Discussion: Issue 12: Midnight Hour Announced!




Amen to that! If I spent the time on my main toon that I spend birthing demo toons I'd have my Kheld at 50 too! Why must COH be so AMAZING!?!?! If I could just go back in time, I'd have started this YEARS ago so I could be reaping all the vet rewards.
Champion Server
Salturi lvl 29 FF/Sonic
Grey Imbri lvl 19 Grav/Storm
Becka lvl 18 DB/WP



Oh PLEASE let me have my sonic resonance scrapper! I'll do whatever you want if I can have a STRONG banshee!!!!!!!



Wolf Spider and Blood Widow... Where's the Mu Epic Archetype?



- Veruka Salt

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Um, ok.

Anywho, Just so I don't "sound" like that...
I actually do like what this new issue looks like and the new zone/costumes/VEATs look cool.

I was just showing my disdain for us in the BaseBuildersInc. Group. It was said at one of the Meet and greets (Forget which one) that the bases (Issue 6 material) was not forgotten and our laundry list of bugs and desire for new content would be addressed. Everytime we ask we get that same line. How would you feel if Whatever it is that you love in this game was broken for 6 issues?
So hey, gimme a break.

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1) Happy Birthday

2) They are working on bases. If you saw th recent announcement it shows they are up to it as they're doing another sweep to clear out hte last remaining IOPs from bases on the servers. This shows that bases are being worked on since there'd be no real reason to clean up clutter and remnants of a broken system after this long if they weren't getting ready to implement changes and a revamped system.



Will there be more flash backs added soon? Cause it would be nice to go back and do the mayhem/Safeguards that i missed so i could get the exploration bages.



WOW!!! i12 looks amazing, the complaint about the Villain AT's is relative because it just seems boring for someone who plays CoV. Ooooohhh and one more thing.....

Ice Brute plz plz plz plz??? o.O



Wolf Spider and Blood Widow... Where's the Mu Epic Archetype?

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Mu will be the TF-Unlockable Archetype.



What about the BASES!!!!!!!! Omg Issue after issue, the base builders get the promise... "Its not forgotten.... We'll fix the bugs.... We'll add more content...."

Ok Issue 12, I call Bull! You broke your promise. Yes all this new stuff is great and very much so needed. I bought CoV for the Super Bases and for 6 whole issues, roughly 50% of the updates and 100% of the life of the base... they have been forgotten.

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- Veruka Salt

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Wow, what an incredibly jerk thing to say in reply... Who are you? Mike Teevee?

The fact is, I12 has a LOT of great stuff, and I'm *so* looking forward to the levelgasms they're promising (among everything else!). But the bases *need* work! I agree with JZ on this. And I, too, bought CoV for the bases.

Fix the dang bases, devs! You broke the Robo Surgery/Spirit Signals back in Ish 8. Fix this! A bunch of the SG logos do not appear in the SG logo items in the base. Fix this! You haven't added *any* content to the bases since you created them! *FIX THIS!*

I don't think it's too much to ask for the devs to finally back up their words with deeds.



What about the BASES!

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- Veruka Salt

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Two things.

1) Heh, Willy Wonka. Pwned.

2) Bases are actually some of the most FIXED things. Sure they are buggy, but look at WHAT YOU ARE DOING! You are making a completely original, customized piece of real estate inside a server based MMO internet universe. That easily is more advanced than any other aspect of the CoX game... Bases are great, and with a flare of ingenuity, you can pretty much build anything you want (almost).

Base love is great, but its not a PRIORITY over new/diversified powersets, zone revamping, VEATs, and new content. Sorry. Bases are a luxury; an expected luxury, but a luxury nonetheless.

Also, the Whamasylum called. They are missing a Whiner.

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What is with the folks on these forums? A person makes a legitimate post about wanting the devs to back up what they have been promising for YEARS, and you bust on him for it? Holy crap, you guys really missed the boat on community spirit, didn't you? What more do you want? He said that I12 has a lot of good things, and that they are badly needed. Where the heck do you get off calling him names for asking for what he thinks the game needs? 'Cause (by the way) he AIN'T ALONE.

To say that bases are a luxury and not a priority would be to say the exact same thing about PvP, and I see a LOT more loving going that way. PvP and bases were both made possible by the dawning of CoV. (Yes, I know the hero side had arenas. Look at my join date. I didn't just buy this game... Arenas are just not quite the same thing...)

This game has sides to it that appeal to lots of different folks.

Street Hunting
Badge Hunting
Task Forces

None of that should be higher or lower than anything else. And frankly, when I see everything else on that list getting updates and fixes, and bases not? Then something is WRONG. Whether you agree with it or not.

And on that topic, where do you get off poo-poohing someone's legitimate beef with the game? ... Ohhhh... *I* get it now! You're a Dev kiss-up! I just did a search on your name in the forums, and boy howdy did I come up with two gems!

Anyone who doesnt respect and love the Dev team is a hopeless whiner-baby.

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Go back to sleep in the passenger seat. The Devs are driving.

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So, what? Are the devs paying you to quell the cries for some base justice? Shill...



What about the BASES!!!!!!!! Omg Issue after issue, the base builders get the promise... "Its not forgotten.... We'll fix the bugs.... We'll add more content...."

Ok Issue 12, I call Bull! You broke your promise. Yes all this new stuff is great and very much so needed. I bought CoV for the Super Bases and for 6 whole issues, roughly 50% of the updates and 100% of the life of the base... they have been forgotten.

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I agree! The bases have been neglected for too long! About time for new things to happen with them!



2) They are working on bases. If you saw th recent announcement it shows they are up to it as they're doing another sweep to clear out hte last remaining IOPs from bases on the servers. This shows that bases are being worked on since there'd be no real reason to clean up clutter and remnants of a broken system after this long if they weren't getting ready to implement changes and a revamped system.

[/ QUOTE ]"Working on them?" And your evidence for this is them removing an item that maybe nobody is supposed to actually have? We're talking about *real* work. Fixing the medical aux items. Fixing the SG logos. Giving us some actual *control* over how we put things in the base. Adding more items to put in the base. Adding more walls, floors, and ceilings. You know, giving some actual "love" to the bases, which some folks love just as much as some of you love PvP...



What about the BASES!!!!!!!! Omg Issue after issue, the base builders get the promise... "Its not forgotten.... We'll fix the bugs.... We'll add more content...."

Ok Issue 12, I call Bull! You broke your promise. Yes all this new stuff is great and very much so needed. I bought CoV for the Super Bases and for 6 whole issues, roughly 50% of the updates and 100% of the life of the base... they have been forgotten.

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- Veruka Salt

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Two things.

1) Heh, Willy Wonka. Pwned.

2) Bases are actually some of the most FIXED things. Sure they are buggy, but look at WHAT YOU ARE DOING! You are making a completely original, customized piece of real estate inside a server based MMO internet universe. That easily is more advanced than any other aspect of the CoX game... Bases are great, and with a flare of ingenuity, you can pretty much build anything you want (almost).

Base love is great, but its not a PRIORITY over new/diversified powersets, zone revamping, VEATs, and new content. Sorry. Bases are a luxury; an expected luxury, but a luxury nonetheless.

Also, the Whamasylum called. They are missing a Whiner.

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First off, if they are one of the most fixed things, then why do they keep breaking? Fix it right the first time and then you don't have to fix it again, right?

As for everyone jumping on JZ, if there was something YOU liked that broke all the time, you would be just as mad as us! Promises to fix these issues, yet none have come through.

More important? Yea, powersets are important, so are new AT's, zones and the like. But these, like bases create interest, (Everything in the game interests someone!!!) interest creates players and players dish out $$... Which is profit to them. Duh! Look how many people have left the game because of "lack of content" only to come back when new things come. To some people bases are an important part of the game, I mean....how often do you go in there?

Why don't people think before they post, maybe research a little before they rip on another person for WISHING for something to happen. Go rip on someone on your myspace. While your at it, delete your base and never use it, you don't deserve it anyways.



Stupid newbie questions:
- Pre- existing lvl 50 villains are valid to unlock the new epic archetypes?
- Once unlocked, are they valid to all servers?
- If you delete your only lvl 50 villain (after unlocking it, that is), can you continue to play your newly created Blood Widow, and can you still create characters with the new archetypes?
- And what if you delete the old ones and the only lvl 50 left is one of the new archetypes? Is it valid?

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Educated guesses, based on the Hero Epic Archetypes:
Yes, existing lvl 50 villains are valid to unlock the new epic archetypes.
Yes, once unlocked, they are valid to all servers.
Yes, if you delete your only level 50 villain, you can continue to play your newly created Blood Widow, but you will not be able to make another until you get another level 50 villain.
Yes, if you delete the old ones and the only level 50 is one of the new Archetypes, it still allows you to create a new Epic Villain AT.

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As far as I know (I'm not about to delete my only 50 as he's still my main hero) but the account unlock of the EAT doesn't require you to keep at least one level 50 character. All getting to 50 does is unlock the AT in the character creation screens and is not required to be around to keep the new ATs unlocked. Think of it like making a recipe for a costume piece, you don't need to keep the recipe to have access ot the costume piece, it just sets a hidden flag on your char (or account in the case of the EATs) that says you can access the content. Keeping the item (the level 50 in the case of EATs) is not required to keep that flag.

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This is incorrect. It has been tested and shown that deleting your only level 50 will RElock the epic ATs.

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I tested and reported on this when I got my first 50, and again just now. Deleting all your level 50s on Test doesn't relock Kheldians. Maybe it's different on Live servers, though I don't know why it would be.



It isn't different on Live servers. I've deleted my only 50 and made not one but two khelds since.


Weatherby_Goode - "Heck, Carrion Creepers negates the knockdown from Carrion Creepers."



Well since I believe I read somewhere on here that my $15 give me the right to post whatever I want and that I shouldnt be surprised when I get appropriate responses to unrealistic expectations or whatever, then thats what I believe I will do. Since Mr. Zubenelomgugottabekiddingmegenubi thought it appropriate to sling mud and call names for paying customers (that according to him gives us the right to post whatever we want on these forums) stating what they wish/hope/desire/would like to see/etc, then I guess he wont mind if we also tell him that he should get his facts straight before he starts slamming people and trying to justify his brown nosing techniques. IF in fact he is a base builder like he says...and IF he thinks that fixing base bugs is an unrealistic expectation, then I guess maybe he should think about a.) how often he uses his base b.) how irritating it is to farm the hell outta prestige just to purchase/build things that do NOT work correctly or do not work at all c.) if fixing these things isnt important to him, then maybe his buddies the devs can just leave his base editor as is when they finally do fix the bugs in issue 247. After all...fixing HIS base bugs would be demanding too much too soon....

But its ok Mr. Z....from the looks of your signature...even the people dearest to you think ur opinions or actions leave a little to be desired occasionally............

"It's OK, Daddy. Everybody sucks once in awhile."

I think the kid hit the nail on the head today.

Fix the base stuff...simple as that. NO one is being unrealistic. Don't make promises and not deliver. I agree that new content is important but think of this...

I would say a good 75% of people that play this game use a SG base...not NEAR that many actually have to spend the hours on end building those to be what they need to be, therefore they do not feel our pain when we have spent an entire weekend trying to make our base the most functional for the sg members that have contributed the prestige to do so, just to have bugs almost completely undo or in some cases...have the base to entirely disappear...(sorry duckie). Its frustrating. Its getting old. All we would like to see is some concrete evidence that something is going to change. That the bugs will be fixed. I dont think that is an unreal expectation.

Yes new content is a good thing. Im sure its a helluva good marketing strategy. But when u have devoted players that have been around since day one that decide to leave because of unkept promises...then the new players will have to take over the bases and they will soon turn into the JZ's and GEL's of the "new content" generation...it seems like a vicious cycle...

Anyway...i think HH might agree that was about a quarters worth..

One more thing before I go...

Is that a Wambulance I hear?

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH the devs need a break....

guess they shouldnt have opted to take the jobs with the switchover...if they had declined they might have gotten that loooong needed vacation that Mr. Z thinks they need...



Call me a brown noser if you want but when the devs said at the M&G a couple months back that they were working on revamping bases but it would take a while, I believe them. The removal of leftover IoPs is a bug fix, a minor one but for any major rework of bases a needed one to avoid introducing a host of bugs and inconsistenices, especially if they're going to bring back base raids and the SG trial. Also stated at one point recently and I believe slated for I12 (or near I12 release) is a change in prestige so that you never lose more than half you inf by being in SG mode. This means high level toons won't be sacrificing all their inf to earn prestige and therefore more likely to be in SG mode. They've already reduced (and for many SGs) eliminated rent so therefore lowered the needed prestige for a base.

They admit the bases need work and there's lots that could be added but it will take time and for anything other than a bug-fix here and there that is resources that have to be scheduled and prioritized against other features of the game. The hairstyles that Jay put in caused other costumes to be held up because of design time resource alotment (he has to do NPC design as well as character costumes). The VEATs were often pushed back because of the design time needed for them was considered too much compared to other things but they finally made it in, along with new missions, a new zone that looks to have all new assets not just a reskin, and a host of new powersets for the ATs (yes based off other ATs powersets but they still have to tweak the powers, test them, and put in code for the new AT to use them).

As for all the old Cryptic team coming over, yes they didn't LOSE any members. The problem was it was a small team and by hiring new people and GROWING the team they will have more resources (people and manhours) to devote to each issue/update, bug fixing, and new content/concepts. They stated some of the new team they wanted were to work on bases as it was a major feature that needed a team/dev to focus on (like we have for costumes, powers, sfx/animations, world design, mission design).



I have a dumb question,

Are the devs going to make all powersets avaible to all AT's or are they going to do the compatible sets that are defined by the AT's purpose

Def, Blasters/Corr

or will the devs open the sets to different AT's?




I have a dumb question,

Are the devs going to make all powersets avaible to all AT's or are they going to do the compatible sets that are defined by the AT's purpose

Def, Blasters/Corr

or will the devs open the sets to different AT's?

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No idea on their long term plans but for now each AT (not Khelds as they are an EAT not an AT) will get at least 1 new powerset (Masterminds), most are getting two, and one is getting 3 (Brutes). So far they've only confirmed plants/ for controllers, psychic blast/ for blaster, /storms for dominators, and battle axe/ and mace/ for brutes. They will probably add more at a later time for those powersets that make sense for the ATs.



Bases need work. A lot of it. This isn't a Veruca salt moment unless now in your continuum = 6 issues ago. Anyone who says otherwise isn't a BaseBuilder. We've been asking.

We have gotten some things....but outstanding bugs for issues remain unchecked. Things we believe are simple get no comment to PM or thread.

Rent Reduction - Good
Combo Rooms/Units/Starter Bases - Good
Prestige Grants - Great!

Now, lets see about
Decorative Items that exist within the mapping program.
Fixing RoboSurgery (YAY Pohsyb!), and certain Defensive items for those that do the base raiding (not me, but it is a valid concern for them)

And these are just two relatively simple items from a fairly comprehensive list thats been developed, tweaked and updated.

IOP removal...yeah its a start. Robo Surgery (again yay Pohsyb) is another start...

But many builders are losing faith and hope that we will even be acknowledged at this point. We just had more red name posts in the builders forum in the past week than we have all year, and thats 2 by the way (warning that may be hyperbole I didn't actually count, but its damn close to accurate). So as a community we do want someone to tell marketing to kiss off and just SPEAK TO US. Address our concerns just like any other community in this game. At least give us something to cling to rather than two false starts that may not actually mean anything in the long run.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges
http://GuardianForce.Guildportal.com - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Uh oh, Looks like the REAL base builders showed up and people actually agree with what I said! *gasp*

Please read all the posts after my last post from Deejaye_6, Almighty_HH, Greeneyedlady, and PlasmaStream....

Turns out I'm not a whiney crybaby, maybe I'm just the voice of another side to this game? A side of customers who have complaints and want fixes.

Join @BaseBuildersInc. for help and ideas into the world of Amazing Super Bases.



Wow, what an incredibly jerk thing to say in reply... Who are you? Mike Teevee?

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And who are you?

No, seriously, what other name do you post under on these boards? (I can guessss... ) All of a sudden a slew of new postings magically appear which all agree with a certain other poster, and they all have incredibly low post counts.

"Well, you see there Zube... all my alt accounts agree with me!!

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



I agree! The bases have been neglected for too long! About time for new things to happen with them!

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"My OTHER alt account agrees with me too!!" (And I started it just today!)

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Well since I believe I read somewhere on here that my $15 give me the right to post whatever I want and that I shouldnt be surprised when I get appropriate responses to unrealistic expectations or whatever, then thats what I believe I will do. Since Mr. Zubenelomgugottabekiddingmegenubi thought it appropriate to sling mud and call names for paying customers.... [snip]

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"This alt account ALSO agrees with me!!! AND since nobody knows who it really is, I can make up lies about what Zube has actually said (because of course nobody can go back and read his posts and see for themselves that he didn't do that)!! It's a foolproof plan!"

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Please read all the posts after my last post from Deejaye_6, Almighty_HH, Greeneyedlady, and PlasmaStream....

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Oh, I read them. Yup yup yup. Looks like I'm outvoted. Golly gosh-a-rootie!

And now we can play the Sesame Street Game!

"Three of these things belong together...
Three of these things are kinda the same...
But one of these things is not like the others..."

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform