Am I blind or just not able to see well? (Hide)




How do you make a custom character with stealth/hide? I have been ambushed several times in arcs that I quickly 1 star if they didn't have a purpose. As far as I can tell, the Stalker secondaries do not have Hide. How are people accomplishing this?



Only Ninjutsu has stealth, since the other stalker sets actually give you the scrapper powerset choices (AKA no stealth).

Don't use it. Is bad.



Powersets with Stealth:

Dark Miasma

Note that any of the group stealth powers are affect self only for custom critters.

Combine them with powersets that debuff Perception:
Trick Arrow
Ninja (pets)

If you want to see them all together (minus Storm) in a mission where you're warned they'll be there and they're part of the story, check out "No One Has Seen a Real Ninja (Perception Challenge)" #1110.

I recommend lowest difficulty level and a toon with no perception buffs for the full effect (bring a few yellows just in case).

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And it's bugged. It's giving the hide bonus even when they're not in hide.

[/ QUOTE ]No, the Mission Maker Secondary.Ninjutsu.Hide never puts them in the Hidden state in the first place. It just gives them a flat damage buff.



I have seen, or not seen, just what you are describing. Stalkers that simply aren't visible at all until they use use Assasin Strike and that was bugged so that with one shot you were dead. It's bugged and hopefully, SHORTLY PLEASE, it will be corrected when they get done testing this new patch.

Okay its been 3 hours now... get them servers back on line! LOL

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



And it's bugged. It's giving the hide bonus even when they're not in hide.

[/ QUOTE ]No, the Mission Maker Secondary.Ninjutsu.Hide never puts them in the Hidden state in the first place. It just gives them a flat damage buff.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, they're definitely hidden. You can't see them without some form of +perception. It's just that the damage buff doesn't go away once they're unhidden.



And it's bugged. It's giving the hide bonus even when they're not in hide.

[/ QUOTE ]No, the Mission Maker Secondary.Ninjutsu.Hide never puts them in the Hidden state in the first place. It just gives them a flat damage buff.

[/ QUOTE ]

That isn't true they do go into Hide whenever they can. I have a Boss/Ally in my mission who is Thugs/Nin who constantly disappears and reappears shooting his two pistols (very reminiscent of Marvel's "The Cloak"). The defense bug is probably due to Hide is supposed to provide some defense even when it is down. Possibly Custom mobs aren't working like players in this respect.

By building mob without an assasin strike they don't do nearly as much damage though. They aren't very smart after all. Of course if they triggered Inferno from Hide that could be bad lol.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



yeah, I had Claws/Ninjutsu critters in one of my missions. One-shot, ever came out of hide. The only time I ever saw them was when I damaged them with my lightning field. Then they 2-shot me if I didn't hold them or sap them first.

Schattenbolt - Blaster Elec/Elec/Elec
Pierce Steele - Blaster Arch/MM/Munitions

Paragons of Victory



And it's bugged. It's giving the hide bonus even when they're not in hide.

[/ QUOTE ]No, the Mission Maker Secondary.Ninjutsu.Hide never puts them in the Hidden state in the first place. It just gives them a flat damage buff.

[/ QUOTE ]

That isn't true they do go into Hide whenever they can. I have a Boss/Ally in my mission who is Thugs/Nin who constantly disappears and reappears shooting his two pistols (very reminiscent of Marvel's "The Cloak"). The defense bug is probably due to Hide is supposed to provide some defense even when it is down. Possibly Custom mobs aren't working like players in this respect.

[/ QUOTE ]You're mistaking me talking about the "Hidden" state (Meter = 1) with a stealthed enemy. They aren't the same thing at all, though any time a player Stalker has 1 Meter, they also have stealth.

Mission Maker Scondary.Ninjutsu.Hide doesn't do anything to the critter's Meter value, because in order for the Meter to be useful, every single attack you could give them would have to check Meter when dealing damage, to see if double damage should be dealt.

Instead, Hide has stealth which suppresses for 8s (just like players), defense which suppresses for 3s (unlike players), and +Damage rather than +Meter, which only suppresses for 3 seconds.



And it's bugged. It's giving the hide bonus even when they're not in hide.

[/ QUOTE ]No, the Mission Maker Secondary.Ninjutsu.Hide never puts them in the Hidden state in the first place. It just gives them a flat damage buff.

[/ QUOTE ]

That isn't true they do go into Hide whenever they can. I have a Boss/Ally in my mission who is Thugs/Nin who constantly disappears and reappears shooting his two pistols (very reminiscent of Marvel's "The Cloak"). The defense bug is probably due to Hide is supposed to provide some defense even when it is down. Possibly Custom mobs aren't working like players in this respect.

[/ QUOTE ]You're mistaking me talking about the "Hidden" state (Meter = 1) with a stealthed enemy. They aren't the same thing at all, though any time a player Stalker has 1 Meter, they also have stealth.

Mission Maker Scondary.Ninjutsu.Hide doesn't do anything to the critter's Meter value, because in order for the Meter to be useful, every single attack you could give them would have to check Meter when dealing damage, to see if double damage should be dealt.

Instead, Hide has stealth which suppresses for 8s (just like players), defense which suppresses for 3s (unlike players), and +Damage rather than +Meter, which only suppresses for 3 seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think my mistake is easily explained by not having a clue as to what any of that means.

Dec out.



And it's bugged. It's giving the hide bonus even when they're not in hide.

[/ QUOTE ]No, the Mission Maker Secondary.Ninjutsu.Hide never puts them in the Hidden state in the first place. It just gives them a flat damage buff.

[/ QUOTE ]

That isn't true they do go into Hide whenever they can. I have a Boss/Ally in my mission who is Thugs/Nin who constantly disappears and reappears shooting his two pistols (very reminiscent of Marvel's "The Cloak"). The defense bug is probably due to Hide is supposed to provide some defense even when it is down. Possibly Custom mobs aren't working like players in this respect.

[/ QUOTE ]You're mistaking me talking about the "Hidden" state (Meter = 1) with a stealthed enemy. They aren't the same thing at all, though any time a player Stalker has 1 Meter, they also have stealth.

Mission Maker Scondary.Ninjutsu.Hide doesn't do anything to the critter's Meter value, because in order for the Meter to be useful, every single attack you could give them would have to check Meter when dealing damage, to see if double damage should be dealt.

Instead, Hide has stealth which suppresses for 8s (just like players), defense which suppresses for 3s (unlike players), and +Damage rather than +Meter, which only suppresses for 3 seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think my mistake is easily explained by not having a clue as to what any of that means.

[/ QUOTE ]Stalker Defense.Ninjutsu.Hide (as well as other versions of Player Hide) includes Meter +1. When Meter is 1, you get "Hidden" displayed below your buff bar.

Stalker attacks have an extra tick of damage which is only applied if the Stalker is in the Hidden state. Each attack has to check the Hidden state (in other words, the Meter value) in order to deal the extra damage.

Hidden, on its own, doesn't confer any stealth. It just so happens that whenever a Player is given the Hidden state, they also are given Stealth to go along with it.

Mission Maker Secondary.Ninjutsu.Hide, on the other hand, doesn't confer +Meter (and therefore never places the critter in Hidden state). Even if it did, the effect wouldn't be very useful - in order to use the Hidden state, every single attack custom critters get would have to be modified to check the Hidden state. Instead, the Mission Maker version of Hide gives +damage. This means that they don't need to add a check for Hidden state to every single critter's attack (which would use system resources even if you had a SS/Inv critter). The problem is that the +damage is, effectively, perma for the Ninjutsu critters, making them exceptionally dangerous. The fact that the Ninjutsu critters are impossible to see unless you have +per or they hit you first doesn't help, either.



I sort of get it. Even that explanation is loaded with stuff you have to be "in to" the actual game mechanics to fully "get" though.

Bottom line, you still can't see them "unaided", they're still getting an ungodly bonus and they're broken because of it. However the mechanics work out. So they really shouldn't be used until they're fixed.

Dec out.



I know! Got killed a dozen times in the same mish by "invisible fairies". Stealth/hide makes sense, them being fairies and all but hurts like a sunava.... the damage is insane, and when you're least expecting. The worst part is that it's a defeat all mish. I couldn't find that last critter no matter what, so I had to quit.

I actually wanted that sort of "ethereal", ghost-like look for my critters in one of my arcs... not stealth/hide, necessarily (now I won't use it anyway knowing its bugged). Just needed that "spectral" look, for coolness effect. Would be cool if we had that option in MA critter creation...