34 -
... Ah, i wondered about the "-project" string when i checked some demoplay threads here.
Quote:That is a very handy option ... i think i will use this too.You can abuse this to create predefined graphics settings to use. For example, I use "-project hq" for my high-quality settings, which live in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\HQ"
Thanks a lot Codewalker. -
A little update for all with the same problem:
I think i found a solution
The graphic settings which are used by the Demoplay CoH AND CoHBeta can be found in the registry under:
(Sorry Mac-User, this is for Windows 7)
I guess, because i used the betaCoH for demoplay, i hadn´t installed the normal Coh and because the graphic settings of BetaCoH are saved on a different registry string ---> setting CohBeta settings does not effect a demoplay.
But if i change the settings in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\CoH it effects also the demoplay with the cohbeta client.
So my suggestion:
Make a backup of this registry path if you want to use demoplay lateron
Chris -
Hi everyone.
I just started testing the demorecord/-play function of the game.
But now i got a problem similar to http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=242820
When i start a demoplay, the graphic settings are all set to low and i found no way to set them to high.
Does anyone know how to change the demoplay graphic and/or change the graphic settings without starting CoH?
Thanks in advance
Best wishes
As info:
I use Windows7 64bit and the game itself is working normal
Everything i tried already (and failed):
- Starting the game and set up the graphic there (works ingame, but does not change bad settings in demoplay)
- tried demoplay on beta and on normal coh
- tried a different demorecord
- (As suggested in the mentioned threadSet the settings of both, the beta and the normal Coh, to the same settings and wait a night for synchronisation.
- Used Zloth's Demo Launcher v2. But it shows "could not find City of Heroes" even if i start it as admin and with Net framework v1.1 or 4.0 installed -
Verbalized to the point, Snow Glob.
When i made my suggestion, i wanted to check an alternative way to incarnate besides the Account VIP-switch... i still thought of the possibility that the game may get bought. (Someone hopefull mentioned back when the strict "No-VIP after 1st September" rule hit, that it may be created because they want to keep clear track for a buyer.)
My idea is far more difficult (and not doable anymore), but would not touch the accounts. -
*shrug* i just hoped it would be easy enough to code.
But as you posted, there is noone left now.
@Julio Thom:
Quote:Thanks for the confirmation.I can verify that the box code trick doesn't work anymore. My brand new Architect Edition states that the serial code is invalid.
My last blink of hope for some incarnate action vanishs.
Chad Gulzow-Man mentioned on the end of the first thread-page.
I was stunned.
*joky voice on* Hey man, i just wanted to do some incarnate stuff before the **** hits the fan *joky voice off*
@Texas Justice:
Quote:I hadn't replied because it appeared that the OP was unwilling to listen to anything anyone said, even when it was backed by links to quotes of redname posts.
I just interpreted them in a slightly different way. That is all. -
Hups. I missed the irony.
Sorry DarkGob for the missunderstanding. -
@Chad Gulzow-Man:
I didn´t see this.
... Damn. So goes the last blink of hope.
... well not the last one, but the glow went all down the chimney and i can not really see it from here. -
Have a good journey and good landing
@SnowGlobe two posts:
- requirements:
I agree mostly. I think there is some "code to set up" and someone who could enable the item in the store". Design is neglectable due to beta-server-store and, oh yes, because the game is going down ^^
- VIP freeze Post:
That was one reason i started this thread.
- Zwillinger:
I know Zwillinger is a Forum Mod. But well... he is the only one i knew i can ask for. And there was the rumor that he engaged the doublexp and beta server access for premiums.
So call this thread a blind shot
- "Approval from NCSoft":
Well, this is a hard one, but it is possible this option, which does not influence the real servers and maybe could smooth some waves, could be considered by NCSoft. -
Yes, i know he is the community representative... "in charge" was a little dramatic ^^
So you think he "was" community representative?
Everything i read pointed to the fact that Zwillinger is one of the last few remaining in Paragon Studio at the moment. As i understood, he is still the representant.
Am i wrong? -
@DarkGob: Ho, slow down
This was not meant to trigger the devs at home to brew something for the beta-server.
It is adressed to the guy which is according to my knowledge still in some charge legally at Paragon Studios.
Zwillinger will be able to check if such a change can or cannot be done by the remaining staff. And if it is doable i think he is the man who can ask NCsoft if he is allowed to do.
That´s all. -
Chad, if you are not a hidden redname then you will surely not know how difficult this specific task is. (Meaning: some task need programmer, some task need designer, and this may be difficult or super easy... we just don ´t know)
so... I think i hold my breath. :P ^^ -
Sorry DumpleBerry, but i want to hear that from a redname before i believe it (Are you a disguised one?
Dear Zwillinger.
Dear NCSoft.
I want to make a suggestion for the beta server:
___Add an item to the beta-server store which allows buying access to incarnate-content.___
It would allow former-VIPs to play one last time with all powers we "worked" so hard for.
It surely is not as easy as it sounds, but it would have no side effects on the real servers or accounts.
And for me it would make a difference.
I hope you can help us again.
With best regards
Some background for all readers:
- The beta server is open also for non-vip at the moment (thx Zwillinger)
The beta server shop allows to buy nearly everything besides the incarnate content.
- The "box code trick" to go to VIP looks like it is dead.
At least the support-answer i recieved, Zwillingers last "player service update" and the answers in some other threads (http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=296832) point out that it is not possible to update to VIP anymore.
(I will recieve a box next week and, of course, will try it out, but i don´t think it will work) -
Thanks for the update
By the way: I just managed to take a look on the i24 additions on the now open Beta server (thanks also for that)
They are great, marvelous and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Just wanted to mention that
(My Blasters would run wild with it and all chars would cheer for the power pools+customisation
... it started to make me sad again for seeing so much good work lost) -
This is true, but to be honest: if a char was incarnated (and IOed) then it feels a little lame without it ^^
Also as an often-VIP i was used to have access to the latest stories... as a non-VIP, i do not have this.
(I still do have some Paragon points left, so if there is no VIP - Possibility i will use them for access to the Pandoras-Box missions) -
- !The sidekick system! (No other system i know allows to team up a lvl1 with a lvl 50 and actually do something for the team)
- The Travel powers (actually partly there are other mmorpgs which do better at the moment, but CoH started it all!)
- No drops fever (ok, well, at least until the IOs bunched in :P ^^)
- The AE!
- The update waves, the new Stuff, the devs, the community guys and last but definitely not least: the community.
- NOT the PVP since i13 :P ^^ -
Hi all.
Sadly i was in a hibernate waiting for i24, so i was not VIP when the hammer hits.
I read in the forum that there are possible ways to upgrade to VIP with game time codes or other City of heroes codes. Sadly i only have a ton of Paragon points, but no such things at the moment.
So, to all who may now:
Is there any chance NCSOFT may be generous enough to switch all non-VIP to VIP for the Rest of the Live of the game?
Best wishes
Lichtfunke aka Chris -
We have to thank you for making it possible
Thanks to all Devs and Community workers.
You did an outstanding remarkable marvelous job with City of Heroes. Even more since Freedom (the steady input of new things, the community communication, the stories, the incarnate system, the customization, the ... hold it, hold it, I have to slow down, otherwise this post will be too long... still... i have seen some things for i24 and it´s such a pity. Damn.)
I want to thank you again.
I wish you an easy, good and fast journey to a new job at your liking together with all colleagues you want to keep. -
If City of Heroes really closes, I second this full heartly.
The character creation system of City of heroes is outstanding marvelous.
(Maybe we can use some of our leftover Paragon points for this :P)
And maybe we could get a version of Pocket D attached to the tailor. No Powers or so... just for a walk in an other costume.
P.S. I would like to have some of the music in the game too.... just for the memory -
@Dechs Kaison:
Summed up: You are right in you thoughts about my idea.
A more detailed reply:
Quote:I didn´t checked it in detail before entering the thought *blush*.First, and most obviously, not all form powers match up to Nova/Dwarf powers.
Warshades have Gravitic Emanation and Dark Nova Emanation, but one is a stun and the other an attack. With your scheme, how could I possibly slot it for both like I do now?
My thought of the change was: if there are powers that does NOT have a twin, then the AT just keeps both.
Quote:Second big problem is that your change would actually weaken Warshades and Peacebringers. Suddenly, PBs lose their third heal power, and can't use Dwarf Flare right before Solar Flare. Warshades lose Double Mire. Peacebringers won't be able to string ranged AoEs of human and Nova continuously.
Still this would open up some interesting options... to use shields in nova... to use melee attacks in nova... to use dark detonation in dwarf ... and so on)
(As said, this changes to much, so this idea will never be used by the devs
... Its just an idea how I would create Kheldians within the actual game)
Actually in my idea Dark Detonation and Dark Nova Detonation would become one power; and this power would act like "Dark Detonation" while in human form, and like "Nova Dark Detonation" in Nova form... and like "dwarf Dark Detonation" in dwarf form ^^ -
Hi Everyone.
I just thought of a major change, which will surely never happen...
But before it get lost, i just put it in here
Some details for the understanding:
-We all know that the human form nearly got all powers of the other forms, they just use different values.
-With some of the new powersets like titan weapons or dual pistols, the devs used a method where the game has 2 powers at the same power place... the enhancements are the same for both versions, but depending on a switch the powers have different values.
==> So it could be possible to use the same mechanic in Kheldians and remove the separate slotting for the Nova/Dwarfs form powers and just let them act differently if a form is active.
Additionally (as i understand it) this could/should cause ALL human powers be useable in forms (just with different values)
+ fare easier slotting ("more" slots)
+ all powers can be used in forms (even shields and heals and damage auras and mire. But compared to the other epic ATs, this is rarely overpowered.)
- No more double-use of powers (=no more double-mire)
- the change is to big. This changes the mechanic of the AT so much, there will be a lot of power equalizings and maybe nerfs needed
Just my 3 cents ^^
P.S. i don´t know if this was suggested before. -
Thanks a lot for the answers
Thanks for the last hint. I will test some procs on the testserver. -
I thought so. Thx for the answer.
As i understand this combo will not be fast (so no real farmer), but could do it.
Never thought about it, but now you mentioned it, it is clear: farming is a lot of ae, while AV killing is mostly single target (and specials), so it is very difficult to achieve both in one build.
-About answers 1 till 3: Good to know others also think the same
My thoughts were: /dark is a very good team contribution -> more damage dealers (Team/pets) = more multiplier effect
I thought of "mace mastery" for this toon... an additional pet and additional 20% Resi-Debuff (besides the Defense Armor)
-About your build: thx for the reference
There are some nice ideas... most times i forget the HOs
Does the +3 Def Steadfast IO in Shadows Fall gives this 3% also to everyone within power range?
-About bonfire+proc:
I know ^^, but i hope that they will not dissolve the change entirely
(i read most of the bonfire discussions here and there are 2 facts: 1. bonfire for itself is uber now; 2. The devs must have known it from the testserver and haven´t done anything yet)
And an additional build question:
Has someone tested putting damage procs in Dark Servant? (there are 2 i think)