What i love about CoH over other MMOs




The non-randomized loot.

Oh, I know what we get is random, but I mean the loot itself. There are no swords (or rifles, or wands) with 5 random stats with wildly random values, 99.999% of which are useless to everyone. If I get a L25 magic DAM SO drop, I know exactly what that means, and who it's useful to. I don't have to sit there and compare every single drop to one I already have "equipped" to see if it's a eentsy-teensy-weentsy bit better. If I get an IO Recipe drop, I know exactly what it does, the set bonuses are fixed, I know exactly how it's going to fit into my build or who I can give/sell it to.

Oh, and thank the elder gods for NO BOUND ITEMS! There's no: Oh, look, another useless loot item that's exactly the same as this other useless loot item but now i can't sell it to anyone else because it's bound to me. (well, except for merits, and catalysts, and incarnate salvage, but still)

And thank you City of Heroes for Reward Merits and Architect Tickets and Vanguard Merits and Candy Canes and Astral and Empyrean Merits as an alternate method for buying specific stuff that I want and need and is particular for my build.

Mostro - Mr Methane - Beast Lightning - Akrasia - Contraindicator - BattleBomb - Norsewind - Poundy Hammer - Fatron - Mysteriesque - Chiisai Tora - Goth Claw - Mach Barrier - Bearly Human - Prototype Alpha - Crabbly - Puffy Morpheus



Yeah, I'm pretty cool.

The 1st Message Board Warrior. m/



- !The sidekick system! (No other system i know allows to team up a lvl1 with a lvl 50 and actually do something for the team)
- The Travel powers (actually partly there are other mmorpgs which do better at the moment, but CoH started it all!)
- No drops fever (ok, well, at least until the IOs bunched in :P ^^)
- The AE!
- The update waves, the new Stuff, the devs, the community guys and last but definitely not least: the community.

- NOT the PVP since i13 :P ^^



The sheer feeling of power. Most other MMOs expect you to fight 1, 2 or maybe 3 enemies. In CoH you really feel like a hero (or Villain). No other MMO I've come across comes close to matching it.

Conversely I think the plethora of different currencies was a bad thing in CoH and an example of the lack of focus of the Dev Team sometimes.



The chance to really get yourself into the character is what kept me here all this time. None of that ridiculous "you now have such'n'such armor which helps your defense - and it's looks like a pink shirt, enjoy!" stuff. I owned my character by the way he looked and what I wrote into his bio.

Then AE came along and rose my chance to really sink into the world even more, my stories, my customs, my everything.

Can't imagine there's anything like those out there in the other MMO worlds.




In those two other Superhero games, you have to do outside missions most of the time while 400 other people are doing them also at the same time.

In COH, you make a toon, arrive in Atlas, and decide how you want this toon to play out. You can street sweep if you want, or head right into door missions. As your toon progresses, you have the choice of what contacts you want to do missions for.

Long story short...COH lets me play my way, not they way someone wants me to play.

@Battle Ant

The Omega Guard / Evil Midgets Incorporated

Liberty Server