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    Damnit man can you link me another because I already got that blaster to level 20

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    That build is sonic/elec. you want sonic/energy or psy/nrg. Here is a good psy/nrg build pvp build

    If you want a good sonic/nrg just browse around in the pvp forums, you will find someone asking about sonic within the first 3 pages.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    So then it's basically randomly selected from the eligible sell orders?

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    Sounds about right.
  3. You know, if you really think having different pve and pvp builds as far as slotting in taunt is a problem, they'll probably just put a to hit check in pve taunt.
  4. I heard to balance the nerf to Hurricane they're changing 02 boost to 03 boost. It's a very large aoe resistance debuff moderate DoT that causes Skin Cancer irl.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    --to those of us that have it, hurricane is our primary defense against the ridiculous amount of damage being kicked out by other ATs. without it, we are truly sitting ducks.

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    Which is why I'm for Storm's other powers being improved to help give you other lines of defense, and against more than melee damage. I don't want Stormers to be useless, sitting ducks. I want them to be viable contestants on the field. That's not going to come from one really good power and a lots of so-so ones though.

    Stormers also aren't the only characters who have this problem, and I hope a solution can be come up for the others as well. Defenders and Dominators in particular really get the shaft in many ways, and that's not conducive to fun play.

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    hopefully castle et al can come up with a system that allows the hurricane to protect the user in pvp and prevents any abuse in base raids. i just don't think the current fix is it.

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    I'd be happy with anything that didn't demand certain character builds had to go to pretty extreme lengths simply to meaningfully affect them. I'd be just as happy with some sort of repel supression for instance, to quote something I'd seen in the thread previous.

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    Every other power in /Storm is awesome (cept for Gale). The reason storm is so powerful is the combo of powers, not just Hurricane. Hurricane was the icing on the cake.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Why do people keep acting like the Stormers are NPCs with no awareness or ability to use tactics of their own? They're not helpless, they're presumably intelligent players reacting to what's around them.

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    Why do people keep acting like they have to stay huddled and all get hit by hurricane at the same time? Why do people feel that just because they rolled an EM stalker, that they should have the right to kill anything with their easy button? So 1 build managed to shut yours down, bring a friend who's build shuts theirs down. there is a good selection of corrupters, dominators, masterminds, hell, even stalker and brute builds that can give a stormer a bad day.

    pretty soon with all these nerfs to make debuffs/repels ineffective, all we are going to be seeing soon is nothing but buff and damage builds. why make anything else other than emp and ice/nrg blasters. It's been going in that direction for quite some time, and all the changes the devs are making, it's only encouraging that even further.

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    i have seen the future of pvp in coh...

    it looks like this:


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    That's an sg match. They changed it to a hot-seat game.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    As long as the Stomie was on the ground you could joust and stun them with Super Speed. The latest nerf has just made it easier.

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    Hmm, had a friend with a MA scrapper try that in the arena for 5 minutes or so (prior to the recent changes); he only got close enough to trigger a queued up attack a few times, and all but one whiffed because of the to hit debuff. If one of the successful jousts had happened to be on an attack where his buildup was going, maybe it would have hit, but thats still a long shot.

    Is your superspeed slotted up or something?

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    Did he have focused acc?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    I haven't had time to get on test, but I was wondering what people are reporting about the changes to hurricane. Anyone have any stories?

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    This is as good a place to put this, as any:

    I checked in a few Hurricane changes today that QA is going to look at. In Theory, these changes should mean that for PvE, Hurricane acts Exactly as it did before the previous change, while in PvP, it should act exactly as it does currently. Hopefully this change will get a green light from QA -- I've spent quite a bit of time on it over the last few days.

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    I hope very much to see this get "green lighted" and happen. I personally give a rat's [censored] about the PvP aspect of the game (yes, even as somsone with both CoV as well as CoH), and things like this that change something fundamental about a core power in a set I dearly love that remove FUN from it due to PvP concerns for PvE play just quite frankly piss me off.

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    I don't give a rat's [censored] about pve. Why should they change hurricane only for pvp? If it's fair in pve, then it's fair in pvp.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    As Obsidious said, if it's a normal base item, like an anchor, that's causing the problem, you should be able to select the item and Sell it to fix your base.

    If it is not a normal item, like a crafted item, /petition and the GMs can work through it.

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    Alright, thanks for clearing that up.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    If you can't edit your base, how do you move items?

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    If they are general base items, you have to delete tham and re-place them after you get things to work.

    If they're crafted items, I would petition for a GM, who can help you out more. They were very helpful in my situation.

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    How do you do that if you can't edit your base though?
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey guys.

    As many of you figured out, the base cause of this was some fixes to base raidable checks. Previously, items on walls were not properly blocking off space. Now, any item on a wall will count as obstructing the entire column of space it occupies, to prevent inaccessible rooms.

    We didn't intend for this to delete doors between rooms, or make a base uneditable. Those are bugs.

    If you have a problem where you can't edit your base, you should remove any wall items, or move them to out of the way places. This is especially true for anchors. Then, have everyone leave the base for about 5 minutes so it will restart. When you come back in, you SHOULD be able to edit your base again.

    If this doesn't solve your problem, please /petition it and a GM will be able to come help you. Also, if what I said above doesn't work, feel free to post in this thread and explain your situation, so I can check up on it.

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    If you can't edit your base, how do you move items?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    I think you're letting your ATist rhetoric blind you to the point that Castle's list strictly discusses solo PvP, which he explicitly qualifies. Furthermore, he goes on to vaguely suggest that PvP-performance hierarchy is wholly different on teams -- which is ostensibly what PvP is built around.

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    In team play, most AT's are within 30% of one another. The few exceptions should be looked at. Defenders, Controllers, Corruptors and Dominators are NOT at the bottom of this list, by any stretch.

    "Release the numbers" -- I can't. It really is proprietary info, and the generalities I'm providing are about as far as I can go.

    "OMG! He's nerfing EM!" -- Nope, at least not for I7.

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    Wait, why aren't you nerfing EM?
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm all for it, it would'nt really diminish an Ice/EM's ability, just make it harder to play. People seem to forget the reason that /EM is so good is conserver power and boost range, not bone smasher and total focus.

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    People forget? No, it's just not true. Bonesmasher is the premier power from the Energy Manipulation set for PvP. Boost range is completely optional. A strong PvP build doesn't rely on range, because blasters don't do enough damage at range to kill anyone before they die. They survive on burst damage, so in PvP, they have to make heavy use of their secondary sets to be very strong. I'm sure that ranged blasters *can* be effective against certain enemies, but the universally dangerous blaster relies on high burst damage and toggle dropping.

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    lol, good one. But ice blasts have higher DPS than energy melee. Fighting a decent team with good support, you won't kill someone in two shots like you will in pvp zones. The DPS is what matters. Now I'll grant you that the melee attacks are good at taking down tanks, but anything else can be taken down quicker with Ice Blasts because you can just sit in one spot and spam attacks. More attacks hit quicker than if you were chasing someone with /EM. I'm just gonna say you have to trust me in that the most succesful Ice/EMs rely mostly on Ice blasts, which is made effective through the use of CP and Boost Range.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    Scrappers out damage blasters in melee. Blasters AT mod is 1, while scrappers is 1.125. Scrappers also get unresistable criticals of 2x damage 5% of the time, which can be compared to Blasters 33% unresistable damage.

    Energy Melee's Stuns coupled with toggle dropping pretty much make the damage a secondary effect. While the blasters (who have little or no mez protections) are used to functioning with break frees active, most scrappers are not, as they rely on their inherent protection powers to keep them safe.

    In other words, despite your toggle powers protections, pretend you don't have them and prepare based on that -- because those protections will be knocked down at some point.

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    Straight damage numbers mean absolutely nothing in pvp. You have to take into account burst damage, activation time, end cost, resistances, recharge time, etc.

    Let's put it this way. Put a scrapper with no toggles against an /em blaster with no toggles. Have them fight each other with only melee attacks. Who do you think will win?

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    What about put a scrapper against an /em blaster without inspirations and who do you think will win? Let's say I pick a MA/Regen scrapper with resilience.

    Your situation is just as invalid as mine because it depends on too many variables and unrealistic preconditions. ::shrugs::

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    Assuming neither get's mez'd. Just straight up damage.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Scrappers out damage blasters in melee. Blasters AT mod is 1, while scrappers is 1.125. Scrappers also get unresistable criticals of 2x damage 5% of the time, which can be compared to Blasters 33% unresistable damage.

    Energy Melee's Stuns coupled with toggle dropping pretty much make the damage a secondary effect. While the blasters (who have little or no mez protections) are used to functioning with break frees active, most scrappers are not, as they rely on their inherent protection powers to keep them safe.

    In other words, despite your toggle powers protections, pretend you don't have them and prepare based on that -- because those protections will be knocked down at some point.

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    Straight damage numbers mean absolutely nothing in pvp. You have to take into account burst damage, activation time, end cost, resistances, recharge time, etc.

    Let's put it this way. Put a scrapper with no toggles against an /em blaster with no toggles. Have them fight each other with only melee attacks. Who do you think will win?
  16. I'm all for it, it would'nt really diminish an Ice/EM's ability, just make it harder to play. People seem to forget the reason that /EM is so good is conserver power and boost range, not bone smasher and total focus.
  17. Another handy little tip if you have room for flight in your build (pretty much ill/emps because they don't need concealment), is to keep SJ toggled on all the time and have a quick, easy to reach key bound to fly. I bind my left shift key to fly, so I can use SJ like normal, but stop on a dime in mid-air if I need to. A great way to lose someone is to be SJ'ing away and right after you hit the top of your jump and start to fall, hit fly and take off upwards.

    Also, this quick key gives you the benefits of fly (not being targeted as much) without giving up the mobility of SJ (just toggle fly off and you resume your spot at the middle of a super jump at normal SJ speed).
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Patron Powers

    Villians got some nasty powers for pvp. They can also acess several froms of web grenades (one being a hold, another an AoE Immobilize), which is brutal with -recharge, -speed, -fly, and -jump if the status effect doesn't get ya. All archtypes can get a pet as well.

    What I don't understand is why Stalkers get Snipes. I can see them getting a medium blaster attack (i.e. Slug) or a heavy damage attack (hello 20 footers!), but not snipes. That takes abilities away from other ranged villians against powers such as hurricane or force bubble. But I doubt they will crit from hide or there will be a lot of very angry corrupters.

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    How does that make it worse for blasters and not worse for everyone else?
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    No was not thinking of that at all. Who would be the best person to ask?

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    _Castle_ or Positron

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    In the lobby of the watchtower in Grandville is a statue of each of Lord Recluse's lieutenants. At the base of this statue is a plaque that, when you click on, brings up a text box with tabs. The tabs are for the Archetype, and it goes into detail about the powers (including the hard numbers) that that Patron will give that Archetype. (Thus you can easily look at all the patron powers for your AT, and even those not for your AT).

    You are given a mission to visit each of these plaques before you choose your patron.

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    What if you don't like the patron you choose?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Okie I want to ask a related question, also yay first post.

    What about the fact that fire has 4 situational useless powers.

    1 Temp protection... really useless... there isnt enough fire or cold for it to matter.

    2 Fiery embrace... situational, unless you are fire/fire its usefullness is highly questionable.

    3 Rotp..... a tank shouldnt need a self res and it doesnt even come close to being as good as granite or unstop

    4 Burn... a power that deaggros mobs and makes them run and gets your team killed is questionable at best.

    Also what about the contention that regen can take more damage over time than fire.

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    Temperature protection helps out a bunch stacked with the other shields. It should have something like slow resist or +perception to make it worthwhile.

    Fiery Embrace works just like a normal build up with an added bonus for fire attacks. It has the same length on regular attacks as Build Up but lasts longer for fire attacks.
  21. Threw some ideas I liked together.

  22. PosiBot

    A fond farewell

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    Dear Villains and Heroes,

    I wanted to let you know that I am moving along to another project and my last day with CoV/CoH will be tomorrow, March 3rd.

    I have so enjoyed working on this project for the past 10 months. Awry, The EMpaler, Arctic Sun and CuppaJo have been the greatest group of companions and office mates. I’m going to miss sharing the daily insanity with all of them. (Arctic Sun will be transitioning off as well, and you can read his farewell post here.)

    This is a wonderful community, and it has been my pleasure to be a part of it. I have heard many people refer to this as one of the best MMO communities around, and I certainly agree. Thanks for your thoughtful posts, supportive PMs, and for very often making me double over with laughter.

    I will see you around the Rogue Isles!

    Yours in villainy,

    P.S. I swear I have put all of those “Where’s my beta invite?” PMs completely behind me.

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    Take me with you to a better game...please....