Discussion: Issue 12: Midnight Hour Announced!




Mmmm. Just in time for my 39 month Vet Reward

I just can't wait for it to go live

Paragon's Silent Sentinel
My Altitis Clickie



I've searched around and found nothing (forgive me if this is elsewhere) but will the Arachnos costume pieces be available for characters other than the VEATs? Will they be available to other characters once the account has unlocked the VEATs?

I have a LOT of characters that have been waiting for tall collars for a long time, and I'd love to have them be available outside of the VEATs, even if you have to unlock the VEATs to unlock the costume pieces.




I for one am excited. I have already picked out a name for my VEAT: Arachnofrobia



This is my fealings about I12 .

------------------------------------------------------------ Stealth is your ally -------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------- Trust no one ------------------------------------------------------------------



However, Zub ... the truth is, you were guilty of a faux pas first. I mean, really now ... registration date attacks? You should know better than that!

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It wasn't a registration date attack, actually. What I noticed first was the tiny post counts [...]

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Shame on you, again.

Post count = not relevant.

Registration date = not relevant.

In fact, this is the very first time I’ve ever questioned the reality of another poster on these forums. I think that in this case I had good reason.

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No, really you didn't. One should never lightly level an accusation of sock/meat puppetry; it's a pretty serious attack on the targets' character.

I maintain that you should be ashamed for your part in this.

The one registered two days ago is particularly suspicious.

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Again with the registration dates.

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Post count = No Life

Registration date = No Life for a very long time.



Well im tired of waiting and it geting annoying.
I wish the devs would just HURRY! up there being SLOW! and im going mad with all the waiting


------------------------------------------------------------ Stealth is your ally -------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------- Trust no one ------------------------------------------------------------------



..... You do realize that I12 is IN closed beta now, right? You know: for players to test? And make sure that people don't whine "but that doesn't WOOOOORRRRRK!"

Do you want it NOW or do you want it WORKING? You can't have both.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I need about 5 more days to ding 50 on my MM... and then 14 days to go from 1 to 50 on my new Corr.. anytime AFTER that Issue 12 can come out.



... 14 days for your corruptor.

I can't even stay on a villain longer than 3 hours at a time. *shrug* the new VEATs do look pretty cool though

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I just want to say if they keep the villain epic's the way it is it's total bs, to make a hero epic you need a 50 anywhere on the account, but to make a villain epic you have to have a 50 villain. so someone with a 50 villain can make either but a 50 hero can only make a khel.... seems thoughtless to me

True Alt-o-holic, so... way too many to even think about listing =p
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I just want to say if they keep the villain epic's the way it is it's total bs, to make a hero epic you need a 50 anywhere on the account, but to make a villain epic you have to have a 50 villain. so someone with a 50 villain can make either but a 50 hero can only make a khel.... seems thoughtless to me

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Uh.. wha ?

To make an Arachos epic, you need a 50 villain.

To make a Kheldian, you need a 50 hero.

They don't cross over. Blue is blue, red is red, we don't get purple.

Go back and smack whomever told you differently.

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..... You do realize that I12 is IN closed beta now, right? You know: for players to test? And make sure that people don't whine "but that doesn't WOOOOORRRRRK!"

Do you want it NOW or do you want it WORKING? You can't have both.

[/ QUOTE ]Ya we can have it now.
Just put out the VEAT and scrap the rest of I12 junk!

Um cross over powers can stay to

------------------------------------------------------------ Stealth is your ally -------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------- Trust no one ------------------------------------------------------------------



If they work.

Whatever... too bad you can't actually use Oroborous to travel to the future and be happy...

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



If they work.

Whatever... too bad you can't actually use Oroborous to travel to the future and be happy...

[/ QUOTE ]they must work if there is so much info about them

------------------------------------------------------------ Stealth is your ally -------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------- Trust no one ------------------------------------------------------------------



to make a hero epic you need a 50 anywhere on the account

[/ QUOTE ]

I think we are a little confused here. To make a HEAT you need a level 50 hero.