Decorative Base Items We'd Like To See




Decorative fountains / pools (similar to what's in Faultline)
More tree options
More bush options
decorative versions of all of the functional items.

My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)



One idea that is both decorative and functional:

An SG bulletin board. You could have it look like a real life bulletin board( complete with fliers ), a high tech holographic display, or an arcane obelisk. Whatever the object looks like, it is clickable, and functions as an interface for a small BB, or a mail system that only works within the SG.


"When Chuck Norris can't go on, Petra Majdič perseveres!"



Faux windows

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I also like this. I'd love real windows that I could place so I could see Steel Canyon, Sharkhead Isle, etc., but faux ones would do in a pinch.

Bonus points if the windows show accurate day/night cycles based on the zone/server they represent.



The problem I see with adding Windows to bases is depth. Without depth they would just be two dimensional pictures on the wall, which would be fine if your standing in one place but people usually move around when in their base. This is why fake backdrops are usually shot at a fixed angle.



I would add some sort of doorway thing that would fit in the hallways, to turn them into realistic doorways, rather then massive cathedral openings.



The problem I see with adding Windows to bases is depth. Without depth they would just be two dimensional pictures on the wall, which would be fine if your standing in one place but people usually move around when in their base. This is why fake backdrops are usually shot at a fixed angle.

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I actually still wouldn't mind this if they were Stars....

If its broke, don't fix it... I like the chaos!



Faux windows

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I also like this. I'd love real windows that I could place so I could see Steel Canyon, Sharkhead Isle, etc., but faux ones would do in a pinch.

Bonus points if the windows show accurate day/night cycles based on the zone/server they represent.

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The ones from inside the universities would do.



I'd love to have the ability to create a base that has/resembles any of the stuff you find in Arbiter Sands' base at the the end of the Faultline story arc.

The submarine bay and catwalks in there are seriously cool.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



More than anything I want the target practice dummies that you can target and fire at. They exist on the Rikiti War zone Vangard base and they need to exist in mine. Whats the point of my new training room if i cant test my weapons?

Also i'd love to get the icy feal like you get in the FrostFire hollows mish.



not to be a downer or anything

but with bugs for iss 13, mish arch in 14

among a buncha other tyhings currently taking up 100% of all the devs time for whats probably the next 6 months at least

whats good about a sticky when nothing nothing will come out of it.

we've had 1000 threads already with nothing done frankly ive more then lost hope in seeing any of this actually get live.

iss14 wont do anything more then pvp love and mish arch which wont have room for anything else as usual

iss 13 was our only hope and we got...price reduction

again. *sigh*

even with sunstorm here whos ducking the question on why we couldnt add items already in game to this issue. i have no hope that this will change.



Because for the first time we've got an actual, official Base Dev. Adding in some new items based on existing models would be a great way for him to learn the system and satisfy enthusiasts at the same time. And we need to pour our excitement somewhere.

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donno if it was posted or not, how bout black market dealer/terminal



we've had 1000 threads already with nothing done frankly ive more then lost hope in seeing any of this actually get live.

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We've also never had an "official" base Dev assigned as the Developer for the Base community either. Perhaps you might give him the opportunity to get settled in? For all you know, adding existing in-game items is already done and in QC testing for i14. Instead of complaining about Sunstorm not answering your specific question, why not try to work with him to help make bases more fun?

even with sunstorm here whos ducking the question on why we couldnt add items already in game to this issue.

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This was already answered numerous times elsewhere. They had intended to have much more in terms of bases (revised editor etc.) but found they needed to focus on getting PvP (which like it or not is a base related issue) working the way they wanted first.

i have no hope that this will change.

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I do.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



[*] Beds.
[*] A truck, like the Pocket D truck, maybe as a teleporter item.
[*]Nonfunctional doors and garage doors as wall items.

My SG has been deeply interested in some beds.

Perhaps bunk beds like they would have in a firehouse, just so that our heroes have something to sleep on other than cots.

Also, I'd like to see a truck and a garage door. It would be cool as a alternative Teleporter item, like the Pocket D truck and villain mission truck doors now, but just having a civilian or military truck would be cool.

Nonfunctional doors to be placed on walls, like the bathroom doors right now, would be cool.



My Base wish list.

<ul type="square">[*]Office like kins for the base. Much like the door map where you go into an "office building" to rescue X person. This would be perfect for my SG theme. Think NCIS, X-Files, CSI, etc.
[*]2nd Floor. Stickly for PvE as it would be nice to have an actual 2nd floor. Some themes that I have though about was a floor for the normal medical / workshop / etc. and then a "basement" for the generators and control. Another option would be a sewer like lvl and then another floor. This would work much like the Safeguard misisons where there is a bomb inthe serwer and you have to go through it an emerge in a building.
[*]Office like rooms where there is a window that you can see in. Simliar to the ones where you go in on door missions.
[*]Following the office rooms, maybe an "interigation" or jail room. The ones with the oneway glass.
[*]Teleporter (or Pillar of Fire and Ice) for Roman zone. You can only use it if you have done the arc. If not, it will tell you that you are cant use it and, perhaps, teleport you to the contact.
[*]Carpets. Not every building has steel, hardword, or brick flooring. [/list]
To second some of the other items mentioned:
<ul type="square"> [*]Beds. Standard beds, cots, bunk beds, etc.
[*]Target dummies.
[*]Arcade like items.
[*]Windows. I miss the outside sunlight.[/list]



How about:

<ul type="square">[*]Trainers[*]Vendors and[*]Wentworth / Black Market representatives?[/list]
Make the base more functional. Even Star War Galaxies had that in their player towns.



<ul type="square">[*]TVs with non-medical information, preferably flat panel ones somewhat similar to real world ones - showing Paragon TV or Rogue Isles TV or both (Paragon City and the Rogue Isles DO have Broadcast/cable TV right??! - Or has Radio won all the battles against Television?)[*]Holovision displays for the same as above[*]Scrying mirrors and crystal balls showing the same as above[*]Steam-punk and Pre-TV imaginings of what TV was going to be like for the retro-look[*]Doors for our hallways - they don't have to do much. Just obscure line of sight (unless transparent or containing transparent parts) and open and close. - Lots of these things in the game. Rollup doors, sliding open doors, the 'airlock' style door-pairs, the 'iris' doors from the sewers[*]Doorways - arches, crawl ways, pipes, - passages that constrict movement down to 'chokepoints'[*]More textures for walls - do we have to be so limited in what we can make our walls look like? What if I want a white stucco texture, wood paneling, wallpaper, etc?[*]Stalactites and Stalagmites - so we can make caverns[*]Portholes, windows, viewscreens and images to see through them - so we can seem to be in orbit around earth, in alternate dimensions, floating in the air, suspended in lavaflows, etc - A way to see 'where' the base seems to be.[/list]I can easily see a list of themes of types of things:
<ul type="square">[*]Real-world modern styles[*]Space Man Tom style - what the future looked like in the 50's[*]Art Deco[*]Decor from Tabula Rasa(tm)[*]Decor from Lineage(tm) and Lineage 2(tm)[*]Decor from Guild Wars(tm)[*]Decor from Dungeon Runners(tm)[*]1960's style 'secret agent' decor[*]NASA Moonbase stuff - Similar to the style of Space: 1999[/list]Basically what I am trying to do is create apartments, caves, clubhouses, libraries, labs, etc.

I'm also slightly tired of square rooms. I want to be able to do hexagons, spheres and the like. Or irregular shapes to emulate caves and caverns.

I could keep brainstorming for hours on this. Just what would all our heroes be doing when they are in these bases and hideouts...

Oh, BTW, for the distant future rework, it would be nice to be able to SIT-on-click or the like where we get moved onto a chair or couch or bed in a pose that's right for that space. Emotes help it look right, but it would sure be nice to have some 'help' in being able to USE the furniture in the bases (and in pocket D for that matter).

Too Many Characters... not enough player
Member of Alts-R-Us.




[*]Carpets. Not every building has steel, hardword, or brick flooring.

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You can fake carpeting with the miyaku (spelling) gravel floor for now. Although I too would like real carpeting, as well as choices of area rugs (which exist in NPC locations throughout the game already).



I'd like to see one thing and one thing only above all else.

A good transition between rooms.

It is a very jarring thing to look at a nicely done portion of the base, say tech style, then in the very next room which happens to be arcane, the connecting doorway does not transition from room to room very well.

A door, or some other inventive means of easing transitions from room to room would be awesome.

The only example I can think of off the top of my head is the office building mission map that transitions into a sewer map, then again transitions into a cave map, and yet again transitions into a rikti lair. None of it looks or feels "wrong" or jarring to the eye.

Hell, even if you can't make it happen using just the doorway area because they technically can't be decorated with items, I would even prefer you add in a new kind of room called transition rooms, which it's sole purpose is to transition from one style into another style and sit in between two other rooms. I would gladly sacrifice plot space to use a room like this all over the place.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my concerns, opinions, thoughts and ideas.

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.




small statues

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Take this a step farther, having customizable statues that you could place in a meeting room or whatever, to showcase founding members of an SG that are no longer with you.

Probably not very likely, but definitely on the top of my 'wish list'.

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

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<ul type="square">[*]Statues -craftable and designable in other words being able to make a statue using the character creater and placing it either colored or all stone texture, all skin textures would be only stone texture, like a granite gray.[*]haven't read the whole thread yet, but water, including fountains, waterfalls, and water on the floors, puddles etc.[/list]




[*]Carpets. Not every building has steel, hardword, or brick flooring.

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You can fake carpeting with the miyaku (spelling) gravel floor for now. Although I too would like real carpeting, as well as choices of area rugs (which exist in NPC locations throughout the game already).

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I will have our master base designer try it, but I would love to also have a shag like carpet.