Uh-Oh regulations impacting Paragon Store
I'm not really concerned. The likelihood of legislation limiting corporations from making money in nearly any fashion they deem worthy actually passing congress in the United States seems very slim.
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When I first saw the super packs on beta I explicitly called attention to the fact that the mechanism was trying too hard to be like gambling (turning over five "cards"?), and that it might be illegal in some states and countries.
Of course, I'm someone who thinks the very definition of boring and wasteful is sitting in front of a slot machine, plugging it with hundreds of dollars worth of quarters.
I'm not really concerned. The likelihood of legislation limiting corporations from making money in nearly any fashion they deem worthy actually passing congress in the United States seems very slim.
It's much easier to pass state legislation, and laws in key states (say, California) would basically dictate on-line policy for the rest of the country.
Whether MMOs would be caught in this dragnet is unclear. But considering that the motivation for the shift in strategy mentioned in the article ostensibly came from the acquisition of an American company by foreign interests, don't be surprised if it becomes ammunition in the war against on-line gambling.
One of the things triggering this is that, on some of these other games, it's a complete black-box system. All the players know is that they CAN get something. But they don't know what, and don't know the odds.
Cryptic sidestepped that a while back by publishing the percentages.
Whether or not it's still "gambling" is debatable. Personally, my opinion is "yeah". But having this get legislated would probably be the absolute WORST thing that could happen.
In short, when the US Government gets involved in ANYTHING, expect them to **** it up royally, and waste a bunch of money doing so (both yours, and theirs (which is also "yours")).
Federal law prohibits on-line gambling, and most states regulate gambling as well. Since many states derive serious money from lotteries, video poker and electronic pull tabs, competition from on-line gambling may prompt states to take action.
I also wouldn't be surprised (though the linked article doesn't really say, I don't believe) that there is some way to sell items or gold or whatever in the games being legislated. Once you introduce some means to gain money from a game, it's less paying for a service and more some form of gambling.
Of course, if some competing company that doesn't use this method were to throw enough money at a lobby, who knows what the outcome may be. And I totally agree, Hyperstrike, the government is much more likely to cause an issue than solve one if they are involved.
Save Paragon one more time! http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index....ic,4877.0.html
Petition to end shutting down CoH:
It will never be "trouble" for a game company because they'll simply change the store and increase the individual item costs appropriately so they don't lose money.
Personally, I think it's an excellent idea since I'd rather not pay for the crappy extras (inspirations/temp powers) just to get costume pieces or recipes.
Also, I think game stores should follow the same rules as any other stores. I don't see random grab bags at my local grocer or Target store.
Mostro - Mr Methane - Beast Lightning - Akrasia - Contraindicator - BattleBomb - Norsewind - Poundy Hammer - Fatron - Mysteriesque - Chiisai Tora - Goth Claw - Mach Barrier - Bearly Human - Prototype Alpha - Crabbly - Puffy Morpheus
I don't know.
I mean, when you "gamble" in general there is a chance for loss on your part.
Example, I bet $10 that the Jets will win versus the Giants. If I win, I get my money + whatever winnings. If I lose, I lose my $10 and possibly more depending on what the terms were.
With the Super Packs, you're not losing any of your points/money. You're always guaranteed to get -something-. Whether Team Insp, Reward Merits, Costume Pieces, etc.
And even at the 80pts/pack, you still always wind up getting more than what you're paying for, points wise. (Based on the market cost of the items).
Just my thoughts on the matter...
It will never be "trouble" for a game company because they'll simply change the store and increase the individual item costs appropriately so they don't lose money.
Personally, I think it's an excellent idea since I'd rather not pay for the crappy extras (inspirations/temp powers) just to get costume pieces or recipes. Also, I think game stores should follow the same rules as any other stores. I don't see random grab bags at my local grocer or Target store. |
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IF it did infact affect CoH, which is rather unlikely, I can only see it being banned for those under the legal age to gamble. If i got the gist of it on that link that is.
Packs cost 80PP maximum and even assuming you got 4 insps and 3 windfalls you've got 340PP worth of stuff. You might not have anything you wanted but you can't have less than you paid for.
The problem of people selling rare items you can only get from super packs is avoided by having the cossies and wolf account locked. It's not just that it's against the EULA to sell them like in the other games referenced, it's simply not possible.
Not that such technicalities are likely to be relevant, it would be rather rare for the government to know what it was talking about prior to getting involved.
You guys are glancing over the fact that this pending legislation in Japan is due to targeting children, who end up racking up massive amounts of credit card charges in just a few days -- $1500+ over a long weekend. The gear in those packs is traditionally only available through those packs and is often some of the best available.
On the other hand, CoH limits you to a maximum of $400 in transactions per month, and all the performance-enhancing items in the Super Packs are available outside of the packs via direct purchase (XP Boosters, special insps, etc.) or in-game methods (Reward Merits, AT-Specific Enhancements). The only things in the Super Pack that are not available through other methods are purely cosmetic (costume pieces, Black Wolf pet).
Cryptic sidestepped that a while back by publishing the percentages.
If you actually paid attention to the article, you'd see that they mention a Cryptic game that did not publish the odds of earning items in their grab bags, which is against the law in some countries.
The short of it is, as long as Paragon continues to post the possible contents of each Super Pack, the odds of receiving each, and offers an alternative way to earn any items that directly enhance powers or gameplay, they're probably not going to run into any trouble whether the "online baseball card pack" is officially labelled as gambling or not.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Cryptic hasn't had anything to do with this game for 4 years now. It's Paragon Studios.
*Sprays some room deodoraizer*
Sorry! Sorry! My bad! Take short, shallow breaths! Someone open a window!
If you actually paid attention to the article, you'd see that they mention a Cryptic game that did not publish the odds of earning items in their grab bags, which is against the law in some countries. |
I DID read the article and DID read the part about Cryptic. Which is probably WHY I typed "Cryptic" in the first place.
The short of it is, as long as Paragon continues to post the possible contents of each Super Pack, the odds of receiving each, and offers an alternative way to earn any items that directly enhance powers or gameplay, they're probably not going to run into any trouble whether the "online baseball card pack" is officially labelled as gambling or not. |
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Grab bags or "fuku-bukuro" are insanely popular in Japan at New Years, which is probably part of why this became a problem in online games. But I doubt the Paragon Store could care any less about possible regulations in Japan, considering what a minor market it is for the COX games. Of course, they've never made any real effort to go after what until recently was the second largest market for movies (largely Hollywood-made) and dumped a COH localization project by NC Soft Japan--yeah, putting all the eggs in the Korea basket worked out real well for them.
[sarcasm]I can't imagine how a certain Sci-Fi MMO based on a long-running TV series could have possibly earned a mention in that article...[/sarcasm]
< Is not a fan of the in-game store system currently in place in said MMO.
Was reading through the financial news and stumbled across this article.
http://seekingalpha.com/article/6117...ndscape-part-1 Could this be trouble for things like Heroes/Villians pack and the paragon market? |
Interesting article, thanks for posting the link.
Still, although the super-packs definitely have a video poker look and feel, the purchase of them does not entice us to purchase something else. (except maybe more packs)
So, I could see some folks getting bent out of shape, but I don't think much will come of it.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Was reading through the financial news and stumbled across this article.
Could this be trouble for things like Heroes/Villians pack and the paragon market?