How to choose/set graphic settings before/during Demoplay?
A little update for all with the same problem:
I think i found a solution
The graphic settings which are used by the Demoplay CoH AND CoHBeta can be found in the registry under:
(Sorry Mac-User, this is for Windows 7)
I guess, because i used the betaCoH for demoplay, i hadnĀ“t installed the normal Coh and because the graphic settings of BetaCoH are saved on a different registry string ---> setting CohBeta settings does not effect a demoplay.
But if i change the settings in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\CoH it effects also the demoplay with the cohbeta client.
So my suggestion:
Make a backup of this registry path if you want to use demoplay lateron
But if i change the settings in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\CoH it effects also the demoplay with the cohbeta client.
You're not limited to the existing names, either. You can abuse this to create predefined graphics settings to use. For example, I use "-project hq" for my high-quality settings, which live in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\HQ"
... Ah, i wondered about the "-project" string when i checked some demoplay threads here.
You can abuse this to create predefined graphics settings to use. For example, I use "-project hq" for my high-quality settings, which live in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\HQ"
Thanks a lot Codewalker.

Hi everyone.

Set the settings of both, the beta and the normal Coh, to the same settings and wait a night for synchronisation.
I just started testing the demorecord/-play function of the game.
But now i got a problem similar to
When i start a demoplay, the graphic settings are all set to low and i found no way to set them to high.
Does anyone know how to change the demoplay graphic and/or change the graphic settings without starting CoH?
Thanks in advance
Best wishes
As info:
I use Windows7 64bit and the game itself is working normal
Everything i tried already (and failed):
- Starting the game and set up the graphic there (works ingame, but does not change bad settings in demoplay)
- tried demoplay on beta and on normal coh
- tried a different demorecord
- (As suggested in the mentioned thread
- Used Zloth's Demo Launcher v2. But it shows "could not find City of Heroes" even if i start it as admin and with Net framework v1.1 or 4.0 installed