Discussion Issue 23: Where Shadows Lie - [LIVE] - May 31, 2012 Patch Notes
Incarnate Trial - TPN Campus
*ahem* I like chainmail and leather armor as well.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

This is the only change I do not like.
This sounds neat. I'm interested to see how much this changes combat.
Chainmail Armor and Leather Armor
PLEASE NOTE: These Costume Pieces will not be available immediately upon release of Issue 23: Where Shadows Lie.
Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? :.(.........
Sorry for the dumb question, but could be someone as nice as to tell me what Premium players get access to in Issue 23 please? I am VIP, so I have no problem, but my wife is Premium and she asked me. I can't get head and tails about that from the patch notes.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: typo
Arc "Save the TV, Save the World!"
Cheerleaders, ninjas, vampires, zombies, ETs, time travellers, Spartans... all is here!
ID - 79690
Sorry for the dumb question, but could be someone as nice as to tell me what Premium players get access to in Issue 23 please? I am VIP, so I have no problem, but my wife is Premium and she asked me. I can't get head and tails about that from the patch notes. Thanks in advance! |
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
They should still get the leather and chainmail sets when they are available shouldn't they?
Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry
I remember there was some conversation about Valiant and Zunkunft servers going english, what I believed to be with Issue 23.
Since I'm at work, just wondering for those logged in to the game...did those servers get changed as part of this issue?
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Dark Damor Chevalier Noir
Le chemin de la r�demption commence en Enfers...
Nindyn vel'uss kyorl nind ratha thalra elghinnn dal lil alust...
City of Data updated with today's patch, as well, and this is what I've noticed so far for the Hybrid powers:
Support Path: The third tier of the Support path looks a little... off.
Support Total Core Graft 4% +Damage, +Defense, +Accuracy to Players 8% +Damage, +Defense, +Accuracy to Pets Support Partial Core Graft 3% +Damage, +Defense, +Special to Players 6% +Damage, +Defense, +Special to Pets Support Partial Radial Graft 8% +Damage, +Defense, +Accuracy to Everyone Support Total Radial Graft 6% Damage, +Defense, +Accuracy, +Special to Everyone
Also, Support Partial Radial Graft has an 80ft radius, compared to the 50ft radius of the other three, which only makes the Core paths look worse.
Edit: And shouldn't one of the Core paths be +Damage, +Defense, +Accuracy, AND +Special? Like the "Total" paths should be Damage, Defense, Accuracy, and Special, while the "Partial" paths should be Damage and Defense, and then either Accuracy or Special, all at slightly higher values?
Basically, I think they should look more like this:
Support Total Core Graft 4% +Damage, +Defense, +Accuracy, +Special to Players 8% +Damage, +Defense, +Accuracy, +Special to Pets Support Partial Core Graft 5% +Damage, +Defense, +Accuracy to Players 10% +Damage, +Defense, +Accuracy to Pets Support Partial Radial Graft 8% +Damage, +Defense, +Accuracy to Everyone Support Total Radial Graft 6% Damage, +Defense, +Accuracy, +Special to Everyone
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
This looks like a great issue guys.
Also, I just checked, Hybrid Control doesn't have any mez timer tags, allowing perma holds/stuns etc in PvP.
I suspected this, but with Hybrid being locked behind the new incarnate trial, my lack of time and not being anywhere on the live servers (For RedTomax), I couldn't alert you sooner.
Even if the core tree only adds magnitude onto the current mez which -is- affected by a mez timer, the radial branch does not have a timer either.
Not to mention those powers without mez timers already will get enough magnitude to perma hold.
Mind dominators with TK will love this bug.
Hopefully you can adjust some of the new powers for PvP scales (Dark Grasp Hold, Hybrid, Domination etc), like it was done for /Time (+Regen instead of heals affected by heal decay).
Thanks guys
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.
Sorry for the dumb question, but could be someone as nice as to tell me what Premium players get access to in Issue 23 please? I am VIP, so I have no problem, but my wife is Premium and she asked me. I can't get head and tails about that from the patch notes. Thanks in advance! |
- Night Ward's contacts. (If I remember correctly.)
- SSA 2.1 (soon)
- Chainmail Armor and Leather Armor (soon)
She gets automatic access to:
- LFG channel.
- Bug fixes.
- Balance changes.
Guide: Premium Accounts and Paragon Rewards.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
The Master of STF has been transformed into Master of Babs TF, instead of Ms Liberty.
@Viper Kinji
Currently working on:
Turtle Snapper - SD/MA/Ice Tanker

does this mean there is no reason for me to go through the sig story arc who will die? I did the first two and haven't completed the rest.....Is it now worth it?
does this mean there is no reason for me to go through the sig story arc who will die? I did the first two and haven't completed the rest.....Is it now worth it?

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Has anyone else noticed that the staff melee attack sounds are different, or is it just my imagination. I didn't see anything in the patch notes about it.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

I just wanted to say thank you for changing the Team Transporter icon.
Night Ward is a pseudo dimension created by a small portion of the Netherworld overlapping the world of the living in First Ward. As such, it closely mirrors Praetoria’s First Ward geographically, but that is where the similarities end. The zone is packed with the spirits of the dead who are trapped between worlds. Night Ward gives both the living and the dead an opportunity to view things from the other side of the veil.
Night Ward Missions
Incarnate Arc, "The Emperor's Sword"
Signature Stories, Volume 2: Pandora's Box; Episode 1
PLEASE NOTE: Signature Stories, Volume 2: Pandora's Box - Episode 1 will not be available immediately upon release. We apologize for the delay and thank you for your patience!
Heroes and Villains are being supercharged with new powers from an unknown source. Heroes team up with the Freedom Phalanx to investigate, while Villains lay the groundwork for an organization that can rival the power of Arachnos. These arcs are free to VIP subscribers.
Chainmail Armor and Leather Armor
PLEASE NOTE: These Costume Pieces will not be available immediately upon release of Issue 23: Where Shadows Lie.
Mecha Armor
Hybrid Incarnate Slot
Magisterium Incarnate Trial
The Magisterium is an Incarnate Trial for a league of 12-24 level 50 players. Destiny and Lore slot unlocks are a prerequisite for entry. Players earn Hybrid Incarnate experience during this trial.
Praetoria’s offense has been thoroughly routed, and Emperor Cole’s regime has taken serious hits with the losses of Mother Mayhem, Antimatter, Maelstrom, and Dominatrix. Dream Doctor sends out a call to all Incarnates – the time has come to take the fight to the steps of Tyrant’s tower!
A conduit through space and time takes you to your target, but Tyrant has a final contingent of loyal followers to defend him. Praetor Sinclair has enacted a last-ditch gambit to gather an unlikely band of surprising protectors (See “The Emperor’s Sword”), while Black Swan lurks in the space between Praetoria and her pocket dimension of Shadow Earth. Fight your way through this gauntlet of opposition to reach the explosive conclusion: the final battle with Emperor Cole!
This Incarnate Trial is a knock-down drag-out final push to victory. Overcome Chimera’s motley crew, survive Black Swan’s assault, and figure out a way to sever Emperor Cole from the Well of the Furies – before he can become the Well’s one true champion!
Fight to the Finish:
Incarnate Trial - Dilemma Diabolique
Incarnate Trial - TPN Campus
Team Transport Power
Dark Miasma
Dark Assault
Darkness Control
Kinetic Melee
Beast Mastery
Fiery Aura/Fiery Embrace
Kinetic Melee
Fiery Aura/Fiery Embrace
Praetorian Tutorial
Freedom Tutorial
Maria Jenkins
Apex Task Force
Black Scorpion
First Ward
Dark Astoria
Dream Doctor
Heather Townshend
Inter-Dimensional Tunnel System - TUNNEL
First Ward / Night Ward
Talons Caves - The Talons of Vengeance have been busily converting these caverns into their lairs. But the candle-lit caverns have a darker purpose that being home to these monstrous women, they are dedicated places of worship to the All-Mother.
Paragon City
Kings Row
Freedom Phalanx
Kevin Callanan
Community Specialist
Paragon Studios