Discussion: Issue 12: Midnight Hour Announced!




I apologize if this has been asked before...and I'm probably going to get laughed at...

Are the AT's gender specific or will we be able to play male Blood Widows and female wolf spiders?

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I believe I read that you can have male or female. At least looking at the costume models shows it to be that way.

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Edit: You're right. Take a look. So far in the game all Widows and Fortunata's are female. Yet, if I remember correctly, there was a man figure wearing the Night Widow Helmet and a female wearing one of the Spider helmets. Tell me if I am wrong. I am at work and going off memory. The work computers won't let me access the page with the I12 stuff on it.



masterminds do not belong on hero side.

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It is amazing just how narrow-minded some people can be. Both CoH and CoV compromise one unified game, and that isn't going to change. So masterminds might show up blue-side despite your wishes. I wouldn't be suprised if eventually we see all ATs available to both sides. There is also the often requested feature about side switching.

Sadly, despite the facts that smack people in the face with every Issue since Issue 8, it seems that certain people will continue to insist that both sides are "seperate entities". They will continue to be disappointed though.

(Edit to remove an overly-inflamitory remark.)

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Not to mention this from the I12 Game Update screen:

There is a familiar threat in an ancient land and the Midnighters need the help of both Heroes and Villains to stop it.

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Could be Nemesis...

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Or Snaptooth

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



if villains get blasters and emps it is so on LOL



edit: I was mistaken and apologize to Snow_Globe-thought his response was to me.



The new 10 -20 contemt is coop.

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Has this been confirmed by a redname? The way the announcement is written gives me the impression that 35-50 is co-op (or perhaps parallel, like Ouro), but the 10-20 content is heroes only.



You know.... my money is on pistols for blasters. Because people have begged for it.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



OK I know noone have noticed this. The man in the hat and monicle that is staring right at you in the main I12 image has a octagonal iris. Could this man actually be Nemesis? Could they have put the clue right in front of us to see if anyone could see the obvious?

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



I don't have the words to say how silly WhiteLady's comment was...but I think _Pax covered it well, good job sir. Though I think I'll give it a go anyways

Henchmen/Lackeys are to Villains as Sidekicks are to Heroes, they are the same thing or the perverbial 'second banana'

Add in all the stupid special circumstances you want WhiteLady, you can't change a fact.

[/ QUOTE ]Nick Fury isn't a mastermind, and masterminds do not belong on hero side.

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True... The term Mastermind leads one to think of villainy. Genius geared toward chicanery, perhaps. Reguardless, the mastermind of anything is just someone who plans and directs. But give the Hero version a title befitting a Hero, I'll use 'Architect' for an example, with the powersets of a Mastermind and I don't see an issue with it at all. Why can't you have a gang of good guys fighting under someone's direction( I know... totally out of the question ), or a Good genius engineer creating robot minions to fight crime and Evil? True... the Undead will be a little harder to explain, but not impossible. Ninja's working for good guys? ( Never read a Daredevil comic, so it can't happen! ) And Merc's doing good instead of bad things? (Never!!!)

So you're right. Masterminds need to stay on the redside.



You know.... my money is on pistols for blasters. Because people have begged for it.

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Hmmmm... didn't think of that. Ponders whether Jay is adding Holsters to the Belt option of the costume creator. Hmmmmm....



Holy smokes...I just finished reading about I12. I cannot WAIT for this to come out. I had to take a lil break after the Hollows redesign. This is better than I11 I think. Plus new Villian Epics. HOOO WEEE!!!!

Paragon's Silent Sentinel
My Altitis Clickie




PleasePleasePlease reconsider this whole locking villains into Patron Power Pools. It's like you're hand-cuffing us into your idea of what is 'fun.' PleasePleasePlease consider instead creating patron power pools for heroes and ancillary power pools for villains. That would go a long ways to alleviating the narrow-minded 'villain-destiny' rut that I feel red-side gaming offers.

~ Jonathan

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Just a big fat reminder... no one HAS to choose a patron. No one HAS to take Patron Powers or run the arcs. Also, you can choose a Patron and stick to your owm power pool and just run the missions. There are a lot of other contacts in the city of Grandville who can accomodate you. Don't be a Destined One.

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Thanks sincerely...I do recognize this. But still (in my opinion), this is a limitation of sorts.

I'm just all about more options...both hero and villain side...and that includes the "Patron / Ancillary Pool" levels of options.

~ Jonathan



More controller power sets <3 <3 <3

I was just messing around and came up with this. This is my guess as to what they are going to do with the blasters. I couldn’t complete the secondary because all that was left was control and defense, and they wouldn’t give too much of that to a blaster.

Psionic Dart - minor ranged
Mental Blast – moderate ranged
Psychic Scream – moderate cone
Aim - probably renamed to something like concentrate
Psionic Lance - snipe
Psionic Tornado - moderate aoe, knock up
Scramble Thoughts – ranged minor damage, stun
Terrify – cone fear, seemed to fit
Psychic Wail –cone big boom

Telekinetic Thrust – minor melee, knockback
Subdue – moderate ranged, immobilize, a lot of the secondaries have immobilize
Mind Probe – moderate melee
Some kind of high damage melee
Something with minor damage and some other kind of effect, my guess would be a single target slow
Drain Psyche – drain regen and recovery to yourself, I think it will replace build up since there isn’t a lot of resistance to psycic
Will Domination – high damage, hold
Telekinesis – kind of a aoe hold, seemed to fit
Psychic Shockwave – high damage aoe, stun

I was having fun guessing, thought I'd share my thoughts




Issue 12 looks great, don't get me wrong. But letting serious bugs go unfixed for years is a bit shabby. I'd be willing to forgo a new issue for that.

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Some of the bugs have been around so long that they are now upgraded to the "Undocumented Features" status.

Seriously though, up until NCsoft stepped in, there probably hasn't been enough people around to fix those bugs for the last year+.

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If there's enough people to create such great issues, there's enough to fix AI bugs. Get what you've already done right, THEN give us the cool new stuff.

Oh, and while I'm kvetching, it's totally bonkers that WW and the black market aren't linked. inf is inf, and villains suffer unfairly for the unnecessary division.



ill/dom <----- first dibs



My best guesses.

Blasters = Psi Blast + Stone Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation

Controllers = Plant Control + Cold Shields

Defenders = Thermal + Assault Rifle, Fire Blast

Scrappers = Electric + Electric, Energy

Tankers = Dark, Energy + Dark

Brutes = Axe, War Mace + Ice, Super Reflexes

Corruptors = Psi Blast + Storm Summoning, Apathy (Empathy for villains)

Dominators = Stone Control + Stone Melee

Masterminds = none + Kinetics, Apathy (Empathy for villains)

Stalkers = Broadsword, Dark + Dark




It looks great, IMO. I don't see the new Villain Epics as limited, at all, they seem to stick to the concept wich I think its very cool actually, it'd be messy otherwise. Plus, considering they were not an option before...this is kinda great! I'm thrilled to say the least.
Can't wait to play Fortunatas and such. One more reason to play CoV nonstop from today!

Stupid newbie questions:
- Pre- existing lvl 50 villains are valid to unlock the new epic archetypes?
- Once unlocked, are they valid to all servers?
- If you delete your only lvl 50 villain (after unlocking it, that is), can you continue to play your newly created Blood Widow, and can you still create characters with the new archetypes?
- And what if you delete the old ones and the only lvl 50 left is one of the new archetypes? Is it valid?

Srry about the confusion, in doubt I'll prolly leave at least one lvl 50 hanging in there untouched, but was just curious since I'm very prone to such silly mistakes lol




Blasters = Psi Blast + Stone Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation

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not sure, I suspect a modified Psi Manipulation or Trick Arrow


Controllers = Plant Control + Cold Shields

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Possibly, but I wouldn't be surprised by Poisons or Traps.


Defenders = Thermal + Assault Rifle, Fire Blast

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I'm betting Traps and Assault Rifle. NOT Thermal and NOT Fire Blast.


Scrappers = Electric + Electric, Energy

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Not sure on the attack set, possibly Electric Melee or Fiery Melee. Ninjitsu is quite likely I think.


Tankers = Dark, Energy + Dark

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I'm betting Electric/Electric for Tanks.


Brutes = Axe, War Mace + Ice, Super Reflexes

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Corruptors = Psi Blast + Storm Summoning, Apathy (Empathy for villains)

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Either Psi Blast or Electrical Blast.


Dominators = Stone Control + Stone Melee

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Yeah, something like that, probably. Although there isn't really a Stone Blast set for them to borrow ranged attacks from, so I'm not sure about the secondary.


Masterminds = none + Kinetics, Apathy (Empathy for villains)

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Highly unlikely that MMs will get Empathy, Kinetics, or Radiation. Probably not Storm either. Probably Sonic Resonance.


Stalkers = Broadsword, Dark + Dark

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Stalkers already have Dark/Dark. Broadsword is a decent guess. Possibly Invulnerability.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.




- Pre- existing lvl 50 villains are valid to unlock the new epic archetypes?

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- Once unlocked, are they valid to all servers?

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- If you delete your only lvl 50 villain (after unlocking it, that is), can you continue to play your newly created Blood Widow,

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and can you still create characters with the new archetypes?

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- And what if you delete the old ones and the only lvl 50 left is one of the new archetypes? Is it valid?

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I don't know.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Stupid newbie questions:
- Pre- existing lvl 50 villains are valid to unlock the new epic archetypes?
- Once unlocked, are they valid to all servers?
- If you delete your only lvl 50 villain (after unlocking it, that is), can you continue to play your newly created Blood Widow, and can you still create characters with the new archetypes?
- And what if you delete the old ones and the only lvl 50 left is one of the new archetypes? Is it valid?

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Educated guesses, based on the Hero Epic Archetypes:
Yes, existing lvl 50 villains are valid to unlock the new epic archetypes.
Yes, once unlocked, they are valid to all servers.
Yes, if you delete your only level 50 villain, you can continue to play your newly created Blood Widow, but you will not be able to make another until you get another level 50 villain.
Yes, if you delete the old ones and the only level 50 is one of the new Archetypes, it still allows you to create a new Epic Villain AT.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I wonder what kind of secondary Trollers will get.....Poison, maybe?

This post is completely ironic and lacks sense, since I mainly (and pretty much only) play Villains and am extactic about making a /Storm Corr, BA or WM Brute, Earth Dom and the thought of a /Storm, Cold or Sonic MM.

That said, any tip on what are Stalkers getting?

I hope it's Ice/Ice, 'cus BS/Invul will just suck.



Why on earth would they be unlocked without a 50?
Only if you could unlock Khelds without one!

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I remember reading something that Emmert said about lvl 50 epic unlocks was a mistake, and I assume that most of the devs feel the same way.

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We had to do it this way for the first Villain EAT... parity in unlocking the EATs across both games and all that.

Future EATs (if we dare go in that direction) will have different methods of unlocking (obviously, since the "get to 50" is already done).

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I KNEW it! O_O One level 50 of every archetype, on each side, one level 50 of the two EATS on each side and one character with at least 90% of all badges on each side! And I've been preparing since Issue 7 @_@ I'm onto you! <semi-straight jacket> Need more damage...someone throw fire rings on me! O_O It counts as damage and holding! Wait I'm not--
<doors slam shut on loony bin>
<Breaks glass on doors with head> INCARNATE! I will--

OOC: So far I'm psyched about the new powers, I only wish I could buy more slots! o_O I have too many character concepts/requirements, and I'm holding onto a Kheldian level 50 due to my theory listed above, Posi are we getting anything like that, I know myself and a few in my SG were wondering if we were ever going to be able to buy more slots past 12 o.o

<sits down>




OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! I wanna be a Roman soldier! No, I wanna be a Night Widow! No wait... I wanna be a Fortunata!!! OMG!! I'm OVERWHELMED!



Thxs for the answers, guys I appreciate the help



I hope that we'll get the option to have roman type weaponary options to go along with the costumes to full fill my story arch i already have planned out for my villian..This is the most excited I have been about an issue since the pervious one. They just keep getting better and better

Virtue Server
Devil Sun - lvl 50 (fire/fire/fire blaster)
Devil Sun Jr. - lvl 35 (PB)

Dark Devil - lvl 50 (fire/rad Corruptor)
Wickedly Wicked - lvl 26 (zombie/dark MM)
Ten Ton Punch - lvl 24 (energy/willpower brute)