Super Reflexes buff




This helps some but does not resolve the entire issue that SR gets hit way more than they should

second not that I plan to pvp but the people that want to this does not help if an sr scrapper has all his toggles and passive slotted and lets throw in CJ he will have like 32% defense (this under ed rules) wow that will go over great with the players having a base 75% so with no SO enhancement an average player can hit the sr scraper 43% of the time yea great

A player with 1 SO has roughly 103% depending on build

That gives them a 71% chance to hit

oh lets go to the new way with ed slotting 2 acc in slotts

wow now they are at roughly 132%

Ouch 100% to hit which of course translates into 95% chance to hit

So who in pvp needs to debuff sr no reason to and this does even count Focused Accuracy in the mix.

Hey but we have 3 minutes of elude right yep we kicked that off the blaster runs around elude drops bam dead no defense no end no nothing great that makes sr a squishie in PVP and a guy I would kick of my team and I have one.

I do not care much because I have no plans to pvp I just find it funny. Plus the % are still to low.

The debuffs will help in pve but with the acc on players being what it is it the debuffs in pvp will not matter.

Anyone remember what the new % for mobs to hit are my mind is fuzy (dang this old age).

Some other things about this power will it stack with tough and the new resistance insp ?

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Um...yeah...where's the love to Ice Armor? They need love as much as SR.



I already gave up on the passives.

You're not giving me any indication that the extra resistance will be worth taking. The defense is small, the benefit from enhancements is miniscule, and I have to assume that the resistance will be negligible as well.



Don't want to sound ugrateful, but I really didn't want resistance to be the fix to defense sets. If I wanted a resistance build i would of picked something other then SR. Why not instead of Resistance make this a defense bonus. starts at 0 and as we get hit more the higher our defense gets. Neither resistance or defense is going to help us with getting one shotted by AV's (got one shotted by a 52 seige like 4 times in a row with elude on weee). This would seem a lot more "thematic" and "Heroic" to me then all of a sudden me pulling resistance out of my cape.

Makes no sense, but thanks for aknowledging that your development team is incapable of actually fixing "Defense".

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I totally agree with this, super reflexes is all about not getting hit. The idea of us getting better at that if we are down makes much more sense, we are getting pumped up, moving faster, ducking better after seeing that first hit, whichever it is.



I dont get it . How resisting blows is related to Super Reflexes ? While that solution could make the powerset better , i really dont see how that is making sense .

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Easy: dodge and get mostly out of the way, getting grazed by the bullet. Roll with the punches. Leap and make it most of the way out of the explosion.



Wonder if the resistance will stack with Elude???

That would be nice, but I'm not getting my hopes up.




While this definitely ruins several character concepts (ie: a normal, skilled person), who truly cares about such pesky things as concept, when it's become obvious in this game that defense is bad.

Defense to things is far worse than resistance, because then it makes PvP harder. This change can't possibly be for PvE, because I can't even count the numerous times my Regen scrapper has been on a team with an SR scrapper and the SR dies at least a few times, while my Regen is fine and dandy.

Thank you for at least taking away the heavy death aspect of SR, even if you couldn't preserve the actual concept of a well-defended character.

What you've done, in Hero Systems terms, is to get rid of any characters who have high DCV and skill levels, and instead gave them Combat Luck with no Roll needed.

Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit



I dont get it . How resisting blows is related to Super Reflexes ? While that solution could make the powerset better , i really dont see how that is making sense .

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Easy: dodge and get mostly out of the way, getting grazed by the bullet. Roll with the punches. Leap and make it most of the way out of the explosion.

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Sure, because it's much easier to get partially out of the way of a bullet, an explosion, or a punch AFTER you've already been shot, blown up, or punched a few times.

This makes sense to some degree, but again, it appears to be a band-aid used to try and staunch the bleeding from an amputation.



What is it with you wanting people to get into near death situations before you give them a buff for anything?

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Because if they give SR scrappers good Defense AND good Damage mitigation, they'll rarely get into near-death situations.

Hey, at least it took 2-3 responses before someone complained about the Buff. Progress, folks... Progress...



I've alluded to this in a couple of places, but I wanted to describe something we'll be doing for Super Reflexes quite soon...

Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.

This change is in addition to the recent modification that gave most Defense Primary and Secondary powers resistance to Defense Debuffs (self Defense powers).

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LOL. Scrapper defiance.



Let's play the if/then game...


Statesman said, "We've decided to increase all of SR's DEF numbers to a new amount. Toggles will be a base 100% increase to your defense and passives will be a base 50% increase to your defense,"


The replies would be, "But that doesn't stop the chance of being one-shotted! We need some resistance in the set!"


Statesman said, "We've granted you 50% resistance to all dmg except Psi as long as you take your passives ebcause, in the theory that you have superior reflexes, you would not get smacked full-brunt with that alpha strike,"


The replies would be, "That doesn't make any sense with the set! Increase my defense, not my resistance!"


I were Statesman, I would probably say, "You'd complain if they hung you with a new rope."

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



No offence but this is the same thing as Difance. That doesn't work either. If you are fighting a av/hammi/monster and you get hit and knocks off half of your health it wont do anything if you get hit again it won't protect you from dieing.

"I am the Villain of the Story"

Justice: (Heroes) Threshold, Dac Kien, Quang Doan, Dr. Arberry, Current, Smooth Cut.

Virtue: (Villains) Quang Doan



Um...yeah...where's the love to Ice Armor? They need love as much as SR.

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Ice tankers don't count - you haven't figured that one out yet? They're expected to tank for a team of 8 with a random buff here or there and 25% defense after their enhancements get homogenized. Jeez.



Hmm lets see ED lowers you by 40%++ and everyone says thanks Statesman for throw you the smallest of bones?

He is pulling stuff out of his backside now to appease people.

Look what we heard to appease us and throw us a bone:

1. SR gets a SMALL boost when nearly dead
2. Debt cap cut in half! Because you will die more.
3. End usage reduced!

And not one damn thing else.

He is distracting you with minor crap buffs and stealing more than 40% from you and you THANK HIM??????

He is the master of damage control and DO NOT let him off the hook. Make him explain how a 40% loss of powers is not a POWER NERF?

Statesman you are NOT escaping this one. This is garbage.

I will tell you whats next Suppression is dropped. Why? Because it will make you all say thanks Statesman you listened!

He has had someone scour the boards to give you CRAP to appease you. That is what this is a SNOWJOB.



I've alluded to this in a couple of places, but I wanted to describe something we'll be doing for Super Reflexes quite soon...

Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.

This change is in addition to the recent modification that gave most Defense Primary and Secondary powers resistance to Defense Debuffs (self Defense powers).

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Well, Jack, that sounds marginally better than defiance since it does at least provide you with some protection from dying once you've screwed up to the point where it activates. So thank you for not saddling us with that piece of crap instead.

But if the resistances aren't getting up to 50% by the time hp are down to 20% then they seriously are not worth having. No competent player is staying at 20% without serious resistance to back that up. Don't throw us another 5% resistance bone like those joke inspirations and expect us to be satisfied. That's just a cheap trick to get people to forget that you have nerfed their powers and ignored their concerns for the past 8 months when there wasn't even anything overpowered about them. There wasn't any balance about that, it was just stupid and vindictive.

And another thing, Jack. Don't call me a caster again, you EQ fanboy.



What is it with you wanting people to get into near death situations before you give them a buff for anything?

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Because if they give SR scrappers good Defense AND good Damage mitigation, they'll rarely get into near-death situations.

Hey, at least it took 2-3 responses before someone complained about the Buff. Progress, folks... Progress...

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I'd settle for just having good defense, how about that?



ok I'm super main is. I don't have a problem at all. I mean when it comes to pve honestly I have no problems at all...gimme a shout if u wanna see on justice. but, debuffs seem and to-hit buffs seem to be my biggest weakness. in pvp I get one shotted. but, if theres no debuffs and Bu+aim+fa+the devil=death=Waffle supreme then its alot of fun. but, besides that I have alot of fun with sr...alot. those to me are the only problems. and the damage resist will just make me even more power-ful! bring on the pvp!



A for intention, D for execution IMO.

Yes, SR really needs some love. But turning it into yet another DEF/RES secondary is the wrong idea. As stated before, it bleaches the flavor right out of the secondary.

Before you implement this ED ahem... "concept", please give serious consideration to removing the degrading enhancement concept for passive/auto powers. If you don't, you'll further degrade SR, as well as Invuln and other builds that because of recent -RES nerfs now rely on almost all powers in a secondary (primary for tankers).

SR needs effective DEFENSE, not +RES. Adding resistance is, IMO a cop-out. The player base has had several viable ideas for improving SR. And I believe that wisdom comes from playtesting. I'd like to encourage the devs to actually put in a few hours as a /Regen, a (now fragile) /Invuln, and then play a /SR scrapper.

I'm sorry to appear to wax negative. I am actually thrilled that SR is now getting some attention, it's just the wrong answer IMO.

Here's a target: Make a build that, when using passives and actives in the secondary, it readily survives +2/+3 villains. Realize that when things go wrong for a SR scrapper (de-toggling for example), they go very wrong. They take (w/o Tough) full damage, and don't typically have a self-heal (unless DM or take the Medicine pool). No AT should be forced to go to Pool Powers to stay viable, and with the reduced effectiveness of the Pool Powers, that should be even more obvious.

Bottom line: Bring SR out of the basement, the change is long overdue. But it's a pure +DEF set, and, IMO, should stay that way.

Genuine thanks for the effort/attention, keep plugging away.



But if the resistances aren't getting up to 50% by the time hp are down to 20% then they seriously are not worth having. No competent player is staying at 20% without serious resistance to back that up.

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This is a very good point. No smart SR scrapper would dare let their health ever stay that low unless this res buff was large, and I doubt it is.

This -health=+Res seems like it's going to be another one of those situationally useful powers like defiance. When you try to make it work it just gets you killed but when you just happen across the situation where it activates, well, then you got lucky and was able to use it (unless of course, you died, then your not lucky).



I do believe that this is a good step towards helping out SR, but I really think that the set should stick to it's theme of defense. Throwing in res just kinda ruins the flavour, as someone else pointed out.



I like it.



I've heard a whole bunch of suggestions for fixing Super-Reflexes, and I think that a lot of them were more interesting and thematic than this.



I've alluded to this in a couple of places, but I wanted to describe something we'll be doing for Super Reflexes quite soon...

Super Reflexes Auto powers (Agile, Dodge, and Lucky) now add some minor damage resistance. This Damage resistance starts at 0%, but improves as the caster loses HP. The Resistance kicks in at 60% HP (when HP bar first changes color) and markedly increases at 40% and 20% (again, when the bar changes color). We have not yet determined the exact values.

This change is in addition to the recent modification that gave most Defense Primary and Secondary powers resistance to Defense Debuffs (self Defense powers).

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Hmm. Well, I guess it's something. I'll have to test it or see some numbers before I get my hopes up though.



Meh, why can't this resistance buff be put on all SR powers toggle and otherwise? Make it minimal but enhanceable, this might make SR a more viable option as a scrapper secondary. Or if that's too much just put it on auto powers and make it always on, these low health dependant powers really stink guys. For example, i've played my blaster every day since I5 and *NEVER* benefited from defiance once. As a blaster you're either alive and shooting (30% HP or more), alive and running (29% HP or less), or dead (uh...yeah 0%). And...and...what about Ice Tankers? Poor little blue guys...

Captain Head Explody



Don't break out the champagne just yet.

Remember, when Ice Tankers got a -damage debuff in their Chilling Embrace, the original -slow debuff in the same power was slashed at the same time. There's no indication, yet, that this SR change won't be similar, simply taking away from +def and adding to situational +res.

There's also no telling whether the +res will be meaningful, or enhanceable. So there's no telling whether the ED optimized slotting for these powers will be 3 def, or 3 def and 3 res.