Discussion: Issue 12: Midnight Hour Announced!




Perhaps within the near future we might see a type of "summoner" for hero-side that might better fit its theme. Untill then, I can't agree that Master Minds are prevalent aspects in any "Super Hero" theme. They are however very widespread within the Super Villain archetype.

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Having a bunch of pets is not a common superhero theme, but having one pet is:
Batman (and Robin)
Falcon (and Redwing)
Kazar (and Zabu)
Captain America (and Bucky)
Human Torch (and Toro)
Martian Manhunter (and Zook)
Superboy (and Krypto)

I think it would be great if they could eventually come up with a Mastermind-style class for heroside that had one good, customizable pet. I imagine that that would be VERY difficult though.



I don't have the words to say how silly WhiteLady's comment was...but I think _Pax covered it well, good job sir. Though I think I'll give it a go anyways

Henchmen/Lackeys are to Villains as Sidekicks are to Heroes, they are the same thing or the perverbial 'second banana'

Add in all the stupid special circumstances you want WhiteLady, you can't change a fact.

[/ QUOTE ]Nick Fury isn't a mastermind, and masterminds do not belong on hero side.

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True... The term Mastermind leads one to think of villainy. Genius geared toward chicanery, perhaps. Reguardless, the mastermind of anything is just someone who plans and directs. But give the Hero version a title befitting a Hero, I'll use 'Architect' for an example, with the powersets of a Mastermind and I don't see an issue with it at all. Why can't you have a gang of good guys fighting under someone's direction( I know... totally out of the question ), or a Good genius engineer creating robot minions to fight crime and Evil? True... the Undead will be a little harder to explain, but not impossible. Ninja's working for good guys? ( Never read a Daredevil comic, so it can't happen! ) And Merc's doing good instead of bad things? (Never!!!)

So you're right. Masterminds need to stay on the redside.

[/ QUOTE ]They would be lone ninjas or a lone soldier of fortune, not a gang of them. People can point Nick Fury all they want, but he is not a mastermind, he is a leader and he is his own soldier relying on his team (aka what heroes do now).



Trip - you get Veteran Reward respecs, too. ^_^ Surely you can't have used them all on that character, already ...?



Not only that, but the texturing is about twice as heavy on the graphics card redside, [...]

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Jeeze. I only have a Radeon x600 ... and I get no lag, even in Grandville, with "moderate" settings. You know what fixed most of my lag problems?

RAM ... which is remarkably cheap nowadays.




This is how this always happens to me. I log on, click on a forum, see "New powersets for everyone?" and say, "Wait, wha-AHHHHHH!" and run to the news forum.

This looks awesome, BTW.



- Veruka Salt

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Um, ok.

Anywho, Just so I don't "sound" like that...
I actually do like what this new issue looks like and the new zone/costumes/VEATs look cool.

I was just showing my disdain for us in the BaseBuildersInc. Group. It was said at one of the Meet and greets (Forget which one) that the bases (Issue 6 material) was not forgotten and our laundry list of bugs and desire for new content would be addressed. Everytime we ask we get that same line. How would you feel if Whatever it is that you love in this game was broken for 6 issues?
So hey, gimme a break.

Join @BaseBuildersInc. for help and ideas into the world of Amazing Super Bases.



Despite arguements against, CoH and CoV are two entirely different games. Therefore people expect an entirely seperate experience. Master Minds like Defenders help distinguish that difference and mold villainside into a unique game.

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Wrong. Plain and simply wrong. The developers have always considered CoH and CoV one game. Only a small minority of players consider them two separate entities, mostly those that prefer villains. These players are [u]wrong[u]. The Good vs. Evil edition was the last nail in that coffin.

Perhaps within the near future we might see a type of "summoner" for hero-side that might better fit its theme. Untill then, I can't agree that Master Minds are prevalent aspects in any "Super Hero" theme. They are however very widespread within the Super Villain archetype.

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It doesn't matter, as someday they will have side switching. When that happens, you will see all archetypes on both sides.

Basically if you [u]choose[u] to believe that Master Minds only belong on villains, that is your choice. On the other hand it will not stop those who don't care to let what something is called narrowly define what limitations are imposed on their play.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters




A couple of things. First of all, on the subject of "non-evil" masterminds, no one has mentioned the mercenary, Silver Sable and her organization, Silver Sable Incorporated. I mean, her group's bounty-hunting comprises the majority of the GNP of her country!

Second, the talk of not having a Greek/Roman setting in comics: I can't believe no one has mentioned Wonder Woman's birthplace, Paradise Island/Themyscira.

Just tellin' ya.

BTW devs, this is all fifty-billion kinds of awesome!

=^..^=. o O (Nothing to see. Just a cat.)
(_ _)~
*Recipient of a Sentai Sage thumbs up of approval.



I know someone a while back mentioned that the term 'Mastermind' does tend to have certain 'villainous' connotations, so here's a thought.

For a way to have a 'hero' summoning several semi-independent and potentially varying-in-power pets... how about Duplication? Both hubby and I have thought since we started that it would be neat if you could play a duplicator character (with several versions of yourself running around in a group, using less powerful versions of your own attacks).

Just a thought...


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
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378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



So, was I reading it right that each AT will get one primary and secondary power from its corresponding AT? If so that's awesome!

[/ QUOTE ]

Every AT gains at least 1 powerset -- Masterminds only get a Secondary, no new Primary. Brutes get 2 new Primaries, and 1 secondary. Everyone else gets 1 Primary and 1 Secondary.

[/ QUOTE ]<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Primary Secondary
Blasters Psi Blast ?
Controllers Plant Control ?
Defenders ? ?
Scrappers ? ?
Tankers ? ?

Brutes Axe, War Mace ?
Corruptors ? Storm Summoning
Dominators ? ?
Masterminds none ?
Stalkers ? ?</pre><hr />
Can we please get those question marks filled in, for the 75% of the slots that don't have anything to go on yet?

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Sorry, you'll have to wait for the follow up article that will expand on the Powerset Proliferation feature.

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fire/storm corr now plz



I know someone a while back mentioned that the term 'Mastermind' does tend to have certain 'villainous' connotations, so here's a thought.

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The word can be used both in a criminal and non-criminal sense. Then again so can 'Controller' and 'Summoner'.

For a way to have a 'hero' summoning several semi-independent and potentially varying-in-power pets... how about Duplication? Both hubby and I have thought since we started that it would be neat if you could play a duplicator character (with several versions of yourself running around in a group, using less powerful versions of your own attacks).

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That is a great idea, and it is generic enough to work for both heroes and villains. Same as robots, same as gangs (there are a few non-criminal gang-like organizations out there in real life), same with mercenaries. While ninjas don't exist, there are precedents for good ninja clans. . The only MM power set that might have some difficulty is Necromancers.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



(there are a few non-criminal gang-like organizations out there in real life),

[/ QUOTE ]
Guardian Angels for one.

The Police for another. (Come on ... think about it: they have their own gang signs, they wear gang colors, they have gang-specific lingo, they roll around in gang-color-marked cars looking for trouble ... ^_^ ... the police are THE biggest gang in the freakin' country!)



Duplication, I discussed with Castle &amp; even offered ideas for.

He said, its to hard for them to implement(least for now) that Illusions was ment to be something of that.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



How would you feel if Whatever it is that you love in this game was broken for 6 issues?

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Makes me have some sympathy for PvPers too.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



So, was I reading it right that each AT will get one primary and secondary power from its corresponding AT? If so that's awesome!

[/ QUOTE ]

Every AT gains at least 1 powerset -- Masterminds only get a Secondary, no new Primary. Brutes get 2 new Primaries, and 1 secondary. Everyone else gets 1 Primary and 1 Secondary.

[/ QUOTE ]<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Primary Secondary
Blasters Psi Blast ?
Controllers Plant Control ?
Defenders ? ?
Scrappers ? ?
Tankers ? ?

Brutes Axe, War Mace ?
Corruptors ? Storm Summoning
Dominators ? ?
Masterminds none ?
Stalkers ? ?</pre><hr />
Can we please get those question marks filled in, for the 75% of the slots that don't have anything to go on yet?

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Sorry, you'll have to wait for the follow up article that will expand on the Powerset Proliferation feature.

[/ QUOTE ]

fire/storm corr now plz

[/ QUOTE ]

I am thinking Doms get Illusion yes? Scrappers...Ninjitsu mebbe...I cross my fingers for Electric armor and Electric Mastery APP to go with it. And Defenders will most likely get Thermal or Cold and Thorny Assault



Seems more likely Doms will get Earth, but we really don't know much for sure at all at this point.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Masterminds, as they are, do seem a tad villainous to be ported directly to Heroes. A Heroic, pet-based AT is definitely feasible, though.

Grul Doctor Pinnacle Swarm Caller Pity Fist Smashdozer Dhuuln



Trip - you get Veteran Reward respecs, too. ^_^ Surely you can't have used them all on that character, already ...?

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Heheh. I've been playing less than 6 months...I don't even have the second vet reward yet...though it should be Real Soon Now(R)



Trip - you get Veteran Reward respecs, too. ^_^ Surely you can't have used them all on that character, already ...?

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Heheh. I've been playing less than 6 months...I don't even have the second vet reward yet...though it should be Real Soon Now(R)

[/ QUOTE ]
HMMM, seems the first respect only comes at 9 months, damn. THAT won't be as helpful as I'd hoped.

There's always the option of starting a n new alt, and putting this one on the back burner until then. Try something Redside, the stories over there are completely different ...



Doubt anyone is getting Thorny Assault. Its mix of Ranged &amp; Melee. Suited for Dominators &amp; Scrappers at best(with probability of the first attack of that set being replaced with more melee'ish attack &amp; Thorntrops being replaced as well). Even then, they have Spines, which is basically thorns, cept Barbed Swipe is the Thorny Dart &amp; Thorntrops is basically the Quills, not to mention they will throw a Taunt Power in there, probably would replace nother Thorn Power. Thorn Assault was really built for Dom specifically. Dont get me wrong, love to see it somewhere else, but honestly, rather see Spines have the Thorn Look as an option, cuz I hate the banana bone look.

People really dont honestly squint eye &amp; review the powers very well before they claim what is going where, do they.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Honestly, Love to See Doms get Earth Control &amp; Earth Assault of some sort for there secondary.

Fairly Easy for Earth Assault, you got all Earth Melee attacks already there, as for mixing in some Ranged, you do have Hurl Boulder Attack &amp; the Animations from the Legacy Chain guys, for there boulder shooting powers. I'd love this for a Dom.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



When is this coming out on Test Sever? I must ask lol



I feel that this must be said. Im not going through the hundreds of posts, so if someone else has pointed this out well whatever.

The epic archetypes I beleive were made to enable a player to have one charecter but having the ability to use abilities from multible other archetypes. The khelds have a tank formm, and a blaster style form. The VEATs are basically the same thing. The crabs are tank, the bane spider is a stalker, and so on. I don't think there is anyway of developing an entirely new archetype. All the bases are really kinda covered.

I must also say this. The $15 you pay are the paychecks for the people that are making this game what it is. That money is what we pay for them to keep the servers up. Its bascially buying us the right to run through the maze they have set for us. That money in no way gives you the position of Lead Designer.

I for one and very exicted about the VEATs. I love arachnos. Sure its a bum that you are still Recluses lackey. But i mean really. the entire villain side is about Arachnos. So what we gonna do? But it will deffenitly bring me back into the game.

The power proliferation or whatever its called sounds like fun. Im most deffinately bringing my Wolf Spider through the roman places!

Good job guys!



quote][ QUOTE ]
*sigh* Way to screw villains YET AGAIN.

*HIGHLY disappointed with the "epic" archetype*

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But, see.. yet again we're forced into being Recluse's lackey. This is one of the major complaints many villain players have about this game. I can understand wanting to do something generic as it's incredibly easy to do, but compared to Kheldians, this is a poor, poor archetype.

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But really, what can you expect? As heroes, we are banded together by fellowship, so devs can be as generic as they want and we still get to feel like winners. Villians are by design soloists; they want all glory for themselves, alone. Can't be too generic when the pinnacle of villiany is to be Lord of blank...which leaves lackey position wide open.



I am looking forward to seeing what they have in store. I want to know more about this Psyblaster and maybe what other powersets will be for which arctypes. I have villians but never play it so im wondering if the psyblast will be only what it is for defenders in heroes or if maybe there is more to it and what is secondary powerset for blasters??? Another healing ability would be great Cant wait to see what happens