Decorative Base Items We'd Like To See




Me I like to see small apartments for characters. Think about it like Batman he has the Bat cave but also the SG Justice League Base. Also with how we not going to get day Jobs having Homes would be another part of the secret Identity angle.

On the bases I like to see curved walls!



I'll vote for holiday/seasonal items. Winter (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.), Summer (swimming pools, beach chairs with and without umbrellas), Spring (Easter Eggs, killer rabbits, etc.) That sort of thing.

Final Straw, DM/Regen Scrapper
Solari, Fire/Fire Blaster
Real Americana, MA/SR Scrapper
Task Force Timmy, Grav/Rad Controller
Astral Paragon, Spines/Regen Scrapper
Mr Drama King, Katana/Regen Scrapper
Psi-Stunner, Psi/Mental Blaster



Hi Sunstorm,

(Note the personal touch at the start of the post!)

*Ahem* Anyway, dunno if there's any chance this will fly, but... Would it be possible to get a Slot Machine as a placeable decorative object? As in, a model like that of the villain unlockable contact of that name.

It's hard to convey on text how much I really really want to do that with my "main villain". I don't care if it costs 100 million prestige to place or has insane requirements to unlock (like dunning the two SM arcs on the highest difficulty with all the Ouroboros restrictions a thousand times).

Pretty please?

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Much of this has already been mentioned, but wanted to reiterate my favorites
[*]A clickable message board, for SG and visiting people (like coaltion and team members)[*]Something that can split the room level in half (hate seeing my characters sit down with 30 feet of wall towering above them)[*]More "house" like textures for wall and floor - again a lot of the existing textures are huge, or stone like, especially the molding[*]NPC's[*]Workout Equipment



This is little off topic, but it seems decorative items have been a low priority. That's understandable. What I would love to see is since we have costume customization, base customization and soon mission customization, why not allow players to make decorative items?

This needs fleshing out as I have no idea how that stuff is done, but imagine a way to provide the specifications for the decorative items and allow genius, super-duper players to start creating all of these wonderful items we have been aching to have. Maybe they can be posted, voted on, pass QA and brought into the game. This would give the creative types an outlet, base builders the base items and take some pressure off of development.

Just a thought. I have no idea if it is even feasible.

Its a shame that a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of wild dogs. - Jack Handy.

Proud member of:
Gunstar Heroes (Protector)



<ul type="square"> Low tech/retro/steampunk teleporters
Low tech/retro/steampunk lights
Low tech/retro/steampunk medbays
Low tech/retro/steampunk power generators
Low tech/retro/steampunk control devices
Low tech/retro/steampunk storage containers
Low tech/retro/steampunk Vaults
Low tech/retro/steampunk crafting tables
Low tech/retro/steampunk everything basically - we have arcane and high tech but would love something inbetween. Especially important for the items that no basic base can do without[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]




Whatever it takes.

Actual Location: Inside the system itself.

"When the most exciting thing about Mace is AceMace's avatar, then it's time to get realistic."

Shield Guide

The only thing anyone in this game is "supposed to be doing" is having fun. Everything else is negotiable. -Jet Boy



Faux windows

Waterfalls of various sizes; would include lava falls

Molten pools

Natural tilesets, like grass, gravel, dirt, etc

More wallsets, like moss covered, glass, mirrored, plain, etc

[/ QUOTE ]
Jesus, yes. This is soooo needed. Waterfalls, yes: Lavafalls, yes; don't forget just regular proper water for the floor. Sewer base-Ho!


The computer stations seen in Council bases.

[/ QUOTE ]

My GOD! It has mystified me since the first day bases were introduced that these things were missing.

Computer consoles.
Computer console screens.
I wanna fill an entire room with data banks. I wanna cover every wall in every room in me base with computer consoles and databanks. We have massive amounts of stuff to compute.

No, not functional. Functional makes it complicated to place anywhere I want.

Don't forget:

Wall/touchscreen computers and computer consoles.

Old school versions of all this stuff.

Rikti versions of all this stuff.

Steampunk/Nem versions of all this stuff.

Land O' the Lost Sleestack crystal versions of all this stuff....

....huff, puff, huff.....


Actual Location: Inside the system itself.

"When the most exciting thing about Mace is AceMace's avatar, then it's time to get realistic."

Shield Guide

The only thing anyone in this game is "supposed to be doing" is having fun. Everything else is negotiable. -Jet Boy




small statues

[/ QUOTE ]

Take this a step farther, having customizable statues that you could place in a meeting room or whatever, to showcase founding members of an SG that are no longer with you.

Probably not very likely, but definitely on the top of my 'wish list'.

[/ QUOTE ]

My personal suggestion was much like this.

Just like some other SG badges, when you defeat x amount of a mobs boss while in SG mode, you get a "statue" to place in your base. IE if you defeat 1,000 or 10,000 Freakshow Tank Busters, you get a statue of a tank buster to place in your base.

This would allow SGs to have a "hall of victories" with all the statues.

This would allow the Devs to expand on the same though and include other mobs like Lts and Minions, but with much higher totals needs maybe you need 1 million for a minion.

But then it could cause a problem with mobs that have multiple bosses like Freaks or Nemi. Do they do a statue for each boss or just one?

Personaly Bases need some MUCH love in regards to form and function.



A variety of doorways with working doors that can be used at either end of the hallways. Like the doors in the Crey missions for a tech base and swinging wooden and sliding stone doors for arcane bases. The doors themselves could be flagged as destructible for pvp purposes. What kind of base wouldn't have blast doors, deadfalls, and the like to block access to invaders anyway?

Would also like to at least be able to put light sources in the halls so my base won't have these dark spots in them. Some wall decorations would be nice, too.



My main toon isn't in a super group -- he's the anti-social type that want to lurk in his own bat cave, fortress of solitude, whatever.

How about a way to let individuals make their own one-person bases? Oh yeah, in list form:

<ul type="square">[*]one-person bases[*]everything else above [/list]

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



Half a dozen of the base items from the lists we compiled more than a year ago would be great. Any 6 of em.



Well, for our VILLIAN base how about tables with stacks of money?
or piles of EVIL drugs and bongs and things?

-Justice server-50's
RedSide Corrupter-6::Brute-3::Veat-3:: MM-1:: Dom-1
Blueside Tank-1:: Blaster-1::Scrapper-1




small statues

[/ QUOTE ]

Take this a step farther, having customizable statues that you could place in a meeting room or whatever, to showcase founding members of an SG that are no longer with you.

Probably not very likely, but definitely on the top of my 'wish list'.

[/ QUOTE ]

My personal suggestion was much like this.

Just like some other SG badges, when you defeat x amount of a mobs boss while in SG mode, you get a "statue" to place in your base. IE if you defeat 1,000 or 10,000 Freakshow Tank Busters, you get a statue of a tank buster to place in your base.

This would allow SGs to have a "hall of victories" with all the statues.

This would allow the Devs to expand on the same though and include other mobs like Lts and Minions, but with much higher totals needs maybe you need 1 million for a minion.

But then it could cause a problem with mobs that have multiple bosses like Freaks or Nemi. Do they do a statue for each boss or just one?

Personaly Bases need some MUCH love in regards to form and function.

[/ QUOTE ]

I love the idea of faction statues. It would be cool to have any enemy type as a statue. Could earn them like normal badges, but for the SG (Tank Buster, Zookeeper etc), higher requirements of course. Whether they are stone, shiney metal, gold, I dunno, but that would be damn cool. Hell, i'll even make the textures for them if I have to :P

The other thing I really want for bases are the arachnos target dummies from the arachnos base tileset, they are a red hologram lookin thing.




DOORS to put in the doorway rooms. Please! Like the sliding airlock doors in tech maps, or the giant roll-up doors from warehouse maps, or the council doors...

Doors. An object with an openable doorway in the center, which is large enough to completely consume the width and length of a Doorway room.

These can be made targettable and destroyable later for raids. Or they can even automatically be destroyed whenever a raid member appears in the doorway, if that is going to still be the way it's done in future.



* Fish Tanks!
* window/skylights
* &lt;-- and --&gt; wall signs
* wall signs that match the above style with symbols for various rooms (med, tpers, storage..)
*Bookshelves that can be stacked multi story ala grand library with a catwalk between stories
*spiral staircase up a story (see above)
*some clockwork wandering around the base looking for salvage
*snow and ice ala winter event 2005 and Father Time mission
*tintable (and working) light sources
*more plants, especially flowering
*water tiles option for floor
*water falls (see CoT cities, Ouroboros isles in the sky..)
*archways that attach to the ceiling rather than just standing there

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



As I'm one of my SG's main builders, I'll put further suggestions from our members as they come up.
[*]Pets. A kitty or dog prop, parrot in cage, perhaps, the fish tank mentioned above, etc.
[*] A Longbow Helicopter.
[*]Gun racks, as seen as mission objectives.
[*]Floor to Ceiling wall items to partially block off squares. Perhaps with some with entryways.
[*] The awesome mechanic bay equipment from the Vanguard base.
[*] Tanks and assault vehicles from the vanguard base and elsewhere.
[*]A helipad and roof doors.



Nothing specific, but I'd like to see casual items that one might find in living quarters or similar.



Instead of listing everything I want, I thought I'd break some of it down into one theme : Cave/Indoor Garden

<ul type="square">[*]Cave interior tileset - encompassing floor, walls, ceiling and skirting/coving[*]Stalagmites &amp; Stalagtites[*]Glowing mushrooms (as seen in Cave mission tilesets) for all surfaces - low level light sources[*]Flat bottomed rocks of varying sizes (to suggest they're partly beneath the floor)[*]Creeping vines and roots for all surfaces - Ivy etc[*]Waterfalls &amp; Lavafalls[*]Water pools &amp; Lavapools[*]The option to fill a room with water up to just under the heighest floor height - 2 levels - wade or swim[*]More Plants and Trees - current ones available don't even represent 10% of what's in game[*]Plants and Trees without containers[*]Grass/Moss/Fallen Leaves/Dirt flooring[*]Clumps of grass, moss mounds etc[*]Crystal/Geodes of varying colour for low level light sourcing[*]Shafts of Light from holes in the ceiling or walls as intense/spot lighting[*]Mausoleum artefacts (as seen in the Lady Grey mission)[*]Henge &amp; Fairy Ring style Teleporters[*]Varying sizes of Pumpkins and Squashes[*]Bones &amp; skulls[*]Small campfires and rustic torch lamps light sources[*]Cobwebs[*]A tree with a swing/arbor[*]Gazebos of varying types, with and without vines[*]Wooden benches[*]Empty flowerpots, bags of compost, haybales etc[*]A Barbecue[*]A Wheelbarrow[/list]
er... that'll do for now. Probably.



Skylights. With either clouds in them or stars (pick when you place them)

A window that you can place on the floor that has the Earth in it so it looks like your base is a space station looking down on the Earth.



<ul type="square">[*]Statues -craftable and designable in other words being able to make a statue using the character creater and placing it either colored or all stone texture, all skin textures would be only stone texture, like a granite gray.[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]

Beat me to the punch (even though I was thinking they would be displayed in a case) . I second this.



Does anyone else think it might be helpful to separate out the functional item requests from here into a "Functional Base Items We'd Like to See" thread?

Several have posted here requesting SG message boards, Arena terminals, trainers, costume contacts, etc.. To me, those items are more functional than they are decorative and would most likely take a lot more time to develop.

Perhaps it might be more useful to Sunstorm to have those listed separately?

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



A much more complete set of sewer items.

Working elevators and multiple floors.

Windowscapes: moon, undersea, stars, maybe even lava.

Working doors, even if they're only roll-up doors, that we can lock.

An "arena" room where SG-mates can PvP with each other.

An influence bank.

A portal room to the Shard.

A tailor station.

NPCs to staff the base with.

Statues or posters of our characters.

A real store to sell stuff at that doesn't require 5 million points of healing.

A Wentworth's/Black Market station.

And please release thousands of decorative items to the base palette.

[/ QUOTE ]
All of this! Please something like the city hall in Atlas Park with the wall cutouts for the statues and plaques that you could award SG members names too. Also that floor is just way too cool. Also a big Thank you to Mad for this list because if the base editing system was just 50% of that of the costume editor we wouldn't be begging for most of these items.
Thank you guys all take care and have a Happy Thanksgiving!



Perhaps just separate the items by what is already in game from items that would need to be created.