Magisterium Farm, So did the devs consider this possibility?
Honestly.. they should have seen this coming. This is what happens when you shoehorn a path to a new shiny into one Not-so-easy path.
On Beta the Magi was originally a cakewalk at the end.. so they tweaked his regen higher. I feel they pushed it a bit TOO high- just a bit. I have been on over 20 Magis so far, and over a dozen have failed because we get Tyrant down to 30-40% health and then stall- between scattering for lighting strikes every 20 seconds and killing wells every 30-45 seconds we don't have the DPS to get him past the 30-40 mark.
That's not to say it can't be done, I've done it several times... but it takes more coordination than most PUG Leagues can handle.
Add that to this being the ONLY way to get Hybrid, even then you still need 5-6 runs, and yeah, people will take the easy route just to unlock the powers- it's common sense. A Common Sense that the Devs STILL seem to lack when it comes to Trials. IF they had added Advanced IXP to say the UGT or MoM/TPN, or added it to DA even at a reduced rate it would have cut down on the farming, but they NEVER learn it seems... I'm afraid if you're looking to finish it, you may need to wait a while.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
Lets face it, it's human nature to look for the perceived path of least resistance, the easy way, to achieve a desired goal. I'm sure if the devs implemented anything to minimize the advanced psychic xp farm the farmers would just pitch a fit because they feel the devs are forcing them to play a certain way, and whatever else they want to rant and rave about. Pretty much it's going to be a no-win situation for the dev team.
I saw the mag farm broadcasts and had no desire to really run with them or hold one. Shame, I really want to try this trial but I'll just put if off for a week and hopefully by then a majority of the farmers will have their hybrid incarnate slots and normal runs of the Magisterium trail will be more frequent.
Add that to this being the ONLY way to get Hybrid, even then you still need 5-6 runs, and yeah, people will take the easy route just to unlock the powers- it's common sense. A Common Sense that the Devs STILL seem to lack when it comes to Trials. IF they had added Advanced IXP to say the UGT or MoM/TPN, or added it to DA even at a reduced rate it would have cut down on the farming, but they NEVER learn it seems... I'm afraid if you're looking to finish it, you may need to wait a while.
Honestly, just have it start filling in from DA once you have the bottom slots unlocked. I don't understand what the problem is with that.
I've taken one character on a Mag trial - my Elec/Elec blaster. One full run, 20%. OK, cool. Then "Hey, I've heard people are farming this - just do the kill 250 and reset." Result? Two runs like that, giving... 19% each.
That is *off.* That is really bad. No wonder people are farming it. 19% and reset in a few short minutes minus... 20%, four AV fights, the end Tyrant fight? All that's only worth 1% (and some salvage?)
The reward for finishing should be more than that. Yet I think we'll find the devs will lower the iXP for the first section instead... somehow.
I'm wondering, though, if they think it's OK because it's "just" Hybrid at this point - since you need Lore and Destiny unlocked to even run it. (Hint: It's not. That's broken.)
So with the launch of I23 comes the new Incarnate trial, Magisterium. Wanted to give it a try, first attempt went like this. Use the LFG tool to join Magisterium Incarnate Trial, get to first part (defeate 250 IDF), and as soon as this completes just about everyone quits. Really confused by this and decide to head to Dark Astoria and see Broadcast being spammed with Mag Farm Runs.
So wanting to really give it a try, and actually finish it I broadcast that I was doing Magisterium Incarnate Trial but let everyone know that it wasn't a farm run. Get a League together, finish first part, and about 5 people quit. Really annoyed by this, press on, couldn't get it going, try second time and this time success. So is this what my experience with the Magisterium Incarnate Trial going to be like for the first week or so? Having to worry that people might bail as soon as they get their advanced psychic xp? Do the devs consider this an issue, should they even consider this an issue? |
While I agree that they never should have set this up to be the only way to unlock the new incarnate power (while requiring multiple runs)...
It's pretty inexcusable to use a clearly-stated full-run of the new trial as a farm for yourself and quit after the first part.
That's not anyone's fault but ******** that don't care about other people's fun.
That sucks.
If people want to run farms and quit after a certain point to get what they want, the way they want to - more power to them. Joining with you and bailing at that point anyway... is just lame.

and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Someone was throwing the idiot ball around the officers again, clearly...
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
While people are farming it, i'll be trying to get the very hard way badge!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
I dunno if it's just me, but I haven't noticed Astral's being awarded for completing each stage. Hell, I haven't noticed getting anything barring an SO for taking out the first 4 AV's...
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V: Spektor(50 Spiddy)
clearly they need to switch the amount of ixp...give the 1% to the idf stage and the av's get the rest.this gives a real reason to finish it.

I havent gotten a Astral or EMP unless the whole iTrial is a success.
Haven't farmed it yet. Though in my experience what worked the best was have 6 people as dedicated Well of Light destroyers while everyone else beats on Cole.
However, some people are either to slow on the uptake to get the hell out of dodge when "air begins to tremble" pops up (I watch this based on people ding everytime to the lightning), or you have brutes/tankers thinking "I can take it for sure"
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Trial is just too front laoded with iXP, as I've heard suggested elsewhere we should be fighting a few token IDP, then the three AV's, then get the 250, then Swan etc...would probably ease up on the farms a bit (not that I hate them, helluva lot quicker than full runs to unlock Hybrid)
Alternatively they could make the Hybrid unlock require the trial completion badge, have the XP sit at 99% until it's done etc...though I personally hate this idea.
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I havent gotten a Astral or EMP unless the whole iTrial is a success.
Haven't farmed it yet. Though in my experience what worked the best was have 6 people as dedicated Well of Light destroyers while everyone else beats on Cole. However, some people are either to slow on the uptake to get the hell out of dodge when "air begins to tremble" pops up (I watch this based on people ding everytime to the lightning), or you have brutes/tankers thinking "I can take it for sure" |
It's just that many people go for the easiest possible route, rather than one requiring effort. I sometimes think the iXP should only be awarded at the end of the trial, win or fail.
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@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
I am not a fan of trials in any capacity though since Mag is the only way to unlock the slot I had no alternative but to run it. I am one of the people who have unlocked Hybrid through 4 trials (3 failures and 1 success) and now have no desire whatsoever to return. Thankfully I need nothing else from the trial.
Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30
If they didn't consider that people would do this, they didn't read our feedback in Beta. People, including me, posted that day one of VIP beta. It's just obvious based on how front-loaded the trial is with iXP.
But those people who were quitting non-farm trials were freaking idiots.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
You push people, they push back.
The devs try to force people into the Magisterium trial after there was a huge outcry and demand for DA and a solo tract. Don't be surprised when they farm it to get it over with as soon as possible. And don't be shocked when some of those people don't want to 'play nice' and end up door sitting Phase 1 and walking out on legit trials.
The trial being 'fun' or 'easy' or not is irrelevant. Most people like cake, but if you put a metaphorical gun to their head force them to eat it, expect them to pass it off to the dog when you're not looking.
The first time I did it we tried to finish it because almost no one had done it and we wanted to see what it was like. We failed at the end. The next few times the only thing running it was a farm and I ran those. When I was at 92% another team wanted to do the whole thing and we managed to pull it off and win.
It was fun. I enjoyed the trial-- and I HATE trials before I have my level shift to 50 + 3.
But, yeah. Having only one way to win the thing and making the reward front-loaded guarantees farming it.
And NOTHING is going to be so much fun that I want to do it four or five times in a row to get the reward I WANT.
Especially on servers where you don't have a large crowd of people running the trials.
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If they didn't consider that people would do this, they didn't read our feedback in Beta. People, including me, posted that day one of VIP beta. It's just obvious based on how front-loaded the trial is with iXP.
The problem I have is this is a bit of wordplay going on here. We asked for no new salvage so we go no new salvage.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Honestly, just have it start filling in from DA once you have the bottom slots unlocked. I don't understand what the problem is with that. I've taken one character on a Mag trial - my Elec/Elec blaster. One full run, 20%. OK, cool. Then "Hey, I've heard people are farming this - just do the kill 250 and reset." Result? Two runs like that, giving... 19% each. That is *off.* That is really bad. No wonder people are farming it. 19% and reset in a few short minutes minus... 20%, four AV fights, the end Tyrant fight? All that's only worth 1% (and some salvage?) The reward for finishing should be more than that. Yet I think we'll find the devs will lower the iXP for the first section instead... somehow. I'm wondering, though, if they think it's OK because it's "just" Hybrid at this point - since you need Lore and Destiny unlocked to even run it. (Hint: It's not. That's broken.) |
I went with my BM/Ther Mastermind because I really wanted the Support that offered double protection for my pets. Well I had two straight distasterous trials that failed in the exact same spot... Time ran out on Tyrant and I came away with about 19% XP. Then I ended up on a farm .. we defeated 250 IDF and quit and I left with 18% on a team with 24 players. So I defeated 4 Arch Villains and wound up face down in the dirt about 6 times against Tyrant for a whole 1% more XP? Then it got REALLY rediculous ... I joined a smaller farm with 15 members and we averaged over 20% per run and on a 12 man team we got between 24 and 25%. In the midst of all that I did have a Fire/Rad Corruptor actually join a full trial that was successful and was up to 2 characters that had earned the badge.
When I went to bed last night I had 13 incarnates that had their hybrid power open and slotted.. and thanks to them waiting an incredibly long time between giving us a power to build all but two of those have a tier four in place, Two of them have two tier 4s, another two have a tier four and a tier 3. My Staff/EA Brute is at 74% complete on opening Hybrid as well and being able to slot the tier 4 power I already have built and waiting to slot.
The recent trend to farm has many causes.. Of course there are those that will always take the easy way no matter what. Then there are those that simply don't enjoy beating their head against a wall to complete the trial when its faster and easier to just do phase one until hybrid opens.. and like me they have multiple characters they want to get the power for and already have enough threads and salvage to slot it. Thanks to the long wait between giving us Judgement, Interface, Lore and Destiny and then FINALLY offering us Hybrid I managed to acquire 27 Incarnate characters and before Issue 23 even hit 23 of those had a tier 4 in every single power. Best of all I actually took more than a month and a half off from doing any trials at all while I leveled my Beast Mistress MM, A Staff/Wp Stalker and my Staff/EA Brute to 50. As of today only the MM does not have t4s in every slot and she has nothing lower than a t3. I also took off time from trials to level a SJ/WP brute, also an 50+3 Incarnate; a KM/Reg Scrapper. also a 50+3 Incarnate and I have a Dark/Dark Corruptor at level 43. So I have not simply done nothing but run trials since the day they arrived.
The point is the devs created this situation themselves.. Waiting far too long to give anyone something else to work towards and then building a trial [as we all know the absolute ONLY way at the moment to open the new power] that front loaded almost all of the IXP making it extremely easy to farm. They intensified the situation because its actually even worse than when the BAF and LAM first appeared. Sure each one only gave out one type of IXP but at least we had TWO trials and could alternate a bit between them. What we have now is a huge group of players, many with multiple characters that want Hybrid, and exactly ONE way to get it.. do the same trial over and over and over. At least by farming, not counting time to organize a league, you can get 20-24% of your needed iXP in about 5-7 minutes.
Once my characters all have their hybrid slots open I will go back and start doing the maginsterium trial to attain the badges for my characters but for now I see no reason to slow my progress and put myself through the frustration when I can open Hybrid faster and easier as a farm hand.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
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clearly they need to switch the amount of ixp...give the 1% to the idf stage and the av's get the rest.this gives a real reason to finish it.
Trial is just too front laoded with iXP, as I've heard suggested elsewhere we should be fighting a few token IDP, then the three AV's, then get the 250, then Swan etc...would probably ease up on the farms a bit (not that I hate them, helluva lot quicker than full runs to unlock Hybrid)
Alternatively they could make the Hybrid unlock require the trial completion badge, have the XP sit at 99% until it's done etc...though I personally hate this idea. |
These sound like good ideas. Right now I'm up for anything that reduces the advanced psychic xp farming. Agree that having the bulk of advanced psychic xp being earned during part 1 of the Magisterium trial is probably not the best idea out there. Maybe have the total advanced psychic xp that could be earned rewarded after completing the trial. Maybe a system check that sees if players are just only doing part 1 of the Magisterium trial and kicks in a diminishing return on advanced psychic xp which resets every time a player completes the trial.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
The could reduce the IDF IXP by like 75%, and then give a massive IXP bonus for beating Tyrant.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
The Magesterium is so perfectly set up for farming that I have to wonder if the devs didn't do it on purpose. After all, they gave us Death From Below as a way to speed through the early levels that many people were sick of repeating. Since there's currently only one way to unlock Hybrid, they may be ok with people zipping through it initially, with the idea that once they've got the slot unlocked they'll relax and start running the trial "properly".
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IMO the problem is they actually intended us to run the same content 5 times in a row per character. The trial was a farm before we started farming it.
I don't want to criticize too heavily, because a developer's job is hard. But I do get sort of frustrated that they look at the popularity of BAF and Lambda, and then add more content to the top-end, instead of going "we need more stuff at the level of BAF and Lambda."
If nothing else, if you really have to do the same trials repeatedly with no other options for advancement, they might at least make the story and cutscenes explain why the fight happens 5 times. Am I defeating Cole on 5 parallel worlds? Does each fight represent some kind of timewarp? That's easier for me to overlook on task forces, because they don't dictate their own terms of replay.
IMO the problem is they actually intended us to run the same content 5 times in a row per character.
But yeah, having the only option of unlocking a new reward to be running one piece of content 5 times is annoying.
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The Magesterium is so perfectly set up for farming that I have to wonder if the devs didn't do it on purpose. After all, they gave us Death From Below as a way to speed through the early levels that many people were sick of repeating. Since there's currently only one way to unlock Hybrid, they may be ok with people zipping through it initially, with the idea that once they've got the slot unlocked they'll relax and start running the trial "properly".
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
well, for the outset, its not entirley surprising, i have been on a few of them and kind of completed the trial largely by happy accident(thought the group i accepted was a farm, and turnes out they were a great group and we stomped it). I think at first people are going to want the added power and for the knowledge to get more widely speead to the usual leaders. maybe not next weekend(i suspect that next weekend might be quiet), but shortly thereafter a lot of people will already have their slots and will be able to carry the trial better to completion for those who dont yet. I do agree that the ixp distribution is a bit off, almost all of it is in the first phase, subsequent ones should be more level. and this trial could also be leveled off.
So with the launch of I23 comes the new Incarnate trial, Magisterium. Wanted to give it a try, first attempt went like this. Use the LFG tool to join Magisterium Incarnate Trial, get to first part (defeate 250 IDF), and as soon as this completes just about everyone quits. Really confused by this and decide to head to Dark Astoria and see Broadcast being spammed with Mag Farm Runs.
So wanting to really give it a try, and actually finish it I broadcast that I was doing Magisterium Incarnate Trial but let everyone know that it wasn't a farm run. Get a League together, finish first part, and about 5 people quit. Really annoyed by this, press on, couldn't get it going, try second time and this time success.
So is this what my experience with the Magisterium Incarnate Trial going to be like for the first week or so? Having to worry that people might bail as soon as they get their advanced psychic xp? Do the devs consider this an issue, should they even consider this an issue?
Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius