Open Letter To The Dev's (if it stays....)




Congratulations! If I didn't know better I'd swear you're trying to finish this game off and maybe go on to something else. You CLAIM to listen to the people, yet the ideas you come up, i'd argue that point seriously. For YEARS people have asked for the same things, like costumes for MM's and Tankers with a ranged attack,yet you wind up doing whatever you want anyways. The one true original idea that you had with Mission Archetect,there obvioulsy wan't a heck of a lot of forethought behind it, and you release another issue just to add to it? Get real, that was a waste of a really good issue. You should know that people with take advantage of anything they can, and if you didnt see the MA abuse coming...well....let's make sure we nerf it multiple times so those who DO enjoy the cool stories reap NO REWARDS anyways! Hooray for killing the Original thinkers! Now to reward those who PLed off of MA...hmm..Let's lower the badge counts by,oh,let's say HALF...Yeah,that'll anger all those badge-hunters who busted their butts for weeks getting certain badges when some noobie can come along and in a few short days attain the same goals some veteran who worked hard to get his. Yeah, that'll kill the veteran badge-hunters! Now, let's hit the poor...after all,some of them are paying twice as much for both games AFTER you already merged them into one set, when WoW's prices are half as much...bye bye low income players. Now, let's get the rest by announcing a NEW expansion that,of course we'll botch so hard in the beginning that it'll drive off the rest. I mean after all, we can't get 1 game set,let alone 2....let's go for broke! What's left? Oh,right,PvP....i know, let's destroy any supplement powers like heals,slows, and Immobs so the only thing we have left is people zipping around blasting away. After all, can't heal,and make sure them with the best range and speed wins,forget any other powerset. So all we have left is PvP with zippity zip shoot and run. Nice works Devs! Keep up the good work! This game has so much potential to run for years and at the rate you're killing it, it'll be lucky to live a few months past CoRogues....Maybe you should actually READ the forums instead of browsing it, Some ideas i think were pretty bad, but should lead to brilliant gameplay....



Can this get moved to General Discussion please as it's not a Suggestion? It's a rant.



mebbe it's a Rant, but since the forums got moved around so much, i had NO idea where to put it anymores....



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
mebbe it's a Rant, but since the forums got moved around so much, i had NO idea where to put it anymores....
why don't you try reading the little text helpers, like the one beneath For Fun! that says:

Make yourselves comfortable & chat about Comics, Lore, Roleplaying, Heroes & Villains in general. Present your suggestions for the game as well as your fan creations for all to admire!





Oh yeah, it's a rant. Is it a solid rant? I believe so. But hey, let's all make sure that we point out the "rebels" flaws and make sure we bury our heads in the sand so no one can get in trouble. I mean after all we don't want to rock the boat, after all, we might even get kicked! **shudder** So Skat's I'm with you on this one. Wrong place to post yeah,right words to say. Maybe putting this in the wrong spot will wake up folks. Or in this case, make other's go "WITCHHUNT!" and point out the flaws in the placement of it.



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
Congratulations! If I didn't know better I'd swear you're trying to finish this game off and maybe go on to something else. You CLAIM to listen to the people, yet the ideas you come up, i'd argue that point seriously. For YEARS people have asked for the same things, like costumes for MM's and Tankers with a ranged attack,yet you wind up doing whatever you want anyways. The one true original idea that you had with Mission Archetect,there obvioulsy wan't a heck of a lot of forethought behind it, and you release another issue just to add to it? Get real, that was a waste of a really good issue. You should know that people with take advantage of anything they can, and if you didnt see the MA abuse coming...well....let's make sure we nerf it multiple times so those who DO enjoy the cool stories reap NO REWARDS anyways! Hooray for killing the Original thinkers! Now to reward those who PLed off of MA...hmm..Let's lower the badge counts by,oh,let's say HALF...Yeah,that'll anger all those badge-hunters who busted their butts for weeks getting certain badges when some noobie can come along and in a few short days attain the same goals some veteran who worked hard to get his. Yeah, that'll kill the veteran badge-hunters! Now, let's hit the poor...after all,some of them are paying twice as much for both games AFTER you already merged them into one set, when WoW's prices are half as much...bye bye low income players. Now, let's get the rest by announcing a NEW expansion that,of course we'll botch so hard in the beginning that it'll drive off the rest. I mean after all, we can't get 1 game set,let alone 2....let's go for broke! What's left? Oh,right,PvP....i know, let's destroy any supplement powers like heals,slows, and Immobs so the only thing we have left is people zipping around blasting away. After all, can't heal,and make sure them with the best range and speed wins,forget any other powerset. So all we have left is PvP with zippity zip shoot and run. Nice works Devs! Keep up the good work! This game has so much potential to run for years and at the rate you're killing it, it'll be lucky to live a few months past CoRogues....Maybe you should actually READ the forums instead of browsing it, Some ideas i think were pretty bad, but should lead to brilliant gameplay....
So what you are trying to say is...... wait, are you trying to say anything?

Wash: "I've been under fire before. Well ... I've been in a fire. Actually, I was fired. I can handle myself."






he appears to be mad that they dealt with ma abuse and lowered the badge counts to a reasonable level. plus standard pvp rant. that is what i chisled out of the incoherent block of sentence fragments. oh, and we are dead a few months after goro unless we implement random bat-@#$% crazy suggestion number 40 from the suggestions forum. oh, and the poor thing was just from planet nutcase, given that he compared to to world of warctraft, which has the same sub rate, and until goro hit actually has more expansions out.

oh and he had another totally unconnected player with a December 09 reg date and no other posts who has been waiting for someone as brave as him to speak up. i find it all totally credible, lets roll it back to issue 4.



Originally Posted by Heismann View Post
Oh yeah, it's a rant. Is it a solid rant? I believe so. But hey, let's all make sure that we point out the "rebels" flaws and make sure we bury our heads in the sand so no one can get in trouble. I mean after all we don't want to rock the boat, after all, we might even get kicked! **shudder** So Skat's I'm with you on this one. Wrong place to post yeah,right words to say. Maybe putting this in the wrong spot will wake up folks. Or in this case, make other's go "WITCHHUNT!" and point out the flaws in the placement of it.
*wakes up*


Nope. Still in the wrong place. It's also badly structured and is difficult to read so, if the OP wanted this to be seen, there are better ways of formatting the text (paragraphs, coherent sentences etc).

Starting to label people as 'rebels' and others as 'not wanting to rock the boat'... this is an Internet Forum, not the film 'Footloose'. Although, admittedly, that did make me chuckle when I thought of 'Footloose'.

Part of the rant is focused towards PvP. Part of it towards.. gameplay? Difficult to tell. There are far better ways to structure arguments than either the OP has done or you have.



Originally Posted by Heismann View Post
Oh yeah, it's a rant. Is it a solid rant? I believe so. But hey, let's all make sure that we point out the "rebels" flaws and make sure we bury our heads in the sand so no one can get in trouble. I mean after all we don't want to rock the boat, after all, we might even get kicked! **shudder** So Skat's I'm with you on this one. Wrong place to post yeah,right words to say. Maybe putting this in the wrong spot will wake up folks. Or in this case, make other's go "WITCHHUNT!" and point out the flaws in the placement of it.
No, it wasn't a solid rant, because it had no basis in any logic whatsoever.

The Devs didn't make Tanks with Blasts, even though some players asked for it? Fantastic! Let's not unbalance the game, just because somebody wants something, okay?

The Devs nerfed the MA, even though they had asked the players not to exploit it, and the players did anyways? Yeah, they were going to do that, because otherwise there was no reason to play any other part of the game. The MA now might have lower rewards than it should for some tougher, player-created mobs, but stock enemies still give just as much XP as they do in the real game.

The Devs hitting the poor? How, exactly, are they doing this? By offering up some add-on packs, that aren't at all necessary to play the game in any way or fashion? No, that's not going after the poor. That's offering things for players. It doesn't hurt the poor to offer those packs.

Then he complains about the upcoming expansion pack, before he seems to even know anything about it, and forgets the fact that games have been adding expansion packs for decades now, and it's not a bad idea. Can't afford it? Don't get it. Simple as that. Doesn't seem too hard to me.

Then he seems to go on a rant about how heals and immobilizes aren't effective. Except, they are. Just because you need to use some strategy doesn't make something not effective. I've never found anyone in the game who didn't think that heals were useful.

So, no, this wasn't a good rant. It wasn't even a bad rant. It was a terrible rant, that had no basis in fact whatsoever.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
Congratulations! If I didn't know better I'd swear you're trying to finish this game off and maybe go on to something else. You CLAIM to listen to the people, yet the ideas you come up, i'd argue that point seriously. For YEARS people have asked for the same things, like costumes for MM's and Tankers with a ranged attack,yet you wind up doing whatever you want anyways. The one true original idea that you had with Mission Archetect,there obvioulsy wan't a heck of a lot of forethought behind it, and you release another issue just to add to it? Get real, that was a waste of a really good issue. You should know that people with take advantage of anything they can, and if you didnt see the MA abuse coming...well....let's make sure we nerf it multiple times so those who DO enjoy the cool stories reap NO REWARDS anyways! Hooray for killing the Original thinkers! Now to reward those who PLed off of MA...hmm..Let's lower the badge counts by,oh,let's say HALF...Yeah,that'll anger all those badge-hunters who busted their butts for weeks getting certain badges when some noobie can come along and in a few short days attain the same goals some veteran who worked hard to get his. Yeah, that'll kill the veteran badge-hunters! Now, let's hit the poor...after all,some of them are paying twice as much for both games AFTER you already merged them into one set, when WoW's prices are half as much...bye bye low income players. Now, let's get the rest by announcing a NEW expansion that,of course we'll botch so hard in the beginning that it'll drive off the rest. I mean after all, we can't get 1 game set,let alone 2....let's go for broke! What's left? Oh,right,PvP....i know, let's destroy any supplement powers like heals,slows, and Immobs so the only thing we have left is people zipping around blasting away. After all, can't heal,and make sure them with the best range and speed wins,forget any other powerset. So all we have left is PvP with zippity zip shoot and run. Nice works Devs! Keep up the good work! This game has so much potential to run for years and at the rate you're killing it, it'll be lucky to live a few months past CoRogues....Maybe you should actually READ the forums instead of browsing it, Some ideas i think were pretty bad, but should lead to brilliant gameplay....
I believe his intended points are:
*Devs are trying to ruin the game (Obviously, as everyone wants to wreck thier paychecks, right?)
*Devs aren't listening to the players. Including costumes for MM's. (you know, since all the other AT's get to wear costumes.) And ranged attacks for Tanks. (You know, like Hurl Boulder and APPs?)
*Devs should have seen the exploiting of MA before they implemented it. (Okay, I agree with that.)
*Devs have nerfed MA to NO REWARDS! (Um....baloney.)
*Removal of many of the badges from MA will drive off badgers. (Annoyed them, but didn't drive them off)
*Some garbage about having to pay double for both games, when you don't.
*GR will be totally screwed up. (OP has a crystal ball? It's not even in Beta yet.)
*The PvP changes stunk. (Okay, some agree with him on that.) *Healing, Immobs and Slows don't work in PvP. (Really? Whatever. I don't care.)



"Witchhunt?" Hahahaha! funny stuff. Well, excuse 'ems if my sentence structure" and grammar's crappy, just never thought i'd have to proofread what i say, but putting this in "SUGGESTIONS", i had this alterior motive:
Devs...LISTEN to the PEOPLE. I mean they've been saying the same crap for years,and while i hate to agree with some of it, they are original ideas. Ya'll be saying ya wanted new suggestions, being in a Suggestion place? OOkies, here goes...
1.)Up the badge-counts BACK to where they were in the 1st place.
2.)You gave us colors for powers and such,EXACTLY like Champions Online. Why not coloring the pets for Doms,Trollers,and MM's?
3.)Instead of nerfing powersets in PvP, why not put them back? Slows,Immobs,Heals should work,after all, they do in PvE instances.
4.)Lower the price back to a "normal" state. You charged people double for both gaems,minus a small discout. Now that the 2 are one, why not get competitive with all the other MMO'S financial wise?



1. no, they were too damn high and needed farming. this put them at a reasonable level.
2. my fly trap is violet and neon green, what are you on about? full costume customization of mm pets, as babs has discussed several times is a great deal more complicated, so be patient.
3. I don't pvp, someone else can field this
4. ever since the gve pack both games have come together, all new packs contain both games, when ncsoft took over they gave all existing players access to both games, the only way you can possibly not have access to both games is to buy a 3 dollar cov or coh old box from big lots, and have joined after the ncsoft takeover. and you can get the packs for 20 bucks for both games, somethign you cannot get with wow, the game you chose to compare it to. what the hell are you on about here? you haven't been able to buy the single game for over a year.

also, you never thought you would have to proofread? really? what kind of conversations do you usually have with strangers where you just vomit bizarrely constructed meta-thoughts at them hoping that they can piece together them into rational thoughts in English? This mindset is alien to civilized discussions.



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
"Witchhunt?" Hahahaha! funny stuff. Well, excuse 'ems if my sentence structure" and grammar's crappy, just never thought i'd have to proofread what i say, but putting this in "SUGGESTIONS", i had this alterior motive:
Better written=Taken slightly more seriously. In this written form of communication it's what makes a first impression. Like wandering into a store with mashed potatoes in your ear and a set of car keys in your mouth, having sloppy diction makes you look a less professional, even a bit foolish.
Devs...LISTEN to the PEOPLE. I mean they've been saying the same crap for years,and while i hate to agree with some of it, they are original ideas. Ya'll be saying ya wanted new suggestions, being in a Suggestion place? OOkies, here goes...
1.)Up the badge-counts BACK to where they were in the 1st place.
2.)You gave us colors for powers and such,EXACTLY like Champions Online. Why not coloring the pets for Doms,Trollers,and MM's?
3.)Instead of nerfing powersets in PvP, why not put them back? Slows,Immobs,Heals should work,after all, they do in PvE instances.
4.)Lower the price back to a "normal" state. You charged people double for both gaems,minus a small discout. Now that the 2 are one, why not get competitive with all the other MMO'S financial wise?
Okay, your second post makes more sense.
1) Sure.
2) Sure. Just saw a colored Earth critter summoned yesterday.
3) Maybe they will make more changes, perhaps to your liking.
4) What rate are you suggesting? I'm playing under $15/mo for both CoH and CoV on my (single) account.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
I believe his intended points are:
*Devs are trying to ruin the game (Obviously, as everyone wants to wreck thier paychecks, right?)
*Devs aren't listening to the players. Including costumes for MM's. (you know, since all the other AT's get to wear costumes.) And ranged attacks for Tanks. (You know, like Hurl Boulder and APPs?)
*Devs should have seen the exploiting of MA before they implemented it. (Okay, I agree with that.)
*Devs have nerfed MA to NO REWARDS! (Um....baloney.)
*Removal of many of the badges from MA will drive off badgers. (Annoyed them, but didn't drive them off)
*Some garbage about having to pay double for both games, when you don't.
*GR will be totally screwed up. (OP has a crystal ball? It's not even in Beta yet.)
*The PvP changes stunk. (Okay, some agree with him on that.) *Healing, Immobs and Slows don't work in PvP. (Really? Whatever. I don't care.)
*Do I think they are? Why not? they have other games they working with....losing a MMO with a few hundred thousand,IF THAT,won't hurt them that bad. They'll get their checks from the other games.
*Tankers have the 1 ranged attack per set, if that...Not a fan of Tankers,don't even play them, but really? And it seems that MM's get the short end of the stck...again...Thermal? What's next? Kinectics? Last I saw Empathy was in demand there...and the fire-demon set? Still waiting...
*Last time i played a Dev choice,decked out on high difficulty, still couldnt break 100 tickets,nor did I get any drops, no end rewards....therefore...No rewards...
*Not just MA badges...ALL badges. Capo Bosses? down by half...Eminators? Half...presents? Half....on and on and on
*Haven't checked our credit card balance? $16.23 vs $10.41...
*I have faith in the problems CoR will face....
*Don't care about PvP? By all means bro, I totally support you there. We all have our opinions. Alot of other's do tho.



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
"Witchhunt?" Hahahaha! funny stuff. Well, excuse 'ems if my sentence structure" and grammar's crappy, just never thought i'd have to proofread what i say, but putting this in "SUGGESTIONS", i had this alterior motive:
Devs...LISTEN to the PEOPLE. I mean they've been saying the same crap for years,and while i hate to agree with some of it, they are original ideas. Ya'll be saying ya wanted new suggestions, being in a Suggestion place? OOkies, here goes...
1.)Up the badge-counts BACK to where they were in the 1st place.
2.)You gave us colors for powers and such,EXACTLY like Champions Online. Why not coloring the pets for Doms,Trollers,and MM's?
3.)Instead of nerfing powersets in PvP, why not put them back? Slows,Immobs,Heals should work,after all, they do in PvE instances.
4.)Lower the price back to a "normal" state. You charged people double for both gaems,minus a small discout. Now that the 2 are one, why not get competitive with all the other MMO'S financial wise?
First off, when you are trying to communicate in a written format, yes, it does help to make sure that you are understandable. In general, large paragraphs without breaks make it tough to read them. And proper punctuation can help the reader, who is the person that you're trying to reach.

That being said:

1) Except, many of them were waaaaayyyyy to hard to get without farming. The Devs 'nerfed' them down to a more manageable level, AT THE REQUEST of many players. Especially with the desire to not make players farm the AE, it was a reasonable change.

2) Doms and Controllers can color their pets, so thanks for checking in on that before you asked for it. MMs are tougher, though, and if you'll look around the forums, you'll probably find out why. Might we get this ability? Yes. Was it harder to do than the other powers, which is why it didn't come in round one? (Also note: Kheldian and VEAT powers, Power Pools, and Ancillary Pools) Yes.

3) Because it didn't really work before, either. Granted, their solution may not have been the best implementation, but you can't say that PvP before the changes was great, either.

4) It's still only $15 a month. Less, if you buy in larger chunks of time. I believe that IS about the same as most other MMOs. Please, show us cheaper ones, that don't charge for every issue, or make you buy expansions just to keep playing the game.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
*Do I think they are? Why not? they have other games they working with....losing a MMO with a few hundred thousand,IF THAT,won't hurt them that bad. They'll get their checks from the other games.
*Tankers have the 1 ranged attack per set, if that...Not a fan of Tankers,don't even play them, but really? And it seems that MM's get the short end of the stck...again...Thermal? What's next? Kinectics? Last I saw Empathy was in demand there...and the fire-demon set? Still waiting...
*Last time i played a Dev choice,decked out on high difficulty, still couldnt break 100 tickets,nor did I get any drops, no end rewards....therefore...No rewards...
*Not just MA badges...ALL badges. Capo Bosses? down by half...Eminators? Half...presents? Half....on and on and on
*Haven't checked our credit card balance? $16.23 vs $10.41...
*I have faith in the problems CoR will face....
*Don't care about PvP? By all means bro, I totally support you there. We all have our opinions. Alot of other's do tho.
1) These DEvs have only this game that they are working on. NCSoft has multiple games, but they aren't sacrificing this one to work on others. In fact, they have put MORE money into this game that Cryptic did. So again, why do you think this is even close to true?

2) Tankers are Melee classes. They are not meant to have a lot of ranged attacks. Otherwise, they'd be Tank-mages, and would likely be imbalancing. Why play a Blaster if you can have a lot of Ranged attacks, and more survivability? Game balance does tend to take precedence over player suggestions from a few people. Also, if you want to have a Tanker with a very few ranged attacks, get them up to higher levels, and you can.

3) The Demon set is coming with GR. They got Pain domination, and Thermal. MMs are still one of the more popular ATs villain-side. So I'd say that they're not getting the short end of the stick. Giving them Kinetics is likely not going to happen, considering how multiplicative it would be for them. Empathy, we were told by the devs, was highly unlikely to go to villains, for thematic reasons.

4) Did you think that maybe, just maybe, you were just on the receiving end of the Random Number Generator's equation? Bad luck can happen.

5) Yeah, these were brought down by player request. So please shut up about the devs not listening to us. People were having to farm to get these badges, and they didn't want to have to do that. Some of them were just unreasonably high levels, and could be brought down to a level that still takes work, but isn't ridiculous.

6) Move out of a State that taxes the game? It's $15. It's not going to break your bank. It's cheaper, per hour, than almost any other form of entertainment. If you play the game for 2 hours, it's $7.5 per hour, which is less than a movie, less than most books, and less than cable. So it's pretty economical as it is.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



You CLAIM to listen to the people, yet the ideas you come up, i'd argue that point seriously. For YEARS people have asked for the same things, like costumes for MM's and Tankers with a ranged attack,yet you wind up doing whatever you want anyways.
I'm going to quote a reply I made to a similar post about the developers not listening to us. (It's six months old so it's not completely up to date.):

Do the Devs care what we think? Let's see if any of these past forum oldies-but-goodies ring a bell...

1) The ability to auto-exempt to play content/get badges a character may have levelled past. (Issue 11 --Ouroboros system)

2) More respecs (Issue 11 -- Respec Recipes)

3) More SG membership slots (Issue 11 -- doubled to 150 slots)

4) Weapon customization (Issue 11 -- Weapon customization)

5) Villain Epic ATs (Issue 12 -- VEATs)

6) Additional character slots (Issue 12 -- purchaseable and veteran award slots, server transfers, purchaseable respecs)

7) More power trays (Issue 12 -- customizable power trays)

8) Put a MASH-type field hosptial and stores in Hollows so you don't have to trek back to Atlas (Issue 12 -- revamp of Hollows zone includes store, trainer, MASH-type hospital)

9) Weed out inactive contacts so they don't clog your list (Issue 12 -- contact category tabs)

10) Secret Identities (Issue 13 -- Day Jobs)

11) Reducing the time for day job badges (Issue 13 -- reduced from 30 days to 21 days during beta process)

12) Multple builds to differentiate between PVP and PVE needs (Issue 13 -- Multiple builds)

13) Shields powerset (Issue 13 -- Shields powerset)

14) Port Empathy over to COV (Issue 13 -- Pain Domination)

15) Cheaper Supergroup Base rent (Issue 13 -- repricing of rent)

16) Put a SG Base teleport in Pocket D (Issue 13 -- Pocket D SG base teleport and tailor)

17) Ability to turn off XP (Issue 13 -- ability to turn off earning XP)

18) Player-created Mission creation system (Issue 14 -- AE system)

19) Ability to create custom foes in AE (Issue 14 -- implementing this delayed AE to Issue 14)

20) Widow waist capes (Issue 14 -- Widow waist capes)

21) Ability to customize permissions for SG storage bins (Issue 14 -- individual storage bin permission feature)

22) Eliminating the 60 days deletion of salvage inventory (Issue 14 -- elminated the 60 days deletion of salvage for active accounts)

23) Increasing Fly speed (Issue 14 -- Fligh speed increased.)

24) Return of the 5th Column (Issue 15 -- 5th Column task forces)

25) More non-co-op COV taskforces (Issue 15 -- 5th Column task force unique to COV)

26) Costume change emotes (Issue 15 -- costume change emotes)

27) More non-booster pack costumes (Issue 15 -- two costumes, several new faces)

28) Changing factions (Going Rogue expansion)

29) Dual-Pistols (forthcoming -- dual pistol AT)

30) More MM ATs, specifically some sort of demon AT (forthcoming -- demon summoning AT)

Virtually everthing in the past several issues have been features that players have been asking for. They may not have been implemented or addressed exactly as some thought they should be, but they do seem to be listening.

It seems 'doing whatever you [the devs] want ' means giving us what we've asked for.

I'm sorry the OP lost some AE badges, but I lost them too ... and one more the OP didn't have: Dev's Choice. I'm sorry if the OP had to pay for both COH and COV box sets at the the beginning of the franchise (at least that's what I think the OP is meaning); I did too -- for 2 accounts. Nevertheless, I find COH pricing plan -- free issue updates -- is not only compatible, but superior to the typical paid expansion plan. (The free issues is a big reason I stay with the game.) And I'm sorry if the OP didn't get total complete color customization ability for everything the OP wanted; I'd like to color my human-only Kheld's powers, too, but I'm still estatic about the customizing options we did get and know that future additions to color customization are in the works.

-- Doc Hornet



Skatter - I am confused. Not just by your appallingly weak skills in expository writing (hardly a sin uniquely your own in these forums).

"4.)Lower the price back to a "normal" state. You charged people double for both games,minus a small discout. Now that the 2 are one, why not get competitive with all the other MMO'S financial wise? "

This seems inaccurate or at least wildly out of date. Buying either game gives access to both (and COH and COV have not been sold in separate packages for years). The way you phrase iot also seems to imply that players pay an extra subscription to play both, which has never been the case. So this point really seems to be a complaint that the developers and publisher don't listen because of something they listened to, and changed in the manner you seem to want, years ago.

Point 2 - they just got the project rolled out to change colors on powers - you seem to be angry that they have not created numerous new animations for Mastermind pets as part of phase 1 of customization.

I am not big badger and don't play PvP, so no opinion there.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
"Witchhunt?" Hahahaha! funny stuff. Well, excuse 'ems if my sentence structure" and grammar's crappy, just never thought i'd have to proofread what i say, but putting this in "SUGGESTIONS", i had this alterior motive:
Devs...LISTEN to the PEOPLE. I mean they've been saying the same crap for years,and while i hate to agree with some of it, they are original ideas. Ya'll be saying ya wanted new suggestions, being in a Suggestion place? OOkies, here goes...
1.)Up the badge-counts BACK to where they were in the 1st place.
The badges that were taken back were taken back for a good reason. They were not being awarded as they were intended and people were griefing. I left and came back after a 9 month hiatus because badging numbers were becoming so ridiculous that I either played and farmed in all my free time or quit all together. I came back because I enjoy badging and have stayed because badging has become doable in regular gameplay while I still can enjoy things irl. I was a sliver away from empath before the big nerf and have no problems with where the requirements are now.

Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
2.)You gave us colors for powers and such,EXACTLY like Champions Online. Why not coloring the pets for Doms,Trollers,and MM's?
Ok, sure... but really, this is suppose to be a major flaw with CoX?

Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
3.)Instead of nerfing powersets in PvP, why not put them back? Slows,Immobs,Heals should work,after all, they do in PvE instances.
PVP=/=PVE. Hence different rules for the two instances. There were balance issues before they changed the PvP format, and you complain that there are still some? Create a new toon. PvP is going to be a moving target for some considerable time to come. Get use to it. Its not that Slows, heals, immobs don't work, its that they don't work in the same way. Adapt, learn.... expand your mind grasshopper.

Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
4.)Lower the price back to a "normal" state. You charged people double for both gaems,minus a small discout. Now that the 2 are one, why not get competitive with all the other MMO'S financial wise?
If this game is too expensive for you.... 1)Get a job 2)Quit smoking/drinking/donating to your favorite charity. 3)AE edition is on sale at Steam at present for $10 and comes with a month time card.
In short think outside the box and adapt to your situation. You sound like my father who talks about the good old days.

Wash: "I've been under fire before. Well ... I've been in a fire. Actually, I was fired. I can handle myself."



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
*Haven't checked our credit card balance? $16.23 vs $10.41...
out of curiosity, what other mmo do you play? psu and recently lotro are the only ones that have sub 15 dollar sub fees(well, the Korean freemos and guild wars too, but those are a different situation entirely), all the rest are 15 bucks monthly, less if you get in 6 or 12 month blocks, i personally havent paid 15 bucks for years, they have recently had deals where you paid about 10 bucks a month for 14 month blocks. you got taxed because they had a physical location in your state, the rest of us dont pay sales tax, blame the tax code for that one.



Meh, excuse me again if my "clerical skills" haven't been updated. It seems that 1 person can draw the ire of a community of he or she ruffles feathers. Well, keep the brushes ready, b/c really,i'm standing by what i said. It is refreshing to see others come out and speak their minds,even if it is against what i said, after all we are in a land where one could speak his mind. Sadly my "communication" probably wasn't clarified, and even though we can understand people who type to where only a dog can understand,forget to break off sentences with a paragraph, and the world comes crashing down.
So let me ask you this then:Why cut the badges then? Why "punish" someone who did the efforts of "farming" (like no one here have EVER EVER farmed or PLed) with a higher badge count and reward those who only get to farm half of a same thing and get the same reward?
Why nerf Regen and slow powersets (Spines/Regen) in a PvP so the benefit goes to those who only invest in SS and 2 ranged attacks can pummel at ease?
I understand that Tankers/Brutes are melee, and aren't "designed" to have ranged attacks, but what about a "Blapper"? They get the benefits of both,shouldn't melee?
WoW's had 3 expansions, factor in 40 bucks each and a low-cost monthly (yes,with taxes) and we have 4 $10 packs with a few costume changes and emotes. Still paying more more in the long run for CoX.
May The Big Man upstairs help those with a Mac....enough said there...



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
I understand that Tankers/Brutes are melee, and aren't "designed" to have ranged attacks, but what about a "Blapper"? They get the benefits of both,shouldn't melee?
Blappers do not get the Defensive benefits that Tanks do. Not too many Blappers can stand in the middle of a mob with Taunt on autofire and go AFK for a sandwich.
There is a tradeoff to every AT.

Edit to add:
You sound like someone who simply wants to be unhappy here. That's okay, be as unhappy as you want or go somewhere more to your choosing.
But simply flinging as many complaints as possible, (including many false ones in this thread) won't get any changes made.