Super Reflexes buff




I find it shocking and offensive that Jack Emmert has time to post about this but does not have time to address the issue of ED which is obviously the most pressing thing on the playerbase colective mind now. Way to through up some more smokescreen, Mr. Emmert. Now care to explain how ED is going to improve our gameplay?

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oh please, shocking and offensive my reflexive behind.



Here's a Cliff Notes response to some of the items that I've seen come up.

Regarding your opponents punching one of their mates rather than you: One of my mains is a mind controller. Have you ever seen the endless discussion threads on exp from confused enemies? There are ways to get exp from foes' damage being redirected to other foes. It's complex but can be done. Bottom line, however, is you can forget about the idea of getting full exp from foes that were defeated by damage that came in part from their cohorts, and you'd get none from foes defeated by solely redirected damage.

That said, I think the idea has merit from the perspective of SR's design. It would be like a bar-room fight.

I like the idea of moving the AoE defense powers into the ranged defense powers a lot. Great out of the box thinking. It also frees up space for two new secondry powers. Maybe a dull pain clone, or an interruptible Heal Self, or that wacky "so slippery they hit their buddy" defense, or maybe the "Elude lasts as long as I hit an AV or monster every 10 seconds." Kinda liking that last one.

I agree that this buff won't be useful very often, since when I go down it is often by a massive second hit that far exceeds my remaining hit points. However, I am very happy to see them looking at SR defenses.

Lastly, I agree on the serious issue of to-hit buffs in our foes. I find DE to be cake, until the quartz emanator comes out, then it is a race of kill the eminator (for no exp) before literally everything around me kills me. And from all reports, /SR is useless in PvP, though I never play in the arena, so couldn't comment there.



Buffs that only kick in when you about to go down, while increasingly evident in the game, are problematic. How about simply putting a constant ability to dodge part of damage in SR in the passives. Simply adding some level of resistance them?



Buffs that only kick in when you about to go down, while increasingly evident in the game, are problematic. How about simply putting a constant ability to dodge part of damage in SR in the passives. Simply adding some level of resistance them?

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Damage mitigation expressed as partial dodging. Sounds like it has promise to me. Of course I'm not wearing my bifocals so I see fuzzily and I haven't had my morning coffee so my thinking is probably equally fuzzy.



Buffs that only kick in when you about to go down, while increasingly evident in the game, are problematic. How about simply putting a constant ability to dodge part of damage in SR in the passives. Simply adding some level of resistance them?

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Damage mitigation expressed as partial dodging. Sounds like it has promise to me. Of course I'm not wearing my bifocals so I see fuzzily and I haven't had my morning coffee so my thinking is probably equally fuzzy.

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This, I feel, would be the best way to express such a concept.

1) Remove the two AoE powers, toggle and passive and move their benefits to the melee and ranged powers of their respective field.

2) Add in a moderately charging power that has a 55% chance of not taking damage from a hit that would have hit you otherwise. (Example, you take a hit even through your defense and this second 55% chance comes up to see if you get hit or not anyway.) If successful you do some sort of juke motion. And the next attack you do to that person has a higher chance of performing a critical than normal.

3) Add a moderately charging power that has a 45% chance of absorbing 50% of the damage you would have taken from an attack that landed on you. If successful, you have a higher percent of a chance to land an attack on the person you deflected against.

That adds style and flare to the set while not simply boosting defenses so even level minions mean nothing.

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Thanks for this change!

I was curious if there is any possibility of seeing something else -- pretty much anything else -- added to powers (of which SR has quite a few) that only take one type of enhancement.

I'm not really against ED -- I'm totally willing to give it a chance -- but then, I have few toons that have more than 2-3 of the same type of enhancement slotted in any given power. However, powers that only take one type of enhancement, such as these, or those that effectively only take one type of enhancement (end red and recharge not really being "secondary effects" and also not being needed on some of these powers) feel kind of vanilla, left out in the cold, not as interesting.

I'd love to see enhanceable secondary effects on some of these powers! It's kind of sad to know that at lvl 15, I've already totally slotted the defenses I have already taken with my SR scrapper -- with 3 slots. There's no reason to ever put more slots in those powers. In contrast, my dark miasma defender has so many slotting options that getting 3 slots instead of a power in the 30s was a real treat! I'm afraid my SR scrapper isn't going to be feeling that way when he hits those levels.

Not a big deal, I guess, but hey, it can't hurt to ask and to let you know how I feel about it.

Oh, and any chance of reducing the difficulty of Heroic? I am one of those semi-casual gamer types, and lately Heroic has been proving a bit overly difficult for my toons without a team (and sometimes even then, if it's a small team). I don't always have time to search for a team, and sometimes you just can't find one.

Also, I hate to join a team then have to quit after 1 mission because of time constraints (especially if we do my mission...I feel like a bit of a heel for not being able to help with anyone else's mission). And I really dislike joining a team if I know I will have to leave suddenly, say, sometime in the next hour. I hate leaving a team in the lurch, in the middle of a mission that instanced for X people, and now my leaving puts them at X-1 people. But Heroic has seemed awfully hard lately, especially pre-30s. Just sayin'.

Thanks for your time and sorry for rambling! And thanks for a really fun game! CoV beta has also been tons of fun (even if it has been the motherlode of all lag)!

Tam Lyn Carter, Ialuine, Propitious Puma, Seraf Berylwing, Snowsprite, Damian Newmoon

Chibi Dark Tam, Mr. MacStabbity, Turlin, Frostsprite

And many many more across all servers.



I've alluded to this in a couple of places, but I wanted to describe something we'll be doing for Super Reflexes quite soon...

Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.

This change is in addition to the recent modification that gave most Defense Primary and Secondary powers resistance to Defense Debuffs (self Defense powers).

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My 2 SR scrappers thank you from the bottom of their hearts.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



You want to buff SR, Statesman? Here are my humble suggestions.

1) Remove the two AoE powers, toggle and passive and move their benefits to the melee and ranged powers of their respective field.

2) Add in a moderately charging power that has a 50% chance of not taking taking damage from a hit that would have hit you otherwise. (Example, you take a hit even through your defense and this second 55% chance comes up to see if you get hit or not anyway.) If successful you do some sort of juke motion. And the next attack you do to that person has a higher chance of performing a critical than normal.

3) Add a moderately charging power that has a 45% chance of absorbing 50% of the damage you would have taken from an attack that landed on you. If successful, you have a higher percent of a change to land an attack on the person you deflected against.

That adds style and flare to the set while not simply boosting defenses so even level minions mean nothing.

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I like this idea. IMO it's a little more consistant and better themed than Jack's idea. Hope he reads this.



I've alluded to this in a couple of places, but I wanted to describe something we'll be doing for Super Reflexes quite soon...

Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.

This change is in addition to the recent modification that gave most Defense Primary and Secondary powers resistance to Defense Debuffs (self Defense powers).

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Are they also going to kick in fast enough to keep you from going from full health to dead before you can blink? That's the problem with defiance for blasters. You're dead before it helps any. Try not to make the same mistake here as well.

Debt is temporary, prestige is forever

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Sounds good. I'd rather have +res all the time and not ever be under 60% HP, but it happens and happens a lot...and I keep fighting until either all the baddies are dead or until I'm dead. So, it's a good thing.

It would also be nice to know what types of damage this applies to. I'm assuming all and that it's broken into Melee, Ranged and AoE just like the passives, but I'm sure we'll get more info when the numbers are decided.

Thanks States.




Sounds good. I'd rather have +res all the time and not ever be under 60% HP, but it happens and happens a lot...and I keep fighting until either all the baddies are dead or until I'm dead. So, it's a good thing.

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Even if you didn't fight, and wanted to run... well, you'll get hit in the back for less, now




Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP.

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Gee, can regenerators get defense when their hit points go down, then? Oh, that's right, regenerators are bad and must be punished, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.





Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP.

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Gee, can regenerators get defense when their hit points go down, then? Oh, that's right, regenerators are bad and must be punished, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.


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4 powers out of the /SR set only take one type of enhancement.




Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP.

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Gee, can regenerators get defense when their hit points go down, then? Oh, that's right, regenerators are bad and must be punished, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.


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4 powers out of the /SR set only take one type of enhancement.

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To which he replies.... "Oh."



This may have been suggested already. If so, I apologize.

Howabout instead of a resistance boost, we get more defense? I mean, so that at the boost's maximum, our defense has been boosted to pre-ED levels? It would feel more "right" somehow.

Just a thought.

EDIT: Or, alternately (and more appropriately?), instead of a def boost, a global recharge boost? So as we get whacked more we get more desperate and start hitting faster?

There was a great old Spider-Man comic from the 80s where he was being chased by Firelord. Firelord just kept pushing and pushing, Terminator-like, and Spidey finally wigged out, and we were treated to a great panel with all these ghosty Spider-Mans as he went apesh... er, nutzo on poor ol' FL. It was very satisfying to read, and really showed how powerful the character could be when pressed.



I've alluded to this in a couple of places, but I wanted to describe something we'll be doing for Super Reflexes quite soon...

Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.

This change is in addition to the recent modification that gave most Defense Primary and Secondary powers resistance to Defense Debuffs (self Defense powers).

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Thanks for the thought, but I don't think it's going to work. "Minor damage resistance" isn't going to save us when we're dying from something that's easily smacking us around, and anything more than a minor +DR isn't fair to users of some of the other sets.

I think you would be better off to boost the defense of the Auto powers, and give them something extra for flavor.

Agile: This could boost jumping just as Quickness boosts run speed.

Dodge: Some things you want to get hit by. Dodge could boost the amount of healing the character gets from healing powers (think of it as positioning yourself better for the healer to get a clear shot).

Lucky: There's more to being lucky than just not getting hit. Lucky can increase the chances of getting an Enhancement or Inspiration when a foe falls. (If Enhancements would be too powerful, leave them out. More or more powerful Inspirations would still be a benefit to this character.)

This would make the power set different from anything else out there, especally the Agile and Lucky ideas. Anyway, that's just some thoughts from while I was at work today. I don't know how well they would really work, but I like it.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Thanks for the thought, but I don't think it's going to work. "Minor damage resistance" isn't going to save us when we're dying from something that's easily smacking us around, and anything more than a minor +DR isn't fair to users of some of the other sets.

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Yes, it will. ANd here's why. without getting into exact possible +res numbers.

SR is about getting lucky at times and unlucky at others, with a bias towards getting luckier and luckier the more you train. The more mobs you have attacking you, the less likelier you are to be either unluckier or luckier than the bias would have you set at.

In simpler terms, if you have 25% def or whatever, that doesn't mean you'll always be hit 1 in 4 times, sometimes you may be hit twice and sometimes not at all. It's even quite probable you'll be hit three times (something like a 1/14 possibility). But, if you get attacked 20 times, you're no where near as likely to get hit 15 or more times. Just like flipping a coin, you could easily believe it would come up the same twice, but 100 times in a row is a little on the dubious side.

What's this have to do with this? Minor reswill help you survive one more attack, maybe more, depending on exactly how much res. Sure, something that can two shot will probably still two shot even with this res, but most mobs we face do less damage than that. We'll be able to survive maybe thirteen minion hits, if before we survived only a dozen. Or 4 or 5 Boss hits if before we only survived 3 or 4. The problem is without this resistance, we can be "unlucky" and receive 10 hits out of 20, but 11 is at least a little less common, and so we'll definitely be surviving more than we would under the current system.




Yes, it will. ANd here's why. without getting into exact possible +res numbers.

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I just want to point out no one has said what the resistance values will be nor what they will be resistant to.

So far it looks like the entire developer group thinks smash/lethal is super important....but if you play this game you know full well you dont die from smash or lethal very much at all.....its the other damage that kills you.



Agile: This could boost jumping just as Quickness boosts run speed.

Dodge: Some things you want to get hit by. Dodge could boost the amount of healing the character gets from healing powers (think of it as positioning yourself better for the healer to get a clear shot).

Lucky: There's more to being lucky than just not getting hit. Lucky can increase the chances of getting an Enhancement or Inspiration when a foe falls. (If Enhancements would be too powerful, leave them out. More or more powerful Inspirations would still be a benefit to this character.)

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You know i like those ideas quite a bit....

It would add some definate flavor to the set on and beyond the other sets.

In fact it would kind of nice to see things like that for alot of different set powers out there.

I hope some developers working on the next patches read your ideas and maybe implement some stuff like that.

Possibilities are what make a game neat......they force people to think.....should they take this power which will do this and that but also add to this other power or should i take this one which will do other things and add to a different power.



Ah, not to complane about a buff, with ED Madam Enigma will definatly need this. However the original concept for her was not damage resistance, but damage avoidance. I guess I can change the concept to another character I made in a tabletop game who had superhuman agility and limited invulnabilty. The thing is, that's not who I rolled Madam Enigma to be. The damage resistance numbers had better be good however. SR just can't survive three slotted for defence in I5. I tried.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Statesman, why are you guys still screwing around trying to make a fundamentally broken concept work? You've known (or should've known) from day one that SR can't be balanced the way it is implemented, because it's either too good vs minions and LTs or it's too bad against bosses.

I and others suggested a simple fix in the first few weeks the game was out and it still appears to be the best solution:

Make SR give a flat dodge chance in addition to the regular "miss" chance that any other character would have. If a fully slotted SR scrapper has a 66% dodge chance, then that's exactly how much the power is reducing the number of debuffs and damage he's taking. By 66%. So if you decide that the balancing point is 40% or 30% or 10% or 80%, that's where you set the bar at and you leave it alone.

It's easy to implement, it's easy for players to understand, it solves most of the problems with SR, and it just makes more sense for what the power pool is supposed to represent.

Is there any particular reason why you can't go with the best solution, when it also happens to be the simplest and easiest solution?



OK, so maybe I'm a little out of the loop here, and maybe it's just my perception of how things work, but I'm sitting here still contemplating the concepts between two scrappers, mainly the one comes to mind: Regen vs SR.

I always saw two things, and maybe I'm completely off base here, but try to hear me out.

A regen scrapper, in terms of concept, is basically 'Yes, you're going to hit me, but I've got such a high regen rate that the damage will be mitigated by the high +Health that I'm always receiving'. OK, so I know some people don't like my attitude towards Regens, but that is how I see the concept of them.

A SR scrapper, on the other hand, is more along the lines of 'I may not have the uber health replenishment rate of Regens, but you have to hit me first'.

OK, so my point of view is a little askew, but am I off my rocker in terms of concepts when put up head to head?? Personally, I think that regens have too many +Def pwrs, when compared to SR's.

Either that, or SR's need to have their +Def powers buffed more, but seeing as the trend is moreso to Nerf as opposed to Buff, that is why I say nerf the +Def's of Regens...



OK, so maybe I'm a little out of the loop here, and maybe it's just my perception of how things work, but I'm sitting here still contemplating the concepts between two scrappers, mainly the one comes to mind: Regen vs SR.

I always saw two things, and maybe I'm completely off base here, but try to hear me out.

A regen scrapper, in terms of concept, is basically 'Yes, you're going to hit me, but I've got such a high regen rate that the damage will be mitigated by the high +Health that I'm always receiving'. OK, so I know some people don't like my attitude towards Regens, but that is how I see the concept of them.

A SR scrapper, on the other hand, is more along the lines of 'I may not have the uber health replenishment rate of Regens, but you have to hit me first'.

OK, so my point of view is a little askew, but am I off my rocker in terms of concepts when put up head to head?? Personally, I think that regens have too many +Def pwrs, when compared to SR's.

Either that, or SR's need to have their +Def powers buffed more, but seeing as the trend is moreso to Nerf as opposed to Buff, that is why I say nerf the +Def's of Regens...

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Why it still does not fix SR and SR will still not be played

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Why it still does not fix SR and SR will still not be played

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Seems kind of trivial coming from a person whose own signature indicates that they will not be playing this game for even another month...



Maybe, but he's correct. Nerfing Regeners might make SR'ers feel better, but it won't actually make SR any more useful.