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  1. scaling with the buff to passives Is total help for Super Reflexes. OMG
  2. defiance makes blasters stronger than scrappers.
  3. are we factoring in defiance here at all?

    a blaster with the right dam resistance can stay in the red along time, with a crap load more damage than scrappers could only dream about.
  4. you know. all a man really wants is a chef hat.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    I tested this and it is possible to reach full fury for a brief period of time. You need to get attacked by several critters (preferably bosses) at the same time and will probably die by the burst damage but you can hit the 1.0 fury mark. Some of you may have experienced this but were too preoccupied with the whole dying thing without realizing you were at max fury.

    I think what's misleading is that the fury bar isn't as precise as we'd like it to be. It goes up and down in increments of .1 so even though you're at .99 fury, the bar will look as if you're at .9 fury.

    For all you numbers people, we're going to change fury to display in the 100s. When you right-click on the fury bar, you'll no longer see it display as 0.0/1.0. It will be displayed as 0/100 so you can see how close you are to hitting the max. Please keep in mind that this won't visually change the fury meter.

    Note: Edited post so it says you need to get attacked by several critters instead of hit by several critters.

    [/ QUOTE ]\

    this is the problem with defiance also!
  6. throw nothing but, malta at them states...with 6 sappers per mob.
  7. having 4 travel powers and group fly makes for a great defense against stalkers.
  8. sounds like everytime someone gets one-shotted. /e goaway
  9. one shotting is fun! keep it around!
  10. anyway..this whole thread is just for people who can't beat someone else's build. theres always someone better deal with it and become better.
  11. not its not one shotting..one shotting is a stalker asing u from behind. but, if u can outwit one stalker..u can outwit 98% of the stalker collective Elude+/e cower gets'em everytime.
  12. lightsabres are wayyyyyy to kinky for me *walks out of thread*
  13. right now. I feel unstoppable. almost completly. maybe its what normal heroes feel like. cause I've been sr for so long. but, I do feel like it...and Its very satisfying to me...for once to feel powerful.
  14. Damage Resistance is perfectly fine. we need debuff resistance. alot of it. but, anyway. I hear alot of people talking about how damage resistance is so not SR. its about dodging. but, come on now. the whole thing is whacked not that its a bad thing. its just a classification of what the power is most like. I mean take origins for example. I make a natural scrapper. but, give him robot arms and tech armor and a pp helmet. on top of that I get laser eyes and energy torrent with flight and tp.....thats not to natural is it? well, stick with it people at least there trying to help us. give'em that much. and besides. the only thing that can break me at the current un-ed moment is bu-aim. so whoever thinks sr is absolutly gimped...come gimme a holla..I got alot of time to spend in the arena.
  15. I got an idea! give us hide! and an Assasins Strike!

    <-----Super Reflex master
  16. ok I'm super reflexes...my main is. I don't have a problem at all. I mean when it comes to pve honestly I have no problems at all...gimme a shout if u wanna see on justice. but, debuffs seem and to-hit buffs seem to be my biggest weakness. in pvp I get one shotted. but, if theres no debuffs and Bu+aim+fa+the devil=death=Waffle supreme then its alot of fun. but, besides that I have alot of fun with sr...alot. those to me are the only problems. and the damage resist will just make me even more power-ful! bring on the pvp!