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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    If you capture just one second of demorecord, you can use the F2-enabled free camera to fly around your base and see any room from any angle.

    See this proof of concept: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjOXiNFhQhU

    You don't even need to pause the demoplayback because it loops continuously by default. You could take your time, position the camera exactly where you want, and then OGLE-capture your base or use whatever OpenGL cap tool you prefer. Its this free flight camera combined with the fact that demorecords encapsulate the entire geometry of your base in an encoded block at the start of the demorecord that makes this possible: its what is being referred to in the OP of this thread.
    Yup! thanks, I tried that and it's awesome. Thanks for all the info!
  2. If you're looking to get an OpenGL dump of your base, you need to be in build mode and get relative close-ups of each room/area. I found that going into an 'above' viewpoint and pausing over each room seems to work the best. the openGL dumps only what it sees, but in basebuild mode, it will 'see' everything that is in the field of view, as in build mode, everything in the field of view gets sent to opengl for rendering.

    hope that makes sense.
  3. Okay, begging for help. I've tried all the tips and tricks and I can get a frame directory output and all the images, I can get the gliIntercept.log, but I can't get the ogle.obj

    any suggestions?

    edit: got it

    the computer I was trying to export from has two video cards, and apparenly the one that I don't use is the default and it messed up the export. I think. different computer works fine.
  4. Hendrake

    Why We Build

    Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
    THIS...this is why we build!


    That is made of awesome and win.
  5. Hendrake

    Why We Build

    Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
    ... Sooner or later the resources you are draining (on servers, on instanced missions, and even the prestige burden on others) will be called into question. Beware!
    we had no idea, did we?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    A note to anyone at work: DO NOT GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH BLADE AND SOUL.
    City of Heroes died squashed between the hentai breasts of Blade and Soul[less]
  7. 650

    As you all know. I like stats. I like numbers. Anyone who has ever discussed builds with me knows I get into the fine details and the nitty gritty associated with builds, efficiency and effect. Building is no different. The number of objects in the Damocles is actually difficult to count given that the inventory of the enhancement bins, salvage, and inspiration bins are also taken into consideration in the 20k object limit. Which, to those who have never really read up on it is not the limit for the decorative items, but the functional limit of the Database for storing information on the base.

    18,151 Objects (18,851 with inventory)

    There are many levels of basebuilding. There are three kinds of bases. I have built them all. There are the simple functional bases for Taskforce and content-running SGs. There are pure RP bases which may have some game mechanical functionality, but that is not their primary purpose. And then there are the Hybrid bases which seek to combine all of the functionality of all the potential game mechanics tie-ins while still maintaining the full immersion of an RP base. I have built them all. I can proudly say that the Damocles was my first, and always my best, Hybrid base.

    31,372,760 Prestige Spent - Damocles

    Ultimately, I will miss the Damocles the most. Characters come and go. Heroes are born, live, and die. But I had always said, and always hoped, that no matter what happened to our members, both real and virtual, that the Damocles would Endure. I had hoped that no matter what, we would always have that rock, that solid foundation of our supergroup that we could come back to, that we could fall back to. That we could depend upon in any hour, in any way to have our backs. I am ultimately saddened that the one thing that would eventually take that away was something that we had no control over. No maddening OOC arguments among the Aegis, no crazed councilor with a delete button, but rather, bean counters and the arch-villiany of the Accountant AT were the ultimate downfall of the Damocles. I have a story in mind, a small, probably poorly-written bit of fiction that will put some closure in for the one member of the SG that we can't take with us, at least not yet.

    4 Bases

    I cannot express to you all how humbled I am to have been your builder. To have been given the keys to the Damocles, with short instruction and the freedom to do my best was a dream come true. My work was a tribute to all who walked the halls of the Damocles. Every room that was built that evoked an emotion in anyone who walked into it was a room I built well. And, to be honest, my secret is that I built from the heart. Every room that we loved, that we cherished and went 'hot damn' was a room built with as much, if not more, emotion than all the skill and raw talent that were poured into them as well. And that is why we loved the Damocles. Honest effort given to hard work. Built with Emotion, Love, Pain, Pride, Skill, and Talent, the Damocles will forever be my masterwork base. To that, I owe a debt of gratitude to each and every member that ever RP'ed, good or bad, in those halls, without you all I never would have had the heart to finish, nor the emotional drive to pour into those rooms.

    650 Hours of work is what I put into the four bases for the Aegis. In three months time, the world will go dark, and absent a miracle of epic proportions, we will never see that world again in the same form. This is not the first time that this has happened to me, nor I suspect will it be the last. I said before that I would never again put that sort of time and effort into something that could so easily be lost. But for the Aegis, I did. I regret nothing. 650 hours lost, but not wasted. Every moment, every minute, every memory that we built together made that effort worth it.

    The Damocles was built not by my hand, but by all of our hearts.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    I don't know if having Alec Baldwin as a decorative base item is really such a hot idea.
    Not sure about decorative, but I'd deal with him if he came with access to the tailor interface.
  9. My technique is to use two armless black couch chairs raised up one foot. Then use two long desks, face to face (color of your choice) and sink them one foot into the floor, line them up so that the back of the couch chairs is either even with the edge of the desks or hanging off one foot. Use a red wood cabinet to hide the back of the chairs, and a tech supergroup logo floorplate as a bedspread. That's the simple version


  10. Hendrake

    Why We Build

    Share your thoughts here. Why do you build?

    Originally I wrote this as the preamble to the essay portion of my Disaster Base entry, and realized that it was significantly longer than my description of the base itself, and should get a more proper posting.


    "Architecture has recorded the great ideas of the human race... every human thought has its page in that vast book"

    -Victor Hugo

    The architecture of a culture tells us a story. This is the story of their history, their civilization, and their lives. Every person who walked through the pages of those books, written in stone, brick, wood, mortar, or adobe, left their own small mark in the larger tale passed down to future generations. The lives and times of those people who lived, worked, and built those monuments, large and small, are recorded then in that which they chose to build.

    For our part, we have our supergroup bases. In these we tell the story of our Heroes. These characters who take on their own lives do so in a world of our own making. In our bases we record who they were, what they were like, and what they sought to accomplish. Wether it be a base of pure function for a non-roleplay group to simply store salvage and use for transportation, or a richly detailed base to help inspire the detailed plot lines of an RPSG, the choice of how that base is built tell you more, in a momentary glance, about the Heroes who walk those halls than an hour of conversation.

    Our heroes will come and go. Players join and leave the game and with them their characters will enter our circles and pass from them. The membership will grow, shrink, and hopefully grow again. Our heroes will die, be mourned, and be memorialized. We will savor our victories and learn from our defeats. These are the stories written in the pages of our bases.

    We are poets who write not with words, but with cabinets, shelves, stairs, and desks. Our stanzas are rooms. Our sonnets are homes. These are our mighty epic poems, written piece by piece, word by word, over hundreds of hours of labor as painstaking as that of any author. All of this a mighty story not of one hero, but all of them.

    We have stories to tell and tales to write. We have a burning desire to create. We have a need to take an idea and make it take form. Sometimes form follows function, and sometimes function follows form. Some times we get to expand our horizons and form follows Fun and then we build for the sheer joy of creating something new, fun, and exciting. But always, it comes down creation and the need to make.

    This is why we build.
  11. I totally want the next contest to be IRON BUILDER.

    Same set up as disaster base, with half the prestige, a series of one-on-one contests, PERC judges in the base commenting on the builds as they happen, maybe even dual-live-streaming, and a four hour time limit
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    All but one contestant have picked up their bases! I am so excited to see what you guys will do!

    So without any spoilers... who was surprised at what was in their "Disaster" Base?
    My thought was basically:

    Awesome! This is more or less my standard object selection! Except for all those stairs, and the books.. and those three tech pillars, and what about those big electron thingies and how many barrels?

    Okay, maybe this isn't exactly my first choice of objects

  13. Though, if you really need to another copy of the items, you can always generate a new character, claim the items, either use an alt account or a friend to get into the SG base, drop the items, nuke the character.

    Is it as easy as it used to be? no, but then again, when has .anything. with bases been easy?
  14. Hendrake


    having played these I've died a lot and even racked up debt in the process. I consider that a reasonable argument that they aren't unbalanced. that said, I'm still trying to find a good map to build my own runs on. I like the idea of experimenting to find good weapons layouts, etc. how AVs and/or elite bosses changes the equations, etc.
  15. Totally awesome tool, is there any way to make the plots go horizontal instead of vertical?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Spiny View Post
    Not only is it up again, base lag is gone.
    Yup. appears to have been associated with the latency issues on the base instance server. which may have effected other instancing somewhere, I don't know. However, I can guess that if they came out and said that they were fixing a latency issue on the base instance server the hollering would have been just as loud, just differently directed.
  17. I am very happy to have been proven wrong
  18. This is actually a genius marketing move. If you want to find out how popular the changes are that you're instituting, give people the chance to either play the new stuff in beta or stick around and keep playing the old stuff with bonus XP. If the new stuff wins, then you've made good changes.

    Originally Posted by Du Hast View Post
    my biggest complaint is that they CHOSE to do open beta right before double xp weekend, in effect taking away a great deal of players from the game when we needed them most for teaming. this has been the DEADEST 2xp weekend ever! I definitely could have waited on open beta till AFTER 2xp weekend.

    it used to be oh so easy to find a mission team or a TF forming but now its like pulling teeth to get a response to LFT. its enough to make me want to get PLed in AE (and not in PI where people are asking for exorbitant amount of money to join a farm) and I rarely PL my toons in regular play time.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    If maintenance needs to be done it needs to be done, I'm not disputing that, it's the fact that we have no real way of knowing whether it was "necessary" since we have no official statement on what is actually being done.
    One person's necessity is another's 'who cares' and that is the sort of reason why they won't say what exactly it was.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KAKTOS View Post

    Hopefully they will fix the crazy base lag that started after the first shutdown today.
    Yup, I'm hoping for a base lag fix. not holding breath, mind you, but hoping.
  21. Given the complete lack of love that SG bases get, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this one to get fixed.
  22. Sweeeeet. I'll enjoy putting the smack down on these Thornites.
  23. I would still like to see a overhead editor shot of the OP base. And yes, 'place personal object' is your friend for getting those. Great way to find your way around a new base as well.

    I must confess that I tell new recruits "management is not responsible for lost or stolen toons" but I also have tried to make the 'functional' areas the easiest to get to.
  24. Looking forward to seeing the next challenge!