15 -
So it's official that the 28th is it? Hate to put in for day off and be totally busted..lol!
Quote:Deliberate or not,20k for a decorative base is tiny. I've capped our base out already,and I haven't even gotten to some of the defense rooms...lol!As far as anyone can tell, it's not a deliberate cap. It seems to be more a bug in the database such that the base server can't handle bases with item lists longer than 20k - inclusive of the items in your storage units.
We'll get better sizes when we get a better base editor.
But having bigger items like actual floors and wall would be great,as it would take a 3k room, and virtually chop it down to 500, depending on the amount of "Brains In Jars" you really want to use.
Our 3 story MedCenter alone is 2k pieces, and having wall/floor/window abilities would reduce that but at least half. If given just textured walls the width of 2 shelves,length of a desk or 2,and height of the shelves, maybe taller, that would reduce the amount of items need by a ton.
Maybe something like this could be tweaked in,say before GR comes out? A teaser issue for us base builders would sure help wear and tear on your servers...lol! -
Point being as such,there will ALWAYS be farming, either through MA,News/Paper,TV Contact,etc etc. The Dev's seem to hear the cries of the few,ignore the rants of the many. You all talk about how busy the AE buildings are,and you mention Freedom Server. What about the smaller populaced servers,like Triumph or Protector? Those buildings are ghost towns due to the "nerfs" specified. Hell, sometimes the entire server's a ghost town. Tonight a grand total of 27 people on villain-side today.Are the Dev's nerfing too much? Possibly. The "Kill Ants" theory works for me. We have 2 incomplete zones Vil-Side (Monster Island and The Abyss) with one for the purpose of Hami. God knows what the hell Monster Island's for.
If I try to round up a team to do AE mishs, the only people I'll get are lowbies (under lvl 10) that are new and have yet to experience the nerfs of AE.Everyone else I get the same answer,"no thx,AE's nerfed"...
It seems after reading alot of what people are writing tonight,it appears that while the Dev's have a clear-cut idea on something,Tunnel-Vision takes effect and they rush the product into gameplay.
Errors,sometimes exploits,are discovered, and instead of gently easing things back like a doctor's scale, they drop a "3-ton weight" on it, killing much of the idea's purpose to begin with.
When Ouro 1st came into effect,there was the "exploit" with the Merits. Fixed. Instead of crashing it completely,they eased it back and forth.Do we like the Merit Rewards? I don't see much about it so far since they used the "ease" theory.
Maybe the Dev's should consider a more easeful approach to handling exploits/programming errors rather than simply trying to "kill all the ants" with a "3-ton weight".. -
Quote:This is true. Posting a reference to WoW's TOC makes me believe otherwise about the cost effectiveness. His rants on MM customization has yet to be resolved, and since really those are rants,I give him kudos for at least still raving about why we don't have them.But that's the problem, a few of his points were opinions, and you noticed that those weren't instantly pounced on, its only when he made the absolutely factually inaccurate statements that he got stomped. Plus, while everyone makes grammar errors, including myself, there is a issue of how much you respect your reader if you post like that, its basically saying, you aren't important enough for me to try to be coherent, and that starts things off poorly. mistakes are bad, but that was barely the post of a native English speaker. In fact, we have several non-native speakers who express themselves more clearly than that. there are opinions and there are factually incorrect statements.
Case in point, I made 3 bad typos in this post, out of respect for the reader, they were fixed, ya get me? We are not teenagers texting.
His errors regarding Empathy/Pain seem justified,but then Maniac brought up a good point about Pain sufficing for Empathy.
As for writing styles,after perusing this post which I still seem fascinated by,I would dare say that Rian and I share the same styles.Does this mean I'm Rian's second account? Far be it. I'm sorry if I "write like a duck,quack like a duck" to the OP and other people here, but even ducks have a limit on the amount of different species available. -
Now that we can become more elaborate and put our minds to use in creation of different objects, how about expanding the cap of amount of items from 20k to more? I know in our base I had to stop because we hit the 20k decorative items limit. I understand there was a limit because of zoning in potential problems, but with newer graphics cards out there now,we have no issues zoning into a 20k decorative item base. Cap it higher perhaps? maybe 30k?
Is this also for the DVD Collector's Edition of City Of Heroes?
Quote:You're right. So I just joined today. That doesn't mean I haven't been around reading. To say "similar styles", that could be said about all of us. I've already stated that I don't agree 100% of what Skats said. I think he's a little off-based on some things, but I do agree with alot of what he did say. I don't know this "sock-puppet" theory, nor now do I want to. I just came here to play,and seeing a post here that alot of people are shredding, I did have something to say.To be fair it's not "Just because [you] seem to be the only defender".
There's also the similarity in writing style and the facts that you joined just today and that you have only posted in this thread.
I'd be more open to listen to him if he wasn't so offensive, and I'd listen to the responses if they just weren't immediately bash him back. I think clearly there is a difference in opinion and unfortunately, we've come to bashing and smashing.
The JPG of the terms of WoW clearly speak to me,and I think he either got a good deal or something's not right there, as the picture says it all. That's proof in my pudding....lol! -
Quote:You stated this was a multiple account, and most reasons for a multiple account is for 1 reason only...PLing. Your other reasons are valid and I can see why. Like I said, I don't believe in PLing, but how a person plays, that's their business,not mine, it's their (or mommy or daddy's) money,spend it as you will.Powerlevel your toons? Where did anyone suggest that you powerlevel your characters? That's a strange conclusion to jump to out of the blue. I merely suggested that the OP started a second account so he could pretend that someone agrees with his ranting. Such a thing could easily be done by starting a free trial account.
And why the assumption that we would think that anyone with multiple accounts uses them to powerlevel their characters? There are other reasons for having multiple accounts.
1. A player may have already used all 36 slots on their main account and they want more slots on their favorite server.
2. Players might segregate their accounts, one for heroes and one for villains. We have a lot of obsessive compulsive players.
3. Players that like having solo SG's use second accounts for inviting their own characters to their SG's
4. Players use multiple accounts to make it easier to shift wealth amongst their characters. This eliminates the chance another player will rip them off.
The fact that you automatically assume that I implied you powerlevel and your subsequent aggressive and hostile denial leads me to believe you are suffering from a guilty concience.
Just because I seem to be the only defender you ASSUME it's a multiple account. I tell you wrong. Maybe I hear the call in the wild? Maybe I actually know the guy? Maybe I'm actually close friends? Maybe I never heard of him before today? You don't know, so jumping to conclusions about personal situations you know nothing about is off-based and wrong. That's like me assuming with 10k posts you have no life and live at home,with no job or carrer to speak of. But I could be totally wrong too. You could be making 200k a year working in a fancy high-rise building with your retirement plan already set in stone. To assume personal details or blast them for personal issues is wrong. This is a game,not RL... -
Quote:While I have a tendency to agree with much of what you say,it seems that coming off offensive strikes a cord that in turn angers people too. Generally alot of people in turn share the same "rants", but are afraid to say them, as it'll cause situations like this where there is alot of backlash.So,ya'll telling me...(give up the state tax,that's for ANY game) that while i'm payin a lil under 6 bucks more here than say WoW, which really i hate that system worse, that that's normal? I pay more fer here than i do elsewheres, and if that's the norm, then I'll stand corrected. So tell ya'll what,I'ma just gonna apologize fer anything i said,lord knows we wouldn't wanna speak our minds and sit in the back with the rest of the silent sheep, too scared to say anything les we get trashed back. so disregard my lil "rants",and i'll never post here again.
Sitting back with the rest of the sheep is the wrong thing to do. This is a country where you're allowed to voice your opinion,but remember,there are the lobbyists who will haunt it back to you if not phrased correctly, which in this case, I don't think there was.
You have to learn there are always more people that will voice against you rather than with you, not matter if you're right or wrong,IE The Medical Insurance Bill passing now. We can speak our minds all day long on soapboxes made of cardboard, but once it rains.. -
Quote:I've never been able to get one online to fix a mish,you expect me to believe they come here to read these?But really, not even talking to the OP but to you giving the benefit of the doubt you're not the same person, what do you want *us* to say? I mean, reading his primary argument (the devs don't listen to us) when they infact *do* listen and even communicate with us in depth on issues, it just flops the entire argument on its bum.
Quote:The complaints brought up, while valid, you must understand that we can't *all* get what we want. Like with the badges. He wants them harder to obtain (because he put more effort to get them in the first place) and yet I don't want to have to put that much effort into the *dozens* of characters that want those badges and accolades. With the requirements now, the badges are easier for everyone *including* the OP. How is that bad (not to mention flies in the face of the original argument that the devs don't listen because these requirements were lowered thanks to players requesting it)?
Quote:You go on about Witchhunts or imply forum lynching of single posters, but what are we suppose to say? Especially if the argument has little standing? IMO, the best way to have dealt with such posts is to just ignore it and let it fall from the forum with as few pages of replies as possible. But apparently forum goers have more fun discussing this stuff rather than ideas for new sets and what not.
Quote:Basically, if you're gonna come here backing the OP, quit the retarded accusations and actually back it with *evidence*. Tell us why what we pay isn't proper. Go into detail about MM sets and customization. Put *that* in a post and forth as a *Suggestion* and maybe people will listen. -
Thank you! See,it's not to hard to disagree with someone. I don't know the cost of playing other MMO's,as CoX is the only one I play. It's either food on the table, or another game. As flawed as this game may seem to be,it still is a great game with alot to build upon. I know from talking to friends at work that other games also share the same traits with flaws, but not as many as CoX seems to provide.
I like PvP, but i'm 50-50 with the OP here. I see nothing in RV but ranged attackers with SS, but my opinion is i do well with my Rad/Rad,so i think there's a learning curve that he needs to go through.
I personally have heard so much about this demon set for MM's,and every time i hear of it,I drool, and now that trail leads out my front door to a permanantly watered lawn. But I can wait if it comes out with minimal amount of "boo-boos" as possible.
This "CoR" i guess is Rogues, and since we've undergone so many nerfs, i think the OP's off in judging it before Beta,but then again,I have 3 words for Beta--Barracude Strike Force. That thing's been nerfed/broke since day one, and I spend alot of time in GV, and LRSF is still the King, i never hear about BSF ever. I guess it left a bad taste in everyone's mouth. -
Second Account? Get real. Before you judge someone's "second account" status or w/e, check your facts. This account? This my own. Primary. Single. Only. I don't NEED another account to PL my toons,as I don't think you should in the 1st place. And,if you'll learn to read, I already said I don't agree with alot of what he said. I think his costs and PvP statements are off. So check yourself Forbin before you start slandering those who pay to play.
Fascinating! While I enjoy reading the forums, I never thought before today to actually create a profile and respond to any of them. Most of the suggestions are by people who so graciously oh Gods Of Development,hear our cry,as we place our sacrificial Scrapper on the Alter Of Promises, please don not judge my words...Get some guy that many deem unfit to be near a keyboard to mount a soapbox, and let the apples fly! Burn him! Scorch him! Get your crosses and silver bullets! Do I agree totally with what he says? Not really. Did I understand in his very 1st post? 100% clear. Those that didn't obviously haven't played the game IN GAMEWORLD, as you can see there, there's a buttload of Gamerspeak going on, oh, but we understand that.
Is he justified in his badgecount? Ther I think so, just b/c you all got it lowered so you can farm it easier you want to blast him. Don't want to farm for the Outcast badges? The TV Contact's in Grandville, go farm there, you'll wastes hours PLing yourselves there before you'll actually hit Siren's Call.
His PvP "rant"? Maybe he needs to learn to PvP more, but when RV's more diversified than Blappers,Trollers,and Stalkers,I'll side with him.
Monthly cost? I don't know too much about the state tax thing,but it'll hit both CoX and WoW at the same time,and if WoW's core charges are lower,maybe it's time to investigate.
They say that certain powersets are hard to do because of programming. I'll buy this. but they waste time creating a Halloween event with banners and such,but giving MM's a Demon-set when you pretty much have the pet builds available or an Ice-Demon set when,again,the builds are available seems rather easy than creating a whole new event.
For those about to judge my "clarification" of builds, perhaps reading the MM forum wil give you ideas an what build I'm referring to, and,oh,BTW,Pain? It's not Empathy,get your facts straight before you actually issue facts. -
Oh yeah, it's a rant. Is it a solid rant? I believe so. But hey, let's all make sure that we point out the "rebels" flaws and make sure we bury our heads in the sand so no one can get in trouble. I mean after all we don't want to rock the boat, after all, we might even get kicked! **shudder** So Skat's I'm with you on this one. Wrong place to post yeah,right words to say. Maybe putting this in the wrong spot will wake up folks. Or in this case, make other's go "WITCHHUNT!" and point out the flaws in the placement of it.