Open Letter To The Dev's (if it stays....)




1. making things more accessible to players does not punish those who farmed, they farmed to have the reward that they got, there was never an expectation that the badge numbers wouldn't change, nobody was punished, non-farmers were helped, but it is a massive stretch of logic to say that anyone was punished by making things better.
2. again cant speak for pvp, it was broken, it still is, maybe its unfixable in the game type, either way its a small community, so you can only justify so much developer time on something that just wont stick, maybe get back 50 people if it gets rolled back, if you can justify the expenditure of developer time based on that, go ahead, not my fight there.
3. blappers lack damage mitigation tools outside of stacking expensive io sets and some knockback and slow secondary effects, they take the risk running in, so they have better damage, tankers are safer, and have mitigation tools outside of simple def/res. also has microtransactions, some of which cost more than coh ones, the monthly fees are the exact same.
5.macs aren't exactly the preferred gaming platform, they seem to be working on it, but its a smaller userbase with unique problems, some of which are more difficult than others to fix. patience



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
So let me ask you this then:Why cut the badges then? Why "punish" someone who did the efforts of "farming" (like no one here have EVER EVER farmed or PLed) with a higher badge count and reward those who only get to farm half of a same thing and get the same reward?
So if someone else gets something, that is punishing you??? uh.... ok this should seem obvious but life isn't a 0 sum game and just because someone else gets something, doesn't mean they are taking away what you have. I'll warn you ahead of time, don't make the "BUT IT'S NOT FAIR!!!" argument, you'll just seem really immature.

Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
nerf Regen and slow powersets (Spines/Regen) in a PvP so the benefit goes to those who only invest in SS and 2 ranged attacks can pummel at ease?
Because Ice blasters didn't slow everything they faced to a crawl in PvP zones and the opposite power balance was out of wack?
Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
understand that Tankers/Brutes are melee, and aren't "designed" to have ranged attacks, but what about a "Blapper"? They get the benefits of both,shouldn't melee?
See the above argument about "being fair." Equality does not equal sameness. Making unique characters with different powersets is what making an original hero fun and interesting for most people.
Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
WoW's had 3 expansions, factor in 40 bucks each and a low-cost monthly (yes,with taxes) and we have 4 $10 packs with a few costume changes and emotes. Still paying more more in the long run for CoX.
Ok this is sounding bland even to me but again not everything needs to be the same. If price is your deciding factor there are plenty of free MMo's out there.

Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
The Big Man upstairs help those with a Mac....enough said there...
I play on a Mac. While I will be the first to admit that there are some annoying problems with the unsupported video cards, I play through it and at least I am able to play since my iMac is my only home computer

Wash: "I've been under fire before. Well ... I've been in a fire. Actually, I was fired. I can handle myself."



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
For YEARS people have asked for the same things, like costumes for MM's
For years, people have asked for ponies. Many of them did not get them. This is a problem that needs fixing. I urge you to donate to the Give Me a Pony! Fund today. Remember, only you can give me a pony.

and Tankers with a ranged attack
Hurl Boulder
Ice Blast
Laser Beam Eyes
Energy Torrent
Fire Blast
Fire Ball

yet you wind up doing whatever you want anyways.
Crazy how that works. Game Makers doing what they want? Madness.

forethought behind it
This confuses me. Forethought, by definition, is before. Yet it's behind? Clearly, you've discovered time travel!

Hooray for killing the Original thinkers!
Now hear this, now hear this! Original Thinkers, report to the firing ranges. Your time has come!

Now to reward those who PLed off of MA...hmm..Let's lower the badge counts by,oh,let's say HALF...Yeah,that'll anger all those badge-hunters
Wait... are we rewarding the PLers or the badge hunters?

Yeah, that'll kill the veteran badge-hunters!
Oh, OK. Veteran Badge Hunters! You're next after the Original Thinkers. Form a single file line and wait your turn now.

Now, let's hit the poor...after all,some of them are paying twice as much for both games AFTER you already merged them into one set,
Right. That's the Stupid Tax. It's scientifically tested that Stupid taxes servers much greater than anything else. So there has to be a tax on that to make sure things go smoothly for having to put up with the additional strain.

Some ideas i think were pretty bad, but should lead to brilliant gameplay....
So you thought all the other ideas were really bad too... but these other bad ideas are okay?

So bad ideas are good? Or are we still in bad = bad?

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Fascinating! While I enjoy reading the forums, I never thought before today to actually create a profile and respond to any of them. Most of the suggestions are by people who so graciously oh Gods Of Development,hear our cry,as we place our sacrificial Scrapper on the Alter Of Promises, please don not judge my words...Get some guy that many deem unfit to be near a keyboard to mount a soapbox, and let the apples fly! Burn him! Scorch him! Get your crosses and silver bullets! Do I agree totally with what he says? Not really. Did I understand in his very 1st post? 100% clear. Those that didn't obviously haven't played the game IN GAMEWORLD, as you can see there, there's a buttload of Gamerspeak going on, oh, but we understand that.
Is he justified in his badgecount? Ther I think so, just b/c you all got it lowered so you can farm it easier you want to blast him. Don't want to farm for the Outcast badges? The TV Contact's in Grandville, go farm there, you'll wastes hours PLing yourselves there before you'll actually hit Siren's Call.
His PvP "rant"? Maybe he needs to learn to PvP more, but when RV's more diversified than Blappers,Trollers,and Stalkers,I'll side with him.
Monthly cost? I don't know too much about the state tax thing,but it'll hit both CoX and WoW at the same time,and if WoW's core charges are lower,maybe it's time to investigate.
They say that certain powersets are hard to do because of programming. I'll buy this. but they waste time creating a Halloween event with banners and such,but giving MM's a Demon-set when you pretty much have the pet builds available or an Ice-Demon set when,again,the builds are available seems rather easy than creating a whole new event.
For those about to judge my "clarification" of builds, perhaps reading the MM forum wil give you ideas an what build I'm referring to, and,oh,BTW,Pain? It's not Empathy,get your facts straight before you actually issue facts.



Originally Posted by Heismann View Post
Fascinating! While I enjoy reading the forums, I never thought before today to actually create a profile and respond to any of them. Most of the suggestions are by people who so graciously oh Gods Of Development,hear our cry,as we place our sacrificial Scrapper on the Alter Of Promises, please don not judge my words...Get some guy that many deem unfit to be near a keyboard to mount a soapbox, and let the apples fly! Burn him! Scorch him! Get your crosses and silver bullets! Do I agree totally with what he says? Not really. Did I understand in his very 1st post? 100% clear. Those that didn't obviously haven't played the game IN GAMEWORLD, as you can see there, there's a buttload of Gamerspeak going on, oh, but we understand that.
Is he justified in his badgecount? Ther I think so, just b/c you all got it lowered so you can farm it easier you want to blast him. Don't want to farm for the Outcast badges? The TV Contact's in Grandville, go farm there, you'll wastes hours PLing yourselves there before you'll actually hit Siren's Call.
His PvP "rant"? Maybe he needs to learn to PvP more, but when RV's more diversified than Blappers,Trollers,and Stalkers,I'll side with him.
Monthly cost? I don't know too much about the state tax thing,but it'll hit both CoX and WoW at the same time,and if WoW's core charges are lower,maybe it's time to investigate.
They say that certain powersets are hard to do because of programming. I'll buy this. but they waste time creating a Halloween event with banners and such,but giving MM's a Demon-set when you pretty much have the pet builds available or an Ice-Demon set when,again,the builds are available seems rather easy than creating a whole new event.
For those about to judge my "clarification" of builds, perhaps reading the MM forum wil give you ideas an what build I'm referring to, and,oh,BTW,Pain? It's not Empathy,get your facts straight before you actually issue facts.

Oh I get it. This is the OP's second account. Do you get a kick out of toggling between both accounts so you can agree with yourself?



You may have a kernel of truth in your thesis but it is too hard to decipher since you push off onto so many tangents that it diffuses your argument instead of strengthening it.

This is why people are dismissive of it.

Of course, your angry tone also pushes the rantometer into the red as well.

Less vitriol, more evidence = better discussion.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Oh I get it. This is the OP's second account. Do you get a kick out of toggling between both accounts so you can agree with yourself?
Second Account? Get real. Before you judge someone's "second account" status or w/e, check your facts. This account? This my own. Primary. Single. Only. I don't NEED another account to PL my toons,as I don't think you should in the 1st place. And,if you'll learn to read, I already said I don't agree with alot of what he said. I think his costs and PvP statements are off. So check yourself Forbin before you start slandering those who pay to play.



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
Congratulations! If I didn't know better I'd swear you're trying to finish this game off and maybe go on to something else. You CLAIM to listen to the people, yet the ideas you come up, i'd argue that point seriously. For YEARS people have asked for the same things, like costumes for MM's and Tankers with a ranged attack,yet you wind up doing whatever you want anyways. The one true original idea that you had with Mission Archetect,there obvioulsy wan't a heck of a lot of forethought behind it, and you release another issue just to add to it? Get real, that was a waste of a really good issue. You should know that people with take advantage of anything they can, and if you didnt see the MA abuse coming...well....let's make sure we nerf it multiple times so those who DO enjoy the cool stories reap NO REWARDS anyways! Hooray for killing the Original thinkers! Now to reward those who PLed off of MA...hmm..Let's lower the badge counts by,oh,let's say HALF...Yeah,that'll anger all those badge-hunters who busted their butts for weeks getting certain badges when some noobie can come along and in a few short days attain the same goals some veteran who worked hard to get his. Yeah, that'll kill the veteran badge-hunters! Now, let's hit the poor...after all,some of them are paying twice as much for both games AFTER you already merged them into one set, when WoW's prices are half as much...bye bye low income players. Now, let's get the rest by announcing a NEW expansion that,of course we'll botch so hard in the beginning that it'll drive off the rest. I mean after all, we can't get 1 game set,let alone 2....let's go for broke! What's left? Oh,right,PvP....i know, let's destroy any supplement powers like heals,slows, and Immobs so the only thing we have left is people zipping around blasting away. After all, can't heal,and make sure them with the best range and speed wins,forget any other powerset. So all we have left is PvP with zippity zip shoot and run. Nice works Devs! Keep up the good work! This game has so much potential to run for years and at the rate you're killing it, it'll be lucky to live a few months past CoRogues....Maybe you should actually READ the forums instead of browsing it, Some ideas i think were pretty bad, but should lead to brilliant gameplay....

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Heismann View Post
Fascinating! While I enjoy reading the forums, I never thought before today to actually create a profile and respond to any of them. Most of the suggestions are by people who so graciously oh Gods Of Development,hear our cry,as we place our sacrificial Scrapper on the Alter Of Promises, please don not judge my words...Get some guy that many deem unfit to be near a keyboard to mount a soapbox, and let the apples fly! Burn him! Scorch him! Get your crosses and silver bullets! Do I agree totally with what he says? Not really. Did I understand in his very 1st post? 100% clear. Those that didn't obviously haven't played the game IN GAMEWORLD, as you can see there, there's a buttload of Gamerspeak going on, oh, but we understand that.
no idea what the hell gameworld is, its getting a stellar representation thus far, but this is the coh forums, we speak English(and german and french) around here, do try to keep up. good use of hyperbole though, it really helps make you seem like a rational poster with legitimate posts.
Is he justified in his badgecount? Ther I think so, just b/c you all got it lowered so you can farm it easier you want to blast him. Don't want to farm for the Outcast badges? The TV Contact's in Grandville, go farm there, you'll wastes hours PLing yourselves there before you'll actually hit Siren's Call.
people wanted the badge costs down so that they could get the badges in regular play, not farming. For badges like illusionist, this was difficult, its less so now, this is a good thing, if i have to screw around pling or farming to get badges, than they are poorly designed . Also, vills no longer have to fight twice as many mayhem heroes as heroes did. plus, we got badge bars, those were asked for, and the devs put them in, was that bad too?
His PvP "rant"? Maybe he needs to learn to PvP more, but when RV's more diversified than Blappers,Trollers,and Stalkers,I'll side with him.
again, dont pvp, dont care, but i understand that defenders particularly psi/rads were the nasty ones. fotm builds in pvp are not new nor unique to the game.
Monthly cost? I don't know too much about the state tax thing,but it'll hit both CoX and WoW at the same time,and if WoW's core charges are lower,maybe it's time to investigate.
you can check that right now, go to wow's main site and check their monthly sub fees, then go to coh's and check theirs, its the same. 14.99 for a monthly fee is the standard rate for mmos and has been for some time. a few have found ways to lower this cost, or have lowered the cost because of low subscriber numbers, or, in the case of ffXI they give limited subs and had additional cost for other things we take for granted, but just about every upper tier western mmo is the same. but do it right now and see what we have been saying, becasue apparently you think that several of us are lying about the cost, its easy to check, do you need the links?
They say that certain powersets are hard to do because of programming. I'll buy this. but they waste time creating a Halloween event with banners and such,but giving MM's a Demon-set when you pretty much have the pet builds available or an Ice-Demon set when,again,the builds are available seems rather easy than creating a whole new event.
we feared that they would do this lazy route, fortunatly they instead are putting in effort and making new art assets, as well as the fire whip attacks that will be the first flexable weapons added to this game, something lacking from many games due to their difficulty in animating properly.
For those about to judge my "clarification" of builds, perhaps reading the MM forum wil give you ideas an what build I'm referring to, and,oh,BTW,Pain? It's not Empathy,get your facts straight before you actually issue facts.
physician, heal thyself.



Originally Posted by Heismann View Post
Second Account? Get real. Before you judge someone's "second account" status or w/e, check your facts. This account? This my own. Primary. Single. Only. I don't NEED another account to PL my toons,as I don't think you should in the 1st place. And,if you'll learn to read, I already said I don't agree with alot of what he said. I think his costs and PvP statements are off. So check yourself Forbin before you start slandering those who pay to play.
Well the way you post is nearly identical to the OP (similar sentence structure, same use of capitalization, lack of spacing between paragraphs, etc). And that's not mentioning your stance on the subject.

But really, not even talking to the OP but to you giving the benefit of the doubt you're not the same person, what do you want *us* to say? I mean, reading his primary argument (the devs don't listen to us) when they infact *do* listen and even communicate with us in depth on issues, it just flops the entire argument on its bum.

The complaints brought up, while valid, you must understand that we can't *all* get what we want. Like with the badges. He wants them harder to obtain (because he put more effort to get them in the first place) and yet I don't want to have to put that much effort into the *dozens* of characters that want those badges and accolades. With the requirements now, the badges are easier for everyone *including* the OP. How is that bad (not to mention flies in the face of the original argument that the devs don't listen because these requirements were lowered thanks to players requesting it)?

You go on about Witchhunts or imply forum lynching of single posters, but what are we suppose to say? Especially if the argument has little standing? IMO, the best way to have dealt with such posts is to just ignore it and let it fall from the forum with as few pages of replies as possible. But apparently forum goers have more fun discussing this stuff rather than ideas for new sets and what not.

Basically, if you're gonna come here backing the OP, quit the retarded accusations and actually back it with *evidence*. Tell us why what we pay isn't proper. Go into detail about MM sets and customization. Put *that* in a post and forth as a *Suggestion* and maybe people will listen.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Better written=Taken slightly more seriously. In this written form of communication it's what makes a first impression. Like wandering into a store with mashed potatoes in your ear and a set of car keys in your mouth, having sloppy diction makes you look a less professional, even a bit foolish.
No matter what I may have ever said to you, I love you for this

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Thank you! See,it's not to hard to disagree with someone. I don't know the cost of playing other MMO's,as CoX is the only one I play. It's either food on the table, or another game. As flawed as this game may seem to be,it still is a great game with alot to build upon. I know from talking to friends at work that other games also share the same traits with flaws, but not as many as CoX seems to provide.
I like PvP, but i'm 50-50 with the OP here. I see nothing in RV but ranged attackers with SS, but my opinion is i do well with my Rad/Rad,so i think there's a learning curve that he needs to go through.
I personally have heard so much about this demon set for MM's,and every time i hear of it,I drool, and now that trail leads out my front door to a permanantly watered lawn. But I can wait if it comes out with minimal amount of "boo-boos" as possible.
This "CoR" i guess is Rogues, and since we've undergone so many nerfs, i think the OP's off in judging it before Beta,but then again,I have 3 words for Beta--Barracude Strike Force. That thing's been nerfed/broke since day one, and I spend alot of time in GV, and LRSF is still the King, i never hear about BSF ever. I guess it left a bad taste in everyone's mouth.



Originally Posted by Heismann View Post
Thank you! See,it's not to hard to disagree with someone. I don't know the cost of playing other MMO's,as CoX is the only one I play. It's either food on the table, or another game. As flawed as this game may seem to be,it still is a great game with alot to build upon. I know from talking to friends at work that other games also share the same traits with flaws, but not as many as CoX seems to provide.
I like PvP, but i'm 50-50 with the OP here. I see nothing in RV but ranged attackers with SS, but my opinion is i do well with my Rad/Rad,so i think there's a learning curve that he needs to go through.
I personally have heard so much about this demon set for MM's,and every time i hear of it,I drool, and now that trail leads out my front door to a permanantly watered lawn. But I can wait if it comes out with minimal amount of "boo-boos" as possible.
This "CoR" i guess is Rogues, and since we've undergone so many nerfs, i think the OP's off in judging it before Beta,but then again,I have 3 words for Beta--Barracude Strike Force. That thing's been nerfed/broke since day one, and I spend alot of time in GV, and LRSF is still the King, i never hear about BSF ever. I guess it left a bad taste in everyone's mouth.
i've done the BSF,and it's not a bad SF, if it wasn't broken. But this just goes to show that the Devs have an issue of just rushing product into gameplay just to say "oooh, look! a new toy!" like they did with the MA. There just doesn't seem to be a lot of forethought when they do things, like release a whole issue just to compensate MA, which we all saw coming. I've heard about costumes for pets fer years now, and still nothing. I gave up looking forward to it. The pets fer Doms and trollers, i stand corrected, but still nuthing for bot's,thugs and the like. I know i know, it'll come before too long, i just hate to see the amount of subscribers drop before it's an unsupportable system. As fer the cost....i gave ya'll facts already...(CoX)$16.23 vs (WoW)$10.41 vs (Eve)$14.99



Originally Posted by Heismann View Post

Huh. I'm pretty sure it's a sock puppet. Don't see those much any more.



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
Meh, excuse me again if my "clerical skills" haven't been updated.
Bringing up "clerical skills" is hypocrisy of the highest order, when all that's being asked here is basic readability so we know what the hell you're trying to say. You will almost never get hassled for spelling, grammar or sentence structure (outside of pedantic jerks like me) provided your posts can be read, which yours are hard to. Make it easy for people to understand so they don't misunderstand and they're not pissed off at having grappled with a post for not a lot of return.

So let me ask you this then:Why cut the badges then?
By player request. No, really. By direct player request.

Why nerf Regen and slow powersets (Spines/Regen) in a PvP so the benefit goes to those who only invest in SS and 2 ranged attacks can pummel at ease?
Far as I know, all powersets and all effects are affected by the PvP changes. If you have any specific qualms with PvP balance, bring those up, and possibly post them in the PvP forum where people won't be constantly shrugging their shoulders and appending "but I don't PvP, so I don't know."

I understand that Tankers/Brutes are melee, and aren't "designed" to have ranged attacks, but what about a "Blapper"? They get the benefits of both,shouldn't melee?
This is where ambiguity strikes. "Blappers" get the benefit of both what? Melee and ranged attacks? Blasters don't have melee as a secondary, they have support, with most sets lacking more than a couple of melee attacks, and some sets having not a single one. Blasters, furthermore, don't get the benefit of self-protection sets, which Tankers, Brutes and, you know, Scrappers, do.

That said, simply giving ranged attack to Tankers is not tank-mage anathema as much as people will have you convinced, as it comes down to damage mods, actual range and, primarily, AoE, which doesn't have to be Blaster-size. But that's a bigger discussion for another thread. Suffice it to say it's not that simple.

WoW's had 3 expansions, factor in 40 bucks each and a low-cost monthly (yes,with taxes) and we have 4 $10 packs with a few costume changes and emotes. Still paying more more in the long run for CoX.
How you manage to pay more for three expansions than you do for one I'll never know, but if you have a look at the PlayNC Store, the first thing you'll notice is [url= 2]City of Heroes Architect Edition, which offers both CoH and CoV and sells for $20. By my calculations, that's less than four times $10. Additionally, I know there is only a single $15 subscription for both games if they are both applied to the same account, though you may additionally be charged a sales tax, which is state-sanctioned and out of PlayNC's hands entirely

I'm not going to quote my bank statements to you, but suffice it to say that I'm paying $15 a month, and if you're paying more than $17 a month, you are ripping yourself off.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
But really, not even talking to the OP but to you giving the benefit of the doubt you're not the same person, what do you want *us* to say? I mean, reading his primary argument (the devs don't listen to us) when they infact *do* listen and even communicate with us in depth on issues, it just flops the entire argument on its bum.
I've never been able to get one online to fix a mish,you expect me to believe they come here to read these?

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
The complaints brought up, while valid, you must understand that we can't *all* get what we want. Like with the badges. He wants them harder to obtain (because he put more effort to get them in the first place) and yet I don't want to have to put that much effort into the *dozens* of characters that want those badges and accolades. With the requirements now, the badges are easier for everyone *including* the OP. How is that bad (not to mention flies in the face of the original argument that the devs don't listen because these requirements were lowered thanks to players requesting it)?
Look at the players requesting it and tell me if they aren't MA babies to begin with. Granted, this is not a slant to all badgehunters, as i could really care less about badges,but i have to agree with the OP here.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
You go on about Witchhunts or imply forum lynching of single posters, but what are we suppose to say? Especially if the argument has little standing? IMO, the best way to have dealt with such posts is to just ignore it and let it fall from the forum with as few pages of replies as possible. But apparently forum goers have more fun discussing this stuff rather than ideas for new sets and what not.
The minute it seems that anyone anywhere posts something that might seem "offensive" in the forums, the tirade begins. The OP's wrong, he spells bad,he's nuts,noobie,a ranting lunatic off his rocker. Do we have to agree? No. Is he valid? Probably not in a lot of his arguments. could we have asked for more detail instead of blasting at the idiot on a soapbox? Yes. The OP's problem was he was unclear in what he wanted and not specifying clearly.Next time i think he should be more clearer in what he wanted and not just go off.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Basically, if you're gonna come here backing the OP, quit the retarded accusations and actually back it with *evidence*. Tell us why what we pay isn't proper. Go into detail about MM sets and customization. Put *that* in a post and forth as a *Suggestion* and maybe people will listen.
Seeing the costs vs costs, i think there maybe something there. 11 million people on WoW versus less than 200 thousand here when both came out around the same time. I don't know Eve, but cheaper is always better in my!



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
As fer the cost....i gave ya'll facts already...(CoX)$16.23 vs (WoW)$10.41 vs (Eve)$14.99
Your facts are wrong:

After their initial free one-month (30 day) subscription ends, players of World of Warcraft are able to continue playing under one of three different subscription plans.
- $14.99 per month for a month-to-month recurring subscription
- $13.99 per month for a 3-month recurring subscription *
- $12.99 per month for a 6-month recurring subscription *

Players who wish to pay by credit or debit card will be able to choose from the following recurring billing plans*:
  • $14.99 per month
  • 3 months - $41.85 (the equivalent of $13.95 per month)
  • 6 months - $77.70 (the equivalent of $12.95 per month)
  • 12 months - $143.40 (the equivalent of $11.95 per month)

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Funny, everyone keeps saying go to the store an buy it fer 20 bucks. Yes, we all know this as no "new" expansions that are huge are ready for sale at a huge store. Yes,I got this..20 bucks new. Install it, play the free trial, and now monthly costs kick in. If I'm paying more than I should, why hasn't anyone caught on? So those of us paying more are not supposed to and this means we've been gettin ripped for years? Sorry, but i doubt SERIOUSLY i'm getting a rebate for the next few years. As fer the Idiot-soapbox thing, this wasn't my intention. It was a wake-up call,and so it did. Luv the lashings back at me, doesn't hurt me a bit,and it did wake me up too. Some things i still believe are wrong, and it seems every time there's a patch DLing, i get scared, what'd they break now? I see the Blapper's excuse,but really, it's a Blapper for a reason.Yeah, no defense bleah bleah bleah,but they didn't coin the term fer boredom. Maybe I missed the forum part about cutting the badges back,but what about those that did spend weeks earning theirs? I already heard the "You knew it could change,as it's merely an extra to the game", but seriously? So a few people can ask for a change,and the rest have to comply? Okies,here's my asking...better balance of powers in a PvP setting,customization of pets,and easier acquisiton of badges that don't require 1 mish to remain open, like Outcasts in the ONE mish Vil-side?



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
If I'm paying more than I should, why hasn't anyone caught on? So those of us paying more are not supposed to and this means we've been gettin ripped for years?
Because you're paying the most expensive rate as well as any applicable taxes?

I'm on the 6 month plan and I'll say I don't pay 77.70. I pay 84.11. But that's because I'm also shelling out for the 8.25% state sales tax. It's still cheaper than if I was on the $14.99/month plan (which would be 16.23/month after taxes).

I see the Blapper's excuse,but really, it's a Blapper for a reason.
Wut? No, seriously. Wut?

Yeah, no defense bleah bleah bleah,but they didn't coin the term fer boredom.
Oh, that's right. Sorry... I must've forgot the point when Blasters and Scrappers had their mad love tryst and spawned the Blappers. How silly of me to forget that. I mean, that's a completely separate AT, right?


Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Oh my.

I had no idea my friends and I have been getting ripped off for years or that the game we have enjoyed playing together for hours on end was, in fact, supposed to make us angry. I mean, those badge changes alone means we wasted so much time having fun.

Thanks for letting me know, I'll pass on the info!

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



So,ya'll telling me...(give up the state tax,that's for ANY game) that while i'm payin a lil under 6 bucks more here than say WoW, which really i hate that system worse, that that's normal? I pay more fer here than i do elsewheres, and if that's the norm, then I'll stand corrected. So tell ya'll what,I'ma just gonna apologize fer anything i said,lord knows we wouldn't wanna speak our minds and sit in the back with the rest of the silent sheep, too scared to say anything les we get trashed back. so disregard my lil "rants",and i'll never post here again.



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
I've never been able to get one online to fix a mish,you expect me to believe they come here to read these?
It may or may not be helpful to note that GMs are the folks who handle issues that arise while you're playing. Devs work on things that are then changed when the server maintenance occurs or when patches are released.

So, It's rather unsurprising that Devs have not come to help you since that is a GM's job. It's also unsurprising that a GM hasn't fixed a mish for you as that is a Dev's job.

I hope that helps.



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
So,ya'll telling me...(give up the state tax,that's for ANY game) that while i'm payin a lil under 6 bucks more here than say WoW, which really i hate that system worse, that that's normal? I pay more fer here than i do elsewheres, and if that's the norm, then I'll stand corrected. So tell ya'll what,I'ma just gonna apologize fer anything i said,lord knows we wouldn't wanna speak our minds and sit in the back with the rest of the silent sheep, too scared to say anything les we get trashed back. so disregard my lil "rants",and i'll never post here again.
You realize the rates to pay the game are posted on the site and how much you end up paying (plus tax) is information provided *before* you agree to pay as well as on any invoice in your account.

Basically, you're complaining that you're paying what you agreed to pay. Despite if it's more or less than other games, that is what you're doing.

And about WoW's monthly fee, it's the same as CoH...



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
It may or may not be helpful to note that GMs are the folks who handle issues that arise while you're playing. Devs work on things that are then changed when the server maintenance occurs or when patches are released.

So, It's rather unsurprising that Devs have not come to help you since that is a GM's job. It's also unsurprising that a GM hasn't fixed a mish for you as that is a Dev's job.

I hope that helps.
I've actually heard stories of the Devs logging into the game and actually *playing* with players secretively and on their signature characters.

But yeah, a dev isn't going to come running to fix a mission for you or get you unstuck in-game...that's the GM's job. The devs will attempt to fix those bugs from the code-side which will eventually be amended to the game later on so the issue doesn't come up again.



Originally Posted by Heismann View Post
I don't NEED another account to PL my toons,as I don't think you should in the 1st place.
Powerlevel your toons? Where did anyone suggest that you powerlevel your characters? That's a strange conclusion to jump to out of the blue. I merely suggested that the OP started a second account so he could pretend that someone agrees with his ranting. Such a thing could easily be done by starting a free trial account.

And why the assumption that we would think that anyone with multiple accounts uses them to powerlevel their characters? There are other reasons for having multiple accounts.

1. A player may have already used all 36 slots on their main account and they want more slots on their favorite server.

2. Players might segregate their accounts, one for heroes and one for villains. We have a lot of obsessive compulsive players.

3. Players that like having solo SG's use second accounts for inviting their own characters to their SG's

4. Players use multiple accounts to make it easier to shift wealth amongst their characters. This eliminates the chance another player will rip them off.

The fact that you automatically assume that I implied you powerlevel and your subsequent aggressive and hostile denial leads me to believe you are suffering from a guilty concience.