Open Letter To The Dev's (if it stays....)




Just to check, is the OP also here to try and undermine CoX at all?

*puts on tinfoil hat*

It's just that, well, putting a rant in the Suggestions thread that says, in some ways, that Devs do not listen (when they do) and that a person has been ripped off (when they haven't) by NCSoft, then comparing prices (which are wrong) with products in competition to CoX (in terms of being other MMOs) seems a little fishy.

And to put my points forward regarding the (eventual) points raised:

1) Badge achievement levels on some badges were silly, especially on badges that provided no other benefit than having an extra badge. I think I received one to two extra badges after the changes - one of them was the silly Emanator badge. Yes it also gives out a Gladiator but it's not like it's a Damage Taken Badge which leads to an accolade. Another one was, on my squishy toons, the Sleepy/Restrained-style badges. Again these provided no extra benefit to my characters.

2) We have Colour Customization for most powers. Not all. MM pets would be lovely. Personally I'd rather see more MM pet sets. And my Earth Controller's Animated Stone looks lovely in his three incarnations: molten magma, crystal and different colour from the original one.

Also, that other MMO that features crappy versions of Golden Age-style heroes has got a lot of catching up to do before it even begins to compete with CoX. Not the other way round. I found it amusing that all CoX had to do was add a couple of QoL updates and colour customization and suddenly people weren't too worried about the competition anymore.

3) I've never PvP'd - actually that's a lie, I have. But I didn't enjoy it. That said, I thought the point of dual builds was that you could have one set of PvE and one set of PvP enhancements if you wanted. Sure, it's expensive, but there are so many ways to earn inf and gain benefits from other 'currency' that it's less of a worry.

When CoV launched, there were some moderator-run events to encourage people into the zones. I'd vote for more of these to encourage PvPers and non-PvPers to have fun, perhaps even have an increased benefit for PvP weekend. I've been tempted to PvP in the past but found that those I PvPd with were more intent on ganking a single enemy than having a good battle with some witty repartee thrown in.

4) There is no problem with the charging system for the games, as far as I can tell. I was a bit miffed when it was no longer possible to use Maestro cards to pay for rolling subs and had to use my cobwebbed credit card. Apart from that, the value is good.



One of you, two of you, I don't care;

You owe for me for ten minutes of time you just wasted on spoiling my cerebral core!

Strewth...Someone link them to the Dev Digest already. The Devs post a HECK of a lot, talk to the community a heck of a lot...although I know for certain I'd personally have the both of ya's on ignore by now.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Oh, hey, one thing I forgot to address. Let's see if I can look up a quote...

2.)You gave us colors for powers and such,EXACTLY like Champions Online.
Nothing of the sort, actually, and this sounds like the observation of someone who hasn't played Champions Online, but has heard that it does, indeed, have something defined as "power customization." It is, however, nothing in the slightest like what we have here, and I dare say nothing quite as good and expansive.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



This thread don't make no kind of sense.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
This thread don't make no kind of sense.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
Meh, excuse me again if my "clerical skills" haven't been updated.
Here's an update for you. Carriage returns (pressing the enter key between paragraphs). The walls of text make reading your posts something akin to plowing through chest-high snow drifts. A small change like this will make your posts much more readable. Even if people disagree with the content in them.

It seems that 1 person can draw the ire of a community of he or she ruffles feathers.
Well what were you expecting? It's not as if what you're posting is anything new. The basic format and premise of your original post have been done TO DEATH, resurrected, and done to death AGAIN, and again, and again...

You get the picture right?

Well, keep the brushes ready, b/c really,i'm standing by what i said.
Just "because"? No amelioration of your stance whatsoever where people corrected your misinformation and the premises that were broken because of them?

It is refreshing to see others come out and speak their minds,even if it is against what i said, after all we are in a land where one could speak his mind.
Were you not doing the internet equivalent of holding your hands over your ears and yelling "I'm not listening! LALALALALALA", I'd say that was very open-minded of you.

Sadly my "communication" probably wasn't clarified, and even though we can understand people who type to where only a dog can understand,forget to break off sentences with a paragraph, and the world comes crashing down.
At least some of the people here are trying to help you put your arguments in a more readable (and thus accessible) format. Would you rather people just ignore you because you simply can't be bothered to make your argument readable? Your posts are the equivalent of a month-long debate with John Moschitta.

So let me ask you this then:Why cut the badges then? Why "punish" someone who did the efforts of "farming" (like no one here have EVER EVER farmed or PLed) with a higher badge count and reward those who only get to farm half of a same thing and get the same reward?
They're not looking at it as a punishment. They feel that they didn't think through the ramifications of the type of play such badges would engender. Moreover, they feel that the type of play necessary to obtain such badges in what most people would consider a "reasonable" time-frame is an aberrant style of play.

Rather than encourage this sort of aberration, they'd rather remove the poorly thought-out new badges and reduce the requirements on older badges to make them more accessible to players.

Why nerf Regen and slow powersets (Spines/Regen) in a PvP so the benefit goes to those who only invest in SS and 2 ranged attacks can pummel at ease?
Uhm. To try and and make the game more accessible to others who don't take the coookie-cutter-of-the month build. The so-called "race to the BOTM".

I understand that Tankers/Brutes are melee, and aren't "designed" to have ranged attacks, but what about a "Blapper"? They get the benefits of both,shouldn't melee?
One word. BALANCE. If this were the real world, I'd say "yeah". But it's a game. What you're talking about only would lead back to the BOTM problem.

WoW's had 3 expansions, factor in 40 bucks each and a low-cost monthly (yes,with taxes) and we have 4 $10 packs with a few costume changes and emotes. Still paying more more in the long run for CoX.
May The Big Man upstairs help those with a Mac....enough said there...
City Of has had SIXTEEN expansions in five-plus years (roughly equivalent to 3 a year). Only one of which required you to pay extra to access some of the content. The rest were FREE. As in gratis. On top of that, there have been several relatively inexpensive booster packs with some neat, but optional things.

Oh yes. And a yearly sub to CoX is $144 for 14 months.

$144/14 = ~$10.25 per month.

Not quite sure what more you want out of them. It just sounds to me like a misplaced sense of entitlement talking.

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Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
i've done the BSF,and it's not a bad SF, if it wasn't broken. But this just goes to show that the Devs have an issue of just rushing product into gameplay just to say "oooh, look! a new toy!" like they did with the MA.
Uhm. Hello? Was or was not MA DELAYED AN ISSUE because the devs were putting in things the players requested?

Additionally, the MA system is huge and fairly complex. Quite simply there's no way Paragon Studios could have tested every possible combination in the game before release and had it out by the end of next decade. Even the beta test pool was fairly small (though larger than the staff at Paragon by an order of magnitude or so). And THEY didn't catch everything (though they caught quite a few nasties that got squashed pre-release). And yes, some problem-children combinations were reported pre-release and made it to release. There's only so much time and developer power. And, at some point, you just have to pull the trigger.

Otherwise, you know what you've got?

Duke Nukem Forever. And I'm sure it's going to be GREAT when it releases too!

There just doesn't seem to be a lot of forethought when they do things, like release a whole issue just to compensate MA, which we all saw coming.
They can model how systems like the MA will be utilized in the game for years. The problem is, a few months of actually being in the real game can tell them that their model was crap. That's more or less what happened here. They expected uptake on the MA to happen one way, and it didn't happen that way. Decisively. At all.

As such, they had to make changes to the system post-release.

But, at least they didn't do so on the day of the release...

Remember the adage about "no plan ever survives contact with the enemy".

I've heard about costumes for pets fer years now, and still nothing.
One request among many. And you're going to rage about it?

There are only so many developers, time, resources, and money.

Again, your sense of entitlement has gotten away from you.

I gave up looking forward to it. The pets fer Doms and trollers, i stand corrected, but still nuthing for bot's,thugs and the like.
Ah. Having been caught with your foot in your mouth, you attempt to try the "that's not what I really meant" diversion to try and deflect from your bad argument.

Again, updates in this game come in stages, and rarely do we get everything we want, all at once. If you, to paraphrase Queen "Want it all. Want it all. Want it all. WANT IT NAO!", yeah, you're doomed to be disappointed.

I know i know, it'll come before too long, i just hate to see the amount of subscribers drop before it's an unsupportable system.
Ah. The "7h3 g@ym3 iz di3ying" screed.

It's not happening. Get over it.

As fer the cost....i gave ya'll facts already...(CoX)$16.23 vs (WoW)$10.41 vs (Eve)$14.99
Facts huh?


There are three subscription options: a month-to-month package at $14.99 per month, a three-month plan at $13.99 per month, and a six-month plan at $12.99 per month.
From the NCSoft Support Site

  • $14.99 per month
  • 3 months - $41.85 (the equivalent of $13.95 per month)
  • 6 months - $77.70 (the equivalent of $12.95 per month)
  • 12 months - $143.40 (the equivalent of $11.95 per month)
And, recently, they've been running deals for $143.40 for 12 months with two months free on top of that. Works out to $10.25/month.

So Let's be complete about this
Monthly: CoX: $14.99, WoW: $14.99
Quarterly: CoX: $13.95, WoW: $13.99
Semi-Annual: CoX: $12.95, WoW: $12.99
Yearly: CoX: $11.95, WoW: Uh. Not available?

So I'm unsure as to where you're getting $10 a month for WoW (links please). Maybe some sort of special deal that isn't available to everyone?

But, as you can see from the quoted sources, the monthly pricing is identical. The quarterly and semi-annual price is slightly lower for CoX (probably because they're not rounding up to the nearest $0.99 just because they can). And the yearly option is cheaper-still.

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Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
Funny, everyone keeps saying go to the store an buy it fer 20 bucks. Yes, we all know this as no "new" expansions that are huge are ready for sale at a huge store. Yes,I got this..20 bucks new.

Install it, play the free trial, and now monthly costs kick in.
A generally accepted form of MMO billing.

If I'm paying more than I should, why hasn't anyone caught on?
HOW are you paying? And from where? If you're paying $16/month, you're probably buying time cards and having to pay tax on them. Or if you're buying the time cards online, tax AND shipping. There are other, cheaper alternatives for paying for CoX.

So those of us paying more are not supposed to and this means we've been gettin ripped for years?
No. You've simply not been taking advantage of better billing options. Think of it as a dummy tax.

Sorry, but i doubt SERIOUSLY i'm getting a rebate for the next few years.
Is it NCSoft or Paragon Studio's fault you've been paying more than you should when they've made better options available to you in the interim?


every time there's a patch DLing, i get scared, what'd they break now?

I see the Blapper's excuse,but really, it's a Blapper for a reason.
A blapper is not an AT. It's a description for a playstyle where a blaster is being played to the weak points in his power selections. Against type, as it were.

Maybe I missed the forum part about cutting the badges back
No "maybe" about it.

but what about those that did spend weeks earning theirs?
Lost them like everyone else. Save for anniversary badges (which would technically be a form of vet reward), no badge in the game should be available to one group of people and un-gettable by anyone else.

How would that make some new hardcore badger type feel if they logged into the game and saw someone with 700+ badges and were told that about 100 of them were completely unavailable to them because the devs didn't want to give them out anymore? I lost badges too, and didn't care for it. I still agree with the thinking behind the removal of badges that weren't available anymore.

So a few people can ask for a change,and the rest have to comply?
More than a few asked for it. And the final result was essentially fair to everyone. It SUCKED to be someone losing all those badges, but it was still equitable.

Okies,here's my asking...better balance of powers in a PvP setting,customization of pets,and easier acquisition of badges that don't require 1 mish to remain open, like Outcasts in the ONE mish Vil-side?
As with everything, it's a work in progress. In the mean-time, just play the game and stop raging over trivia.

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Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
So,ya'll telling me...(give up the state tax,that's for ANY game) that while i'm payin a lil under 6 bucks more here than say WoW, which really i hate that system worse, that that's normal?
It is if you're on two different payment plans. If you're paying semi-annual for WoW and monthly for CoX, of COURSE CoX is going to cost more!

I pay more fer here than i do elsewheres,
Help us understand why this is. You're saying you do. However, you haven't given us details on your billing situation with WoW or CoX. Not personal info, just how you're set up to bill one or the other.

and if that's the norm
Only if you're screwing something up.

If you give people here a chance instead of simply rage-ranting, we CAN help you.

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Originally Posted by Heismann View Post
Is this also for the DVD Collector's Edition of City Of Heroes?

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The devs are really only 100% anti farming in the AE -
Incorrect. While they would rather people not farm ANYWHERE in the game, they're realists. The devs are anti-EXPLOIT, not anti-farm.

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Hyper, I think we're good here. Maybe let this thread die, finally?

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Hyper, I think we're good here. Maybe let this thread die, finally?
But... But... No, Aett! This thread is too delicious to die! ;-;



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I disagree with the anti-farming. I think it's more accurate to say the devs are anti-exploit.

What's unfortunate for farmers is that while most farms are not exploits, ALL exploits are farmed. This results in the exploiters trying to convince the farmers that the devs hate all farming.
Well, I think the ability to set your missions for a full team when you're solo is surely a sign that the devs don't hate all farming

The message seems to be "farm if you want to - just don't do it in the AE"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, I think the ability to set your missions for a full team when you're solo is surely a sign that the devs don't hate all farming

The message seems to be "farm if you want to - just don't do it in the AE"
You can farm AE all day long if you want too. The problem isn't farming. People do it all the time, it's not against the rules, and it doesn't break anything. The problem was just the exploits. People getting to level 50 in a matter of hours? Exploit. People playing missions over and over for tickets? Perfectly fine. It fits in the Risk/Reward factor.

Plus, if you can solo a mission set for eight, then that's fine too. If you can survive, then you deserve the rewards. You're not cheating in any way, you've just become really good at the game to be able to tackle harder missions.

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

Got Inf?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, I think the ability to set your missions for a full team when you're solo is surely a sign that the devs don't hate all farming

The message seems to be "farm if you want to - just don't do it in the AE"
The devs aren't 'Anti-Farm', they're more... Discouraging of it; it's why they buffed Behemoths that one time; remember?

I cannot speak for the devs, but I'd guess that AE was their new toy; their BABY, and after spending such a buttload of time on it, they didn't want to see it gone to the farmers as it were.

Other than that? What can you do but hope, give the devs the benefit of the doubt and move on.



Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
People playing missions over and over for tickets? Perfectly fine.
But what about missions with a certain kind of enemy that gives way more tickets than others?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But what about missions with a certain kind of enemy that gives way more tickets than others?
That would be an exploit and the devs are definitely anti-exploit.

If the devs wanted to stop farming they'd simply make all missions, even the ones in the AE non-repeatable.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Oh, hey, one thing I forgot to address. Let's see if I can look up a quote...

Nothing of the sort, actually, and this sounds like the observation of someone who hasn't played Champions Online, but has heard that it does, indeed, have something defined as "power customization."

It is, however, nothing in the slightest like what we have here, and I dare say nothing quite as good and expansive.

Added Pics to Sam's post for confirmation that CO's color customization isn't anywhere near as sophisticated as ours. They have 7 color choices to our 180, and we can shade the colors of our powers with a second choice while they only get to choose 1.



One tiny note before thread lock occurs.

Badge requirments:

Think of Badging as a hypothetical Albuquerque 30 mile "Fun Run". Yes there were a few people who were able to finish the "Fun Run", and great for them. But when 95% of the rest of the participants didn't finish nor have any fun trying to finish the "Fun Run" it stopped being.... well, fun. So instead of the previously Annual Albuequerque 30 mile "Fun Run", it's been reduced to a 20 mile one. Now 75% of the participants can finish it and are having fun even if they don't, as the percentage of the run they've complete is greater and gives a better sense of accomplishment.

You know. Fun.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Added Pics to Sam's post for confirmation that CO's color customization isn't anywhere near as sophisticated as ours. They have 7 color choices to our 180, and we can shade the colors of our powers with a second choice while they only get to choose 1.
Because it's a slider, isn't it way more than just 7 choices?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, I think the ability to set your missions for a full team when you're solo is surely a sign that the devs don't hate all farming

The message seems to be "farm if you want to - just don't do it in the AE"
The devs definition of "farming" refers to repetitive activity. Setting your difficulty to x8 is just that: setting your difficulty higher. Setting a mission to x8 and soloing it is not considered farming by the devs. Setting a mission to x8 and then running it a hundred times is considered farming by the devs. Such activities are frowned upon, but not considered specifically forbidden.

The devs are well aware that the setting could be used by farmers, but its not intended to encourage farming specifically. Its specifically there to allow players to create that level of challenge for themselves without the need for fillers.

Farming is tolerated, not encouraged. Meaning: the devs aren't likely to expend a lot of effort eliminating it, but they also won't spend a lot of effort protecting it either. And they will balance around it if the activity becomes prevalent in any area.

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I realize the thread is over, but my inner pedant compels me to make these observations.

Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
"Witchhunt?" Hahahaha! funny stuff. Well, excuse 'ems if my sentence structure" and grammar's crappy, just never thought i'd have to proofread what i say, but putting this in "SUGGESTIONS", i had this alterior motive:
Devs...LISTEN to the PEOPLE. I mean they've been saying the same crap for years,and while i hate to agree with some of it, they are original ideas. Ya'll be saying ya wanted new suggestions, being in a Suggestion place? OOkies, here goes...
Why would you expect anyone to take the time to really consider your ideas, when you didn't feel they were worth presenting in a clear and concise manner?

Also - you thought you meant "ulterior" - but posting a suggestion that the devs should listen to suggestions in the suggestion forum is pretty much the anti-thesis of an ulterior motive.

Originally Posted by Skattershot View Post
So tell ya'll what,I'ma just gonna apologize fer anything i said,lord knows we wouldn't wanna speak our minds and sit in the back with the rest of the silent sheep, too scared to say anything les we get trashed back. so disregard my lil "rants",and i'll never post here again.
I've marked my calendar to celebrate Saint Skattershot the Martyr Day every December 28th - patron Saint of the those who speak their minds unfiltered, unburdened by grammar and unafraid of upsetting the sheep, only to be trashed back by the masses.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Because it's a slider, isn't it way more than just 7 choices?
Technically, but you can only change the base color. The shades shown on the slider are *exactly* what you get, no brighter or darker. Nor do you get to choose a secondary color. If they had Energy Blast, you could set it to varying shades of blue, but you could not make it blue bubbles on a green beam. Granted, this also means you can't do some of the brain-bursting combos I've seen in CoH, so it's not entirely a plus either way. You do get to choose an emanation point, but only for some powers, and it's not entirely consistent.