Who would feel better if.....




There's a paucity of truth-telling about blappers by meleers. It would behoove you guys to tell the truth to make your case, rather than exaggerate, deceive, and outright lie.

[/ QUOTE ]

You continually and rabidly perpetuate delusional conspiracies by a fabricated "melee community" to nerf blasters.

If you spent a quarter of the energy you dedicate to attempting to frame-up "the melee community" with spin and utter hyperbole to actually listening to players who want balanced mechanic's and not nerfed AT's - then maybe you would be afforded a scrap of credibility by many of the melee players you have *chosen* to alienate and antagonize.

Whats really sad is to watch you patting yourself on the back on the blaster boards for admittedly causing aggravation in this fabricated, fantasy "Melee Community" you've chosen to create to entitle yourself to even more delusional, conspiracy theory martyrdom.

It would likewise behoove you to stop desperately campaigning to keep this unbalanced mechanic at your disposal and focus on fixing everything else thats wrong with the blaster AT so you don't have to rely on de-toggles in the first place.

Sadly many on the blaster boards don't want thier AT to be balanced and competative and want to keep using this broken, overpowered mechanic as a crutch - and then actually claim to be "fighting for their AT".

It's laughable CB.



In other words, despite your toggle powers protections, pretend you don't have them and prepare based on that -- because those protections will be knocked down at some point.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe I'm not reading your post right, but who exactly are you referring to here?



Everyone in general?



In other words, despite your toggle powers protections, pretend you don't have them and prepare based on that -- because those protections will be knocked down at some point.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe I'm not reading your post right, but who exactly are you referring to here?



Everyone in general?

[/ QUOTE ]

I took it to mean anyone with a toggle but most affected are brutes, tankers and scrappers.




I think you must have me mistaken for someone else. You said:

Whats really sad is to watch you patting yourself on the back on the blaster boards for admittedly causing aggravation in this fabricated, fantasy "Melee Community" you've chosen to create to entitle yourself to even more delusional, conspiracy theory martyrdom.

[/ QUOTE ]
Where exactly have I "patting [myself] on the back on the blaster boards for admittedly causing aggravation in this fabricated, fantasy 'Melee Community'"? Can you point to a single, specific post where I've ever done that on the Blaster Boards? And, by "specific post", I mean I'd better see a link, and it'd better be one of my posts, and it had better be saying exactly what you're claiming I said.

Otherwise, you've really just proven my case for me, haven't you?

And you're the one raving on about how I'm "delusional"?

By the way, _Phantom_, personal attacks are a violation of the boards' rules. Specifically attacking an individual, calling that specific person "delusional" and "paranoid", certainly qualifies.

40062: The World's Worst PUG
84008: Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
230187: The Hero of Kings Row
No H8 - 08.04.10
@Circuit Boy - Moderator - Pride global chat channel



No I think Phanthom proves his point quite nicely. Just the example of your attack on me and lumping me in with the "melee" community, solidifies his case. I have ONE melee toon out of 8, and its a Spines scrapper. That makes me the a melee rep? No it makes me an observant and concerned player on game balance.




Those were your words, not mine. If you meant something else, you should have said something else.

How is a reader supposed to know you did not mean what you actually wrote? How is someone reading what you write supposed to know you do not mean what you put down on the page?

Don't try to blame me or claim it's my problem because I "can't grasp a concept". You quite literally said "they'll run for the hills in PFF". I didn't "interpret" that. You SAID it.

Furthermore, I'm asking _Phantom_ to prove that specific claim he's made, so no, he hasn't "made his point". Just because I pointed out where you lied does not prove his claims are true. It just means you're angry that I caught you in a lie.

40062: The World's Worst PUG
84008: Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
230187: The Hero of Kings Row
No H8 - 08.04.10
@Circuit Boy - Moderator - Pride global chat channel



No, you specifically chose to find the "nick" in my post, isolated it, and blatenty twist it to attack my credibility, because you cant debate the real issue. That in itself is a deception and palor trick for your literary sleight of hand. Instead of attacking me for a composition mishap, why not tackle the unbalance?



I didn't "twist" anything at all.

"Twisting" would have been misrepresenting you.

I didn't. I represented EXACTLY what you said and pointed out EXACTLY why it was inaccurate.

That's not "twisting".

What you're doing right now, though... that's twisting. You don't have facts, so you're engaging in personal attacks to defend yourself. You know you were wrong, you're mad that you got caught, and instead of being gracious and admitting it, you're attacking me for having the audacity to point out your mistake/deception/lie.

When you engage in personal attacks, you've lost the argument. We're done here.

40062: The World's Worst PUG
84008: Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
230187: The Hero of Kings Row
No H8 - 08.04.10
@Circuit Boy - Moderator - Pride global chat channel




I think you must have me mistaken for someone else. You said:

Whats really sad is to watch you patting yourself on the back on the blaster boards for admittedly causing aggravation in this fabricated, fantasy "Melee Community" you've chosen to create to entitle yourself to even more delusional, conspiracy theory martyrdom.

[/ QUOTE ]
Where exactly have I "patting [myself] on the back on the blaster boards for admittedly causing aggravation in this fabricated, fantasy 'Melee Community'"? Can you point to a single, specific post where I've ever done that on the Blaster Boards? And, by "specific post", I mean I'd better see a link, and it'd better be one of my posts, and it had better be saying exactly what you're claiming I said.

Otherwise, you've really just proven my case for me, haven't you?

And you're the one raving on about how I'm "delusional"?

By the way, _Phantom_, personal attacks are a violation of the boards' rules. Specifically attacking an individual, calling that specific person "delusional" and "paranoid", certainly qualifies.

[/ QUOTE ]

Convieniently for you the "Nerf Blappers" thread was deleted.

I can however ask kali magdelene to verify the fact that not only did you announce that you hold this fabricated "Melee Community" responsible for nerfing the blaster AT across the board, but you made several posts specifically re-instating that this is indeed your belief.

She was apart of the conversation I was refering to, and will probably remember it quite well based on the nigh illogical and obviously antagonistic quality of your language.

But feel free to continually embarrass yourself by deflecting from topic, threatening board policy violation reprisals and cherry picking poorly crafted sentences to support your unfounded and factless rhetoric.




I think you must have me mistaken for someone else. You said:

Whats really sad is to watch you patting yourself on the back on the blaster boards for admittedly causing aggravation in this fabricated, fantasy "Melee Community" you've chosen to create to entitle yourself to even more delusional, conspiracy theory martyrdom.

[/ QUOTE ]
Where exactly have I "patting [myself] on the back on the blaster boards for admittedly causing aggravation in this fabricated, fantasy 'Melee Community'"? Can you point to a single, specific post where I've ever done that on the Blaster Boards? And, by "specific post", I mean I'd better see a link, and it'd better be one of my posts, and it had better be saying exactly what you're claiming I said.

Otherwise, you've really just proven my case for me, haven't you?

And you're the one raving on about how I'm "delusional"?

By the way, _Phantom_, personal attacks are a violation of the boards' rules. Specifically attacking an individual, calling that specific person "delusional" and "paranoid", certainly qualifies.

[/ QUOTE ]

Convieniently for you the "Nerf Blappers" thread was deleted.

I can however ask kali magdelene to verify the fact that not only did you announce that you hold this fabricated "Melee Community" responsible for nerfing the blaster AT across the board, but you made several posts specifically re-instating that this is indeed your belief.

She was apart of the conversation I was refering to, and will probably remember it quite well based on the nigh illogical and obviously antagonistic quality of your language.

But feel free to continually embarrass yourself by deflecting from topic, threatening board policy violation reprisals and cherry picking poorly crafted sentences to support your unfounded and factless rhetoric.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've done some post mining. While I couldn't find anything on the fictional melee community, I did find some on his fantasy "Stalker Defense League".

Take a look:

Stalker Defense League?



Here's another post about Circuit_Boy's fictional underground organization of the "Stalker Defense League", led by our guildmaster, _Castle_.





By all means, ask KaliMagdalene, because I know I said no such things in that or any other thread.

"Convenient", yes. So now you can come here, lie outrageously about what I've said, call me all kinds of names in the process, and when you cannot provide one shred of evidence to back up your claim--NOT A SINGLE, SOLITARY SCRAP OF EVIDENCE--you fall back on sullenly claiming it was magically deleted, but we should all take on faith that your claim is right, even though you cannot prove it.

Did the dog eat your homework, too?

40062: The World's Worst PUG
84008: Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
230187: The Hero of Kings Row
No H8 - 08.04.10
@Circuit Boy - Moderator - Pride global chat channel




Did the dog eat your homework, too?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. D*mn dog.

Rash of thread deletion going on lately...kind of odd, for these forums.



sig test.

thx again circuit



I didn't "twist" anything at all.

"Twisting" would have been misrepresenting you.

I didn't. I represented EXACTLY what you said and pointed out EXACTLY why it was inaccurate.

That's not "twisting".

What you're doing right now, though... that's twisting. You don't have facts, so you're engaging in personal attacks to defend yourself. You know you were wrong, you're mad that you got caught, and instead of being gracious and admitting it, you're attacking me for having the audacity to point out your mistake/deception/lie.

When you engage in personal attacks, you've lost the argument. We're done here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Aren't we "chock full of fabrications"? Is this person for real?



*gets out his forum-jousting lance*

Ok...who wants a piece of this?!?!

Back to the OP...yeah, I would like it if they kept ranged toons ranged and melee toons melee. I'd also prefer if melee toons were able to feel less suppresion, of all have short-ranged attacks, or something...IMO, the jump dynamic vs a melee toon is very far off. Any experienced dueler who wants to drop his incoming DPS vs a melee toon only has to hop about for a bit. Lame.

IMO, they borked blasters from the beginning. I think they need less HP, more un-resistable damage, and perhaps a pierce aspect or something...maybe add a steady to-hit bonus to defiance or some such.

My problem with blaster HP is watching one shrug off your melee attacks, hop away, hit Power Boost + AId Self, then hop BU+Aim and turn around to blap you to death.

That, IMO, is pretty damned unfair to melee toons.



Convieniently for you the "Nerf Blappers" thread was deleted.

I can however ask kali magdelene to verify the fact that not only did you announce that you hold this fabricated "Melee Community" responsible for nerfing the blaster AT across the board, but you made several posts specifically re-instating that this is indeed your belief.

She was apart of the conversation I was refering to, and will probably remember it quite well based on the nigh illogical and obviously antagonistic quality of your language.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not really comfortable getting drawn into this.

It might be a good idea for people to take a couple steps back, reconsider what they're saying and why, and then approach the discussion without carrying baggage in from other discussions.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Information that may or may not be a side point.

Originally, in Beta, Blasters were supposed to have Melee as their Secondary. This changed after they were determined to be too squishy for melee.


In any case, Blaster melee attacks should be stronger than Tanker melee attacks because they are in their secondaries (like Tankers') but are also based upon Blaster 'high' damage rather than Tanker 'medium' damage.

However, Blaster melee damage should be no more than 80% of Scrapper melee due to the Primary > Secondary rule.

That being the case, Blaster secondaries should be strong enough to balance the fact that they do not have Scrapper defenses or hit points.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Information that may or may not be a side point.

Originally, in Beta, Blasters were supposed to have Melee as their Secondary. This changed after they were determined to be too squishy for melee.


In any case, Blaster melee attacks should be stronger than Tanker melee attacks because they are in their secondaries (like Tankers') but are also based upon Blaster 'high' damage rather than Tanker 'medium' damage.

However, Blaster melee damage should be no more than 80% of Scrapper melee due to the Primary > Secondary rule.

That being the case, Blaster secondaries should be strong enough to balance the fact that they do not have Scrapper defenses or hit points.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's exactly why blaster attacks do as much damage as they do, and why they should do as much damage as they do.

My scrapper has enough defenses to stand toe-to-toe with just about every boss in the game. My blaster should be able to (assuming balance) use powers from her secondary to defeat those same bosses.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



People that defend Blaster's melee attacks always say that there is risk for them going into melee but you have to realize that your melee attack has a status effect on it which makes that risk really low.



Information that may or may not be a side point.

Originally, in Beta, Blasters were supposed to have Melee as their Secondary. This changed after they were determined to be too squishy for melee.


In any case, Blaster melee attacks should be stronger than Tanker melee attacks because they are in their secondaries (like Tankers') but are also based upon Blaster 'high' damage rather than Tanker 'medium' damage.

However, Blaster melee damage should be no more than 80% of Scrapper melee due to the Primary > Secondary rule.

That being the case, Blaster secondaries should be strong enough to balance the fact that they do not have Scrapper defenses or hit points.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wish I could remember his name, but do you remember that first video right after CoH went live? The gent and his wife who were proto-blappers, showing just how ungodly effective blapping would be? They nerfed Blaster Melee effects off of that video and the subsequent outcry. They'll do it again if it keeps going the way it's going, too.



People that defend Blaster's melee attacks always say that there is risk for them going into melee but you have to realize that your melee attack has a status effect on it which makes that risk really low.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not all of the melee attacks have status effects, and not all of those that do have status effects have reliable effects. One secondary doesn't have a single melee attack with any kind of status effect at all.

And yes, the status effects do reduce risk. They should make it easier to manage risk. Blasters have no defenses. To make up for it, they need offense that can mitigate damage in the process of defeating enemies.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I wish I could remember his name, but do you remember that first video right after CoH went live? The gent and his wife who were proto-blappers, showing just how ungodly effective blapping would be? They nerfed Blaster Melee effects off of that video and the subsequent outcry. They'll do it again if it keeps going the way it's going, too.

[/ QUOTE ]

Captain Reno and Captain Usagi, AR/Energy blasters. If you mean the Boom video, that didn't demonstrate anything beyond the fact that you can punch the hell out of grays. They also didn't nerf blaster melee effects off that video, considering that blaster melee powers were buffed fairly soon after the game went live.

The other movie I recall from Captain Reno was him showing of the use of flamethrower + energy manipulation + inspirations to powerlevel himself in Dark Astoria. At best, that nerfed the clumping tendencies of zombies and their weakness to fire.

Captain Reno became very disillusioned with the game later on for reasons I do not clearly recall. It may have been repetitive content, or unsoloable content. I forget now.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Sounds like most are complaining about the mez potential of /em for blasters. /elec, which would be the second biggest culprit has some >1second sleeps and powerful knockback, but hardly anything to write home about.

/em in all forms that AT's have access to causes problems for many people it is a very strong set.

The biggest problem that I have when fighting melee toons with my ice/elec is their stuborn attitude that they can just stand there and take my full alpha attack chain. Just move around for even a few seconds (doesn't even have to be the full 9seconds) suddenly our damage potential decreases dramatically for every second that we are not attacking while under the buff of aim and bu.

Any toon in the game hits aim or bu and I move around for a few seconds to minimize their effectiveness. It is really not complicated, or even hard to execute.

To address toggle dropping in the blaster secondaries: I don't play to rely on it. Meaning I don't fire off freeze ray then havoc punch them so they are held (I've done it to one scrapper and it was stupidly easy). /em blasters get more effect out of it because of the stuns and will thus be impacted the most by the changes.

I will be the first to admit that toggle dropping for blasters is overpowered right now (having both received and handed out beatings from the mechanic). That being said, even when they adjust TD's /em and /elec blasters are still gonna be killing like wild animals.

Whether your togs drop or not the damage output that some blaster builds can pull off while under the buff of aim+bu is scary. I'm not saying you have to move around like you do to avoid stalkers, simply move a bit when a blaster lines you up. If he has bright pink fists, chow a bf and take a few evasive steps for a few seconds.

The only time my blaster or corruptor get killed by blappers is if they blind side me while i'm stuck in a long animation or attacking someone else. If they get two good melee hits off they can usually finish me with range. That is with a squishy and a squishy+a few hp's, if I had meat shield hps like a brute, tank, or dull pained scrapper I don't really see any reason to die from a blapper alpha unless you stand there like a fool, or think that you are somehow above eating bf's. Even when they reduce TD's melee AT's will still get stunned or mezzed from blasters.

Adapt to the overpowered mechanic now and you will be even stronger once it is adjusted in your favor.

That is what my experience tells me on the matter anyway, take it as you will



People that defend Blaster's melee attacks always say that there is risk for them going into melee but you have to realize that your melee attack has a status effect on it which makes that risk really low.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not all of the melee attacks have status effects, and not all of those that do have status effects have reliable effects. One secondary doesn't have a single melee attack with any kind of status effect at all.

And yes, the status effects do reduce risk. They should make it easier to manage risk. Blasters have no defenses. To make up for it, they need offense that can mitigate damage in the process of defeating enemies.

[/ QUOTE ]

Neither does the melee ATs when all of their toggles are dropped.