Decorative Base Items We'd Like To See




Originally Posted by MrMountie View Post
Actually, many of the objects in the 'Desk' category have flat bottoms that do indeed have textures on them. They're commonly used for making floors.
But being desks, they would seem (afaik) to have two 'problems': They are as thick/tall as a desk, and they have unsightly legs/drawers below the desktop.

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Originally Posted by Fortress_NA View Post
But being desks, they would seem (afaik) to have two 'problems': They are as thick/tall as a desk, and they have unsightly legs/drawers below the desktop.
Height you can't help. However, no, there are not legs/drawers beneath all of them. Go look at the [wooden/grey/white] counters in the desk category. Some have drawers, some don't. All are solid on the bottom.

If you can't be bothered to actually float one or two to look at them, I'm pretty sure some of us here can show them to you.

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Originally Posted by Cende View Post
Height you can't help. However, no, there are not legs/drawers beneath all of them. Go look at the [wooden/grey/white] counters in the desk category. Some have drawers, some don't. All are solid on the bottom.

If you can't be bothered to actually float one or two to look at them, I'm pretty sure some of us here can show them to you.
I had forgotten that 'Desks' also included things like cabinets. It makes sense that it would not only not have legs/pedestals like a desk, but that it would be solid when viewed from below.

I want to make a four-layer maze, and that leaves no room for 'flooring' of significant thickness. I've already drawn it on graph paper, now I just need the in-game components to build it.

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I have found that about the most you can reasonably fit into bases is three levels. Any more and the floors don't have enough height to be comfortable.

About the only thinner pieces that I can think of you might use for floors are the green Tech long crate thingys, and some of the fluorescent ceiling lights. Both would require a lot more pieces, though, and in the case of the lights potentially a lot more Prestige as some of them are 500 a pop.


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Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
I have found that about the most you can reasonably fit into bases is three levels. Any more and the floors don't have enough height to be comfortable.

About the only thinner pieces that I can think of you might use for floors are the green Tech long crate thingys, and some of the fluorescent ceiling lights. Both would require a lot more pieces, though, and in the case of the lights potentially a lot more Prestige as some of them are 500 a pop.

I built (and dismantled) my 4-layer glass maze. It was small, but convoluted. And it used only two kinds of pieces -- the Tech Supergroup Floorplate 2 and the Supergroup Glass Logo 2 (the smaller one). Each one is 1K a pop, and it takes two of those Glass Logos to "wall off" one side of the square. So it was not cheap, which is why it was small.

With the maximum amount of height available (no raised floor or dropped ceiling), you can stand 4 of the Supergroup Floorplate 2's vertically and it's a perfect fit. True, it might not accomodate oversized toons, but I wanted to see if I could build it.

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Yeah, it's certainly POSSIBLE, but it's going to feel pretty damn cramped.

The absolute minimum height that's usable is 8 feet high (the max height of a base is 48 feet), but that means only smaller characters are going to be able to enter the space. Even then the small people are going to get a crick in their neck. You ideally want about 12 feet high to accommodate the largest characters.

My main base building character has costume slots with the smallest and largest possible size models specifically so I can test out the clearances of things I build.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

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Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
Yeah, it's certainly POSSIBLE, but it's going to feel pretty damn cramped.
Glass mazes are imo *supposed* to feel cramped.

Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
The absolute minimum height that's usable is 8 feet high (the max height of a base is 48 feet), but that means only smaller characters are going to be able to enter the space. Even then the small people are going to get a crick in their neck. You ideally want about 12 feet high to accommodate the largest characters.
But doesn't 4 levels in 48 feet means 12 ft per level?

Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
My main base building character has costume slots with the smallest and largest possible size models specifically so I can test out the clearances of things I build.
That's not a bad idea.

NCSoft, Please reconsider your decision to close down CoH. It has an extremely loyal following and enjoys a great amount of free support from the larger community.

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Originally Posted by Cende View Post
Height you can't help. However, no, there are not legs/drawers beneath all of them. Go look at the [wooden/grey/white] counters in the desk category. Some have drawers, some don't. All are solid on the bottom.

If you can't be bothered to actually float one or two to look at them, I'm pretty sure some of us here can show them to you.
Take them into the medical center in the Star Patrol base (on Justice); I built the two additional floors in there with the grey counters.

And I think they might be listed as counters, rather than desks. Not sure now, has been a while.

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any / all of the items in here would make GREAT SG Badge rewards...

add new base content - but make us work for it in game? Win Win.

Founder of The Obsidian Oath as Briarthorne



Still, the only "win" I'm interested is is genuine developer interest in expanding/updating the SG base system. As opposed to the many, many layers of wish list requests wrapped in feigned developer interest. The base building community has thrown literally dozens of base wish lists at them, some at their request. Nothing has come of any of them. When they act on the lists they already have, I'll take new ones seriously.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Still, the only "win" I'm interested is is genuine developer interest in expanding/updating the SG base system. As opposed to the many, many layers of wish list requests wrapped in feigned developer interest. The base building community has thrown literally dozens of base wish lists at them, some at their request. Nothing has come of any of them. When they act on the lists they already have, I'll take new ones seriously.
Well, to be fair there were requests (for example) for a greater number of 'animal' costume pieces (mine included). And while it took about 1.5 years from my pov, it did happen. Maybe they're just backlogged all the way up the flume ride?

NCSoft, Please reconsider your decision to close down CoH. It has an extremely loyal following and enjoys a great amount of free support from the larger community.

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SUGGESTION (easy one):

  • Make it so that the floor tiles are not transparent from the bottom.
  • Add a smaller tile that is 1/4th the size of the existing one.
  • Add an even smaller tile that is 1/8 the size of the existing one.
  • Add a "Wall Tile" that is just like the floor tile, but able to hang on a wall, 1/8th of the size of the existing tile.
If they were to do these three things, we could more easily add second floors without maxing out our items, and the smaller ones could be used to make platforms, walls and stairs.



First off, I'd like to ask if the Developers could *please* just rearrange the order that the base items appear in each category? It'd make base building less of a hassle due to all the scrolling back and forth, back and forth though all the hodgepodge arrangement.

For example:

1. In "Arcane", group together:
A. All the floor & ceiling domes,
B. All the individual & circle spikes & spires
C. All the 'hands'
D. The two heads
E. All of the crystals
F. All of the 'Blocks'
G. All the Balconies, Bridges, and Wall Platform

Some of the other categories are not bad, being almost fully sorted, but Tech is as bad as Arcane. Room Details is kinda a 50/50. Could you group the Planters/Potted plants/bushes together, the Rubble/Dirt Mounds, and the Stairs?

Now on to Base items that aren't just a rearrangement of the display...

Here's a few that shouldn't be too difficult (in my inexpert opinion ), and shouldn't significantly affect the amount of rendering:

Item #1:
"Floor Piece 1": Take the 'Wood Straight Counter' and:
A. Stretch it's depth to the same value as the SG Floorplates (i.e, same 'footprint').
B. Chop it's height to 1/3, making it the same height as Rubble 3.

Item #2:
"Floor Piece 2": Take the 'Gray Straight Counter' and do the same steps as with item #1.

Item #3: (A little more work, but would be greatly appreciated.)
"Floor Piece 3": Take the 'Rubble 3' and:
A. Make it into a square with the same 'footprint' as the SG Floorplate. The pattern on 'Rubble 3' is a repeating pattern with a period the same dimensions as the SG Floorplate.
B. Give it a 'hard' top surface like the two 'Straight Counters' above so that things can sit on it.

Item #3:
"Interior Wall 1": Take the 'Tall Wood Shelf w/Books #1' and:
A. Clone the back onto the front (you can remove the books from the inside if you want).
B. Stretch its height to 150% of current value.

Item #4:
"Tall Interior Wall 1": Do everything the same as with Item #3, except stretch its height to 200% of current value.

Just to be absolutely clear, I'm not suggesting changing existing items, only adding new items that are modified versions of existing items.

Thank you for all that all of you have done so far!

NCSoft, Please reconsider your decision to close down CoH. It has an extremely loyal following and enjoys a great amount of free support from the larger community.

I invite everybody to add the above image to your signature as a petition to reverse NCSoft's decision.



Functional Items as Decorative Items!!!! - things like the Arcane Bookcase or the Tech super computer that are simply decoration and don't actually generate/use Power or Control.



here we go again...

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Uh. . . okay. . . apparently I have done something wrong.



I just want to be able to put some signs onthe walls that have arrows and words so people dont get lost inthe bases...i also want some letters messages can be put on walls....

But i realize....thats probably not ever going to happen.....

Heck i would love to have a command prompt to be able to put in rotation and coordinate position commands for items...but i guess taking the time to make a 100 byte script is way too time consuming....

But i do have hope for this stuff that everyone lists...after all....what the heck else is there going to be avaialble inthe market that people will buy in huge quantities...



Originally Posted by sykoholic001 View Post
Uh. . . okay. . . apparently I have done something wrong.
You haven't. Its just the lack of any Base Love in years can make posting in here seem a bit futile. However I hope we may get a Booster Pack for SG Bases. You never know

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Why is it the things that require the most thought and creativity on the part of the player (Base Construction and AE) recieve the least amount of love from the Devs?



Because money.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
Because money.
Or more accurately, the things that require the most thought and creativity on the part of the players are the least popular (go figure!) and thus make the least money.

Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
I hope we may get a Booster Pack for SG Bases.
Now what would be cool (IMO) would be a SG Booster Pack to match each of the Super Boosters - Cyborg, Martial Arts, SuperScience, Steampunk, Mutant, etc.

Will probably never happen but as long as we're hoping. . .



In the off chance a Dev dusts off this thread and actually reads it, i'd like to add my suggestions. Many of these are probably repeats, and i've already mentioned some of them on another thread, but here we go.

Casino furniture: Slot machines, poker tables with npcs, casino sounds, the works. My gangster themed SG wants a casino as a front for our illict activities.

Nightclub furniture: Full bars with bartenders, velvet ropes to guide or block off foot traffic, stages, maybe even disco lighting. Heck, give us the cage from the cage matches while you're at it.

Tiki furniture: Tiki masks on the walls, Tiki torches, etc.

Doors: Actual doors. Watching the decor abruptly change from room to room with no real doors is kind of a turn off. Disrupts the flow, you know? Always open doorways i can live with, but doors that actually open and close would be cool too.

Windows: It's been an ignored demand for years, but i'll ask for it again anyway. Static would be good, animated would be awesome. Day and night city scapes, post apocalyptic wasteland, desert, outer space, remote island, water surface, undersea, hollowed out volcano, you name it.

No Ceiling option: If we can get windows, then i'd like an option to replace the ceiling with open sky. As an example, the base entrance for my gangster SG is a dark alley. I'd really like to have no ceiling, with just the night sky and maybe a moon overhead. Some mock buildings towering overhead would add to the illusion of a real back alley. Then give us those doors i mentioned earlier, so it looks like you're entering the back of a building.

More symbols: All those new symbols you've added over the years are nice. Be even nicer if we could use those as SG logos.

More natural: More paintings for the walls. Fountains and statuary. Wall and floor textures you could find in your home, an office building or a mansion. Salvage storage that looks like a normal bookcase, cabinet, floor safe or bank vault. That sort of thing.

I realize this isn't The Sims, and i know i'm probably asking for miracles, but i had to throw it out there. Now that i've thrown my suggestions at the Wall of Silence, i'll walk away and hope at least one of them sticks.

Check out my "Rule Britannia" series if you feel like something different. The arcs are #19599, #20575, #23977, #134775, #134923 and #144543. The series is complete, but spinoffs are in the works.



Originally Posted by pixelforge View Post
any / all of the items in here would make GREAT SG Badge rewards...

add new base content - but make us work for it in game? Win Win.
Work for it? No. Now that we have an online store, i imagine anything they finally add will be paid for with cold hard cash. At this point, i'm actually happy with that prospect.

Check out my "Rule Britannia" series if you feel like something different. The arcs are #19599, #20575, #23977, #134775, #134923 and #144543. The series is complete, but spinoffs are in the works.



Whilst I'm not a base builder myself, I would like to reassure the base lovers here that all hope is indeed not lost. There are numerous sources (not the least of which have been the Ustream casts) that have directly confirmed there is base love for this year. They haven't said what precisely, but it's supposed to be amazing and a radical overhaul of the base system. I believe the last direct mention of this was the big twelve-hour downtime just in the last few days.

Additionally, Positron himself is putting personal player housing on the design list. This was as of this last maitenance round and has had three to four goes at it so far. But it is going on the list. Zwillinger did however say that personal housing is one of the biggest server resource drains in any game. Make of that what you will.

But don't give up hope!


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



The pessimist in me says: "I'll believe it when i see it."

The optimist in me says: Nothing really. Just inappropriate schoolgirl squeals.

Luckily i'm a realist, so i'll just wait and see and hope you're right Oz. Thanks for the morale boost anyway.

Check out my "Rule Britannia" series if you feel like something different. The arcs are #19599, #20575, #23977, #134775, #134923 and #144543. The series is complete, but spinoffs are in the works.