Decorative Base Items We'd Like To See




I have to lend my voice to Battlerrock and Alsoa here. I've said before that we need a way to be able to create second and third floors inside those insanely huge rooms. Can't we have ways of making floors, walls, movie screens, etc. (just to name three that I want) without having to spend thousands and thousands of prestige.

Many of us arn't in SGs with dozens of players spending all our time gathering boffo amounts of prestige. Many of us are in SGs where our visions are coming up against the object limit in our bases and they are threatening to crash on us.

Please, let us have our kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, and inhome theaters. Please let us build the dorm rooms, apartments, garages, etc. that our hearts desire, without having to grind hundreds of hours for prestige - only to see it gobbled up by a single square of floorspace in our base.

The current graphics in this game arn't quite up to the level of Sims 2, but they're close - and much better than Sims 1. (IMO, Sims 1 was a better game to decorate in, seeing how Maxis pretty much nerfed player-built content to try and keep it all propiertary for Sims 2.)

We see what can be done now with what is available. Imaging just how much more we could do if only we were allowed to.

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



I must admit to being lazy .. I didn't read all 26 oages of thread to see if anyone made already made the sáme suggestion :

Open area's SuperGroup Bases.
Like, a small tropical island, with a volcano base, for example!



I don't have any specific items in mind, but one can pretty much infer what sort of items would be wanted from my request. I'm not wanting items perse but rather some new themes/templates for the bases. Yeah, the ones we have look super and I still wish that I could find an SG/VG who properly made themselves a sewer base, I think it'd be awesome, but I want something a bit different. I want to be able to make stuff that looks at least vaguely similar to some of the maps we see in game. We're told that one of the maps in Faultline is an abandoned SG base, but I've never seen anything in base builder that would look as epic as that did. Same with Longbow/Arachnos bases (Maybe veteran unlockable themes?), but also down to stuff like the office buildings.

Example: I have an SG right now on one of my toons that is centered around the idea that all the members would be refugees from other worlds/realities/planets that wound up in Paragon through exploration/exile/fleeing desctruction of a homeworld or even simply by accident and ended up making the city their home, and I wanted to make the base something a bit more cozy and kind of a "second home" feel to it so that the members could at least have a friendly place to stay in a strange world. The red/blue carpets from the office theme would be a welcome addition to this (maybe a few more colors too?) as well as the wall type. I don't want my walls to be stupidly detailed. Something simply like the wallpaper/stucco/painted walls from offices would be ideal for this, or even some hardwood flooring and wall panels in a few different shades. Definitely couldn't hurt to give us a bit more "cozy" feeling options as opposed to the mostly metal or stone options we currently have. The asian flavored themes are the closest we have to "homey" at the moment and those only really work if you're going for a dojo or an eastern feel SG.

Just keep us in mind when the new base love comes down the line Sunstorm. We need some awesome big base stuff, but some of us also want the cozy feel of a home.



I like the idea of stuff that'll give us an easy way to, in the largest rooms that are possible to put in a base, make a second, or even a third, floor! They have what we need to do this already, because of the way The Zig looks like on the inside,(real metal stairs and walkways). As for Base Decorative Items, why not Wall Mounted Weapons that look like Ancient Weapons,(ala the Three Kingdoms Era)?

Try my 3 MArcs: I.D.#67166:Protect the Artifacts!! I.D.#97724:Level-Up Time. I.D.#243803:Witch War! Salem vs. Croatoa!



Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
I would add some sort of doorway thing that would fit in the hallways, to turn them into realistic doorways, rather then massive cathedral openings.
Like those Star Trek doors that make the "swissssh" noise.




Originally Posted by Alsoa View Post
I would also like thin interior walls. If they are the proper measurements to work well with the aforementioned floor pieces wonderful.
Yep. Four pieces - half a square width & full square width, at one safe and three safes tall. And maybe one or two "placement grid squares" thick.

Then slap three or four textures on them. (Tech, arcane, plain, wood?)

(Or six pieces - 1/3, 1/2, and 1 square wide)

......along with an "up/down/left/right/forward/backward" cursor control for item placement. Use the numpad buttons. Nudge items one placement grid space per press.



What I'd like to see (but probably never will).

The ability to drop a holographic "assistant" (think "skinnable/costumable NPC in the style of the AE mission contact) in a room (or rooms) and program it's speech to give info about the room.

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I've been doing a fair bit of base construction for my near to fall-apart SG(hoping the SG Leader will leave me the base). I've become frustrated with the large number of SMALL, MINOR things that are missing from the base editor.

  • Beds¹
  • Aquariums
  • Kitchen Appliances²
  • Neon lights³
  • Bath Tubs and/or hot tubs
¹: I figure they don't exist over NCSoft's concern regarding Cybering. We already cannot lie down via emote, so I think that concern is handled. I'd like to build a barracks, with bunkbeds, but that's nigh impossible given the current editing failings.
²: Our bases are our Heroes' and Villains' "homes". Most, if not all "homes" have kitchens. Even supers have to eat.
³: Really like the ability to customize lighting. The 'Tech Etched' wall pattern is nice, but it frankly just isn't enough. Basic strip lights, and basic shapes would be much appreciated.



New Base defense : Arch-villain/Hero that defends a particular room.

They so pretty.



More wall and floor details like signs and logos. Hospital, exit, workshop, high voltage, different letters, arrows etc.

Maybe plaques similar like history plaques but you can write your supergroup backround in that. When you get some visitors, they can click the plaque and read your cool info.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



Windows with wallpapers, so players can choose to have a room with a space/cave/desert/city backdrop.




do they actually read this? cause I have not seen no changes....I really want to see some damn lettering....please? please? so I can label stuff...I have ocd lol and it kills me I cant label my storage for my sg mates. anyway around that?

also how about some actual ability to make walls and windows...actual glass....actual doors...more furniture something...comeone when are the base updates comming?



1) Water effects in the base
2) trees without benches or bases around them
3) grass as a floor texture
4) Glass/Mirror finishes for walls and maybe floors.
5) More Majic based options (mid sized items)

6)An in base whiteboard/chalk board where you can leave text messages or directions, it shouldn't be too hard to let us make signs pointing to the Teleporters or Meeting room, or to leave a message other than the MotD folks see when the log in.

7) Autonomus base pets. From buttlers to cats or maybe a tamed clockwork. They should be limited to a set number per base (maybe one) and have a few behaviour modes (greet at enterance, hide, lurk, pester, come when called (think about a large button or pull chain). Breath life into the base by having something always lurking when someone comes in. Heck a pet dragon might be cool, minding the salvage

8) Condensable base salvage racks. I don't understand why they were limited to 30, but it would be nice to have the ability to link or combine them to it is easier to find things. Even a master station for salvage, maybe with a servant/robot that runs and get's what you want when selected.

Caves..the larger troll caves would work.



Originally Posted by FargonRob View Post
1) Water effects in the base
2) trees without benches or bases around them
3) grass as a floor texture
4) Glass/Mirror finishes for walls and maybe floors.
5) More Majic based options (mid sized items)

6)An in base whiteboard/chalk board where you can leave text messages or directions, it shouldn't be too hard to let us make signs pointing to the Teleporters or Meeting room, or to leave a message other than the MotD folks see when the log in.

7) Autonomus base pets. From buttlers to cats or maybe a tamed clockwork. They should be limited to a set number per base (maybe one) and have a few behaviour modes (greet at enterance, hide, lurk, pester, come when called (think about a large button or pull chain). Breath life into the base by having something always lurking when someone comes in. Heck a pet dragon might be cool, minding the salvage

8) Condensable base salvage racks. I don't understand why they were limited to 30, but it would be nice to have the ability to link or combine them to it is easier to find things. Even a master station for salvage, maybe with a servant/robot that runs and get's what you want when selected.

Caves..the larger troll caves would work.
Man love all these Ideas....DEVS? are you there?



Originally Posted by FargonRob View Post
4) Glass/Mirror finishes for walls and maybe floors.

7) Autonomus base pets. From buttlers to cats or maybe a tamed clockwork. They should be limited to a set number per base (maybe one) and have a few behaviour modes (greet at enterance, hide, lurk, pester, come when called (think about a large button or pull chain). Breath life into the base by having something always lurking when someone comes in. Heck a pet dragon might be cool, minding the salvage
Glass/mirror finishes would be awesome with the new Ultra graphics upgrade coming with GR.

I'd be satisfied simply to have NPC people walking about, like in the zones. Technicians, mechanics, interns, etc. Pathing would be a nightmare, though, since every base can be wildly different.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
I'd be satisfied simply to have NPC people walking about, like in the zones. Technicians, mechanics, interns, etc. Pathing would be a nightmare, though, since every base can be wildly different.
Simple solution ... give us a "pathing track" that we can put on the floors for the NPCs to follow. Extra bonus points for giving us one that can be put in the air for hovering/flying NPCs to follow too.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



What I'm wondering is, should we should compile a list of the decorative base items that are made from things in the current overworld/instanced missions and focus on getting those added? Likewise, should we concentrate on suggesting one or two "easy" to create features/upgrades for current base features?



Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
I'd be satisfied simply to have NPC people walking about, like in the zones. Technicians, mechanics, interns, etc. Pathing would be a nightmare, though, since every base can be wildly different.
Don't forget some creatures like the fairy pets, tiny clockwork, etc from the veteran rewards.



Originally Posted by FargonRob View Post
1) Water effects in the base
2) trees without benches or bases around them
3) grass as a floor texture
4) Glass/Mirror finishes for walls and maybe floors.
5) More Majic based options (mid sized items)

6)An in base whiteboard/chalk board where you can leave text messages or directions, it shouldn't be too hard to let us make signs pointing to the Teleporters or Meeting room, or to leave a message other than the MotD folks see when the log in.

7) Autonomus base pets. From buttlers to cats or maybe a tamed clockwork. They should be limited to a set number per base (maybe one) and have a few behaviour modes (greet at enterance, hide, lurk, pester, come when called (think about a large button or pull chain). Breath life into the base by having something always lurking when someone comes in. Heck a pet dragon might be cool, minding the salvage

8) Condensable base salvage racks. I don't understand why they were limited to 30, but it would be nice to have the ability to link or combine them to it is easier to find things. Even a master station for salvage, maybe with a servant/robot that runs and get's what you want when selected.

Caves..the larger troll caves would work.
Great list. Wall paper,water,may be even a fountain,pool would be nice. carpet,any thing for th floor that can cover all my desk floors.

Life was simpler before I gained some knowledge



We'd like to see...

Active devs in this topic.

Crickets chirping...


Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I'd like water features like fountains and pools, proper non-kinky beds, more hologram decorations, like the spinning globe in the middle of the big round meeting table, and seasonal decorations like Christmas trees and Christmas decorations, and pumpkin lanterns and Halloween decorations.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Pine trees, short and tall, and also lit ones such as you find around the Ski Chalet - those would be terrific, especially as we approach the Winter Event.



I want to see all your things what you suggested

And sorry if this is already said but skeletons, chains, stone gargoyles and other dungeon stuff.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.