14 -
Quote:Nice work! Is there guide like this for other power sets, or a way to track the original color?For Storm Kick, by using the original settings, then dropping down to the specific animations, this is the color combo that matches the original animation colors that I could find.
Post how you want the color chart comparison done for your use.
I'm going to lay this out using a (row, column) system from right to left. For example, (1,1) would be first row first color.
For Hero these are the colors I came up with equivalent to the default animations:
Martial Arts:
Storm Kick - Bright Gut Punch
Option 1 -- Primary Color (11,5) Secondary Color (13,5)
Option 2 -- Primary Color (11,5) Secondary Color (3,5)
Cobra Strike - Bright Uppercut Blow
Primary Color (11,5) Secondary Color (13,5)
Crippling Axe Kick - Bright Haymaker
Primary Color (11,5) Secondary Color (13,5)
Eagle's Claw - Bright Face Smasher
Option 1 -- Primary Color (11,5) Secondary Color (13,5)
Option 2 -- Primary Color (11,5) Secondary Color (3,6)
Super Strength:
Jab - Bright Jab
Primary Color (4,9) Secondary Color (4,6)
Punch - Bright Cross
Primary Color (5,7) Secondary Color (4,10)
Haymaker - Bright Haymaker
Primary Color (4,10) Secondary Color (5,6)
Knockout Blow - Bright Double Fisted Strike
Primary Color (4,10) Secondary Color (5,6)
Foot Stomp - Bright Ground Punch
Primary Color (4,10) Secondary Color (5,6)
Below are the Color Customization files:
Super Strength Default Colors
Martial Default Colors
I'm trying to get the default colors from "Psychic Blast" to "Force Field", and Red side's Electricity to look the same as they do in Blue Side (villains have it red), but so far I'm having no success. Can anybody give me a hand, or point me a direction?
Thanks in advance -
How about a water power set? We cover earth, fire and air/storms now.
You could have :
a fast stream of water.
a thicker jet blast of water.
a fountain effect to raise 1 person off the ground so they are immobile.
a spray that fans out hitting multiple targets at ounce.
a down pour, water bubble or wall of water to reduce visability.
a heavey shower/hailstones to cause area damage like rain of fire.
These are just some quick ideas. The damage type and amounts can greatly vary. We use high pressure water to do alot, from just pushing an object to drilling in the ground or even for fine tool and die cutting.
Im sure the Devs could run with this and come up with some even better ideas.
[/ QUOTE ]
Another vote for a water power set, this could be so awesome and it's about friggin' time we had all the elements.^-^
In addition to the suggested powers above:
- a water "bubble" encasing the target's head/body and causing them to drown (DoT)
- Cover the ground with water (similar to Ice Slick), causing all foes that pass through it to lose their footing.
- Water Form: a translucent, very cool-looking liquid form (for defense purposes, similar to Ice Shield and Glacial shield - though only appliable to the caster, not their allies. This could also emcompass a quick travel power (not really a travel power, just a small distance "get-me-out-of-the-aggro" kind of power), the character would transform into water and slush away rapidly to a nearby location and then reform. Think small-distance teleport, only way cooler.
Keep the ideas coming, guysAnd devs, please hear our plea!!!!
*sighs* The captured Energy Field FX was just perfect for one of my missions... (psychic) can't we have both animations? Btw, this current Enerhy Field looks basically the same as Floating Struggle (green energy)
I know! Got killed a dozen times in the same mish by "invisible fairies". Stealth/hide makes sense, them being fairies and all but hurts like a sunava.... the damage is insane, and when you're least expecting. The worst part is that it's a defeat all mish. I couldn't find that last critter no matter what, so I had to quit.
I actually wanted that sort of "ethereal", ghost-like look for my critters in one of my arcs... not stealth/hide, necessarily (now I won't use it anyway knowing its bugged). Just needed that "spectral" look, for coolness effect. Would be cool if we had that option in MA critter creation... -
Continuing with safes as the example, go to the menu to set your collection object, then click Settings (just under the Collection Type/Object menus) and set the number you want spawned in the Quantity box. In the Text section just below that, enter text in the Navigation (Plural) area, like "safes to search", and it'll spawn all of the safes under one nav title, "5 safes to search".
Now set a separate collection object, of the same type, with the spawn number left at the default 1. Enter the same "safes to search" text in the Navigation (Plural) field. It should now list "6 safes to search" in the nav window, and count down to the last one properly.
Remember to set the clue object to Back or Middle (and test to verify that it spawns in the back or middle), or set the clue text on the unnecessary objects to something like "You don't find anything important in this safe."
[/ QUOTE ]
I actually wanted like a general "Find the information", with no numbers on the navigation bar, with several "found nothing" objects and only one containing the information.
I used the method you suggested, and disabled the "required for mission completion" button for the fake ones. Worked like a charm!
Thanks much for the help!! -
I have a question that sort of goes with this say you want to place several found nothing objects (like in normal missions), and only one that completes/triggers your objective (found what you needed)? Im having a hard time doing this atm, without having to add several collections (1 safe, 1 safe, 1 safe, 1 safe ) in the navigational screen
Are there any plans to increase this? I'm finding that already on my second mission in my arc that I'm having to cut back. My plans of a five part arc are pretty much shattered now.
I thought the file size pertained to only one mission, not the entire arc. I have to say that I'm sort of disappointed that my creativity is actually hindering me.
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed. When I realized that limit I got extremely frustrated. So much for creativity... same old stuff. -
Awww.... I'm bummed out now, having found that the map I wanted the most is not available... I really needed the Atlas Park Fashion Show map, like immensely!! I'd really, really appreciate if the devs could make it happen... Please!!!!
Also, if I may ask, making the Jewelry Shop 02 map just a tad little bit more flexible, just being able to add an escort or ally or rescue (any) objective to it would make my day! -
1)It's not gonna happen, but I'm going to ask anyways
Blue Lightning!! Please, the red electricity does't look right.
2) A new powerset exclusive for magic users: with eldritch bolts, arcane holds, magical force fields and what-you-have. -
Yes! I'm well aware of that. Still, red lightning doesn't look right (villain's side). Should be the same look/effect as it is on the blue side. I won't play an elec/ build because of this very reason. Doesn't even make sense...
Well...if customization on all powers isn't possible - at least make blue Electricity to Villains available as well. Choosing between red and blue. I was really disappointed when I went to play a electr. corruptor and saw the red lightnings, doesn't feel to me like electricity and we should at least have the option. It's like limiting only blue flames for villains, instead of red/orange as usual, wouldn't be fair. Such limitations makes me wanna play only CoH. Please, could you look into this? It shouldn't be that hard, it's just one power....please?
Also, for future powersets, I'd like to suggest an all arcane/mystic powerset, with yellow eldritch beams and such. It would really rock. Sometimes you're creating a mage and you see yourself limited to either ice/fire, or elec/storm and such. A sorcerer should have a wider selection/varied arcane spells at their disposal.
Thanks for everything. -
Thxs for the answers, guys
I appreciate the help
It looks great, IMO. I don't see the new Villain Epics as limited, at all, they seem to stick to the concept wich I think its very cool actually, it'd be messy otherwise. Plus, considering they were not an option before...this is kinda great! I'm thrilled to say the least.
Can't wait to play Fortunatas and such. One more reason to play CoV nonstop from today!
Stupid newbie questions:
- Pre- existing lvl 50 villains are valid to unlock the new epic archetypes?
- Once unlocked, are they valid to all servers?
- If you delete your only lvl 50 villain (after unlocking it, that is), can you continue to play your newly created Blood Widow, and can you still create characters with the new archetypes?
- And what if you delete the old ones and the only lvl 50 left is one of the new archetypes? Is it valid?
Srry about the confusion, in doubt I'll prolly leave at least one lvl 50 hanging in there untouched, but was just curious since I'm very prone to such silly mistakes lol -
I'd like to make a request (well sort of) and since I couldnt create a new topic, I guess this is the thread lol
1)- Anyway, I LOVE the new Serrated Sugar hair, I love the way it looks, with straight "Jennifer Aniston"-like layers, this hairstyle fits all my characters so well it was my dream hair for CoH all the way...but i was wondering, could you make it just a tad bit longer? Not looong (like Glam) hair, just a little bit longer than it already is, just longer layers on the front and the lenght on the back as well, the rest its all perfect. That'd be so awesome! Plz? Pretty Please??? I beg you!! I'd do anything!
2)- These are more like secondary requests (The Serrated Sugar one ios the most important!!!), but is there there a way to change the lenght of the cowgirl boots? They look great, but I wanted a shorter, not so out there version of it. And also an unbuttoned version of dresshirt (something that is formal, but open and without the tie, just a lil bit sexier to show some cleavage). Also some more jacket and shirt options (like open sweats for jackets and sleveless tank tops for girls)
Well, thxs in advance, and keep up the good work (and again, cant emphasize enough how great the Serrated Sugar hair looks, the texture, the style...its perfect, congratulations. Just wish it was a lil bit longer...)