Issue 7: New Base Features!




New improved Dooom now with 25% more quibbling and 75% more hyperbole.

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/em talktothehand

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Order now and get cliches thrown in for free.

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Soooo... do you actually have a point here, or do you just utterly fail to understand what the grown-ups are talking about?

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Last time I checked, errors were still usually made by mistake, yes.

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You're failing to grasp the difference between a bad design desision and an outright error.

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Last time I checked, bad design decisions were still usually made in error.

Now please tell me what I won in the "Belabor the Painfully Obvious Day” contest. (Dear GOD, let it be alcohol! oh please please pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease)

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



What you want more alcohol as a prize? From your posts I thought you had been drinking already.



Last time I checked, bad design decisions were still usually made in error.

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More clumsy conflation. There's a difference between making an error of judgement and an error in arithmetic, or in basic perception of what's on the screen in front of you.

I expect the Devs to make errors of judgement. That's understandable, and they learn from it. I don't expect them to fail to notice how much something actually costs, and claim that it costs a different sum. That's a level of stupidity that they simply have not manifested to date.

You can provide plenty of evidence of errors of judgement. So can I. But I don't think you can provide evidence of the kind of basic failure of perception that would be needed to mis-state the cost of their own base features. If they set them too high on purpose, that could well be an error of judgement; but that's not what we're discussing. We're discussing the accidental overlooking of factors which the players would soon notice in actual play.



Everything in this issue will be "reasonably priced". It doesn't make sense for us to set out to help small supergroups and then charge large supergroup Prestige for the items.

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Well, riddle me this, Posiman, what exactly will happen to things in storage items if the item in question is removed to use the Prestige for something else? My SG has a habit of (since it can't afford SQUAT, thanks a bunch there) building and unbuilding parts that we need in exchange for other parts that we don't. If we find ourselves in need of something like an empowerment station more than we need our storage bins, but for whatever reason nobody can take what's in them, and it gets deleted, what happens to the stored gear?

I'm just hypothesizing, obviously, but better to solve now than when an SG accidentally removes their storage and lose 14 Hami-O's.



We've never been in disagreement on that point. However, Inspiration and Enhancement Storage weren't the intended boost for small SGs. Empowerment Stations are.

[/ QUOTE ]Huh? Isn't that a changed position from here? (It's okay to admit you were wrong...I'm getting good at it )



Well, riddle me this, Posiman, what exactly will happen to things in storage items if the item in question is removed to use the Prestige for something else? My SG has a habit of (since it can't afford SQUAT, thanks a bunch there) building and unbuilding parts that we need in exchange for other parts that we don't. If we find ourselves in need of something like an empowerment station more than we need our storage bins, but for whatever reason nobody can take what's in them, and it gets deleted, what happens to the stored gear?

I'm just hypothesizing, obviously, but better to solve now than when an SG accidentally removes their storage and lose 14 Hami-O's.

[/ QUOTE ] Try this thread...



Ok, I had some how missed the PM post, or didn't realize it was from Posi. If that is the case then Kudo's to you guys. Now if the enhancement bins are reasonable, then we will really have something.



Everything in this issue will be "reasonably priced". It doesn't make sense for us to set out to help small supergroups and then charge large supergroup Prestige for the items.

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Well, riddle me this, Posiman, what exactly will happen to things in storage items if the item in question is removed to use the Prestige for something else? My SG has a habit of (since it can't afford SQUAT, thanks a bunch there) building and unbuilding parts that we need in exchange for other parts that we don't. If we find ourselves in need of something like an empowerment station more than we need our storage bins, but for whatever reason nobody can take what's in them, and it gets deleted, what happens to the stored gear?

I'm just hypothesizing, obviously, but better to solve now than when an SG accidentally removes their storage and lose 14 Hami-O's.

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You can not delete a storage item that has stuff in it.

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thats a good failsafe



You can not delete a storage item that has stuff in it.

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rm -rf /



What you want more alcohol as a prize? From your posts I thought you had been drinking already.

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Good God I WISH!!

But don't worry. Just a few more years and you'll be allowed some too!

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Base Entry Room: Free
Workshop Room (2x2): 100,000p
Lowest Power Empowerment Station (requires 0 Energy, 0 Control): 15,000p
Salvage Rack (requires 0 Energy, 0 Control): 15,000p

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Looks like I'll really be able to fill out the workshop now with equipment. Very cool too that no extra rooms will be needed.



Last time I checked, bad design decisions were still usually made in error.

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More clumsy conflation. There's a difference between making an error of judgement and an error in arithmetic, or in basic perception of what's on the screen in front of you.

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Last time I checked with the President, his errors in judgement usually begin as errors in arithmetic.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Last time I checked, bad design decisions were still usually made in error.

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More clumsy conflation. There's a difference between making an error of judgement and an error in arithmetic, or in basic perception of what's on the screen in front of you.

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Last time I checked with the President, his errors in judgement usually begin as errors in arithmetic.

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but certainly not always, I'd think that with the individual you mentioned language is more often the problem ...



(sorry, I haven't had time to read this whole thread yet.)

What's to stop a disgruntled team member from deleting your whole stored inventory?

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



(sorry, I haven't had time to read this whole thread yet.)

What's to stop a disgruntled team member from deleting your whole stored inventory?

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It's a Supergroup Permissions thing.

You need to have the Permission set for your level to put things into the Storage.

You need to have the Permission set for your level to take things out of the Storage.

A log is also kept showing you who put things in and who took things out.

Follow me on Twitter



Can Permission be set for each Storage Container?

For example your group could have one container set to the lowest SG level, so everyone can place items in and take stuff out to help craft stuff, and another container set to a higher level where the special or rare salvage that members place in the first box could be moved to and saved for that big new thingy that your planning on.

Dark Tower. SL50 Stone/Stone Tanker
Founder The Freedom Phalanx Reserve
An Infinity Top 25 Super Group
Founded January 4th 2006



Can Permission be set for each Storage Container?

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Probably not.



Can Permission be set for each Storage Container?

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Probably not.

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I agree. I'm guessing there'll be two new bubble-selects on the permissions screen. "Place items into storage" and "Remove items from storage" that you check yes/no for each rank.



You can not delete a storage item that has stuff in it.

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What about deleting the room by mistake?



(sorry, I haven't had time to read this whole thread yet.)

What's to stop a disgruntled team member from deleting your whole stored inventory?

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It's a Supergroup Permissions thing.

You need to have the Permission set for your level to put things into the Storage.

You need to have the Permission set for your level to take things out of the Storage.

A log is also kept showing you who put things in and who took things out.

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Best possible way to do it... awesome job, guys.



You can not delete a storage item that has stuff in it.

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What about deleting the room by mistake?

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You can't delete a room which contains a crafted item. I'm sure the same will apply to a room with a non-empty container, as that would cause the storage item to be deleted with stuff in it.



(sorry, I haven't had time to read this whole thread yet.)

What's to stop a disgruntled team member from deleting your whole stored inventory?

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It's a Supergroup Permissions thing.

You need to have the Permission set for your level to put things into the Storage.

You need to have the Permission set for your level to take things out of the Storage.

A log is also kept showing you who put things in and who took things out.

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Wouldnt it have been a whole lot easier and much more functional to have just made 1 bucket to donate stuff to the Group that the leadership can draw from set to whatever SG level your group chose, then have each member have a personal stash that only that member can access? Kinda like Gym locker or something?



(sorry, I haven't had time to read this whole thread yet.)

What's to stop a disgruntled team member from deleting your whole stored inventory?

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It's a Supergroup Permissions thing.

You need to have the Permission set for your level to put things into the Storage.

You need to have the Permission set for your level to take things out of the Storage.

A log is also kept showing you who put things in and who took things out.

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Wouldnt it have been a whole lot easier and much more functional to have just made 1 bucket to donate stuff to the Group that the leadership can draw from set to whatever SG level your group chose, then have each member have a personal stash that only that member can access? Kinda like Gym locker or something?

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Uh, every member *does* have their personal Salvage inventory already... That would be kinda pointless.

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