Discussion: Issue 12: Midnight Hour Announced!




All the power sets in this game can be good or evil. The only thing that makes Broadsword heroic or Electric melee villainous, is that the Devs decided to give it to one side and not the other. IMO the people that can't think out of this little box and realize that are just sheep. Open your mind a bit, sheesh.

The only set that is questionable is the MM zombie set. People will give examples of why it's ok, but having Heroes in game with zombie pets is a stretch.



Wow. Just...just...wow.

Anybody see anything in there that HASEN'T been asked for for years?

I mean with Inventions the devs took stuff players wanted (new ways to tweak characters and make stuff) and decided Inventions was the best way to get the most shiney to the most players. Nobody asked for Inventions specifically...just something.

But THIS...they took specific things that players asked...nay BEGGED for...and just DID IT!

Wow. Just...just...wow.

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



So, was I reading it right that each AT will get one primary and secondary power from its corresponding AT? If so that's awesome!

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Every AT gains at least 1 powerset -- Masterminds only get a Secondary, no new Primary. Brutes get 2 new Primaries, and 1 secondary. Everyone else gets 1 Primary and 1 Secondary.

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Which are............

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We'll have more info on this feature soon™.

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What new powersets will the Khelds be getting access too?

A new primary and secondary for those sounds very nice...

<sigh> Viv says its no longer "all me".



I don't have the words to say how silly WhiteLady's comment was...but I think _Pax covered it well, good job sir. Though I think I'll give it a go anyways

Henchmen/Lackeys are to Villains as Sidekicks are to Heroes, they are the same thing or the perverbial 'second banana'

Add in all the stupid special circumstances you want WhiteLady, you can't change a fact.

[/ QUOTE ]Nick Fury isn't a mastermind, and masterminds do not belong on hero side.



I don't have the words to say how silly WhiteLady's comment was...but I think _Pax covered it well, good job sir. Though I think I'll give it a go anyways

Henchmen/Lackeys are to Villains as Sidekicks are to Heroes, they are the same thing or the perverbial 'second banana'

Add in all the stupid special circumstances you want WhiteLady, you can't change a fact.

[/ QUOTE ]Nick Fury isn't a mastermind, and masterminds do not belong on hero side.

[/ QUOTE ]

First after a red name!

Errr.... wait, its just Silverspar. Heheh.

Silverspar's absolutely right though.



Well after 2 yrs and 7 months i guess ill get a lvl 50 villian now that more peeps will play there new AT and there will be teams again...........O and a tank( NOT BRUTE) with lighting rod Game over........WOOT



Well after 2 yrs and 7 months i guess ill get a lvl 50 villian now that more peeps will play there new AT and there will be teams again...........O and a tank( NOT BRUTE) with lighting rod Game over........WOOT

[/ QUOTE ]

I can echo this...

I have a villain that has sat at lvl 42 for the past 2 years or so...simply because I am utterly uninspired by the Patron Power Pools...and how much I feel uninspired by the story directions for villains. (Just my opinion...)

At least now, I will do the WORK (because that's what it feels like villain side) to get to 50 to try out the new Epic ATs.

PleasePleasePlease reconsider this whole locking villains into Patron Power Pools. It's like you're hand-cuffing us into your idea of what is 'fun.' PleasePleasePlease consider instead creating patron power pools for heroes and ancillary power pools for villains. That would go a long ways to alleviating the narrow-minded 'villain-destiny' rut that I feel red-side gaming offers.

~ Jonathan



I have a request (again...)

With this wonderful broadening of character choices (in terms of new combination of powers), the concept for new characters / heroes / villains is going to exponentially blossom.

That being the case, the game gifts us with SO MANY slots of heroes to allow us to try new heroes and new villains...new concepts. The only "problem" that I am experiencing is having to decide where / which server to grow into with all these new concepts.

Is there any chance for the development of a series of "Global Servers" where any of our characters from any of the original 'home' servers can be uploaded to game with characters from other servers? Sort of like the Test Server, except that this is a 'live server?' I keep referencing Guild Wars' series of instances where friends can join friends regardless of where they were previously.

I don't think additional slots on home servers are necessary, given that we have so many slots currently available to us. (I wouldn't kick and scream, however, if we DID get more slots per server, though.)

~ Jonathan



Ok, everything in the teaser sounds great, can't wait, yada yada yada...

But after reading this thread, here's what really jumps out at me:

Billy Idol playing in your head?!? Madonna?!?

Wilson Pickett you philistines!

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



I speculate, Mastermind's Secondary is Sonics

They mentioned Corrs secondary as Storm, which thematically would make Electrical Blast for primary(More Mu'ish)

Secondary for Brutes, Going Say Regeneration or Super Reflexes. Since they are getting Axe/Mace

If they do a secondary for Blasters, probably something along the lines of Dominators Psi Assault, except, more redefined for Blasters. Would fit with Psi Attack Primary.

Controllers, yes they get Plant, perhaps they will then gain access to Poison(perhaps renamed) or Dark Miasma.

Scrappers, Going Speculate Fire Assault from Brutes &amp; Fire Armor, possible Elec/Elec.

Tanks, going say Elec/Elec, since people been begging for that, since they say Crey Voltaic Tanks.

Defenders, I have a feeling, they will get Thermal &amp; possibly Fire Blast for secondary.

Stalkers, honestly, not sure here. This one puzzles me a little.

Dominators, Folks said Earth Control or Illusions, but as for secondary, if its Earth, I could see a little Earth Assault being great for it(they have animations for rock shooting powers from the Legacy Chain)

These are my guesses


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Wait. How exactly do we still have our powers in Ancient Rome? I thought that was way past our "tether" or something?

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The Carbon Teather is over 5700 years long. Roman was about 2000 years ago.

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Yes, but...I thought we couldn't go past Breakout (or Outbreak) because our powers were only level 1?

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I think that if you already existed in a time zone, your level adjusts. But if you go to a time zone where you didn't exist before, your level doesn't adjust. After all, our powers didn't change when going back 15 years (before the Rikti war) to get that file from the 5th column.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Please Posi, please tell us... Stone or Illusion Dominators?????

I"m dying here..dying I tell ya!

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



I have to agree that both of you raise interesting points, but the fact of the matter is that it is less of a stretch for Villains to have a swarm of ceaselessly loyal minions that exist only to do their bidding, so I'd need to take White Lady's side on this.

The hero could/would never use his/her gathered crew of minions in the same way as a villain. For the villain, his/her minions exist as either:

1. Cannon fodder to keep the enemy from shooting at them or at minion type 2.

2. A powerful brutish warrior who is bound to loyalty to the Mastermind do to magical means, threats, promises, or in some cases sheer stupidity or lack of ability to think for themselves (Good in game example: Ghost Widow and her lacky Wretch).

A heroic "Mastermind" could never hope to be the same uncaring, send-all-the-pawns-forward-to-tire-the-enemy-out-first kind of character that the villain is. Name one villain who ever shed a tear when his loyal minions were brought down in the name of justice/revenge/whatever cause the hero is fighting for.

I somehow doubt that a believable hero could show the same disregard for his minions lives and safety.

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Robotic henchmen remove much of those concerns. Even when they've got some personality, you can rebuild them.

But the other possibility is that, just like we heroes have the medporter, so can our henchmen. Errand, my thugs/poison MM, has all his guys hooked up to the medporter. Every Hami raid, he comments on what these do to his insurance fees.

So yes, you could have a heroic MM, ThunderGuy and his loyal thunderers.

BTW, the argument that controllers shouldn't have more control over their pets because the controllers have only convinced others to work with them fails because (1) there are non-henchmen villain pets and (2) most controller pets are dumber than a pile of rocks. It's even worse when you're dealing with human teammates...you should be able to explain to General Aarons "OK, we're going to be sneaking past these guys...and now wait for buffing before attacking". Yes, Masterminds have more control than controllers, and Team Leaders (the heroic equivalent) would have more control, but there should be a simplified control system for every pet in the game, including the ones you pick up in mission. Maybe just set the attitude, aggressive/defensive/passive.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



I don't have the words to say how silly WhiteLady's comment was...but I think _Pax covered it well, good job sir. Though I think I'll give it a go anyways

Henchmen/Lackeys are to Villains as Sidekicks are to Heroes, they are the same thing or the perverbial 'second banana'

Add in all the stupid special circumstances you want WhiteLady, you can't change a fact.

[/ QUOTE ]Nick Fury isn't a mastermind, and masterminds do not belong on hero side.

[/ QUOTE ]

First after a red name!

Errr.... wait, its just Silverspar. Heheh.

Silverspar's absolutely right though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Masterminds do not belong on blueside. I've said it many times in another thread down in the Sugg &amp; ideas forum. However, I do not see a problem with a MM set/s porting over to a troller or def. Like many have said-robots work. Also, yes Fury (not SHIELD Fury though) is a MM type troller/scrapper. He leads a small group of fighting men into combat. It does fit blue-side. And it's easy to RP it as long as your willing to get into the fight or close to it.




Every AT gains at least 1 powerset -- Masterminds only get a Secondary, no new Primary. Brutes get 2 new Primaries, and 1 secondary. Everyone else gets 1 Primary and 1 Secondary.

[/ QUOTE ]<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Primary Secondary
Blasters Psi Blast ?
Controllers Plant Control ?
Defenders ? ?
Scrappers ? ?
Tankers ? ?

Brutes Axe, War Mace ?
Corruptors ? Storm Summoning
Dominators ? ?
Masterminds none ?
Stalkers ? ?</pre><hr />

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm guessing that Brute will get Ice Armor (Only one left that Tanks have that Brutes don't..)

Tanks will get either Energy Aura or Electric Armor (Probobly Energy aura since Tanks have Energy Melee already)

I'm guessing Corruptors will get Electricty Blast to go with Storm Summoning (Let's hope it's red)

Dominators will PROBOBLY get Earth Control, as Illusion Control seems unlikely and if Doms get Earth Control they'll get a Mixmosh of Earth Melee Stuff (like a Hammer or Two) and some ranged stuffs at best guess.

Masterminds....Eh.. it's a toss up.. Could be anything from Controller/Defender side.. (Emp (Probobly not), Kin (Highly doubt), Sonic Res, Rad, Storm Summon (I doubt))

It'd be nice to see Defenders get /Thermal or /Cold with Ice/ or Fire/ To accompany it. Even /Traps would be a nice switch from the ordinary and would go nicely with /Archery.

For Controllers I'd expect /Poison over /Traps (Gravity would be nasty with that one) other wise probobly either /thermal or /cold to go with Ice/ or Fire/ More then likely Thermal since Cold shares alot with Storm Summoning already.

I'm Praying Scrappers don't get EM/EA... Seriously enough EM brutes and Stalkers as is, not to mention Tanks.. But since I doubt Ninjitsu will be ported...

Blaster will probobly get some MixMosh of a Psi Manipulation that will be a mix of Mind Control, Epic's, and the Psi Assault from doms.

Stalker is honestly anyone's guess.. But Broadsword looks like a good Canidate for possibility. (Since it's the only one they Don't have from the Scrapper side of things) Far as Stalker Secondary.. uhm.. Go Fish? I'd guess MAYBE invincibilty ported over... Which would be nice. (Though would mean a Claw/Invul Scrapper I built would get remade)



If MasterMinds can use kinetic boosts on their pets...that's going to be somewhat broken.*-

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



agreed on that.

I have a couple of MM's (play blueside mainly) and I don't play trollers or defenders much either, but I wouldn't mind an /emp secondary.



I apologize if this has been asked before...and I'm probably going to get laughed at...

Are the AT's gender specific or will we be able to play male Blood Widows and female wolf spiders?



The new 10-20 zone/content should be for villains too. This is a stupid mistake. I forget which Dev it was, but one of them JUST said within a week ago, that adding more hero only or villain only zones is redunant and pointless. So uh...what gives? Heroes already have 100x more content from 10-20 anyway. This and the lame VEAT is making it hard to get excited over i12 for me. I do like everything else in the preview though.

[/ QUOTE ]
The new 10 -20 contemt is coop.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Sorry if someone already said this, but I'm not about to read through 55 pages before I post because I'm going to forget what I was going to say.

This issue looks AMAZING, and I find it highly amusing that the devs were able to trick us (me, at least) by saying that issue 12 is going to be small because it is just a lead in to issue 13- nothing about this looks small.

I love the fact that many of these changes seem to have come from the player base. I have seen people asking for the sharing of powers and an Arachnos AT for a very long time, and the devs have delivered stupendously on these requests.

I12 ftw!

EDIT: Also, the EATs look SO GREAT! I have been wanting to play as a Night Widow ever since the first time that I saw them.
*hopes we get access to those sexy skirt-cape thingys*

Listen to Survival Guide. Because you should!
"You have a mom? I thought you were conceived through pure win?" ~Spinestradamus
"reading ur posts is like reading a stop sign, its red oddly shaped and makes me come to a complete stop...then i go" ~anon rep; thank you



I apologize if this has been asked before...and I'm probably going to get laughed at...

Are the AT's gender specific or will we be able to play male Blood Widows and female wolf spiders?

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I believe I read that you can have male or female. At least looking at the costume models shows it to be that way.



I don't have the words to say how silly WhiteLady's comment was...but I think _Pax covered it well, good job sir. Though I think I'll give it a go anyways

Henchmen/Lackeys are to Villains as Sidekicks are to Heroes, they are the same thing or the perverbial 'second banana'

Add in all the stupid special circumstances you want WhiteLady, you can't change a fact.

[/ QUOTE ]Nick Fury isn't a mastermind, and masterminds do not belong on hero side.

[/ QUOTE ]

First after a red name!

Errr.... wait, its just Silverspar. Heheh.

Silverspar's absolutely right though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Masterminds do not belong on blueside. I've said it many times in another thread down in the Sugg &amp; ideas forum. However, I do not see a problem with a MM set/s porting over to a troller or def. Like many have said-robots work. Also, yes Fury (not SHIELD Fury though) is a MM type troller/scrapper. He leads a small group of fighting men into combat. It does fit blue-side. And it's easy to RP it as long as your willing to get into the fight or close to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

and empaths do not belong red side.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages




PleasePleasePlease reconsider this whole locking villains into Patron Power Pools. It's like you're hand-cuffing us into your idea of what is 'fun.' PleasePleasePlease consider instead creating patron power pools for heroes and ancillary power pools for villains. That would go a long ways to alleviating the narrow-minded 'villain-destiny' rut that I feel red-side gaming offers.

~ Jonathan

[/ QUOTE ]

Just a big fat reminder... no one HAS to choose a patron. No one HAS to take Patron Powers or run the arcs. Also, you can choose a Patron and stick to your owm power pool and just run the missions. There are a lot of other contacts in the city of Grandville who can accomodate you. Don't be a Destined One.




and empaths do not belong red side.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wouldn't bet the farm on that, Sport! Besides, all you Heroes do is cry about how useless Empaths are. We'll take 'em on the Redside with open arms! Redroverredrover let H3alZoR come over!!!! Muahahahaha




The Roman setting is win. Period. I love anything associated with Greek and Roman lore, so this is perfect. I was really really hoping to see more of the Nemesis/Rikti connection mentioned somewhere in this issue, as well as Fifth Column, but.... I'm betting we'll see more in the Midnight Squad content. Right... right...? Bueller...?

[/ QUOTE ]

"The Eternal Nemesis"

I have a feeling Nemesis has been around for far, far longer than the usual history gives; it wouldn't be very surprising to see either Nemesis himself or... the real NEMESIS REX (Rex being Latin! ), the first true megalomaniac tyrant supervillain/genius.

Seeing as how Midnight Squad has an Obo Crystal, I would be willing to bet Nemesis, who has explored areas of reality unknown to all but perhaps the Dark Watcher, has a crystal as well; or, maybe, developed the crystals himself.

/end speculation

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Not to mention this from the I12 Game Update screen:

There is a familiar threat in an ancient land and the Midnighters need the help of both Heroes and Villains to stop it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Could be Nemesis...