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  1. I believe I have experienced the worst case of 'slow kill'...

    My Bots/FF, vs Widdershins... in a tree, unable to move or attack, helpless.

    I could not overcome his regen enough to defeat him.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Because they don't want you to play the game the way you want to, they want you to play the game the way THEY want's THEIR game.

    Would you just leave already? Follow your friends to whatever other game they're playing. You hate it here, we get it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry but i payed my year and i am here till next renew. So how about the one that want it all nerfed leave. Heres a idea.. Buff the game

    [/ QUOTE ]Yes, but a big, shiny, red "WIN!" button does not make for a fun game. At least not for me.

    I don't want to see anything nerfed.
    I don't particularly want things to be easier.

    What I'd like to see are some new low level story arcs, perhaps rebalanced for quicker leveling in the 1-20 range.
  3. No.

    The single biggest thing wrong I can see with this idea (Which has been suggested before, or some variant, many times before) is how very differently the different archetypes, how different power-set combinations, can play.
  4. I'm going to repeat others and say...

    Vending Machines
    coffee machines

    The concept of a SG base that I have always had includes the idea of a break room. This isn't just a place for the serious business of superheroing and supervillainy, it's also a retreat, a refuge, a place to kick back and relax.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Welcome Sunstorm.

    I am still sorry about the APP/PPP Things I said and am still willing to send you Pie, even if Castle said it wasnt nessecary.

    We are glad to have you.

    [/ QUOTE ]He may still be a little scared by the amount of backlash there was... After all, he did choose an AT with a self-rez power.

    <holds up a sign that reads "just kidding">
  6. Star Strider Forces Registry
    Name: Delilah O'Niel
    Global Contact: @Delilah O'Niel
    Level of Classification: 28
    Origin: Magic
    Super Rank & Super Group: Founder, former leader of the Multiversal Champions
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    1) There were people who weren't listening to those leading the raid, whether myself or their designated team leader. As such, they were trying to do their own thing, and working against the rest of us in the process.

    [/ QUOTE ]I know who you were talking about... I had done a Sister Psyche TF with him the night before, where he openly admitted he was drunk, and brought up politics after being told not to. Imagine my "delight" when I wound up on the same team as him. I'm glad he quit the team.

    Anyway, I'd like to thank you for running these things, and to thank my team leader: Wizona Fyre
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    A lot of existing badges are reasonably impossible to get without unusual play and AFK farming.
    My suggestion, let certain jobs earn credit for badges during, or after, you earn their relevant badge.

    Shop keeper/Smuggler - Auction transaction badges

    [/ QUOTE ]While in general, I agree, Auction transaction badges are not helped much by going afk, no more then they are helped by logging off completely.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    All the lvl 40+ recipes I'm checking (all of them) are basically trading at 1/4 of their crafting value. Niche seems DEAD for now.

    [/ QUOTE ]You missed one of the important points. It doesn't matter what they are trading at /right now/ because the idea is to make bids and check back a day later or so.
  10. Agreement. This is not a guide to fantastic wealth, this is a guide to supply enough inf to get some decent enhancements; common IOs and cheaper sets.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    If you're successfully using this to earn Influence, then you're essentially exploiting some other player who is more lazy or less informed about relative IO recipe prices.

    [/ QUOTE ]So?

    If anything increasing the popularity of this method will make things better for these people. True, they sell at a loss, but that is the price of conveyance of selling everything at one place.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    When you register for anything anywhere, you give your name and location and essentially let the entity you are registering with know how to contact you in case they ever need to contact you. Sometimes that even includes next of kin, which in the case of hazardous activities would be appropriate to this situation.

    [/ QUOTE ]For anything anywhere?

    What about registering for an online forum? Do you give them your address?

    As for registration without full identification, it's to have a chance at regulating people, getting them to restrain themselves somewhat. As for punishment...

    FrostFire tried being an unregistered hero.
  13. About that trouble... next week I'd like to see if we can put my blaster in the green mito team, cuz I think that MIGHT help. She's got 2 single target holds, hold procs in two single target powers, and the Vanguard accolade, so while she wouldn't be as good as another controller for holds, she would be able to help stack the holds on.

    Anyway, I for one am fully planning to be there next week!
  14. You make a very important point that I failed to take into consideration; just how much time do you want to put into this guide.

    As for redoing the whole thing, my intent was to just have that portion on part IV 2 & 3 changed, as that's the only case where the teams really have different things to do; after that it becomes 'beat on Hami' and 'run!'

    Also, I thought color coding parts would make it easier to spot what you were looking for.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    *finally gets around to reading the first post in the thread*
    That was well written. You might want to edit section IV a bit though... instead of presenting it step-by-step for the raid as a whole, I think team-specific explanations would be more helpful.

    Something like...
    Hami Taunt Team: Go in, taunt the core, etc
    Yellow Mito Taunt Team: Taunt from etc.
    Yellow Kill Team: Watch the taunt teams go in, then go kill on the signal etc
    Blue Kill Team: On signal, go blast stuff etc.
    Green Kill Team: On signal, blah blah

    Basically, what I'd like to see is something that if anyone is unsure on their role they can quickly glance at, find their responsibility.

    ANYWAY. Tonight I'll be bringing my Blaster again, and hopefully a friend.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just what makes you an expert?? OO my.... : eats fists so fingers wont type:

    [/ QUOTE ]The fact that my degree and my job are all about clearly conveying information. =D I never claimed to be an expert in Hamidon Raids, I just think that the information could be displayed in a way such that it's easier for first time raiders. "Ok, I;m on a yellow Mito Kill Team.... what am I supposed to be doing now?"

    I will admit that "listen carefully to the guy running the raid" can work well, but I've always felt that if you understand your role you can perform it more efficiently, without having to ask about every little thing.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    First, I got her to tell me how she wants the story to end. Then, we talked about what will go on in the middle and at the start.

    [/ QUOTE ]That's about how I write plots. Figure out the stuff you know you want in, then figure out how to connect the dots. Good to see that there'll be another generation of plot writers.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Important note: Every major set in the game was designed with one major weakness, that was a part of NCSoft's design philosophy. Force Fields' major weakness is Sleep. None of your powers provide you with ANY resistence to Sleep effects. However, remember that Sleep only affects you if it actually hits you, so your only defense against sleep aside from pool powers is, well, more Defense!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just FYI... The Controller's Ancillary pool Psionic Mastery includes Indomitable Will and that provides sleep protection. It can be made perma fairly easily.

    [/ QUOTE ]Fairly easily? Well, assuming that slotting it can get you +100% recharge rate, you'd need another +200% to get the recharge down to 90 seconds.


    Actually, that would be nice to be able to do... how do you do it easily?
  18. *finally gets around to reading the first post in the thread*
    That was well written. You might want to edit section IV a bit though... instead of presenting it step-by-step for the raid as a whole, I think team-specific explanations would be more helpful.

    Something like...
    Hami Taunt Team: Go in, taunt the core, etc
    Yellow Mito Taunt Team: Taunt from etc.
    Yellow Kill Team: Watch the taunt teams go in, then go kill on the signal etc
    Blue Kill Team: On signal, go blast stuff etc.
    Green Kill Team: On signal, blah blah

    Basically, what I'd like to see is something that if anyone is unsure on their role they can quickly glance at, find their responsibility.

    ANYWAY. Tonight I'll be bringing my Blaster again, and hopefully a friend.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I feel I should add here that I find this "Day Jobs" idea mildly disturbing. It seems a precursor to incorporating "Secret Identities" to this game. If you look at the way this game is structured, the backstory behind it requires that everyone must register to be a superhero. You have to register. This means your identity is known to the government. There are no secret identities in Paragon City.

    [/ QUOTE ]Now where did you get THAT idea? While, yes, heroes do register, there is nothing I've seen that indicates that they are required to register with their real identity, or any identity other than their superhero name. There is evidence in a mission, villain side, that Justin Sinclair is not known to be Manticore's alter ego. The only relevant info on the website... Well, here it is:

    "The city council and mayoral elections of 1936 swept a platform of pro-hero candidates that resulted in the passage of the Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937. This law made it legal for vigilantes to bring criminals to justice as long as they followed the same restrictions police officers use."
    "In 1952 the city decided to expand upon the groundbreaking Citizen Crime Fighting Act, expanding it to include officially licensed hero organizations that could in turn deputize their members."

    Furthermore, how could non-human heroes register? Humans from alternate dimensions? Alternate timelines? And while thinking about it, what exactly IS the legal status of intelligent robots, or other artificial life? Do they have the same rights as a human citizen?

    There is a LOT left unsaid about the legal details of Paragon City, far too much to say authoritatively that things work one way or another.
  20. Erk. (looks through characters) Then... Other than the Ice/Fire/Elec blaster I brought last time, I think... The Kinetics/Radiation Defender might see the most value, but she'd take a lot of leveling.
    Or my mostly retired MC/Emp troller; but I don't know if I want to put that much more effort into her; I've rerolled the character as an Illusion/Trick Arrow.

    Does Hami do toxic damage? If so, that'd be a reason for FF; one of the shields adds toxic resistance.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    But the next time we sponsor the raid (since the zone seems to fill pretty quickly on those occasions), we may, indeed, plan to run back-to-back raids to accomodate some of the folks who arrive late. Stay tuned!

    [/ QUOTE ]I like the sound of this... Oh, and thanks for hosting a great event! I'm glad my first Hami raid went so extremely well. If the next goes as well I'd be more than willing to help with a second raid.
    I should level my Defender up so I can take part with her; I'm sure the extra defense will be appreciated.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Commodity Trader (WW)/Arms Dealer (BM)

    [/ QUOTE ]Well, now I'm glad I checked posts before posting a duplicate idea. But I do have something to add!
    Trader/Dealer would grant +1 transaction slot
  23. You all massively fail for not posting this idea yet (except Ex Libris)

    Reporter MUST be one of the day job options.

    Edit: Also, I don't think the Architect would work, at least not with the SG base as the location; as it stands, if you log out there, you are booted back out the main portal.

    Now, NEXT to the base portal on the maps might work.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    The easiest way to use the /ignore_spammer command is to reply to the tell and then arrow over to replace /tell with /ignore_spammer.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    can we PLEEEEEASE have a shorter slash command for this? I'd suggest: /igspam <name>
  25. I mourn for your wallet, and at the same time celebrate the teamwork your daughters are showing.