players more control over what they'd like to see...

    Open the box... =)


    Too many potential problems.

    Mods work for FPS's and games like NN because the world of that mod exists only on that single, small server. The benefits, no matter how hard or easy to obtain, don't go elsewhere. (Well, not easily).

    On an MMO, that can quickly cause trouble with overall game balance or population density. Do you allow player-created content to mix in the mainstream? How do you control "Monty Hall" type maps, or maps built explicitly for farming or power-leveling? If you restrict player-created content to a sandbox, how do you get characters there? Who runs/supports those servers (and the related back-end needs)?

    Where I think player-content might work is Arena maps. That IS a true sandbox with already established rules about how it works. That would basically bring in from most FPS games the custom map feature. Now, controlling the quantity, quality and availability could get interesting, but should be someone easy to solve.

    -- War


    I agree arena maps. On of the other posters sent me this idea earlier on email http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showf...c=#Post8101472

    Alot of other people talk about the unlocked potential of Arena. It's something people could use for PVP, PVE and RP. Thus a win, win, win for more than just our community.

    It's be cool if it's plausible. Screw that, it would rock... =)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed 100% the Arena and potential offshoots (like the training simulator idea) have such enormous potential it is mind blowing. Right now the main community hears Arena and their brain ticks right over to pvp, they don't think just a little outside the box about what the arena actually is. A controlled enviroment for adventure. As you said, huge potential for pve,pvp and rp functions.

    Sign me up please!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I vote for kiosks at Wentworth's now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How about we wrestle for that recipe...
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Right there is something I hate about PvP. PvPers called PvEers carebears. I don't know why but I just hate when PvPers say that like its a bad thing that some people don't like PvP. I have yet to see a PvEer call a PvPer a "hatebear" or something to that effect. There are PvPers that don't help PvP much because of they way they act.

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    I agree with this, "Carebear" seems to say "I'm soft because I don't pvp". This is simply not the case, I know several people who love Cox but they quickly came to hate pvp. Why? because pve there is a community that supports each other, even perfect strangers will seek each other out to reach toward a common goal. That sense of community for many disintegrated the moment they stepped in a zone and suddenly the guy you were helping accomplish goals before is laughing at you and calling you names and or defeating you repeatedly simply because he can and you know he is getting his rocks off.

    So people left and slammed the door as they did so with no intention of returning. I have a friend who plays wow and he pvps quite a bit and appears to be very good at it, When he tells me the Horde and Alliance cannot talk and that there are queues to enter zones all I can think is that "I wish we had such things".

    Now Laylyn has done a fine job of getting the Guardian community togther and keeping people interested and deserves a lot of credit for the effort but I am not so sure it is the health or lack there of pvp that keeps the game afloat. I would say it is how the two are synergized into their worlds that is the true sign of the health of the game. The problem is that the Dev. team has been working out with their pve arm only and their withered pvp arm has been purposely ignored. Maybe the recent communications indicate that this will change. I for one hope so.
  10. When Cox has gone the way of the Dodo I think what we will cling to was.

    1) How cool the Character generator was.

    2) How much potential there was.

    When I got involved in COH it wasn't because of the promise of pvp, it was because I could be a comic book hero. If you had mentioned pvp to me I would of shrugged. When pvp came to the game I went to test with friends and mixed it up but then I realized, well "I wasn't doing anything" my heroes were spending money and I was spending time but I wasn't advancing. When I came to that realization pvp went onto the back burner to simmer, LOL why would I pvp when I could make more heroes and still had not reached 50!

    Well I reached 50 and like so many others fell into a funk. My main wasn't going to get any better. He was all he was ever going to be. So I delved some more into pvp, it provided a nice distraction...

    Till I got my feet wet again pve.

    PVP will for me will only ever be a fun time for an hour or two (if that) during the week and then only for my avatars that can afford it. It does not keep me playing Cox and if the game were to go total pvp I would find something else to do.

    Alas though I will always carry with me the memory of what the Arena could of been "if only we could of created our own maps" and what zone combat could of been "If only the ATs were balanced and there was a way to balance the number of people in them".

    Potential. Either it is attained or wasted.
  11. wait, wait, wait.

    You can use a Howling Twlight on an Oil slick?

    What would you call that? AOE Rise of the Phoneix? Howling slick Twilight? Oily Twilight?

    Gotta say you should get a special badge called "Outside the box" for coming up with that combo...
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Good, i got your attention! All you Stalkers out there, while your busy hiding in the bushes, do not use TPFoe! You will loose your hide/critability, which makes you as useless as a scrapper without a primary. Sure, if you really had to you could get this, and just placate foe, then crit. So yes, if you really really really wanted to you could, and it would still have SOME very limited functionality. OR if your one of those uber 'im looking for a challenge' stalkers who don't hide, you can use it all you want.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I must humbly say I disagree with you strongly here in that Stalkers have some of the -best- synergy with TP foe. Why? for some of the reasons you say they should not have it.

    -Placate: While TP foe Breaks hide, Stalkers have a built in reset with Placate, allowing the Stalker to TP his target in, placate and kill and if he fears extra aggro because of the TP, he is far enough away from the main spawn to make a quick get away.

    -Survivability: Stalkers have some low hit points and lets face it some foes will cut right through their defences. TP foe allows the Stalker to cull out problematic foes, reducing spawns to a more managable size.

    -Team utility: This is a power where a Stalkers ability to scout can really benefit the team. The Stalker can go out and target in many situations that would leave a non hidden teammate open to reprisal. So the Stalker goes out, chooses a juicy foe and tps the foe in for the team to handle. Rinse and repeat.

    So in closing I would recommend TP foe for Stalkers because of its ability to improve survivability, having a staple power that negates the disadvantage of breaking hide(placate) and for its ability to improve a Stalkers team usefulness.

    TP foe improves your options and Stalkers like to have lots of options. If your Stalker is going with Teleport for a travel power this is a no brainer.

    As soon as I saw what Stalkers were all about I knew TP foe was a dream come true.
  13. Helmkat

    The Alt Alphabet


    I don't have altitis. I thought I did but I have seen the true master.
  14. and you get "Gears" for a pet...

    Jeez, I just did this last night and I only thought about what fun it was...
  15. I've thought this for a long time. Before anyone PVP's for the first time they should read this guide and know it like the back of their hand.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Would this be somewhat akin to a Stalker's "Hide" in PvP?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have not used SG because it seemed rather pointless but is it targeted directly or is it an aoe reticle?
  17. [ QUOTE ]


    Random blasting of people over and over again means the PvP is pointless.


    Yes, yes, and yes.

    Here's a little idea, based on what we got up to in CoV Beta:

    1. Use the Base Editor to make some well-designed base maps. Small, Medium and Large. Put some turrets in. And some other defences, like repulsors, force fields and so on.

    2. Introduce those base maps as arena maps.

    3. Let people do base raids in the Arena, using only those pre-set arena maps.

    This immediately gives you:

    - PvP with an objective

    - A way for people to get base raid practice without having to schedule anything with another SG

    - Hands-on experience of what the different base features (e.g. turrets) do, so you know what to put in your OWN base

    - Something to make people excited about base maps THEY could create

    - A different, partly destructible environment for PvP (turrets etc. can be destroyed)

    - A way for people with no SG, or only a small SG, to PvP in a base environment

    - Lots of raw data to mine, to help balance turrets etc. properly


    An excellent idea! I would love to be able to create and edit arena maps.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've asked for this since the Arena came out!

    God this would be so cool!!!!!!!
  18. [ QUOTE ]


    there are not any big PvP issues on the nearer term feature lists.


    You must have at least one issue which should be fixed ASAP - the stability of arena.

    On current version of Issue 8 , arena matches crash (are forcibly finished) SO FREQUENTLY that we have really hard time to play in arena. Haven't you Devs received any PM about this, or have you already fixed it and are we going to see it in next patch ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I read Lighthouses comments as.

    "pvp doesn't pay the bills."

    Sounds like pvp isn't going to be changing. At all. Well at least till the invention system throws it more out of balance.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey "Lets get the Party started" is one of my Battle cries for Spec Ops Drake. you have good taste.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Why thank you sir. Reality Checks other "song" is "la Vida Loca".

    I am a altaholic and many times I will hear a song that makes me think of one of my avatars and some make no sense at all. Like why do I think of my main, a ma/sr mutant when I play "Rock Lobster"? Offically his theme is "Night Fight" from the crouching tiger hidden dragon soundtrack...

    Wierd how the mind works.
  20. What really boggles me is that cox pvp and the systems created to support it in this game could be -outstanding-and become a major selling point.

    The Arena is a "Danger room" waiting to happen. Imagine if you could design your own maps! Imagine having kiosks in your SG base! (what a cool way to spend/earn prestige! Hold tourneys in your SG dojo, other SGs have to spend prestiege to enter!) The possibilites are huge-if- they just devote some time to it. I would love to design a "dojo" for my SG to spar in!

    Then I would say the Dev team needs to look at redressing some of the glaring differences between pve and pvp build performance. This is by far the toughest nut to crack but I think would have huge rewards if it could be done, or at least closing the gap even just a little. To that end...

    -Fixing the "all or nothing" nature of mezzing
    -Reducing Burst damage
    -Slowing travel powers
    -Changing powers that stop play dead (caging, phase shift etc)
    -No "unresistable" anything.
    -Fixing the nature of defence vs to hit buffs

    Right now pvp in this game is like seeing your favorite pet hurting. You don't want to put her down because you love her but you have to seriously question her quality of life. What bugs you even more is that if you could just get her in to see the vet she could be better again!
  21. For my dark/rad Shining Dark: Moving in Stereo-The Cars

    My Ill/Rad Reality Check: Get the party Started-Pink

    My Katana/Dark Monochrome Jack: Dead mans party-Oingo Boingo

    My Fire/Rad Mine eyes: Amazing Grace-Judy Collins

    My Emp/psi Nurture: Strangers like me-Phil Collins
  22. a well done guide. I like the humor. I will share with you some of my thoughts on my Storm/elec/elec defender which I have played in one form or another since coh beta.

    O2: Love it or hate it. Since I do solo now and then I didn't take it. I don't like having a power I can't use if I solo. Also when I did take in some builds to many teams have crazy expectations of this ghetto heal. What iced the cake for me was that on a team once I was trying to target this one player whose health was dropping fast and it would not work.

    Turn out it was me.

    I took the second Blast: I know it is more "efficent" to slot up the first and not take the second but I would rather have one larger hit then a series of small one.

    Aim: had it on all builds, never ever heard of anyone having problems with this power. When you are facing down reds or purples this will allow you to hit when otherwise you might not.

    Stayed away from AOE in my secondary: The aoe damage in the electric secondary is sad and all the scattering abilites of Storm make me happy with concentrating on single target damage.

    Three pets= :Thunderstorm, tornado and voltaic sent. all allow me to stay in the fight even if I am mezzed and that happens more then I would like.

    Hasten: Cycling through your heavy attacks etc. makes a big difference.

    Stamina: While it is never -required- it sure makes a big difference in Storm elec!

    Thunder Storm does miss: I know people say it never misses but I have seen it miss with my own two eyes.

    /e bow
  23. For a SG based on RP, I would NOT want some of these items in my base.
  24. I remember when Bone Daddies were -scarey- they would hit you with Shadow Maul and it was GAME OVER.

    I remember when exploding zombies and cot mages meant-GAME OVER-. God those mages were aweful, insta death for many. No interrupting them either.

    I remember the beta players telling the dev team that perhaps Hasten was overpowered and the responce was "Working as intended". Well we all know what happened later.

    I remember the huge outcry that was the Purple patch. People where SO angry they could not attack +6s and stuff.

    I remember slotting Cobra Strike for damage in Beta and thinking the damage sucked.

    I remember whining on the Beta boards that MA didn't have build up! (Why nobody said "hey dumby take focus chi" I don't know).

    COT in KR? Forget it.

    No menu on the trams, they each chained to another stop.

    I remember seeing a fire tank in action for the first time in Faultline and my jaw hitting the ground. The numbers floating up in the air filled my screen, I was totally flabberghasted at the raw power.

    Unyielding=Unmoving (my favorite paradox combo was trying to explain combat jumping and Unyielding).

    COT ghosts had phase shift.

    Spines were ugly... and still are.

    Earth tankers were walking Poo. Still kinda are.

    Katana had the same animations and stuff as Broadsword.

    Global defence followed by E.D. (low eb of the game for me, nearly left))

    lots and lots of changes.

    I earned my wings and Samurai armor!
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    Lastly don't you find it amazing that one of the main tools for the Stalker being broken they're still number 1?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /e shhhhh

    Dude this is the STALKER forum.

    Let me just say for the record that I can think of no more horrid a situation then this calamity that has befallen the Stalker community. I highly recommend bitter arguments that all datamining results are "skewed" and killing anyone with less then a 200 rep should not count at all in the data. I would continue with arguments that culling open pvp zones of "noobs" is what Stalkers are meant to do and thus are in fact cementing the belief that PVE is where the majority of the City of community should spend their time.

    Thus your battle cry should be "Stalkers with Placate make content better!"

    This will certainly move the bug up to priority status.

    /e bow