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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    <ul type="square">[*]Statues -craftable and designable in other words being able to make a statue using the character creater and placing it either colored or all stone texture, all skin textures would be only stone texture, like a granite gray.[/list]
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    Beat me to the punch (even though I was thinking they would be displayed in a case) . I second this.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    I would suggest a sliding scale of some sort. Something akin to:
    Lv 1-6 – inactive account 3 months
    Lv 7-14 inactive account 6 months
    Lv 15-30 inactive account 9 month
    Lv 30-40 inactive account 12 months
    Lv 40-50 inactive account 15 months

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    Are you out of your [censored] MIND!!!
    Lv 50's should NEVER EVER be considered! It takes some peoople almost a year to hit lv50!
    Didn't it used to be lv35 or 36 for cutoff?

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    Ha! I've been playing the game since Day 1 and still dont have a lvl 50 yet.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    Just wanted to let everyone know that, after a few month hiatus, I've been able to play a lot more often. Consequently, after I8 hits, I'll be providing a very necessary revision and update for this guide

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    Oh yeah...soon after I8 hits your gonna work on revising this fantabulous guide? That's good news...(checks calendar on the wall.)

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    Here's the updated guide: .

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    Welcome back!!
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Just wanted to let everyone know that, after a few month hiatus, I've been able to play a lot more often. Consequently, after I8 hits, I'll be providing a very necessary revision and update for this guide

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    Good to see you back in action!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    With the release of Issue 7 you can strategize in the great hall around your new table...

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    Can we sit at this table? :-)


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    /em ledgesit
  6. Any new Tankers want to add their origin?
  7. My opinion on the roll of tanker: pre I5 the Tank was a wall between the MOB and teammates. When you attacked a MOB, the individuals on your team KNEW the tank would stop them from getting hit. Period.

    Post I5/ED I believe others view us as neither here nor there to have on the team. In other words, defenders don't have to monitor us as much as blasters so they like that. Blasters can count on us to hold some agro, so they like that. Scrappers still see us the same as before, except they may get a little more heat from enemies, which they probably don't like or don't care.

    In my experience (post I5/ED) people still invite me, and enjoy having me on the team, but don't feel it necessary to have a tank.

    My 2 cents.

  8. Mount_Muscle

    Inv/SS "Lasher"

    Hey TM,

    Good guide! I'm looking to respec my tank (to be I5/ED compliant, of course) and saw your guide. Mount Muscle is a INV/SS jumper too - so I thought this would be a good fit. My proposed respec looks a lot like yours (I'm only lvl 39 though), question though. I like Hasten - do you find you need it for your build?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    ..ED didn't make E^3 blasters weak. It just seperated the real elec blasters from the lazy ones that relied on only one power.

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    No offense, but not all of us are lvl 50. Some of us don't have Power Sink.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    3.2) We wanted to be able to vary the % of Enhancements moving into the future. With ED, we now can have a single Enhancement that boosts Damage by 50%. Players can't horde many, many copies of said Enhancement, because there is still an ultimate cap.

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    Well if States holds true to what he says here, all hope might not be lost. MAYBE we will be able to reach the same % of enhancement we are at now with less enhancements slotted and use the additional slots for "fun" (except for powers that only take one kind of enhancment of course). It looks like a possibility.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    ...There's literally no advantage to rolling an Electric Blaster over any other unless you factor in endurance drain, and endurance drain is moot in I6.

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    Ok, I guess I better check out the upcoming I6 notes. Doesn't sound good.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    A huge thank you to all the heroes of Paragon City!

    Keep dispensing Justice!

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    I will continue to dispense justice like a giant Pez dispenser!

  13. 5 Stars for you Tpull! This is great!

  14. Great origins!

    Stormravyn - I liked your's a lot. I'll keep my eyes open for Felicity for you...

  15. If this had been done before please ignore me and throw tomatoes at me the next time you see me. If it hasen't or it's been a while...

    How about everyone listing their Tank name, powerset, and origin? I'll start:

    Name: Mount Muscle
    Powers: INV/SS (Science)
    Origin: Intelligent far beyond his years, John Stevens was picked to join a top secret govenrment program before entering his junior year of college. Applying his knowledge in bio physics, Stevens worked on an "Enhanced Human Immunity Resistance" program the government wanted for its soldiers. After years of laboratory testing, Stevens needing a human test subject, injected himself with the formula. It was a success...of sorts.

    At first, reports indicated that he was highly resistant to toxic gasses, poisons, and to an extent - physical harm. Slowly his body began to change. Over the timespan of a month, he grew to the height of 8 feet tall. His body became impervious to all toxins and he no longer aged. His skin became like iron - invulnerable to all forms of physical damage. His strength had increased to the point where he could punch through solid steel walls without much effort. Nicknamed "Mount Muscle" by the government, Stevens was reassigned to the Hero division located in Paragon City.

    Applying his intellect and newfound strength, Mount Muscle took to the streets. Eventually he became known for wadding into large masses of evil doers subduing them, and coming out unscathed. The government soon began sending him on more dangerous missions which he gladly accepted never coming back any worse for the wear. Times were good....then came the invasion.

    Not much was heard of the hero name Mount Muscle during this time - the government content on keeping him out of the news. MM was mostly used on dangerous rescue missions involving the capture of heros by the Rikti. Other super powered beings knew to count on seeing Muscle when times were bleak. Soon, disater happened.

    Hand picked by Hero 1 to join the Omega Team's assualt on the Rikti homeworld, Mount Muscle was eager to join in. Little was know what happened after they went into the portal. What was known to few on the planet was this: Mount Muscle returned. A year after vanishing, the Government had reports of a large being dropping out of the sky over a remote part of Arizona. What they found was a comatosed Mount Muscle. Months later, Muscle awoke from his sleep, but remembered little. Ashamed that he let down Hero 1 and the Omega team, Muscle vowed never to wear a cape, in what he felt as a tribut in letting down his companions.

    Recently Mount Muscle has been seen once again patroling the streets of Paragon City.

    Join in if you like!
  16. Dear Statesman Clause,

    Can I please have a Red Ryder BB gun to help stop all criminal activity on Christmas Eve.

    Thank you,
    Mount Muscle
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    ...See ya in Anaheim!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey - when are you guys coming to NYC?
  18. Mount_Muscle

    Villain Emotes

    Definitly need the:

    "And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!"

    Scooby Doo ending emote. Not sure how you would do this, but I think it's a necessary one.
  19. Do the Devs themselves fight in an event like this? It would be killer to stand next to Geko or Statesman and fight off the baddies...