Decorative Base Items We'd Like To See




*As a base editor I would love to see various fitness equipment-from a pool to treadmills and weight sets.

*Windows with various themes for what you see through them would be cool-space, jungle, city skyline, etc...


*Kitchen gear-refrigerators, ovens, stack o dirty dishes, etc...

*Medical beds and equipment

*Material we'd find in Paragon City PPD precincts-cells, weapons racks, doors, posters.

*New wall art-PLEASE. Maybe finish the CoH comic book cover set and add the novel cover, or generic wanted posters of CoT or Arachnos, Malta, etc...

*New cased -and more easily (or labeled) items in glass cases for trophy rooms-perhaps pieces we could earn. Like a piece of the Kronos Titan, or a seed from Eochai.

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How come the Rikti get beds to sleep in, but the heroes don't?



Blank one colored wallpaper without any textures. Our SG really need that. And floors and ceilings too.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



A vine/like plant that you can stack.
-one with leaves
-one without

hang vines from the ceiling, climb up furniture or bricks, climb up columns, etc.

Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.

Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.



Originally Posted by mintmiki View Post
A vine/like plant that you can stack.
-one with leaves
-one without

hang vines from the ceiling, climb up furniture or bricks, climb up columns, etc.

And doors in between rooms like the sliding ones you have to click on when in tech misisons.




Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
How come the Rikti get beds to sleep in, but the heroes don't?
for the SAME REASON we havent had ANY new base editing stuff over the last few issues.

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More steampunk style items. (on that note, why does the copper alembic tank cost 5000 prestige, but the steel one is 100 prestige?)

Tech walkways.

Decorative versions of the energy and control items including decorative versions of the auxiliary items. (Why? Because I want a friggin' computer terminal that isn't attached to a giant workstation or a wooden desk. Yes, I can have LCD screens on desks, but it's missing a keyboard and such.)

Truly stackable stairs that don't clip into each other.

Spiral staircases (stackable).



Off with their heads!!!!

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I apologize in advance if I'm repeating something someone else has said in the previous 11 pages.....but

1. Firstly and foremost - Letter Signs (so I don't have to label rooms and other things using vent covers.....ARG!). Forgive my emotion here, but OMFG, why hasn't that been done before?

2. Less easy, our own plaques so base creators can put text to advise base users of....whatever.

3. Just as tough, I would think, multi-level bases (requiring elevators or stairwells....)

4. And to continue on stairwells, taller stairs, circular and squared.

5. Um, a Captain's Chair?

6. A bottom to some of the things I use for 2nd and 3rd story floors so I don't see the naughty bits of Square and Large Altars. Destroys the illusion when looking up.

Thats it for me, for now.

For now.



My top items in no discernible order:

1) Real water effects.
2) Fountains.
3) More tech and sewer items, especially catwalks and walkways, bridges, and balconies.
4) Wallpapers you can apply to the floor tiles so you can change the appearance (no more just grid option unless you stack a lot of desks on it).
5) Parquet, wall-to-wall carpet, and slimy stone floor pattern options.
6) Ceiling fans. With and without lights.
7) Real beds. Beds without restraining straps. Medical beds. Bunk beds. Barrack-style bunk beds. Comfy Queen/King-sized beds and various headboard options.
8) Circular stairs, wooden and wrought iron.
9) Torches that aren't hands.
10) Fireplaces.

"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
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Now that we can become more elaborate and put our minds to use in creation of different objects, how about expanding the cap of amount of items from 20k to more? I know in our base I had to stop because we hit the 20k decorative items limit. I understand there was a limit because of zoning in potential problems, but with newer graphics cards out there now,we have no issues zoning into a 20k decorative item base. Cap it higher perhaps? maybe 30k?



maybe one day devs will speak.


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Originally Posted by Heismann View Post
Now that we can become more elaborate and put our minds to use in creation of different objects, how about expanding the cap of amount of items from 20k to more? I know in our base I had to stop because we hit the 20k decorative items limit. I understand there was a limit because of zoning in potential problems, but with newer graphics cards out there now,we have no issues zoning into a 20k decorative item base. Cap it higher perhaps? maybe 30k?
Or they could give us easier ways of making walls and 2nd floors.. then we wouldn't really have to worry about the 20k item limit.



Yeah, the biggest reason people hit the limit is because they use a mass of smaller objects to make a bigger object.

Like it takes 32 desks to make a single floor section.

If the "bigger objects" were just put in the editor, the number of objects in bases would plummet.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

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Originally Posted by Heismann View Post
Now that we can become more elaborate and put our minds to use in creation of different objects, how about expanding the cap of amount of items from 20k to more?
As far as anyone can tell, it's not a deliberate cap. It seems to be more a bug in the database such that the base server can't handle bases with item lists longer than 20k - inclusive of the items in your storage units.

We'll get better sizes when we get a better base editor.

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Originally Posted by Cende View Post
As far as anyone can tell, it's not a deliberate cap. It seems to be more a bug in the database such that the base server can't handle bases with item lists longer than 20k - inclusive of the items in your storage units.

We'll get better sizes when we get a better base editor.
Deliberate or not,20k for a decorative base is tiny. I've capped our base out already,and I haven't even gotten to some of the defense!
But having bigger items like actual floors and wall would be great,as it would take a 3k room, and virtually chop it down to 500, depending on the amount of "Brains In Jars" you really want to use.
Our 3 story MedCenter alone is 2k pieces, and having wall/floor/window abilities would reduce that but at least half. If given just textured walls the width of 2 shelves,length of a desk or 2,and height of the shelves, maybe taller, that would reduce the amount of items need by a ton.
Maybe something like this could be tweaked in,say before GR comes out? A teaser issue for us base builders would sure help wear and tear on your!



Grassy floor and plants without pots.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



Yep... seconding all the suggestions. Just hope that someone reads them who can actually do something about it. They've already got the items in existance, so there's no reason not to have them in base editing. I'm a veteran of Anarchy Online, and though nowhere near as customizable as CoH bases, they still had lots of items I'd love to see in CoH. Party areas with disco lights. Swimming pools. Hot tubs. NPC staff & guards that wandered and talked. PvP arenas for sparring practice. I'd like to see things like this in CoH.

If I had to make a list of my absolute top desires, a few things (already mentioned, just seconding them):
Other plot themes, such as outdoors. There's a lot of SG's out there that fit in an outdoor setting, not in a building.
Decor and lighting for doorways. MUST HAVE!!! I hate lighting changing drastically in the middle of a doorway, or flooring styles changing abruptly... please, fix this.
Water. Have different sized/shaped water tiles, or at least pools/ponds.
More trees, larger trees, plants without planters.
ITEM COLORIZATION! Just like costumes, open up the color spectrum for items too.

There's a lot of stuff I'd like to see, but that is by far my list of what I would consider the most important things.



I love reactivation weekend.

The problem that was found with decorating doorways was having the ability to move things, delete the doorway and then you would have a "hidden item behind a wall" result. The problem with this is it made it possible to "relocate your base entrance...outside of your actual base" meaning someone could literally load into your base... and fall... and fall... and fall... and fall... and fall... and.. you get the idea. Oh yeah, it was also VERY difficult to un-break that once it was done; Meaning getting the entrance to you base to work right was difficult if not impossible... so unfortunately <or fortunately if you see it that way> no decorating doorways.

The only thing I can see that the devs could do to appease the editors right now would have to be something simple, a few simple objects that could be used for floors, walls, ceilings... that would be just adding a few objects to the editor. A simple quick easy fix that would make people happy. For a quick fix that's pretty much all they could do. <well, I SAY Quick and easy...I know a good bit about animation/modeling programs so really, adding even simple objects...isn't as quick or simple as it sounds>

Anything more than those "simple objects" would require a huge revamp to the base editor and its apparent that the devs are simply too busy with other things to bother with major editing overhauls.

It would be nice at least, to HEAR from them regarding bases. A simple "We hear you, we cant work on it right now, but WE HEAR YOU" would do so much right now.

I would love to hear from them, I would re-sub If I did. We all want more base shiny.

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I don't recall seeing this (been awhile since I have gone thru this whole thread) but I think having wall textures that resemble landscaping would be a cool idea. I.E. Low or Mid Walls looking like tree trunks and bushes; Mid to High Wall looks like medium size tree tops matching the trunks below and/or Middle of tall Trees; and High to Very High walls looking like Tree Tops and sky.

The same could be done for a more open park scene or suburban scene with CoH/V buildings in the distance.

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I would very much like candles and other light sources that give off a very small amount of illumination.

Enjoy your day please.



Why can't the Devs put more objects in for us to use in base edit. I mean most of the stuff is already designed. Bars with beer taps, beer cans, statues, pool tables, Hospital equipment, computers,ect..? Also what about multi level bases that requires an elevator to go between levels. How about SG Missions through the mission computer that is worthless and is nothing more than a decoration, and maybe award a badge or a few badges for SGs that do SG Missions. Well Devs?



Or here's one..... You guys always say use forums because devs read those... well how come the devs can't answer the peoples posts?



Or how about this one Devs.... We can save a room to a clip board so that we can copy it and place a duplicate room else where in our bases so we don't have to reinvent the wheel again????? Can I get an answer?



I'd like to see small meditation mats for martial artists or characters who are using the yoga emote.

Following in that theme perhaps a martial arts or zen themed base update would be neat. Little bonsai trees, a rock garden, a koi pond, yin yang artwork, target dummies, paper screens, incense, wall scrolls, bamboo, and similar items.