31 -
I know it's been more than a year since there's been a post here but i'm stuck...
I even downloaded the .net thingy but sloth's demo launcher webpage seems to be down. Am I missing something?
Is there a way I could get this through email or something if it really is down? -
Hey cool a moderator moved it for me LOL
Completely forgot about this.... do you call it a separate forum... or a folder or group of threads.......
Hehe it was in Player Events -
No this doesn't belong here but where does it belong?
This really doesn't need to be posted at all but I'm feeling really silly at the moment and so I wanted to.
BABs I know you've been searching for him for a long time but I've found your brother. The only problem is, some 'others' got to him first... he's now ... EVIL!
Front Yard Pummeler
Front Yard Pummeler chilling by the fire with some tea
Description: The son of a gang enforcer, and younger, stunted brother of Michael White - now known as Back Alley Brawler; John White was determined to follow in the footsteps of his brother and make Paragon a better place. When Michael joined the PPD in the late '60s John decided to go on an intrepid journey to 'truly find himself'. John White travelled the world and it was not long before he, like his brother, found himself at the head of a crime fighting organization. As stated by this time Michael White had assumed the title of: Back Alley Brawler, and had become leader of the Regulators. John had retained his birth-name but was now helmsman of the group: Dawn Patrol. The two brothers were soon working together to eradicate drugs from Paragon and fought at the source: "They launched a series of controversial attacks in South America and Central Asia, burning coca and poppy fields to the ground." - The City Scoop 11/12/78. These assaults were the cause of immense consequences and what you see before you is the result. -
Dammit.... Would've been nice to know before this: http://s467.photobucket.com/albums/rr35/...nt=ae7570fb.pbw
and this: http://s467.photobucket.com/albums/rr35/...nt=0793171c.pbw -
Phew, I finally found your bar and prison lol.... but the movie theatre
you must have something massive planned for i13 lol
ummm...... stacker? Did YOU 'kill' your base? I went in there last night to see the finished deal and I was horrified....
A clear panel of glass that can tesselate without leaving gaps
Jyggylag's Order Base October 2008 - Slideshow
There, Slideshow of my base prior to pre-i13 strip down.
Still to come....
<ul type="square">[*]The Order Council Base - just need to finish the office then slideshowify it.[*]Ebon Essence - I'm working on a friend's sg's base for him - still needs a bit of work[*]Club Jyg - my club is about half way done now - not happy with a few aspects though so it may take a while[/list] -
So my base doesn't compare with any of these other beautiful bases that have been posted here but I will go ahead and post the incredibly amateur video of my base, as it was one month after creation, it has changed by a considerable amount since then and I will try and make another video of the current Jyggylag's Order Base and The Order Council Base too. The base you will see is my first base and was as it was before I discovered magic desks and had more limited amounts of prestige.
I'm hoping that link works - I have a very poor running record with making workable links -
Is it possible to spice up the missions we have?
Example: Creating Traps in the mission. I.E. Ambushed when entering a empty room or having the doors close behind you and you have to smash your way out while trying not to get killed yourself.
[/ QUOTE ]
YAY TRAPS!!! Don't forget the volley of arrows from the walls that transform the toon into a pincushion when the foolish fellow stands on a pressure plate! LOL I wanna see teammates get deccimated
Oh and you can't tell us when this feature is going to be added. Just sneak it on in the issue. I can't wait to hear people, including myself, hmmm... now what was that funny noise.... ARRRRGH.... SPLECCCCKK...... *other strange grotesque noise closely followed by the pleasant sound of oozing blood*
Hmmm next time I'll avoid that rather obvious looking pad methinks -
Welcome aboard...
1) What is the estimated time of arrival of, possibly numerous, working, fun (and rewarding of non-pvp) supergroup missions?
2) Is it likely in the near future that some of the bumbling, comedic enemy groups that hang around the lower levels will make any sort of return in later game? For example, I'd love to see a task force or story arc where the clumsy, loveable Luddites attempt to kidnap Lord Recluse and are epically foiled - or something of the like. lol
3) Is it possible that in the near future there will be further missions involving the 'opposing sides' signature heroes. I mean, we have the task forces and the killing of Numina etc. but is it not possible that the dev's could introduce involving sagas where the player, I don't know, kidnaps Synapse and has to escape from Manticore and then has Black Scorpion come to their aid (yeah I predominantly play villains) andthere is a face-off between Black Scorpion and Manticore and Manticore is stabbed in the spleen and Black Scorpion's suit runs out of power and the player must flee with Black Scorpion pursued by legions of Longbow. Okay, now that I have regained control of my imagination.... Are missions of this 'calibre' likely to appear in the near future or am I just going to have to create my own half-pint versions using the new creator?
Jyggylag -
For New Zealand I've noticed that many EB stores don't actually stock these and a lot of the staff give you some puzzled looks and often offer you a WoW card LOL
Although I prefer the subscription method I've found that if you were to get the cards gpstore.co.nz is a great reliale supplier of these - I hear they now shi to australia too
They are great!
Here is your link direct to the cards (can't be bothered making a uber title link lol)
http://www.gpstore.co.nz/Games/1547701.html -
Base building competition for Champion sgs/vgs?
Like have a touring panel
We'd have to form a criteria that doesn't discriminate to much in prestige levels/plot sizes etc. -
Just thought I'd repeat that, in my view anyway, the third mission goes quicker if done in reverse - this way you can avoid wasting time killing traitors unnecessarily if you happen to pull traitors whilst pulling AVs.
Oh, and with certain team make-up and dynamics it is possible that the final fight will be quicker if you put one brute on the Nictus that heals and then everyone else draws Rommy just out of range of the heals, but within res range of course. When running this with a stone armor brute, and a /elec and /dark brutes we just stuck the stone on the healer and then slaughtered Romulus - he is nothing without his heals. I presume the fact that we had three brutes/tanks that could hold aggro at least reasonaby well - of course the stone could; was the main reason that this strategy was able to speed us up. -
Where are the NEW ZONES for VILLAINS?
Gosh where is the New Content for Villains?
[/ QUOTE ]
Where are the NEW ZONES for HEROES?
Gosh where is the New Content for Heroes?
[/ QUOTE ]
Heroes don't really need any new zones. Like I said before on hero side, there are still zones and contacts I have never seen or spoken to in 4 years of playing this game.
Villains side, I've exsperienced everything... 5 times. Villains are the ones lacking in the content department.
[/ QUOTE ]
And oddly enough... the number of villan players is much smaller than hero players.
So the devs could spend their time creating more content for the smaller segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for the larger segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for both segments simultaneously...
gosh... I wonder what they'll do...??
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah well maybe... just maybe... more heroes would play villains if there was something new for them???
I mean, really, there is no segregation of segments... I would think that Heroes would play Villains and Villains would play Heroes if there were some incentive. -
Excellent already downloaded a program and got it going HOORAH FOR NO MORE UNSTOP SUICIDES
Much appreciated -
Cool thanks guys... this was actually just an optimistic post as I had figured that it would be counted as some form of bot, however, I had not even thought of using an actual macro... now to get my mouse's macros do do it..... hmmm....
Hey gang,
Sorry if this has been posted somewhere but I get lost in the world of bind guides so I'm going to go ahead and put this out there...
This interest has come from poor use of Unstoppable on my part which has ended in a few suicides.
I was just wondering if it would be possible to create a bind where you popped unstoppable and then 160seconds later demonic aura was popped.
Is this even possible? If so, I'd love to know the bind....
Thanks -
Need a name for an elec/kin corr female.
[/ QUOTE ]
Kinetic Shock (???)
EDIT: Now i'm going -
Looking for Itachi, have made Itachi-san, Itachii, Itachi., I want the orginal!
Global is @Itachi, so just msg meh or post if you want to trade.
[/ QUOTE ]
Uhhhh, WHAT?!?
This must be some form of BLASPHEMY!!!
I swear you have it.... or am i quoting an old post lol
EDIT: No wait.... come to think about it I don't think i've actually ever seen Itachi lol...... no... think it's just been P A I N E, A G O N Y, Eternal Hellstorm and Burn Patient. So the original has been in hiding then.......... too ashamed to reveal his imposterism lol -
I'll sell Jyggylag for 500 million CoV infamy (I put CoV becaue I can't recall whether it is influence or infamy red side lol, think it must be infamy).
I am seriously doubting that anyone would even take the name if I offered to pay them some infamy LoL although I do know of one who seemed really enthusiastic on the name - perhaps you are lurking here... waiting... - anyhoo it's high just because ..... heck i don't even no why i posted here LoL i'm going..... -
To reach the vg website you have to click on link go up to URL and remove the original forum URL hehehe sorry I am incapable of creating a reliable link.
Okay, ummm here's the deal. I am Wellington GMT. So I am guessing your Thursday night is my Friday night. I'm a little busy at the moment if you could do the conversion and get back to me with what time this would be i'd be happy to note it down in my diary teehee
Base Building
This list affects people who are base architects. Issues with the base editor as well as decorative/graphical issues are here.[*]Modern Art looks blank.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm guessing that this refers to the [Modern Art Frame] I'm not certain but I think that this may actually be intentional LoL
Anyhoo, my reason for posting is because I've actually had a few technical problems with my base, both editing and just wandering around, which have resulted in numerous crashes, and the dev's have been unable to assist me. I find it impossible to believe that it could be my computer[u]s[u] as they are both new and awesome.
Edit: As to what causes these errors I wouldn't have a clue, no message or anything, and they appear to occur randomly. They have also varied; there was a very cool one at one stage however it also took the longest recovery too, my toon and the immediate area around my toon - like a spotlight around him, had gone all matrix style, with the vertical running codes in green and white. It was very trippy but I was very over it when my computer crashed. -
Hey all, I have finaly found time to post Rogue's Bane here on the fourms. First I would like to say that a lot of you have inspired me and thanks to these fourms i would have neven found the magic desk or double doorway. So here we go
The work shop
the work room and buff room
same room looking into the med bay
The library/vault room
Library 1
The Insp room
looking in form the work room
Each bin holds a different insp, all labled using the banner trick
Flashback room
i think they look better on the wall
Different view
the fire/ice crystal is there behind the pillar
The Med Bay
looking from the work room
now looking into the workroom and tp room
The teleport rooms
looking into both tp rooms
looking into the med bay
second tp room looking at the raid tp...triple doorway so no more wall
something different with the flyers
The Cell Block
top view of the cells
other side of the room
the guard booth
cells from the hall way
Locked up
The control room was just big enough for the AES
SG meeting room and lounge
SG seating
The Consession stand
view 1
view 2
view 3
The Thearter
the entrance to the thearter
the tunnell
tunnel looking into the lounge
we seat 160
seating 2
seating 3
the screen
screen 2
The Club
Vip seating
DJ Booth
Overview of the club/thearter
Bane's Lanes
welcome to the lanes
view 2
view 3
The condo...4 storys
the entrance
TV room
the spa level
the hot tub
the bed room
King size
closer view
the view you dont see
the other side
Video of the base
Well thats all i have no more room to build until i upgrade so again i want to say thank you to everyone that has inspired me to create the rooms that i have.
Our base is always open so if you want a closer look pm me and take a look.
[/ QUOTE ]
Where do i sign up for sg lol