Who would feel better if.....




A blaster's melee damage was lower than a scrappers, for the most part? So Blapper's dont out scrap, scrappers.



everyone except Blasters?

Everyone who plays blasters would be insanely pissed tho. Well all of them except the /devices blasters.



Why not lower scrapper damage? With a set as survivable as /regen, should they be doing that much damage? (No, I'm not really serious.)



I'd be happy with this. I'd also like to see Blasters un-resistable damage component possibly enhanced, and/or a "pierce" component (steady +acc bonus, or +to hit).

Making the ranged damage AT pwn in melee because they couldn't get it to work at range was a big mistake, IMO. The Dev team should expend a few brain cells trying to figure this out, IMO, and stop with the slap-dash fixes.

EM blappers would still end up with high damage/acc attacks, build up, and other tools. Toggle-dropping is being nerfed anyways.

But, as far as I can tell, the blaster community is by far the whiniest community in this game, and definately the one with the least reason to whine.

PS- The "give us mez protetion" thing is old. So old. It's been 3-4 issues and a year + already. I don't think you guys are getting it, do you?



What are you offering in return?



a cookie



No joe, lucas was able to get two blaster to lvl 50 without mez protection so its not important. Hell one of em was lvled before epic powers and break frees.

Also, with controllers having IW if you gave blasters mez protection then who the hell would defenders need to buff to protect from mezzes, themselves?! heh

Melee attack always do more damage then range attacks, it true for people and npc. Its the price you pay for being in melee.

The Kronos has a hold n00b!



if you get more people to post the same thread over and over again in all the forums I bet you can get blasters nerfed some more hell you might even get it implemented in I7 why wait till tommorow if you can do it today lol.......



A blaster's melee damage was lower than a scrappers, for the most part? So Blapper's dont out scrap, scrappers.

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scrappers do dmg? they only tickle me in PvP... but blasters excel at giving me anal fissures, even at range




A blaster's melee damage was lower than a scrappers, for the most part? So Blapper's dont out scrap, scrappers.

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The reason Blappers are the best melee class isn't because of their damage. Its because of how effectively team buffs can make a Blapper as tough (or nearly) as a Scrapper. To fix this, some caps on buffing need to be put in and/or the debuffing mechanic needs to be changed.


Lords of the Dead
Old School Legends



Well, yeah. The whole 'glass cannon' notion falls to the wayside when you can just buff the glass part away.



I dont know. The reason I bring this up is bc I was on test yesterday in the arena. I was watching EM blappers totally desimate a Broadsword scrapper in melee over and over and over again, dueing. It was just sad to see, the scrapper couldnt perform his function at all. That alone tells me there is something seriously wrong with roles.



I dont know. The reason I bring this up is bc I was on test yesterday in the arena. I was watching EM blappers totally desimate a Broadsword scrapper in melee over and over and over again, dueing. It was just sad to see, the scrapper couldnt perform his function at all. That alone tells me there is something seriously wrong with roles.

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Wait wiat...did you say, blapperS? As in more than one? Of course the scrapper (just one...singular) is going to get owned.

In a PvE situation, Ill bet that the scrapper would take significantly less damage than the blaster...PvP isnt the end all be all to this game.



A blaster's melee damage was lower than a scrappers, for the most part? So Blapper's dont out scrap, scrappers.

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Blasters need a reason to take the risk and go into melee. f their melee attacks dealt less damage then a scrappers, they would have zero reason to use any of those powers.

-- Currently Playing --
Dexter Labrynth (SS/FA Brute)

Former member of Tribute and Victory Reborn



I dont know. The reason I bring this up is bc I was on test yesterday in the arena. I was watching EM blappers totally desimate a Broadsword scrapper in melee over and over and over again, dueing. It was just sad to see, the scrapper couldnt perform his function at all. That alone tells me there is something seriously wrong with roles.

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Wait wiat...did you say, blapperS? As in more than one? Of course the scrapper (just one...singular) is going to get owned.

In a PvE situation, Ill bet that the scrapper would take significantly less damage than the blaster...PvP isnt the end all be all to this game.

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Read again, it was a duel. Blapper was plural bc this isnt the 1st time witnessing this crap.



A blaster's melee damage was lower than a scrappers, for the most part? So Blapper's dont out scrap, scrappers.

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Blasters need a reason to take the risk and go into melee. f their melee attacks dealt less damage then a scrappers, they would have zero reason to use any of those powers.

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A risk? Excuse me but something tells me there more than one AT in the whole game a blapper can go into melee with, *without* being in hi risk.

Yes a blapper should risk going into melee with scrappers, brutes, and to a lesser extent tanks and stalkers. They shouldnt have any advantage going into melee with these folks at all. Only to finish them off after tearing them up with ranged attacks.

But do you forget about defenders, controllers, corruptors, dominators, and MMs? What EXACTLY is the risk going into melee with all those folks? Seriously, whats the trade-off here?

The point is this. For Scrappers and Brutes, their primary function is melee. Nobody in the game should be able to out perform these folks and their defining role. Melee is a 2ndry for blasters. Sorry there's a reason that most 'troller 2ndries arent as effective as Defender primaries. The same should apply here too.



I'd feel better if they didn't drop my toggles as much in PvP. Then I at least could stand a chance. I know something is in the works for I7 regarding the toggle drops, but I don't know if I'd want to have the devs change anything regarding making any AT less powerful.



Sorry there's a reason that most 'troller 2ndries arent as effective as Defender primaries. The same should apply here too.

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Actually a lot of defenders would look at this statement and cry. I believe it was stated somewhere recently by _Castle_ himself that on average controller secondaries are more effecient than their defender counterparts....

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



I'm all for it, it would'nt really diminish an Ice/EM's ability, just make it harder to play. People seem to forget the reason that /EM is so good is conserver power and boost range, not bone smasher and total focus.



Hehe, yeah thats why I said "most".



I would advise that we wait on the toggle dropping change before making balance decisions based on 1v1 matches between Scrappers and Blasters. The disorients from EM may still be a bit much, but making small balance changes at a time is better than making several or making larger ones.


Lords of the Dead
Old School Legends



I'm all for it, it would'nt really diminish an Ice/EM's ability, just make it harder to play. People seem to forget the reason that /EM is so good is conserver power and boost range, not bone smasher and total focus.

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Unlimited end and buffed kiting ability definately put the set over the top, but lets not forget power boost too. The trifecta of doom.



A blaster's melee damage was lower than a scrappers, for the most part? So Blapper's dont out scrap, scrappers.

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Blasters need a reason to take the risk and go into melee. f their melee attacks dealt less damage then a scrappers, they would have zero reason to use any of those powers.

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A risk? Excuse me but something tells me there more than one AT in the whole game a blapper can go into melee with, *without* being in hi risk.

Yes a blapper should risk going into melee with scrappers, brutes, and to a lesser extent tanks and stalkers. They shouldnt have any advantage going into melee with these folks at all. Only to finish them off after tearing them up with ranged attacks.

But do you forget about defenders, controllers, corruptors, dominators, and MMs? What EXACTLY is the risk going into melee with all those folks? Seriously, whats the trade-off here?

The point is this. For Scrappers and Brutes, their primary function is melee. Nobody in the game should be able to out perform these folks and their defining role. Melee is a 2ndry for blasters. Sorry there's a reason that most 'troller 2ndries arent as effective as Defender primaries. The same should apply here too.

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And no AT should outdamage a blaster. Thats a blasters role. Melee or Range, it deals the most damage of any AT out there. Scrappers dont have the same damage capabilities as blasters, but they have a lot better defenses (resists, Regen, w/e). Thats the tradeoff. A melee fight between an /EM blaster and a /Regen scrapper isnt nearly as one sided as you seem to think. As was mentioned before, the problem isnt here. Its with the fact that the defense side that blasters lack can easily be made up for by support toons. Damage is much harder to boost.

-- Currently Playing --
Dexter Labrynth (SS/FA Brute)

Former member of Tribute and Victory Reborn



I hate to say it, but your comments didnt address anything I said. We know Blasters are the dmg dealers, and in no way do it effect theyre overall dmg output if their dmg was less then scrappers in melee. They would still be the best dmg dealers in the game. So now answer my question, whats the trade off to over half the other ATs in the game for doing more dmg than scrappers? What the "risk" to them going into melee with squishies?