Issue 7: New Base Features!




A log is also kept showing you who put things in and who took things out.

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Positron, does this mean we get other SG- and Base-related Logs?

A log of some random player taking something out is kinda useless if it's a player you've never seen before and you don't know who recruited them or who promoted them to a rank that could take those items.

Actions I'd love to see logged: Invites (even declined ones), Signups, Quits, Kicks, Promotes/Demotes, Security Settings changes, MotD/Motto/Description changes (doesn't need to track the actual text, just answer "who wrote THAT?!?"), Rent payment, Raid scheduling, Coalition settings. All those actions generate green SYSTEM messages in my chat box, this would just add more info about the person performing the action and be reviewable later on.

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I'm feeling that.
It would be nice to have a stat window you could pull up for each SG member that lists this kind of information...or maybe a periodical summary of SG activity. I realize this would probably e a lot of work to create, but I know a LOT of supergroup leaders - myself included - who would see it as a MAJOR improvement and a very useful resource.



All these base features are well and good, but we still can't get into our bathroom after a mission. All of us have to use the TP portal to Perez Park and hit the treeline....



i cant wait for the new features but i dread the costs on base rent for the future



sounds good .but i would like to see a personal storage box for cross sever influence and stored enhancement's. Like in Guild wars.



sounds good .but i would like to see a personal storage box for cross sever influence and stored enhancement's. Like in Guild wars.

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I'm guessing that the chance of a _cross-server_ item transfer are pretty much zero.

Although a cross-server Hami-O swapping network would be amusing, I don't think the devs would see it as a feature...




sounds good .but i would like to see a personal storage box for cross sever influence and stored enhancement's. Like in Guild wars.

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I'm guessing that the chance of a _cross-server_ item transfer are pretty much zero.

Although a cross-server Hami-O swapping network would be amusing, I don't think the devs would see it as a feature...

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I agree, the Devs dont like any sort of transferring things between your own characters.

However since Positron has said that server switching is coming (with a fee), Im not sure how they're going to prevent it. Unless the fee is enough of a deterrent that they figure it will keep this kind of transferring to a minimum.



Well, there's only but so many Hamis you can carry on you. I figure the server transfer will also zero out your inf counter...




Why are you guys focusing on New things for bases, when it is obviously clear, we are UNHAPPY with existing base issues! Fix the damned rent system!



Why are you guys focusing on New things for bases, when it is obviously clear, we are UNHAPPY with existing base issues! Fix the damned rent system!

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That's the problem, the DEV's don't think it's borked.

I say we march down to their office, and tax them on every penny they've ever earned in their life, unless they fix the game. Wonder how quick the game would get fixed?



That's the problem, the DEV's don't think it's borked.

I say we march down to their office, and tax them on every penny they've ever earned in their life, unless they fix the game. Wonder how quick the game would get fixed?

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And then tax them on every penny they've ever earned in their life again in two weeks.



The problem actually is that not everyone thinks it's "borked" either. The only things I would change have more to do with sg bases overall than rent. Lets see first I would give all sgs 300,000 prestige to when started no matter how many members are in the sg at that point. Second I would remove the prestige cost for installing crafted items.

Outside of those two things I am pretty happy with the base system as it is, and yes before anyone ask I am in a small sg (four people). One of us plays about once a week, another maybe 3 times a week and the final two every other day or so. Our sg from launch to now has built a med bay, a power room, a control room, and a teleportation chamber with access to all of the current cov zones. I took out the work shop for now but we should be adding it back on in a few weeks. Since I was the only one of us who ever used it there really isn't any rush. The point of all that being we have gotten all the stuff we want for our base and have no trouble keeping up with rent as is. I fear if rent is adjusted/lowered then the devs may start messing with other stuff and then who knows how many of us will be unhappy.

"I think I'm cute. I've got gold medals.
I've got the moves that make them all tap out.
The Angle Slam, the Ankle Lock.
Marty Jannetty...still can't walk.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt."
Kurt Angle



and yes before anyone ask I am in a small sg (four people).

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Wait until you have a full SG with over 15 million prestige, then come back and say rent is okay



I would like to see some controls put on the permissions options for storage, such as how much of something a person could take. I'd hate for an unhappy person to raid our storage and run off on us. However I'd like to be able to give everyone access to the storage items for them adding stuff to them. This is especially true when it comes to slavage. if someone runs off with 200 pieces of important salvage this could be devastating to a group.



you know, that's a good point.
If there was a limit on how quickly someone could raid the storage bins, that prevent some problems. If you see 10 enhancements disappear to a character of the wrong origin, you can ask them what's up, or explain how it's better that they beg for infamy from the group instead of selling the enhancements. If you see 100 disappeared yesterday, it's a bit too late for anything like that.

of course, you could still get someone inviting 10 different friends into the group, promoting them, and having them run off with stuff in small batches. but again, there's no way to prevent griefers, we just need to make things more difficult for them to minimize the amount of people you have to chase after later.



I would like to see some controls put on the permissions options for storage, such as how much of something a person could take. I'd hate for an unhappy person to raid our storage and run off on us. However I'd like to be able to give everyone access to the storage items for them adding stuff to them. This is especially true when it comes to slavage. if someone runs off with 200 pieces of important salvage this could be devastating to a group.

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Holy crap, im n that vg, its me, Dr. Xavolt lvl 40 tech mm robotics/traps, hey I didnt know we had a web site

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Holy crap, im n that vg, its me, Dr. Xavolt lvl 40 tech mm robotics/traps, hey I didnt know we had a web site

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you know, that's a good point.
If there was a limit on how quickly someone could raid the storage bins, that prevent some problems. If you see 10 enhancements disappear to a character of the wrong origin, you can ask them what's up, or explain how it's better that they beg for infamy from the group instead of selling the enhancements. If you see 100 disappeared yesterday, it's a bit too late for anything like that.

of course, you could still get someone inviting 10 different friends into the group, promoting them, and having them run off with stuff in small batches. but again, there's no way to prevent griefers, we just need to make things more difficult for them to minimize the amount of people you have to chase after later.

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This was actually discussed with my VG in a joking manner. However, in that conversation, if our VG members could infiltrate other VG's and bring back items they would get promotions, etc.

So, I am actually pointing out something that others are drooling about doing and won't post about it.

BUG BADGE Please Dev's



That's the problem, the DEV's don't think it's borked.

I say we march down to their office, and tax them on every penny they've ever earned in their life, unless they fix the game. Wonder how quick the game would get fixed?

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And then tax them on every penny they've ever earned in their life again in two weeks.

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Don't forget about shutting off their power if they try to resist.

Won't have any of that tom-foolery on my watch.



you know, that's a good point.
If there was a limit on how quickly someone could raid the storage bins, that prevent some problems. If you see 10 enhancements disappear to a character of the wrong origin, you can ask them what's up, or explain how it's better that they beg for infamy from the group instead of selling the enhancements. If you see 100 disappeared yesterday, it's a bit too late for anything like that.

of course, you could still get someone inviting 10 different friends into the group, promoting them, and having them run off with stuff in small batches. but again, there's no way to prevent griefers, we just need to make things more difficult for them to minimize the amount of people you have to chase after later.

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This was actually discussed with my VG in a joking manner. However, in that conversation, if our VG members could infiltrate other VG's and bring back items they would get promotions, etc.

So, I am actually pointing out something that others are drooling about doing and won't post about it.

BUG BADGE Please Dev's

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Maybe Im just not understanding the exploit here, but are normal enhancements really that difficult to come by? What is the big gain here? You're basically revealing to the entire community that you're a big jerk by doing something like this, and for very little gain.

To me it's kind of like going to all your neighbours houses and stealing all their apples. I mean hey, free apples. But now all your neighbours are pissed off at you, and did you really gain that much? I mean you could have just gone to the store and bought some apples.



you know, that's a good point.
If there was a limit on how quickly someone could raid the storage bins, that prevent some problems. If you see 10 enhancements disappear to a character of the wrong origin, you can ask them what's up, or explain how it's better that they beg for infamy from the group instead of selling the enhancements. If you see 100 disappeared yesterday, it's a bit too late for anything like that.

of course, you could still get someone inviting 10 different friends into the group, promoting them, and having them run off with stuff in small batches. but again, there's no way to prevent griefers, we just need to make things more difficult for them to minimize the amount of people you have to chase after later.

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This was actually discussed with my VG in a joking manner. However, in that conversation, if our VG members could infiltrate other VG's and bring back items they would get promotions, etc.

So, I am actually pointing out something that others are drooling about doing and won't post about it.

BUG BADGE Please Dev's

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Maybe Im just not understanding the exploit here, but are normal enhancements really that difficult to come by? What is the big gain here? You're basically revealing to the entire community that you're a big jerk by doing something like this, and for very little gain.

To me it's kind of like going to all your neighbours houses and stealing all their apples. I mean hey, free apples. But now all your neighbours are pissed off at you, and did you really gain that much? I mean you could have just gone to the store and bought some apples.

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Personal gain was never the real point of ninjalooting - it was always about hacking off other people and the resultant bragging rights. It was that way in DiabloII, it was that way in WoW, and it'll be that way here, even though the "lewts" in question are ridiculously easy to replace and worth, in the long run, absolutely nothing.

I suspect the average SG will see almost none of this - it'll mostly be a problem between feuding gangs of PvP'ers, and very little else. And, because there's no goldfarming industry here to support ninjalooting commercially, eventually the novelty will wear off and we won't see it anymore.



you know, that's a good point.
If there was a limit on how quickly someone could raid the storage bins, that prevent some problems. If you see 10 enhancements disappear to a character of the wrong origin, you can ask them what's up, or explain how it's better that they beg for infamy from the group instead of selling the enhancements. If you see 100 disappeared yesterday, it's a bit too late for anything like that.

of course, you could still get someone inviting 10 different friends into the group, promoting them, and having them run off with stuff in small batches. but again, there's no way to prevent griefers, we just need to make things more difficult for them to minimize the amount of people you have to chase after later.

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This was actually discussed with my VG in a joking manner. However, in that conversation, if our VG members could infiltrate other VG's and bring back items they would get promotions, etc.

So, I am actually pointing out something that others are drooling about doing and won't post about it.

BUG BADGE Please Dev's

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Maybe Im just not understanding the exploit here, but are normal enhancements really that difficult to come by? What is the big gain here? You're basically revealing to the entire community that you're a big jerk by doing something like this, and for very little gain.

To me it's kind of like going to all your neighbours houses and stealing all their apples. I mean hey, free apples. But now all your neighbours are pissed off at you, and did you really gain that much? I mean you could have just gone to the store and bought some apples.

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I hope I'm not being refferred to as a "Big Jerk" as I was merely pointing out something that would likely happen if controls aren't placed on the current system. I personally wouldn't do such a thing. However being a leader of a well established SG means that I need to consider all things to do with the well being of the group. Including, what people should or should not have access to.

Unfortunately some people would be as you put it "big jerks" and take stored items. Enhancements and Inspirations are the least of my concerns though. Salvage is much more key in controlling. I've played for the past 8 months (many characters) in CoV and have never received a Rare Salvage drop. If special and rare salvage were stolen from my SG storage bins then that would devastate the entire SG. With empowerment stations taking salvage to produce...this would be my concern.

So yes...Bug Exploit Badge Please



I hope I'm not being refferred to as a "Big Jerk" as I was merely pointing out something that would likely happen if controls aren't placed on the current system. I personally wouldn't do such a thing. However being a leader of a well established SG means that I need to consider all things to do with the well being of the group. Including, what people should or should not have access to.

Unfortunately some people would be as you put it "big jerks" and take stored items. Enhancements and Inspirations are the least of my concerns though. Salvage is much more key in controlling. I've played for the past 8 months (many characters) in CoV and have never received a Rare Salvage drop. If special and rare salvage were stolen from my SG storage bins then that would devastate the entire SG. With empowerment stations taking salvage to produce...this would be my concern.

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Our SG/VG is actually having a long talk about this. While the logs will tell you who just swiped half the stuff...the damage has been done. Your Lvl 53 HammiOs, your rare salvage, and your collection of Betamax videos are all gone. And the reality likely won't get them back.

We're trying to develop a 'strategy' to enforce common courtesy. But to be honest, while we don't *expect* any problems, we can't come up with anything better than "don't leave anything around you can't bear to part with."

Because unless you want to restrict taking things out of the bins to Rank 3s or 4s...which is tedious to them to have to play shopkeeper and makes the logs less's an honor system, and quite frankly demotion/VG expulsion might not be a good enough deterrent.


50s: Doc Sharpe (C:I/K), Malan Bloyth (S:BS/Sh), December Blue (T:I/I), Michael X (Mm:R/T), Ultraboy (C:R/K), Zzyxx (Night Widow), plus 4 retired/rerolled

[b]Heard on Teamspeak:[/b]
"First of all, take off your mother's fishnets"




Our SG/VG is actually having a long talk about this. While the logs will tell you who just swiped half the stuff...the damage has been done. Your Lvl 53 HammiOs, your rare salvage, and your collection of Betamax videos are all gone. And the reality likely won't get them back.

We're trying to develop a 'strategy' to enforce common courtesy. But to be honest, while we don't *expect* any problems, we can't come up with anything better than "don't leave anything around you can't bear to part with."

Because unless you want to restrict taking things out of the bins to Rank 3s or 4s...which is tedious to them to have to play shopkeeper and makes the logs less's an honor system, and quite frankly demotion/VG expulsion might not be a good enough deterrent.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wanted to share the idea I just implemented for my SG/VG.

I bought two sets of all 3 storage, one for the Tech room, and one for the Arcane.

The Tech room has been established as *public* storage, and anything dropped off there is for anyone to use.

I have asked people to keep enhancements to SO's, until we find the revised amount the bin will hold.

People are asked to stop in the base and drop off Inspirations and SOs as they can, as well as dump all salvage.

The arcane room if for items to be dropped that you wish for your personal use and alts, most especially SOs and HOs.

So far it seems to work, although getting the idea clearly across takes some re-iteration.

Feel free to copy, make suggestions to improve, etc




I wanted to share the idea I just implemented for my SG/VG.

I bought two sets of all 3 storage, one for the Tech room, and one for the Arcane.

The Tech room has been established as *public* storage, and anything dropped off there is for anyone to use.

I have asked people to keep enhancements to SO's, until we find the revised amount the bin will hold.

People are asked to stop in the base and drop off Inspirations and SOs as they can, as well as dump all salvage.

The arcane room if for items to be dropped that you wish for your personal use and alts, most especially SOs and HOs.

So far it seems to work, although getting the idea clearly across takes some re-iteration.

Feel free to copy, make suggestions to improve, etc

[/ QUOTE ]

So I have two questions for you...

1) How is this not an honor system? (I ask in case there's something glaringly obvious that I've missed)
2) Do you think that with the Empowerment stations, you will still need two rooms? It *seems* as if they've cleanly divided the building stations: Tables for base items, Empowerment Stations for the Temp Powers. I also think that the Empowerment stations can be used to build all components.

Has anyone delved into this?


50s: Doc Sharpe (C:I/K), Malan Bloyth (S:BS/Sh), December Blue (T:I/I), Michael X (Mm:R/T), Ultraboy (C:R/K), Zzyxx (Night Widow), plus 4 retired/rerolled

[b]Heard on Teamspeak:[/b]
"First of all, take off your mother's fishnets"



1. its clearly still and honor system, but I think this will make it a lot easier, otherwise how will an SG differentiate whats donated for the SG and whats private, unless the SG/VG deems that all storage if for your own use only, which really defeats 80% of the purpose IMO.

I know/trust the vast majority of the SG. They have been warned that all take and no give, or taking from the private room, will result in being booted, flogged, and their kats set on fire.

2. I still want two rooms
a. for the reason originally stated for public and private storage
b. I craft both Tech and Arcane in my VG (SG is all tech)
For my SG I craft arcane into components and trade it with another SG that is all arcane.
Thus I will always have two workshops and two rooms anyway.

I am waiting a bit longer to build an empowerment station until a bit more is known what can be built. Given I couldnt teach/get 2/3 of the SG craft components, I don't think most will miss this for a bit.

Once I do build a station, I plan to have salvage storage in each, and will store rare salvage in the Arcane/Private room where SG mates won't touch it.