Open Letter To The Dev's (if it stays....)




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Because it's a slider, isn't it way more than just 7 choices?
No. I've used it on several of my CO characters. It's very limited. And after all the hype they made about it before it went live it's a huge disappointment.



Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
You do get to choose an emanation point, but only for some powers, and it's not entirely consistent.
That is the only thing I like about their power customization but that is more an animation issue rather than a color issue.

The limited power selection and inconsistant way they applied power animation selection gives the game the feel that they rushed it onto the market before everything was finished.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Hyper, I think we're good here. Maybe let this thread die, finally?
But...Somewhere...somehow...SOMEBODY IS WRONG ON THE INTERNET!

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The message seems to be "farm if you want to - just don't do it in the AE"
No. Because then those difficulty settings wouldn't work in AE. Nothing is stopping you from farming AE. Merely from exploiting it.

Farming == Exploit

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Added Pics to Sam's post for confirmation that CO's color customization isn't anywhere near as sophisticated as ours. They have 7 color choices to our 180, and we can shade the colors of our powers with a second choice while they only get to choose 1.
A color slider isn't seven colors. However, the ability to choose specific hues is VERY inexact.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
A color slider isn't seven colors. However, the ability to choose specific hues is VERY inexact.
That's one thing I've always hated about colour sliders with no way to type in my own colour numbers - you can't really get the same colour twice in a row, or at least can't realistically expect to. And again, a colour slider presents the same problem we have in City of Heroes, only in an even bigger way. Your typical colour is comprised of three linear variables, either RGB or, let's see... HSL? Hue, saturation and luminance, at any rate.

Here we get a box with Hue on the vertical almost exactly with the first row being zero saturation and the rest following suit. Each row starts with maximum saturation and minimum luminance, and increments through about mid-way luminance at around the mid-point of each row, with the rest of the row being saturation dropping down from there. At least that's what it looks like from looking at the colours. This gives you a split-screen faux 3D colour selection that, while it doesn't give you full use of all three variables, does give you a good decent choice from a most meaningful variants of the three.

A linear slider, by comparison, only really gives you the ability to play with one variable, and while it might have more numerically unique colours, the number of ACTUAL colours is vastly inferior. In fact, looking at the Champions slider, it looks like maximum saturation, medium luminance and with you only varying the hue. This is decent if all you want to use is colouring marker colours and variants thereof, though with Champions' cartoony, colourful graphics, that may be an intentional design choice. Or it may come down to the fact that they only have one sprite transparency model - additive (or "Bright) and low-saturation colours don't work well with it, so they've stuck with only saturated ones.

We, on the other hand, have both additive and subtractive colour models (for MOST things), which gives us the ability to use all colour types and produce a variety of effects with them. I still feel that, purely based on colour, our customization of it is superior.

As for emanation points, yes, that is a very cool idea. I'm somewhat dubious as to how this is applied in practice, but it doesn't detract from the fact that it's a good idea. It's something to possibly think about in the future here, I suppose.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
As for emanation points, yes, that is a very cool idea. I'm somewhat dubious as to how this is applied in practice, but it doesn't detract from the fact that it's a good idea. It's something to possibly think about in the future here, I suppose.
I don't know how to make in-game videos so I can't show you but hopefully I can explain.

Say the power is throw fireblasts. If the fists selection is chosen it looks like the character is punching with both hands, and when the arm is extended the blast of fire emanates from the knuckles.

When palm is chosen you get the same animation except the hand is open with the open palm extended and the blast comes from the open palm.

When head is chosen the arms are held at the characters sides with the fists clenched and the blast emenates from in front of the characters face.

Chest is a problem. The character remains in the same stance as with the head option and although there is a little color that appears before the chest the blast seems off center as if it were emanating from an invisible arm.



I have little faith that the Champions animations can impress me, honestly, but I CAN imagine that it should be possible to introduce this here. Possible, but a HELL of a pain in the ***, as you'd need literally four times as many animations, causing either a lot of redundancy, or a LOT of work, which is why I don't really expect to see it.

It's a cool concept to think about, though

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



hmmm.. read this thought there was some thing missing...

Do the Devs care what we think?
YES..but also limited by game

going by list..

1) The ability to auto-exempt to play content/get badges a character may have levelled past. (Issue 11 --Ouroboros system)
yes but still missing safeguards/mayhem

2) More respecs (Issue 11 -- Respec Recipes)
Yes but cost is skyrocketing ( think started at 20 million now its 90 million)

3) More SG membership slots (Issue 11 -- doubled to 150 slots)
Yes but less people so people created a lot of alts

4) Weapon customization (Issue 11 -- Weapon customization)
Yes but not for spines until issue 16

5) Villain Epic ATs (Issue 12 -- VEATs)
yes but no travel power and heats ( hero epic archetype) look worse than before

6) Additional character slots (Issue 12 -- purchaseable and veteran award slots, server transfers, purchaseable respecs)
YES but 10 dollars a hit if not vet reward for respec and 10 dollars for transfer

7) More power trays (Issue 12 -- customizable power trays)
YES but odd bug makes trays appear out of nowhere

8) Put a MASH-type field hosptial and stores in Hollows so you don't have to trek back to Atlas (Issue 12 -- revamp of Hollows zone includes store, trainer, MASH-type hospital)
YES but no field analyst or train and no hospital in perez

9) Weed out inactive contacts so they don't clog your list (Issue 12 -- contact category tabs)
Yes but once every 3 days can drop mission
10) Secret Identities (Issue 13 -- Day Jobs)
Yes but not a true secret identity
11) Reducing the time for day job badges (Issue 13 -- reduced from 30 days to 21 days during beta process)
Yes but still have to remember to move from place to place
12) Multple builds to differentiate between PVP and PVE needs (Issue 13 -- Multiple builds)
YES but 2 builds only what about bug ( crab backpack appears in bane build 2)
13) Shields powerset (Issue 13 -- Shields powerset)
Yes but no primary
14) Port Empathy over to COV (Issue 13 -- Pain Domination)
Yes but some powers not taken over
15) Cheaper Supergroup Base rent (Issue 13 -- repricing of rent)
Yes but no new base items all i want is a window
16) Put a SG Base teleport in Pocket D (Issue 13 -- Pocket D SG base teleport and tailor)
Yes but Tailor is in VIP area and why do u need to tp to pocket d if u have pocket d acess
17) Ability to turn off XP (Issue 13 -- ability to turn off earning XP)
Yes but inability to turn it back on ( often forget to turn back on)
18) Player-created Mission creation system (Issue 14 -- AE system)
Yes but nerfed because of farmers
19) Ability to create custom foes in AE (Issue 14 -- implementing this delayed AE to Issue 14)
Yes but nerfed because of farmers
20) Widow waist capes (Issue 14 -- Widow waist capes)
Yes but cant use in second costume non widow
21) Ability to customize permissions for SG storage bins (Issue 14 -- individual storage bin permission feature)
Yes but now sg leader has to go tru each storage and do it
22) Eliminating the 60 days deletion of salvage inventory (Issue 14 -- elminated the 60 days deletion of salvage for active accounts)
Yes but no new space
23) Increasing Fly speed (Issue 14 -- Fligh speed increased.)
yes but still travel supression
24) Return of the 5th Column (Issue 15 -- 5th Column task forces)
yes but that was one badly written tf
25) More non-co-op COV taskforces (Issue 15 -- 5th Column task force unique to COV)
yes but only 1
26) Costume change emotes (Issue 15 -- costume change emotes)
this one good
27) More non-booster pack costumes (Issue 15 -- two costumes, several new faces)
yes but wow 2 costumes and one ofthem has butt showing tru
28) Changing factions (Going Rogue expansion)
but still two markets
29) Dual-Pistols (forthcoming -- dual pistol AT)
but no secondary
30) More MM ATs, specifically some sort of demon AT (forthcoming -- demon summoning AT)
but no secondary

They may not have been implemented or addressed exactly as some thought they should be, but they do seem to be listening.
what you said here ill agree with

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



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