Discussion: Issue 12: Midnight Hour Announced!




Wait. How exactly do we still have our powers in Ancient Rome? I thought that was way past our "tether" or something?

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The Carbon Teather is over 5700 years long. Roman was about 2000 years ago.

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Yes, but...I thought we couldn't go past Breakout (or Outbreak) because our powers were only level 1?

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It think the excuse there is the "you exist in that time/bound by the you in that time" kinda thing. Bascially.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I like the new Roman looks. I'm up in the air on the rest of the stuff, especially seeing which powersets are moved around. But it looks like the devs really surprised a majority of us.

Oh, and that loud squeal of glee you heard from the west coast? That was The_Thief. Prince of Light is finally getting the armor he has coveted for months now. I just didn't know Prince's voice could get that high...lol. :P



Got the screen cap up

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Wow- thanx alot- that kicks all kinds of butt!

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



Issue 12 looks great, don't get me wrong. But letting serious bugs go unfixed for years is a bit shabby. I'd be willing to forgo a new issue for that.

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Some of the bugs have been around so long that they are now upgraded to the "Undocumented Features" status.

Seriously though, up until NCsoft stepped in, there probably hasn't been enough people around to fix those bugs for the last year+.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



OH my freakin gawd the possibilities are endless plus hybrid toons one with a hero primary and a villain secondary....PVP will become a whole new experience thats fer sure...PLUS villain AT's and since I only play redside this a HUGE added bonus(FINALLY)...i think i might explode......

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Yeah, a whole new way to receive the damage badge.
Lol villianside pvp after i12



Im so excited, I jus cant hide it, Im bout to loose control, I KNOW I LIKE IT!

-bounces around- Mace Brute, Mace Brute, Mace Brute! Psi Blasters! Psi Corrupters??

Only way this could get any freaking better if they said, OH BTW, Here your Pistols Set for Corrs/Blasters.

I may be forced to actually Explode & Send Down Homemade Deer Jerky to the Devs! less they are Veggie Folks.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Devs must have felt bad about pulling blaster unresistable pvp damage so decided to give them nearly 100% unresistable pvp damage with psy......

Not only that but boost range and double stacked boost range, good night cruel world

I honestly thought dark would go to blasters, it is a great set and would actually perform very well for them. I certainly didn't see the devs outright giving up on pvp in one fell swoop.

They'll proly give trollers cold or poison too, lol @ -special +hard mezz = perma dom degree of mezzing pretty much vs single targets.

Wonder what powerboost will do in conjunction with -special, that is a pretty big number swing. Same goes for fenders with pbu.

Then again traps would perform great on a fender, but lol @ trip mines on a troller, that is pretty crazy aoe damage imo.

That leaves dark for trollers (if they aren't completely trying to break things), but dark is a control set of it's own. In any event trollers are going to make out like bandits in either pvp (poison or cold) or pve with traps or dark.

thermal is proly the most reasonable choice imo, but that set will be huge with fender modifiers



Issue 12 looks great, don't get me wrong. But letting serious bugs go unfixed for years is a bit shabby. I'd be willing to forgo a new issue for that.

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Some of the bugs have been around so long that they are now upgraded to the "Undocumented Features" status.

Seriously though, up until NCsoft stepped in, there probably hasn't been enough people around to fix those bugs for the last year+.

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In which case I'd be happy to join NCSoft's team, bring a bunch of friends with me, and devote myself full-time (for paycheck, benefits, and bragging rights) to fixing said 'undocumented features.'

Tell them to have my desk ready - I'll bring my own chair and the 64-pack of Coke. I'll even bring brownies to smooth things over on my first day of work.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Wait. How exactly do we still have our powers in Ancient Rome? I thought that was way past our "tether" or something?

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The Carbon Teather is over 5700 years long. Roman was about 2000 years ago.

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Yes, but...I thought we couldn't go past Breakout (or Outbreak) because our powers were only level 1?

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It think the excuse there is the "you exist in that time/bound by the you in that time" kinda thing. Bascially.

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Besides which, at least Redside - the TF that whats-her-name sends Villains on? That goes to a point before Breakout, too - REcluse's overthrow of the Rogue Isles certainly predates Breakout! Yet, I know that If there was scaling ... it wasn't to lower than 26, because I kept my Assault Robot for every one of those missions.




Axe brutes! Plant controllers!


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/Storm Corruptors... done.

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TMS!!!! TMS!!! HAVE YOU HEARD?!?!?!?

*runs around screaming and waving arms frantically, then falls over, twitching convulsively*

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



I'm certainly excited about this new issue, but the name... the name makes me think of the Madonna song Like a Prayer...

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Every AT gains at least 1 powerset -- Masterminds only get a Secondary, no new Primary. Brutes get 2 new Primaries, and 1 secondary. Everyone else gets 1 Primary and 1 Secondary.

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Wait... blasters too? Blaster support sets, like mastermind primaries, are unique. You'd have to build an entirely new set.

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Well, Mastermind primaries are truly unique... there's nothing remotely like them hero-side to port over. Blaster secondaries aren't direct copies of any other set, but they are made up of powers from other sets. So any non-weapon based melee set could be easily turned into a Blaster secondary by simply removing the taunt and a couple of attacks and adding in a single target immobilize and support powers. Unlike the Mastermind, that can be done with no new animations.

Or they could just give Blasters Traps...

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636




If only deleting the character showed them dying painfully, I'd delete characters all day! lol

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I just had to lol at that! haha






Axe brutes! Plant controllers!



/Storm Corruptors... done.


OK lemme try one too!
There had better be Pistol Blasters/Corruptors!!!

There had better be Masterminds for Heroes!!!!!

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Name 1 comic book hero that operates with flunkies... Henchmen ...Goons ...Slaves ... or whatever you want to call them. Not other members of an elite force that he/she is leading through example. Those who obey out of fear, or because they are being paid, or they are being physically forced. Those whose lives exist only to serve a single mind... a MasterMind. Name me that hero, and ask your question again.



Wait. How exactly do we still have our powers in Ancient Rome? I thought that was way past our "tether" or something?

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The Carbon Teather is over 5700 years long. Roman was about 2000 years ago.

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Yes, but...I thought we couldn't go past Breakout (or Outbreak) because our powers were only level 1?

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What... you want continuity consistancy in a COMIC BOOK GAME??

...gotta stay true to the genre, bro!

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Devs must have felt bad about pulling blaster unresistable pvp damage so decided to give them nearly 100% unresistable pvp damage with psy......

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If you'd asked me yesterday what I thought the new blaster primary was most likely to be, I'd have said "Radiation. Duh."

Seems like such a no-brainer to Zube...

Still... psy has a very long animation/activation time. And we don't know what the base damage will be.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Name 1 hero that operates with flunkies... Henchmen ...Goons ...Slaves ... or whatever you want to call them.

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Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.i.E.L.D. ... or his earlier incarnation, as the head of the Howling Commandos ...?

Any of the team-leaders of the post-WW2 Suicide Squad.

It's not a comic, but fits the bill anyway: Major Reisman, of the film The Dirty Dozen.

The ever-popular Squirrel Girl (hey, she even took down Doctor Doom - solo, when she was fourteen!)

Or, Sgt. Rock of Easy Company. Who says heroes have to have superpowers ...?

Also: what about robots? Or, what about criminals, serving their time faster (and with more relative freedoms) in return for "hazardous duty" helping to FIGHT the very sorts of crime they once comitted?

Not other members of an elite force that he/she is leading through example. Those who obey out of fear, or because they are being paid, or they are being physically forced. Name me that hero, and ask your question again.

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Special Pleading, for the "/epic fail".



Name 1 comic book hero that operates with flunkies... Henchmen ...Goons ...Slaves ... or whatever you want to call them. Not other members of an elite force that he/she is leading through example. Those who obey out of fear, or because they are being paid, or they are being physically forced. Those whose lives exist only to serve a single mind... a MasterMind. Name me that hero, and ask your question again.

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Batman and whoever is doing his bidding this week.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I don't have the words to say how silly WhiteLady's comment was...but I think _Pax covered it well, good job sir. Though I think I'll give it a go anyways

Henchmen/Lackeys are to Villains as Sidekicks are to Heroes, they are the same thing or the perverbial 'second banana'

Add in all the stupid special circumstances you want WhiteLady, you can't change a fact.



A lot of complaining goes on about controllers not being able to "control their pets" the way a MasterMind can. When you think about it, it really does make sense.

A hero asks their companions for help, and then they give what help they can using their own "mind".

A Villain gives orders, threats, ultimatums to their flunkies. A villain uses whatever power they have over their lackies to FORCE them into their will. There is no negotiation. There is no suggestions about tactics. You do it, or you suffer the consequences. Period.

And by consequences, you can bet I don't mean,

"Okay, Johnnie, sorry, but you're off the team."

I mean,

"Sir, maybe we should pull first next time to save us cannon fodder from getting killed quite so fast."

"Interesting... ****** Anyone else have any suggestions???? ?"

I am talking about power, and control over ones underlings. I don't see what is unclear about this... but if you are still confused, please meditate on the following two words: HERO ARCHETYPE



A hero asks their companions for help, and then they give what help they can using their own "mind".

A Villain gives orders, threats, ultimatums to their flunkies. A villain uses whatever power they have over their lackies to FORCE them into their will. There is no negotiation. There is no suggestions about tactics. You do it, or you suffer the consequences. Period.

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Does that mean that army NCOs and oficers are villains ...? Remember, they don't ASK, they COMMAND. There are, to crib your own words, "no suggestions about tactics. You do it, or you suffer the consequences. Period."

And by consequences, you can bet I don't mean,

"Okay, Johnnie, sorry, but you're off the team."

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"Private Wilkes, this court finds you guilty of insubordination and desertion; you will spend the remainder of your term of enlistment in the Fort Leavenworth military penitentiary."

I am talking about power, and control over ones underlings. I don't see what is unclear about this... but if you are still confused, please meditate on the following two words: HERO ARCHETYPE

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I re-iterate:

<ul type="square">[*] Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.i.E.L.D. ... or his earlier incarnation, as the head of the Howling Commandos ...?[*] Any of the team-leaders of the post-WW2 Suicide Squad.[*] It's not a comic, but fits the bill anyway: Major Reisman, of the film The Dirty Dozen.[*] The ever-popular Squirrel Girl (hey, she even took down Doctor Doom - solo, when she was fourteen!)[*] Or, Sgt. Rock of Easy Company. Who says heroes have to have superpowers ...?[/list]
Your attempt to insist that the only way to have such control over one's underlings, would be through force, intimidation, and threat of violence or death ... is, as cited already, Special Pleading ... and if it does anything, it LOSES the argument.

Not to mention ... why can't a heroic-minded individual build nonsentient robots, and direct them in the use of small-unit tactics in an effort to combat crime and fight injustice? (Robotics.)

Or, bargain with the deceased victims of said crime and injustice, allowing them to (temporarily) re-inhabit their mortal remains and gain some measure of vengeance / justice against the perpetrators of same? (Necromancy.)

Or, form a "neighborhood watch" of inner-city youths and young adults, and make a "counter-Gang" that seeks tow in back the streets from the destructive, drug-peddling hoodlums who're over-runnign the 'hood? (Thugs.)

Or, be an officer in a Special Weapons And Tactics division that gives it's field agents extreme autonomy ... calling in rank-and-file troops, requisitioning gear, and then leading those troops into battle with the forces of vice and villainy? (Mercenaries.)

Or, be a member of a "white" ninja clan whose goals are to protect the weak and innocent, and who ACT on those goals directly? (Ninja.)


There is nothing inherently villainous about having pets who follow your every command.



I have to agree that both of you raise interesting points, but the fact of the matter is that it is less of a stretch for Villains to have a swarm of ceaselessly loyal minions that exist only to do their bidding, so I'd need to take White Lady's side on this.

The hero could/would never use his/her gathered crew of minions in the same way as a villain. For the villain, his/her minions exist as either:

1. Cannon fodder to keep the enemy from shooting at them or at minion type 2.

2. A powerful brutish warrior who is bound to loyalty to the Mastermind do to magical means, threats, promises, or in some cases sheer stupidity or lack of ability to think for themselves (Good in game example: Ghost Widow and her lacky Wretch).

A heroic "Mastermind" could never hope to be the same uncaring, send-all-the-pawns-forward-to-tire-the-enemy-out-first kind of character that the villain is. Name one villain who ever shed a tear when his loyal minions were brought down in the name of justice/revenge/whatever cause the hero is fighting for.

I somehow doubt that a believable hero could show the same disregard for his minions lives and safety.



Name 1 comic book hero that operates with flunkies... Henchmen ...Goons ...Slaves ... or whatever you want to call them. Not other members of an elite force that he/she is leading through example. Those who obey out of fear, or because they are being paid, or they are being physically forced. Those whose lives exist only to serve a single mind... a MasterMind. Name me that hero, and ask your question again.

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Batman and whoever is doing his bidding this week.

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This made me laugh out loud.... Gr8 answer! Simple...to the point!

On another note... let's get back to discussing the upcoming issue please.... I didn't read all 50-some-odd pages of this thread only to see it dwindle down to some argument over pets (which really isn't going to matter a whole lot after the devs decide to post the rest of the information for/about this upcoming issue)...

If anything in question needs explaining, one only needs to refer to a certain bar scene in "Team America: World Police" for the answer...


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Why o why can eats be at level 25!