Issue 7: New Base Features!





Also, I want a Rularuu Watcher, that I can ride around like a big 'ole flying beachball.

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I'd say they'd be annoying to the point of being semi to mostly useless.

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Well, yes, that's the other potential concern.

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Empowerment station buffs are currently set at 15 minute durations (far longer than any other non-toggle buff in the game). They are bestowed on you as soon as you craft them, and last 15 minutes from there. The idea is to have enough time to get you past that sticky part of a mission that was giving you trouble.

15 minutes is the time we are going to the Training Room with. If it turns out that that's not enough time for you to Empowerment Buff, get to the mission, and get you through the tough fight, then it will be increased.

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How about making them temp powers that last 5 hours, you can only have one of them at once, are one "charge" only, and make the buff last 15 minutes (or however you think is balanced once the moment of use comes).

That would allow for people to be more strategical about their use, and less "Oh noes! its an AV, now go to the base, craft something, and return in 5 minutes or less so we can fight the guy!, and if some one goes AFK we will kick you out and set U 2 /gignore 4ev3r!1!!"



Let us craft temp powers for crying out loud. We're getting all these broken weapons, let us fix them and use them! Also, will the base hospitals once again place you exactly where you died ever again?

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



I'm looking at those cool looking tables in images 1 and 5, and wondering if it's at all possible to sit in those chairs. /Em ledgesit won't work, because the chairs are tucked under the tables. Could it possibly be true that you've finally put in a right-click or other way to interact with a chair to sit in it? Please?



Let us craft temp powers for crying out loud. We're getting all these broken weapons, let us fix them and use them! Also, will the base hospitals once again place you exactly where you died ever again?

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(Nice avatar. That's what Super Strength should look like.)

Yeah, the whole 15-minute buff thing sounds pretty unhelpful. If the primary PVE purpose of the empowerments stations is as Positron says -- to help you with a difficult spot in a mission -- then I see no reason why I wouldn't just go load up on Inspirations. It's easier, faster, and -- depending on the salvage recipes required for the temp buffs -- cheaper. Apart from the duration advantage, which is largely wasted with travel time, there's practically no appeal the devs could offer the buff over a full tray of mixed Lucks, Rages, Insights, CaBs.

For PvP, I see yet another attacker-centric bonus. As if we needed more of those. Defenders won't be able to craft buffs in the middle of a raid, but attackers will have all the time in the world to saunter over to the workbench in their base, and craft buffs.

Temp powers would be *so* much better.

Edit: Oh, and it'd be great if the base teleported you back to where you died. As it stands, there's little purpose in using the base rezzer unless you were in a hazard-zone mission. Hell, there's little purpose to the entire base to a PvE player except if you were in a hazard-zone mission.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



All I can say is that the storage vaults better be tested. And tested. And tested.

The last thing anyone wants to see is a Hamidon Enhancement disappear because they got DC'ed out of the base right after they placed it in the vault. And the last thing they want to hear is a dev saying, "Sorry, we can't replace it for you."

It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
-- Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World




Also, I want a Rularuu Watcher, that I can ride around like a big 'ole flying beachball.

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And then I'd just go around buzzing the lowbies in Atlas Plaza, when they are having costume contests.

They'd all be like, "Holy crap!" And I'd be all like, making airplane noises and stuff.

It would be great.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



I'd say they'd be annoying to the point of being semi to mostly useless.

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Well, yes, that's the other potential concern.

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Empowerment station buffs are currently set at 15 minute durations (far longer than any other non-toggle buff in the game). They are bestowed on you as soon as you craft them, and last 15 minutes from there. The idea is to have enough time to get you past that sticky part of a mission that was giving you trouble.

15 minutes is the time we are going to the Training Room with. If it turns out that that's not enough time for you to Empowerment Buff, get to the mission, and get you through the tough fight, then it will be increased.

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How about a 5 use - 3 minute Temp power instead? It would be FAR more usefull. Here I was looking forward to this, until you just dashed my hopes.

Evil is proud today.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



A nice alternative would be:
15 (or whatever) minutes from when you activate it

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I think that would be a bad idea, cause of how that would affect PvP. I've never, ever lost with my Stalker in PvP with 1v1, and I've killed dozens and dozens of heroes, sometimes fighting more than one at a time and still beating them all.

I've used temp powers, including Nukes from Warburg(which only take 5 mins of easy work for a Stalker to get), to win. Keeping Empowerment to 15 mins after crafting ensures that temp powers don't make PvP even more unbalanced.




Also, I want a Rularuu Watcher, that I can ride around like a big 'ole flying beachball.

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And then I'd just go around buzzing the lowbies in Atlas Plaza, when they are having costume contests.

They'd all be like, "Holy crap!" And I'd be all like, making airplane noises and stuff.

It would be great.

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Actually I was referring to the spikes.

They're impossible to sit around!



I personally would prefer a temp power or even better a level 4 insperation.

Alien 51 - Emp/Energy/Energy Defender
Average Bob - Rifle/Devices/Munitions Blaster
Fusion Avatar - Triform Warshade
Grumpy - Nec/Poison/Mu Mastermind
Metallic Guy - Kat/Inv/Weapons Scrapper




Also, I want a Rularuu Watcher, that I can ride around like a big 'ole flying beachball.

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Visions of Dr. Strangelove. That would ROCK!

Be well, people of CoH.



15 minutes is the time we are going to the Training Room with. If it turns out that that's not enough time for you to Empowerment Buff, get to the mission, and get you through the tough fight, then it will be increased.

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Hrm. I think this would be problematic, especially in hazard zones.



All I can say is that the storage vaults better be tested. And tested. And tested.

The last thing anyone wants to see is a Hamidon Enhancement disappear because they got DC'ed out of the base right after they placed it in the vault. And the last thing they want to hear is a dev saying, "Sorry, we can't replace it for you."

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Hah, now there's an idea for an event. 1/5 chance or so when ever you pull a hamio out of storage, mini hammi attacks you. And rampages in your base. Hah.
Yea, I don't have any, and yes, that does explain most of this idea.




Everything in this issue will be "reasonably priced". It doesn't make sense for us to set out to help small supergroups and then charge large supergroup Prestige for the items.

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Um - aren't you the one that wanted us to wait a month after release of bases and tell you if we still thought things were too highly priced?


Things are too highly priced!



i think these should be temp powers so we can build them and pick when we need them. make is to we could only have one at a time so we would really have to plan witch ones we want.

and to keep them from messing up the balance in the PvP zones make them like arena temps but the other way around. make them so they dont work in PvP zones and only in PvE zones



im with Hamster i want a Rularuu Watcher to ride around but i dont like the idea of a spike up the but




Empowerment station buffs are currently set at 15 minute durations (far longer than any other non-toggle buff in the game). They are bestowed on you as soon as you craft them, and last 15 minutes from there. The idea is to have enough time to get you past that sticky part of a mission that was giving you trouble.

15 minutes is the time we are going to the Training Room with. If it turns out that that's not enough time for you to Empowerment Buff, get to the mission, and get you through the tough fight, then it will be increased.

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Actually, you work a mission, get to the sticky part, head to the base, get buffed up, head back, kick asp! (Fighting snakes...)

Sounds very workable as described. If the amount of salvage required for each buff isn't to the point of silly.



Empowerment station buffs are currently set at 15 minute durations (far longer than any other non-toggle buff in the game). They are bestowed on you as soon as you craft them, and last 15 minutes from there. The idea is to have enough time to get you past that sticky part of a mission that was giving you trouble.

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The buffs would definitely be more useful if they were one-shot click self-buff temp powers with shorter duration (and non-stacking so that you could only have one per type).
My first impression is that a buff with 15 min duration from when you craft it would have extremely (and I'm not using that word lightly) limited usefulness, but I can see several uses for a temp power that I could activate at any time and lasted 3 minutes.

On the other hand I can't help but wonder if a 3 minute "buff on demand" might not be too good.
(depending on the magnitude of the buffs of course)



These items are geared towards small SG's that will quite likely never be able to pay for the first plot upgrade period.

So the idea that they'll require special rooms, that require a plot upgrade is quite far fetched. Until something like that is even so much as hinted at (which it hasn't been yet.) there's no reason to assume such a thing.

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Actually, in beta, there was a specific class of room (iirc, with the same footprint progression as most other functionality rooms) called Storage that was removed prior to release.

Secondly, all of the existing rooms have a "x number of functional items" restriction in them. This seems unlikely to be altered.

Those two facts indicate that the likelihood that storage items at least, if not necessarily empowerment stations, will require their own rooms, and potentially force plot upgrades for small SGs.

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It's a little early to be crying DOOOOM!, I think me. I hope alla youse doomsayers have already copied your characters to Test so you can assist the Devs in their time of trial, and help them make the *right* decisions.

Actually, I could see two possibilities:
1.) All the storage items as Vault auxiliaries. Room type already exists, gives SGs on the cusp of raiding a reason to buy a Vault room, and something to put in it besides an (expensive, ugly) IoP base.
2. All storage items coded like Anchors, able to put them in any room.

Either possibility would be fine by me.



Empowerment station buffs are currently set at 15 minute durations (far longer than any other non-toggle buff in the game). They are bestowed on you as soon as you craft them, and last 15 minutes from there. The idea is to have enough time to get you past that sticky part of a mission that was giving you trouble.

15 minutes is the time we are going to the Training Room with. If it turns out that that's not enough time for you to Empowerment Buff, get to the mission, and get you through the tough fight, then it will be increased.

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That's a terrible idea. I thought you guys wanted to give us something cool and helpful. So bascially it is a power that you get because you died in your mission and rezzed in your base? You craft it and try to run back to your mission and hope the buff helps you get past it? Wouldn't just buying inpirations while you were in the base give you the same benefit? And the inspirations will be more convenient since you can use them or not use them depending on what the situation calls for.

I just don't think this will be very helpful and I think it is far from what people thought we would be getting. When you think about it. It really doesn't make much sense and I see no reason for the addition the way you are going to do it. It's another object with no point except that you waste your salvage on it. It goes in line with the inf to prestige conversion rate idea. At the base it is a good idea but the way it is implemented brings nothing to the game and people won't use it.




Empowerment station buffs are currently set at 15 minute durations (far longer than any other non-toggle buff in the game). They are bestowed on you as soon as you craft them, and last 15 minutes from there. The idea is to have enough time to get you past that sticky part of a mission that was giving you trouble.

15 minutes is the time we are going to the Training Room with. If it turns out that that's not enough time for you to Empowerment Buff, get to the mission, and get you through the tough fight, then it will be increased.

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I would suggest 10 minutes of use in 90 minutes of real time. Example: if your really tough fight is the final battle of a respec -- you can't spare the time to run back to your base, craft it, and go back, you pretty much would have to make it before starting the final mission of the respec which can take quite some time.



I would have to say "I agree" with the other posters here.

I would think have a temp. power that was created so that it could only be used in PvE and not in PvP would be better than creating a buff and then trying to get back to the mission just in-time/before the buff wears off.

We'll see when it hits test but....that's my take on it so far.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



I'd say they'd be annoying to the point of being semi to mostly useless.

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Well, yes, that's the other potential concern.

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Empowerment station buffs are currently set at 15 minute durations (far longer than any other non-toggle buff in the game). They are bestowed on you as soon as you craft them, and last 15 minutes from there. The idea is to have enough time to get you past that sticky part of a mission that was giving you trouble.

15 minutes is the time we are going to the Training Room with. If it turns out that that's not enough time for you to Empowerment Buff, get to the mission, and get you through the tough fight, then it will be increased.

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What about temp powers to use in PvP zones that last like 90 minutes or so. Like crafting IR Goggles, Web Grenades, some guns, temp pets, even the nemesis staff?



Trust me on this one, having craftable temp powers would be great IMHO, but they would be either exploitable or basically useless.

I'm an advocate of pushing the envelope, and you have to look at the synergies involved.

Work out what would be worth crafting as a holdable temp power, then consider it at the damage cap fighting a foe weakend by a chemical burn.

There has to be a constraint or limit to these, else they can become too good.

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