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  1. An apartment in Atlas with a view of that giant statue I'm going to miss so much.

    And a houseboat in Independence Port for weekend Giant Squid sighting-parties. Also I love those bridges.
  2. The non-randomized loot.

    Oh, I know what we get is random, but I mean the loot itself. There are no swords (or rifles, or wands) with 5 random stats with wildly random values, 99.999% of which are useless to everyone. If I get a L25 magic DAM SO drop, I know exactly what that means, and who it's useful to. I don't have to sit there and compare every single drop to one I already have "equipped" to see if it's a eentsy-teensy-weentsy bit better. If I get an IO Recipe drop, I know exactly what it does, the set bonuses are fixed, I know exactly how it's going to fit into my build or who I can give/sell it to.

    Oh, and thank the elder gods for NO BOUND ITEMS! There's no: Oh, look, another useless loot item that's exactly the same as this other useless loot item but now i can't sell it to anyone else because it's bound to me. (well, except for merits, and catalysts, and incarnate salvage, but still)

    And thank you City of Heroes for Reward Merits and Architect Tickets and Vanguard Merits and Candy Canes and Astral and Empyrean Merits as an alternate method for buying specific stuff that I want and need and is particular for my build.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LeperDave1 View Post
    Yes, CoH sales have dropped, but nothing compared to Aion. Any news of them axing Aion? Anybody? Bueller?
    They probably won't because Aion is still making 10 to 15 times what CoH did? It's not just loss over previous quarters, it's whether the game is still bringing in more than it costs to support.
  4. SoyLeyenda


    Originally Posted by Hawkwind View Post
    Where's everyone going now?
    Welp, with Paragon Studios gone, I guess Wildstar will be out of the question. I suppose I'll wait to hear some more reasons for this debacle before I give up on NCSoft, but at the moment I'll stay away from GW2.

    Funcom's horrible support has turned me off their products entirely (TSW).

    Elfy-dwarfy MMOs don't do anything for me.

    I don't like Champions Online at all. Star Trek Online seemed like a dupe of C-O.

    I guess maybe go back and look into DCUO (I played the beta and was not impressed) or The Old Republic again.

    Sigh. I'm gonna miss this game.
  5. I'd like to express my distaste for this type of sales item. I got suckered in with the pseudo-gambling on the first set, but won't again. Stick with selling the items themselves, don't intersperse them with random unwanted crap.
  6. I get this from clicking on the support link in an official bug report email:

    Quote: uses an invalid security certificate.

    The certificate expired on 8/21/2012 6:59 PM. The current time is 8/28/2012 5:52 AM.

    (Error code: sec_error_expired_certificate)
    I would assume site manager would know, but just in case...
  7. I've found it very disappointing as far as gaining END (I'm at ~50% end mod, i think), but it can drain nearby mobs pretty quick, especially if they've got the wrong end of your other powers.
  8. I don't know if the devs have read this, but I'd like to reiterate the frustration with this new functionality. It's nothing but a hassle every time I change up a costume part.

    If I switch from a jacket to a tight chest costume, but want to keep my shoulders, gloves and belt, now I have to update 6 colors in addition to the chest. Before it was just the chest itself. And if I pick one chest option, update the 6 colors to see how it looks, then go back and pick a robe... change them all AGAIN. And if I don't like that... then AGAIN.

    I tend to stick with a color scheme across my costumes. It's more likely that I'm NOT going to change the colors as I make changes.

    This really did not need changing and needs to be put back the way it was before.
  9. Just to close this out, the PM to Zwillinger cleared it right up. I'm set up with my Kirb - dark matter aura.

    Yay rednames.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Is it possible that you are in supergroup mode and those are the SG colors?
    You should always be out of SG mode when you visit the tailor.
    I'm always in SG mode and I have never had any problem with SG colors when editing in the tailor. There used to be some twitchy behavior with the SG color selection from the SG window, but those are long in the past.

    Been playing since a month or two after launch.
  11. So I've noticed that as I'm scrolling through options and trying various different costume pieces that my color choices are getting reset to nearly black and nearly white. Is this happening for anyone else? Is this a bug or a new feature?

    I tend to stick with color schemes across all my costumes, so this makes adding and changing suits (which I do a lot) rather frustrating. ALSO, the reset button (to revert to the original costume) does not effect the colors, so I have to go back and fix colors for anything I altered but didn't keep. D:

    I'm trying to imagine how this new behavior is at all useful, so I'm hoping it's a bug. And maybe while the devs are in there fixing it, they can add a button to swap the two current selected colors (primary to secondary & vice versa), like many graphics editors have. That would be a lovely QOL improvement for me.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    You might get a better response if you PM a redname. You might also get a better response if you assume it was a goof instead of accusing them of deliberately screwing with you.

    Also: huh? Where's this happening?
    I'm not assuming they're deliberately screwing with me. I'm irritated because a code I was given didn't work. If I'd known it was a free-for-all like the twitter giveways I would have gotten to my account quicker.

    It was Virtue about 30 minutes ago.
  13. So rednames,

    Are you deliberately giving out duplicate codes to see who can get to their NCSoft account page the fastest, like the twitter codes, or was I just the unlucky schmuck who got a broken code?


    A disappointed player.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    Have since found a still better way of doing things. After a bit of trial and error with various compression codecs, and after a bit of googlage, I managed to find the XVid codec. Has all kinds of benefits. VDub will process the compression and cropping faster, the resulting files are much, much smaller than the originals with this compression (e.g.. a file that was 1.6GB in Fraps compressed down to just 80MB with XVid) and most importantly, Power Director 10 recognises it quite happily.
    When you're editing, you want to minimize how many times you compress something. When you compress the video, you lose details. When you transcode from one format to another with compression, you compound your losses. Ideally you should record uncompressed video and edit without compression and only compress the final video. Unfortunately, that's not always an option.

    If you can, use Virtualdub's direct stream copy option if you're using it just for simple edits.
  15. I use the older version of Playclaw and it works perfectly for my needs. ( ) Theres a new version out that I have not upgraded to because I like to give versions time to get bugs worked out. Last I checked it was a little cheaper than FRAPS. I use VirtualDub to do simple editing and encoding for youtube.

    There is also a program called DXtory that does the same thing, its a bit pricier, but I think also has more options.

    MSI has a free graphics card app called Afterburner that does screen capture. I have not played with this at all.

    FRAPS is pretty much the standard. Between it and Handbrake (free video encoder), it should handle most of your needs.

    Be aware you will want to play around with your recording settings. What worked for me is to capture at full resolution and Playclaw`s high-speed low-compression algorithm. That generates very large but very good looking files which I then edit and encode for upload with virtualdub. Depending on your CPU & HD speeds your mileage may vary.
  16. Thank you very much for all previous, current and future freebies. I admit to being ungracious about a few things in the game, but I do appreciate these (and much other work that goes unmentioned.)

    You rule.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Well, if you've popped 'aim', you already have, so you can just 'fire'. It makes sense in that sense. And nearly every blast set has an aim power so it's an easy and unique way for range sets to benefit.
    My issue with this is that about half the time I use AIM with a snipe, my snipe misses. I don't have this problem with BUILD UP. That's been my experience.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MoiraMom View Post
    Still having the occasional problem of the Flow Lightning columns not showing up properly. This makes it more difficult to avoid them when trying to get back into range and whatnot. Notice: Flow Lightning-caused death, NO LIGHTNING ON THE SCREEN AT ALL:
    I also had this problem over the weekend when I ran the Mag trial.
  19. I think for the next one they should just automatically unlock it after one trial run, but you have to run an incarnate trial once a week to keep it unlocked.
  20. I hate to point this out, but your descriptions of the Mecha Armor boxes are off from what is listed in the Paragon Rewards window.
    Chest detail are in box 2.
    Box 2 glove variants either require box 1, or don't exist in box 2.
    There is no shield listed in the rewards window for any of the 3 boxes, whereas it is listed in the patch notes..
    Is Rad-X the Mecha Pistol? That seems new to me, but the rewards window says Mecha pistol.

    Way, way impressed with the chainmail, though. I was expecting it to be a dud and i've put it on almost every toon I've logged in with.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Razai View Post
    I have seen but a few of these posts about people complaining that devs are making travel more "convenient" for others, but there seem to be a select few that have an issue with it and thematically call it random...
    Thematically it is random. Would equally convenient portal buildings be any different? Put the currently non-existent 2nd floor into the new City Hall and put the portals there. Any sufficiently advanced technology might still do better with a roof to keep the weather and invasion spawns out.
  22. Is anyone else of two minds on the whole portal system?

    One of the things I like about Paragon City is that it has placement. Perez Park is South of Steel Canyon, which is south of Boom Town. Atlas is West of Perez. The zones flow. All the zones make up the city.

    The Rogue Isles are just some random places connected by boat in the least convenient way possible. There's no structure, and all you have to remember is that you have to go to the boats to get anywhere. This is one major reason why I dislike redside so much.

    Then Vanguard & the metro unification came to Paragon, and it saved Founder's Falls. Yay for travel that fits into the world. Mostly. It's organized: You have to go to the vanguard centers & the metro is just more convenient.

    And having Oro means we see level fifties outside Peregrine Island. And it's a place of it's own. A Hub. There's stuff you can do there. Honest! Go look it up.

    But now we just lay down portals all over the universe willy-nilly. No hubs, no centers, no metros, no boats. No gathering places, no flow, no continuity. Might as well just make random unconnected zones, just like in all those games that haven't been around for 8 years. I'd like a North Pole Zone, and a Mount Everest Zone and a Marianas Trench zone and a Valles Marineris zone while we're throwing away the city, plz.

    Anyway, I'll use'em, and I'll appreciate the time savings, but I won't like'em. Not a bit.
  23. It will never be "trouble" for a game company because they'll simply change the store and increase the individual item costs appropriately so they don't lose money.

    Personally, I think it's an excellent idea since I'd rather not pay for the crappy extras (inspirations/temp powers) just to get costume pieces or recipes.

    Also, I think game stores should follow the same rules as any other stores. I don't see random grab bags at my local grocer or Target store.