Discussion: Issue 12: Midnight Hour Announced!




Wait. How exactly do we still have our powers in Ancient Rome? I thought that was way past our "tether" or something?

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The Carbon Teather is over 5700 years long. Roman was about 2000 years ago.

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Yes, but...I thought we couldn't go past Breakout (or Outbreak) because our powers were only level 1?

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What... you want continuity consistancy in a COMIC BOOK GAME??

...gotta stay true to the genre, bro!

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Yeah, I forgot about Mender Tesserect. I remembered that we exemplared when going into the alleged future, but I rationalized that as traveling through time itself causes the exemplaring, not the direction. Now I'm thoroughly confused. :P

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You get exemplared by Flashback when the mobs in the mission are lower level than you.

That's it.

There's no RP explanation.

Mobs aren't higher level in the future or the past. Mobs are just sometimes lower level and sometimes higher level, depending on the mission. You get exemplared to match them. That's all.

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Acutally there is an RP rationale. I can't recall the exact text right now but in the whole intro arc you get told that due to the nature of time travel sometimes a limit is placed on your power level due to the peculiarities of time travel. For the events in your own past it forces you back to that level (and this applies for simplicities sake to contacts you dind't actually do the firs titme around since you're still going back to the same period if not the same exact events). For places outisde you're own experience the nature of an event and how the pillar of fire and ice works it may dampen your abilities due to a 'strain' on you and reality.



Very nice.



yes, that's all true

my point was, the only thing that determines what level you get exempt to is the level of the mobs in the mission in question

there is no 'future missions are lvl 30-40' 'past missions are lvl 1-25' or anything like that

there's no logic to it, that's all I'm saying

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



yes, that's all true

my point was, the only thing that determines what level you get exempt to is the level of the mobs in the mission in question

there is no 'future missions are lvl 30-40' 'past missions are lvl 1-25' or anything like that

there's no logic to it, that's all I'm saying

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Well there's logic, it's just not linear logic, after all it is Time travel. The key is you're powers get dampened if they're above the power level of the 'natives' involved in that event so you can't just massively overpower them and alter history (or the future from your point of view) too easily. It's actually a well established time travel theory that among other things prevents a paradox (the whole killing your grandfather thing).



As far as I know (I'm not about to delete my only 50 as he's still my main hero) but the account unlock of the EAT doesn't require you to keep at least one level 50 character. All getting to 50 does is unlock the AT in the character creation screens and is not required to be around to keep the new ATs unlocked. Think of it like making a recipe for a costume piece, you don't need to keep the recipe to have access ot the costume piece, it just sets a hidden flag on your char (or account in the case of the EATs) that says you can access the content. Keeping the item (the level 50 in the case of EATs) is not required to keep that flag.

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This is incorrect. It has been tested and shown that deleting your only level 50 will RElock the epic ATs.

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hmm well that sucks and I suspect is a bug. Nowhere in the knowledge base or info about the EATs does it say that that is behavior. I could see many an upset player unlocking their EAT and deciding to reroll the same character as one of the EATs so deleting their 50 to start his 'new career' just to find out they can't get the EAT anymore and now no longer have the level 50.

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While it does suck, it is working as intended. This has been asked of the red names. Repeated player tests were done on the Test server.

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Wait wait wait wait...

Since when?

Several people have tested this with Kheldians and show quite the opposite to be true. Once you unlock it, it stays unlocked. Since when has this changed?

"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero




ok, yeah, perhaps a NEW redname clarification is in order

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



I'm pretty sure that they've stated:

If you do not have a 50 currently, you can't make a kheldian. I'm pretty sure you could *play* one if you'd made one and then deleted a 50, but I don't think you can make another until you reach another 50. The presence of a kheld does not equal the presence of a 50. And the presence of the 50, so far as I can recall, is what triggers the ability to create the epic at.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Nowhere in the knowledge base or info about the EATs does it say that that is behavior. I could see many an upset player unlocking their EAT and deciding to reroll the same character as one of the EATs so deleting their 50 to start his 'new career' just to find out they can't get the EAT anymore and now no longer have the level 50.

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While it does suck, it is working as intended. This has been asked of the red names. Repeated player tests were done on the Test server.

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Wait wait wait wait...

Since when?

Several people have tested this with Kheldians and show quite the opposite to be true. Once you unlock it, it stays unlocked. Since when has this changed?

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It has been noted since Issue 4:
The Test server (Training Room) is completely separate from the live servers, to create a Kheldian on the test server you need a level 50 character there (use the copy tool). [u]You can copy over a Kheldian and use it like any other character but you still need a level 50 character on TR to create new ones (eg. if you want to test low level Kheldian content).[u]

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Also, it [u]IS[u] in the Knowledge base ( http://help.plaync.com/cgi-bin/playn...hp?p_faqid=438 ):

[u]Note: You must have at least one level 50 hero on your account to access one of the follow archetypes:[u]




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Any other questions?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Since we can go back to the Roman times, any chance Jesus is gonna be a contact or possibly act as the "hospital" for the zone?
Would be cool if "stores" were actually Roman deities serving their particular archetype, that would bestow "items" after offerings (influence) is given.

My Arc - #51736 Here Wolf... There Wolf... Werewolf!!!

Don't worry about the mule going blind, just load the wagon.

>")))>< ~~~~



I think I can safely say that would be a "NO". Too many problems for that to happen.

I can see people being highly insulted (completely justified), and that is just to start. Also it wouldn't pass the in-game censors.

Simply put: Putting a major religious figure in the game would be a minefield that any sane company would steer well away from, especially a current religion.

(edit: cleaned up phrasing.)

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Since my initial inquiry into this got lost in the squeeing, complaining, and rampant speculation...

I've been intrigued by the Midnight Squad storyline since I first came across it, and I can't wait to see what they do with it.

The bulk of the Midnight Squad's work was done in Astoria, correct? (Either before or after the Banished Pantheon messed up the place.) And with BP and the Circle swarming all over the place now, there is much bad magical mojo about the place.

Does this mean... maybe... just maybe... part of the MS content could be the heroside effort to reclaim Dark Astoria?


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I don't want Dark Astoria claimed. It's one of the neatest zones in the CoH/CoV world. Of course, I wouldn't mind it if they did something like in the movie Silent Hill, where the world changed at certain times (I'd say the dead can claim the town at Night with a City-wide warning horn to warn the townspeople to get off the street).



Since we can go back to the Roman times, any chance Jesus is gonna be a contact or possibly act as the "hospital" for the zone?
Would be cool if "stores" were actually Roman deities serving their particular archetype, that would bestow "items" after offerings (influence) is given.

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That would be a rad idea!!!.....if this were City of Christians.....but (Thank God) it's not.



Masterminds I feel are Unique to Villains, period.

You want to play one, Go Red. You dont want to go Red? Then [censored]. Sorry, jus tired of folks whining for them to be Hero side, I dont play Red, cuz Its dirty or I like Heroes or whatever insert whine here comment.

Like to have some unique between the two sides. So either DEAL or stop running around crying like you got sand in your V....you know the rest.

As for giving Thorns as a secondary to a controller, wont happen, Why? Its a Assault Power, &amp; Controllers secondaries are Buff/Debuff/Assist.

Silly People, new power fandangling starts happing, everyone like, OMG I WISH MY BLAH BLAH BLAH Had Every Power out there to pick from, WEEEEE.


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Do you know why people want MMs blueside? Because redside sucks. The color schemes are all dark and gloomy, in a bad way, not a cool 'Sin City' style; they just look muddy. Not only that, but the texturing is about twice as heavy on the graphics card redside, so people that have some lag issues they can get around, sorta, are absolutely unplayable redside (I'm usually one of those. Fortune smiled and I got an upgrade recently, however, but it's still a 2002 eMachine I run). It's not that we want to remove the uniqueness of MMs- Nothing could ever be quite the same as them- but Blueside enviroment is much more... Hmm. How to put it... Easier to deal with. Especially with travelling.




Will the midnight squad give out goodies in some form or fashion just like Vanguard?

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Uh yea those like...roman things



Do we have any estimated ETA on I12 release yet??? I'd just like to know a date I need to have my villain to 50 by so I can start playing my VEAT hot off the press

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We have exactly the same ETA that we've had for each and every other issue since launch...

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Since my initial inquiry into this got lost in the squeeing, complaining, and rampant speculation...

I've been intrigued by the Midnight Squad storyline since I first came across it, and I can't wait to see what they do with it.

The bulk of the Midnight Squad's work was done in Astoria, correct? (Either before or after the Banished Pantheon messed up the place.) And with BP and the Circle swarming all over the place now, there is much bad magical mojo about the place.

Does this mean... maybe... just maybe... part of the MS content could be the heroside effort to reclaim Dark Astoria?


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Didn't you already ask this?

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Ok, I find a few things wrong with Issue 12. I mostly like everything except for one main thing, LOSS OF DIVERSITY.

I enjoy the game the way powers are unique to certain ATs which does help the entire idea of switching between Villains and Heroes for a powerset or build. Issue 12 looks to COMPLETELY kill that. Here is an example of diversity: Tanks have Ice Armor and Brutes have Electric armor. (Not counting Energy Aura because it totally sucks and needs fixing). Also, instead of giving Scrapper's Ninjitsu (If you do), why not create a totally revamped secondary for them with a more unique style and feel. Instead of rpping out Ninjitsu, slapping in a new power or two to replace the Stalker style of the secondary. I know hundreds of you out there just wanna have so many things from other ATs (It's pathetic really -_-), but you have to realize that going for your own ideas on secondaries or Primaries for scrapper, or tank, or Corruptor is a much better idea than having a power rip off from a Tank or Blaster.

P.S. Keep Battle Axe for Heroes and give Villains Mace &gt;_&lt;



ok, maybe im confused.
is The Midnight zones just for heroes?
Hollows changed?
Psy Blasters?

I have to aggree with most, there is more reason to think they're tryin to phase out Villains completely.
As for the EAT... put it this way. Khelds get energy/-energy attacks. where as banes are what. smashing/lethal... joy most common damage resist... the widows will have a smoke grenade and psy dmg... 'sok but nothing to "woot" about.
After reading all 25 pages of these rants, I can tell most of you play heroes. so you really dont care to hear any complaints, after all you've been given so much already (im sure you'll still complain) I personally dont like to play heroes, as I fell everything is handed to you there. Everything is sooo easy blueside. I prefere the challange villains has.
And don't even get more started on the gladiator/300 themes ppl already screaming "SPARTA!" about in broadcast.. now we will have to actually see them in roman style armor!


Oh, and if there's going to be Energy scrappers... visable stalker. PvP is already pretty limited in this game, but man, favortism anyone?



I was really excited (in addition to everything else about I12) by the prospect of getting free respecs, since they are making changes to the powers.

Then I remembered that a respec doesn't allow you the change your primary or secondary powersets, only the powers within your powersets and what level you took them.

And the release info does specifically refer to "new" characters having new choices.

So do you think this means there WON'T be a free respec given?

Which would be seriously disappointing. I've got one toon I accidentally really gimped, and getting him even to level 24 is gonna be a real trial.

Oh, well, this is still pure awesomeness!



Oh Im sorry, then upgrade yer machine, you cant? well then, dont play em.

As for its Dark &amp; Gloomy, I like that post apocalyptic this life sucks look. Seems your still to suck on Happy Happy Joy Joy, that is blue.

I like, that first time you come over here, you get the feeling of one of the civilians, telling you to F off, while pissing in a garbage can. So nyeah

If you cant handle red, be it whatever, then stop whining bout porting over the ATs &amp; powers over to blue so much.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



dude villians are getting primaries from heroes as well dont speak like only one side of the game is changing and even tho you "Think" you know all about the epics your getting you don't no jack and last time i checked 4 epics choices are better than the 2 heroes got, so when villains get their epics kelds will still be "not so epic"



Masterminds I feel are Unique to Villains, period.

You want to play one, Go Red. You dont want to go Red? Then [censored]. Sorry, jus tired of folks whining for them to be Hero side, I dont play Red, cuz Its dirty or I like Heroes or whatever insert whine here comment.

Like to have some unique between the two sides. So either DEAL or stop running around crying like you got sand in your V....you know the rest.

As for giving Thorns as a secondary to a controller, wont happen, Why? Its a Assault Power, &amp; Controllers secondaries are Buff/Debuff/Assist.

Silly People, new power fandangling starts happing, everyone like, OMG I WISH MY BLAH BLAH BLAH Had Every Power out there to pick from, WEEEEE.


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Do you know why people want MMs blueside? Because redside sucks. The color schemes are all dark and gloomy, in a bad way, not a cool 'Sin City' style; they just look muddy. Not only that, but the texturing is about twice as heavy on the graphics card redside, so people that have some lag issues they can get around, sorta, are absolutely unplayable redside (I'm usually one of those. Fortune smiled and I got an upgrade recently, however, but it's still a 2002 eMachine I run). It's not that we want to remove the uniqueness of MMs- Nothing could ever be quite the same as them- but Blueside enviroment is much more... Hmm. How to put it... Easier to deal with. Especially with travelling.

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I'm going to try and respond to this without any Disparaging or derogatory remarks while being as short and concise as possible; so here goes.

No matter how I spin it, those blue-side who want Master Minds are going to argue that Master Minds should be blue side.

Despite arguements against, CoH and CoV are two entirely different games. Therefore people expect an entirely seperate experience. Master Minds like Defenders help distinguish that difference and mold villainside into a unique game.

Perhaps within the near future we might see a type of "summoner" for hero-side that might better fit its theme. Untill then, I can't agree that Master Minds are prevalent aspects in any "Super Hero" theme. They are however very widespread within the Super Villain archetype.

Side Note: I appologies if you don't enjoy the colour scheme of villains, it's an entirely seperate theme than heroes. As far as lag and graphical issues. Your comp is 6 years past it's prime. It's probably about time to invest in a better computer. a 2008 computer from best buy for 400 bucks will get you a VGC that'll run CoH as well as CoV smoothly.



I see Issue 12 as being entirely full of win, and suddenly find the need to delete some of my characters to make room for the new ones I want to try out. Be that as it may, I'd still like to formally ask for the ability to either move slots from one server or another (yes, not just the character but the entire slot) or the ability to purchase more slots for a given server. Naturally, I would prefer the former, particularly if it's free, but I would settle for the latter just as well.

Furthermore, along a similar tone as the porting of powersets from one side to another, will enemy ATs be next? In all fairness, I love MMs to pieces, but I loathe playing villainside (lag, lack of teams, lag, vertical zone design, lag, the overall look and feel of the zones being bleak and depressing... oh, did I mention the lag?). I badly want an MM (or 3) to defect to the hero's side so I can tolerate playing them. I guess, for now, it'll just have to remain on my wishlist.

I can dream, can't I?



Oh, and if there's going to be Energy scrappers... visable stalker. PvP is already pretty limited in this game, but man, favortism anyone?

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I know, because scrappers dominate in pvp, right?