Issue 7: New Base Features!




15 minutes is the time we are going to the Training Room with. If it turns out that that's not enough time for you to Empowerment Buff, get to the mission, and get you through the tough fight, then it will be increased.

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With the lag that some of us get I don't even know if that's enough time to get to the mssn! LOL



Empowerment station buffs are currently set at 15 minute durations (far longer than any other non-toggle buff in the game). They are bestowed on you as soon as you craft them, and last 15 minutes from there. The idea is to have enough time to get you past that sticky part of a mission that was giving you trouble.

15 minutes is the time we are going to the Training Room with. If it turns out that that's not enough time for you to Empowerment Buff, get to the mission, and get you through the tough fight, then it will be increased.

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That's a terrible idea. I thought you guys wanted to give us something cool and helpful. So bascially it is a power that you get because you died in your mission and rezzed in your base? You craft it and try to run back to your mission and hope the buff helps you get past it? Wouldn't just buying inpirations while you were in the base give you the same benefit? And the inspirations will be more convenient since you can use them or not use them depending on what the situation calls for.

I just don't think this will be very helpful and I think it is far from what people thought we would be getting. When you think about it. It really doesn't make much sense and I see no reason for the addition the way you are going to do it. It's another object with no point except that you waste your salvage on it. It goes in line with the inf to prestige conversion rate idea. At the base it is a good idea but the way it is implemented brings nothing to the game and people won't use it.

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Basically I think these are only gonna be used in base raids since that's about half the time of most raids.



My only qualm at this point is the timer. Given the rarity of salvage drops, the ridiculous method of mission location allocation in CoH (Contact in FF gives you a mission in Creys Folly or something similar) and the fact that in CoH bases you can't port to non-hazard zones (or even all the hazard zones), 15 minutes is just far too short.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Positron, will we have any fast way of getting to our base once we realize we need these buffs, or are we expected to die?

I'd love some sort of craftable emergency transporter power that acts like I just clicked on a Base Portal, even if I'm inside a mission.



Also, I want a Rularuu Watcher, that I can ride around like a big 'ole flying beachball.

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That is actually a neat travel power idea. Riding a pet, or how about a vehicle?

Proud member of the LEGION, and Sisterhood



I just want to throw in that I also think a 15 minute from craft buff is very impractical. We have to leave what we're doing, go back to the base and craft, then go right back to get any of these new 'useful buffs'? How is that user friendly? Some of us need to restart after zoning too many times in a session, and now its going to be even worse.

Also, grouping takes long enough as it is, waiting for everyone to go sell betwen mishes(since everyone's broke in CoV). Now everyone in the group who doesn't have these SG items is going to have to wait for those who do every time a hard fight pops up. This is just not going to work out well at all.

Oh and to the guy bragging about killing people in PvP with a stalker... thats like bragging about how many slugs you can throw salt on. PvP with stalkers is lame, I dunno how it can be fun for anyone other than kids who want to be 'more uber than you'.



lets wait to cry doom until three days after I7 hits test.

But the buffs could also be things inspirations don't cover. Such as speed, vert movement, or RECHARGE. Or KB protection (I hope!)

And they would also stack. I would, however, like it if you could have the 15-min, or a two minute clicky with an hour waittime.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Trust me on this one, having craftable temp powers would be great IMHO, but they would be either exploitable or basically useless.

I'm an advocate of pushing the envelope, and you have to look at the synergies involved.

Work out what would be worth crafting as a holdable temp power, then consider it at the damage cap fighting a foe weakend by a chemical burn.

There has to be a constraint or limit to these, else they can become too good.

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You mean like inspirations are now?



Does that thing at the end about your "new table" imply that we'll be able to actually sit down now?



I'd say they'd be annoying to the point of being semi to mostly useless.

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Well, yes, that's the other potential concern.

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Empowerment station buffs are currently set at 15 minute durations (far longer than any other non-toggle buff in the game). They are bestowed on you as soon as you craft them, and last 15 minutes from there. The idea is to have enough time to get you past that sticky part of a mission that was giving you trouble.

15 minutes is the time we are going to the Training Room with. If it turns out that that's not enough time for you to Empowerment Buff, get to the mission, and get you through the tough fight, then it will be increased.

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I have a suggestion here. How about allowing the Raid teleporter to double as a mission teleporter. If you have a mission set, the Teleporter acts as a door to the mission. Thus you can just buff yourself, and use the Raid Teleporter to enter your mission directly (or whatever mission you have set if you're on a team..)

This would also make the Raid Teleporter (Which is pointlessly big) usefull for something other then the IOP Raids.




I have a suggestion here. How about allowing the Raid teleporter to double as a mission teleporter. If you have a mission set, the Teleporter acts as a door to the mission. Thus you can just buff yourself, and use the Raid Teleporter to enter your mission directly (or whatever mission you have set if you're on a team..)

This would also make the Raid Teleporter (Which is pointlessly big) usefull for something other then the IOP Raids.

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This is a great idea. It makes a usually useless item incredibly useful. And it also makes bases the solution to one of CoH's biggest annoyances (needless travel time/zone hopping).



That's a terrible idea. I thought you guys wanted to give us something cool and helpful. So bascially it is a power that you get because you died in your mission and rezzed in your base?

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But the thing is, these smaller SG bases aren't even going to have a hospital likely. So, instead of going there when you die, you'd have to run from the mission to the base and back to get buffed which, in CoH, could be extremely inconvenient if you're in someplace like, say, Moss Cemetary in DA.

Of course, I'm reserving judgment until these actually are on Test, but maybe they'd work better if they were more like Inspirations?



I'd say they'd be annoying to the point of being semi to mostly useless.

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Well, yes, that's the other potential concern.

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Empowerment station buffs are currently set at 15 minute durations (far longer than any other non-toggle buff in the game). They are bestowed on you as soon as you craft them, and last 15 minutes from there. The idea is to have enough time to get you past that sticky part of a mission that was giving you trouble.

15 minutes is the time we are going to the Training Room with. If it turns out that that's not enough time for you to Empowerment Buff, get to the mission, and get you through the tough fight, then it will be increased.

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Hmmm travel to base... factor in lag.. factor in travel time back to mish... factor in time to get to tough spot in mission... and the x factor of a spawn infront of the door at actually might layeth the smacketh down on me, need to go afk, ninja pirate mech piloting leprachauns suddenly invade the zone.... th... I rarely nay say but I dont think 15 minutes is a good duration, temp power might be the way to go with this Pos.



Be nice if the banners you hung were that of torn and bloodied longbow uniforms.....with mounted heads on the walls.

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.




Also, I want a Rularuu Watcher, that I can ride around like a big 'ole flying beachball.

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And then I'd just go around buzzing the lowbies in Atlas Plaza, when they are having costume contests.

They'd all be like, "Holy crap!" And I'd be all like, making airplane noises and stuff.

It would be great.

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I can get behind this idea.

*holds up a sign "Hamster for Positron's Position"*

"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say



Empowerment station buffs are currently set at 15 minute durations (far longer than any other non-toggle buff in the game). They are bestowed on you as soon as you craft them, and last 15 minutes from there. The idea is to have enough time to get you past that sticky part of a mission that was giving you trouble.

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Unless there is a new way to back to the base for crafting this stuff, and then returning to the mission, most players will never use this. Except if the buff is HUGE.

I really can't see myself run back out from a mission map, across a huge hazard zone, into the next city zone, locate the base portal, enter the base, craft the item, go back out into the city zone, cross into the hazard zone, cross the hazard zone, enter the mission and come back to where the rest of the team is.

I know it is an extreme situation, but lets count the zoning: That is 6(six!!) zone crossings (i.e. from one map to another). Granted, for anyone with a decend travel power, it shouldn't take much longer than 4-5 minutes, but still...

I am usually the last person to cry doom, but this really rubs me wrong. Unless of course there is something you're still not telling us.

Main Hero: Flame Blade (Scrapper lvl 50; Katana/Regeneration)
Main Villain: Elenor Seahawk (Mastermind lvl 44; Necromancy/Poison)
My Arcs: #337278: Learning Curve
Fight my Brute: SMASH



what ever happened to the idea of being able to get a non-sg, non-raidable lair. So that small 3-4 man SG can simple have a hang out or a bat cave so to speak to simply house the slavage, insp crafting, and maybe some type of idividual vault system to keep there loot in?

I mean for a large group this sounds ok, but say i on doing respecs were pulling out some of the 50 or so HamiOs i have on my blaster to spread around to my other toons as they are needed but dont want to keep them all on the characters slots? This update sounds like if i put them in my SGs storage really anyone can take them and use them at will. Or say i have the max number of salavge of a type i can carry, if i drop the salvage in this bin, even though my group was wanting to save it for a specific purpose some other member can just craft it to a 15 buff for themselves with no worries?

Doesnt sound that great. IMO any way. How about finally getting to the point of saying our characters can just rent for influence their own apartments. 1-2 rooms not raidable 1 secret room behind the bookcase that is our Hero/villian vault let us decorate house some useful stuff, stuff our influence inside the matress etc.

bases were a great idea, but fall short of being useful just on a percharacter basis. Not everyone wants to be a part of some medium to large SG and have to worry about upkeep on some mega base.



w00t, new it safe to assume people already found things to complain about it?

who lives in a pineapple under the sea?



w00t, new it safe to assume people already found things to complain about it?

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Empowerment stations - Neat. Not even close to what I thought they'd be, but I guess that's your fault for setting the bar so high with a good game

One thing worries me about Empowerment stations, though... will these just be paperweights that are fueled by Salvage? In other words, will this "easily affordable" item turn into 5 hours of salvage farming for a 15 minute buff that grants a 1% resist to psychic damage? Will the buffs last long enough for SG members to earn enough salvage to get another buff? Will they do anything substantial? Please, put my mind at ease.

Storage Bins - We have to build these? Does this mean we need a worktable, and thus need energy and control? And more importantly, will these bins CONSUME energy and control just by sitting there holding things? In other words, is this ALSO content for the smaller SGs or not.

Also, while this is a conclusion I'm jumping to (please no one assume I heard this somewhere), will storage bins only be placeable in vaults? They sound like something that would logically go in a vault, but that would end up being a 150k prestige room that people uninterested in raids have so far been able to avoid purchasing.

Finally, the new decorative items and SG logos. Incredible. I have no worries here. Decorative items FTW, or something like that. Think we could get decorative versions of some of the functional base items? For example, the repair drone and the holodisplay... I could give a rat's rear what they do, they look sweet in my sci-fi SG's space station. If you're worried that people will place 5 dozen decoy items in their base to throw off raiders, I submit that decorative items cannot be highlighted.

Finally, apologies, this is not exactly my most eloquent (sp?) post... it's 5:30 AM, the Gary Coleman cartoon show is on tv, and my brain has officially turned to pudding. Apparently sleep is a good thing.



I'd say they'd be annoying to the point of being semi to mostly useless.

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Well, yes, that's the other potential concern.

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Empowerment station buffs are currently set at 15 minute durations (far longer than any other non-toggle buff in the game). They are bestowed on you as soon as you craft them, and last 15 minutes from there. The idea is to have enough time to get you past that sticky part of a mission that was giving you trouble.

15 minutes is the time we are going to the Training Room with. If it turns out that that's not enough time for you to Empowerment Buff, get to the mission, and get you through the tough fight, then it will be increased.

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While I think this is probably fine, my only concern is this: Going to the base,and coming back from the base to a mission, is INCREDIBLY inconvenient in CoH. In fact, getting back to a mission is generally EASIER for an SG that has a Teleporter (probably not a small SG!)

I think, and this is just my opinion, that it'd be nice to have something you could place in your SG base at some prestige cost, that would essentially be a "Base Recall" teleporter. For each use, you could craft (at the Empowerment station perhaps) a single charge of the "Recall Device" that would require a non-trivial investment in Salvage. This way, when you know you're going to need it, you have the option of a Recall to cut down significantly on travel time. This would be especially useful when teamed, since nobody likes to wait while the guy with Super Speed tries to navigate his way out of the Eden Trial back to William's Square in Founders Falls to hit their base for an Empowerment buff.

Otherwise, I fear that the Empowerment Station will be a fairly large flop, simply because it's inconvenient because of the double travel time requirement without an SG Teleporter to the mission's zone.

Sgt Liberty - 50 Martial Arts / Super Reflexes
Verdigris Eagle - 50 Archery / Energy Manipulation
Stormeye - 50 Storm Summoning / Electric Blast



While I think this is probably fine, my only concern is this: Going to the base,and coming back from the base to a mission, is INCREDIBLY inconvenient in CoH.

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I just don't agree with that at all. There are base portals in all of the city zones. Heading back to the base and then to the mission is incredibly easy.

I also don't agree with all this 'give us a temp power instead' business. Not all the benefits in the game should be given when you want, where you want, at the click of a mouse button. I would PREFER something like the Empowerment Station buffs as they are now - a very big buff with a time limit, as opposed to a smaller one on demand. If nothing else, I'd rather PvP wasn't further complicated by people firing their carefully hoarded temp powers and striking from the shadows.

I do wonder, though, whether this isn't why the CoH teleporters all to go hazard zones - to cut down on travel time to the mission in areas without base portals, while the buff runs down.

Anyway, Positron is saying he'll extend the time limit if it isn't enough, so there's always the chance we'll get it for longer.



I'd love some sort of craftable emergency transporter power that acts like I just clicked on a Base Portal, even if I'm inside a mission.

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Now that I could get behind. I always thought there'd be some sort of emergency 'beam up' power connected to bases, and I was surprised that there wasn't.

Only thing is, it'd have to have a long activation time, to prevent it from being an overpowered escape trick that could bail you out of any bad situation instantly.



But the buffs could also be things inspirations don't cover. Such as speed,

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Increased speed is one of the benefits covered in the feature.

'These Stations, ranging from basic to advanced levels, will allow you to create amazing buffs from salvage recipes - increasing your speed, boosting your resistances, and other special bonuses!'




I have a suggestion here. How about allowing the Raid teleporter to double as a mission teleporter. If you have a mission set, the Teleporter acts as a door to the mission. Thus you can just buff yourself, and use the Raid Teleporter to enter your mission directly (or whatever mission you have set if you're on a team..)

This would also make the Raid Teleporter (Which is pointlessly big) usefull for something other then the IOP Raids.

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This is a great idea. It makes a usually useless item incredibly useful. And it also makes bases the solution to one of CoH's biggest annoyances (needless travel time/zone hopping).

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Effectively the "raid" teleporter becomes a "mission" teleporter, and takes you to wherever the action is. Perfectly reasonable, and yes, makes that obscenely big bit of kit actually useful for something other than PvP.

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
" I headbutted the blind chick."
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...

[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]