Issue 7: New Base Features!




Low-end...items. Last time I checked the low-end empowerment station and salvage rack would count as "items."

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Try reading what is writen, not what you think was writen hmm?

What are the empowerment stations?

* Low-end base items that can give your characters a buff in exchange for Salvage. These base items are self-powered, so even a bare-bones base will be able to install and use it.

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No where in the above statement are salvage racks or any other type of item mentioned. Sence you're so hung up on what exactly is said, as he mentions nothing but Empowerment stations, and uses the purl "items" that means all types of empowerment stations.

Of course seeing you were the person who refused to believe the buffs weren't PvP because you and you alone read the web artical wrong... I'm not sure why I'm bothering.



Thank you Posi for posting the numbers, but I think the 130,000 you quoted is light. Assuming these items are craftable, it would require a working Work table.

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Obviously they don't need to be crafted, or Posi would have factored that in. This is a Very Good Thing.



So unless all of the new items are 100% bought, not craftable

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The empowerment stations and salvage storage are at least not craftable, and require no power/control.



Is this a different workshop than where you place your workbenches? If not, 30K to put this stuff in isn't bad.

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My read on that is that the emp station/storage items take up the same "slot" as a workbench would, which is what I've been positing all along. So they'd need their own workroom.

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Empowerment Stations occupy the Empowerment slot, not a Workbench slot.

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I wonder if the 3x4 workshops will offer considerably more Empowerment slots than the 2x2 workshops? It's a bit of a drag with the current editor that you make this massive upgrade to the 3x4 room and it only gets you one extra table.



Total Cost for working Salvage storage and a working Empowerment Station: 130,000 Prestige

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7 members at 20,000 bonus Prestige per member = 140,000 Prestige

Minimum number of members necessary to achieve this: 7.

Devs' idea of a small SG: seven members.

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That's to achieve it right off the bat (squeek) ... our little villian group with 2 active characters and one that I took to 20ish currently has a power room, a computer room, a workshop, a computer and a generator. Once this hits live we'll feel like we're rolling in the dough.

130,000 to make a group useful in some way doesn't seem outrageous at all. I just wish they'd rethink the 15 minute rule. Perhaps time on the test server will alter that in some way.



Here's the current numbers in testing (subject to change):

Base Entry Room: Free
Workshop Room (2x2): 100,000p
Lowest Power Empowerment Station (requires 0 Energy, 0 Control): 15,000p
Salvage Rack (requires 0 Energy, 0 Control): 15,000p

Total Cost for working Salvage storage and a working Empowerment Station: 130,000 Prestige

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Hm. Takes a Workshop, huh? I was kind of hoping it would be placable anywhere. Going on the assumption that power and control requirements are what neccessitate the other rooms, and without that you could make do with just the entry.

It does make sense, though. Everything that uses Salvage, plus a storage bin for Salvage, all in one room. And maybe some of the other storage bins, like Enhancements, CAN be placed in the entry room...

Anyway, I can afford 130,000 prestige, even with a one-person SG made up of just my character and my alts on the same server. (I'm running about that right now) So I'm sure any reasonable SG can afford that.



Thank you Posi for posting the numbers, but I think the 130,000 you quoted is light. Assuming these items are craftable, it would require a working Work table. In order to get a work table, the minimum cost is 750,000

Control rom: 100,000
Energy Room: 150,000
Workshop: 100,000
Basic Generator: 225,000
Mainframe: 150,000
Basic Work Table: 25,000
Total: 750,000

So unless all of the new items are 100% bought, not craftable, and require no power or control, the costs would be 780,000. That figure is still prohibitive for a small sg.

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Don't think they are craftable BUT I believe your costs are right if I'm right that the level 2 and level 3 take power and control. So take you 750K and add Lvl 1's 2x15K, Lvl 2's 2x30K, Lvl 3's 2x60K plus one more workshop at 100K for a total of 1.06M prestige




It would be almost as catastrophically stupid as making giant walking XP piñatas called “Winter Lords” and putting dozens of them in each and every zone so that players could go from level 1 to 50 in just a couple of weeks, leaving the city overrun with high-level characters who cannot afford to buy their own SO enhancements and who don’t have the faintest clue how to play their own characters, many of whom quickly quit CoH because it’s boring and they’ve “done everything” (even though they have in fact done almost nothing).


Let’s see… accidentally over-reward for killing Winter Lords… accidentally over-price empowerment stations. Accidentally over-reward for killing Winter Lords… accidentally over-price empowerment stations…. Accidentally over-reward for killing Winter Lords… accidentally over-price empowerment stations.

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Not to thread-jack is it the Dev's fault that the players exploited something they put in for fun? Is it the Dev's fault that those players, rather than having fun with the game decided to do nothing other than PL themselves by exploiting the game? I was there for the Winter Lord fun, and while i made much xp off of them, I quickly went back to doing my regular missions. You know...the way the Dev's designed it to be.

Please don't blame player exploits on the Devs. The most likely reason they didn't limit the Winter Lords before? They thought of it as an ADDITION to the game, not the be all-end all the PL players did. And I don't remember seeing any Devs standing behind any of those players twisting their arms into PL either. Just because an exploit is there does NOT mean you have to use it. Those people who PL'd and then got bored..well as far as I'm concerned, I'm glad they aren't around to spoil things more for people who want to play the game as designed.

Of course, YMMV...



Don't think they are craftable BUT I believe your costs are right if I'm right that the level 2 and level 3 take power and control.

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I already showed you a redname quote that says they don't. Why do you want to believe they will?



From GammaEmission: Look at that PM again. He said the salvage storage wouldn't cost power or control but the enhancement and inspiration storages would.

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From Solarfox: Ooops your right, my bad.

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Perhaps you could simply ask these two guys what they received in the PM? Or simply post it? Hmmmm?



Here's the current numbers in testing (subject to change):

Base Entry Room: Free
Workshop Room (2x2): 100,000p
Lowest Power Empowerment Station (requires 0 Energy, 0 Control): 15,000p
Salvage Rack (requires 0 Energy, 0 Control): 15,000p

Total Cost for working Salvage storage and a working Empowerment Station: 130,000 Prestige

EDIT: Added in Energy and Control numbers.

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:Bah. Hit the submit:

So we now have to incredible extremes. You have something within the reach of a single person (I've earned more than 150k of prestige) and then the costs for actually making a useful base.

Still here, even after all this time!



Or simply post it?

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It was posted.



No where in the above statement are salvage racks or any other type of item mentioned. Sence you're so hung up on what exactly is said, as he mentions nothing but Empowerment stations, and uses the purl "items" that means all types of empowerment stations.

Of course seeing you were the person who refused to believe the buffs weren't PvP because you and you alone read the web artical wrong... I'm not sure why I'm bothering.

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Umm, I seem to remember ADMITTING I was incorrect regarding them being base only buffs. Unlike some of you who can't admit they were wrong ("Oh...the red name hinted to us that they could be placed anywhere") even after Positron admitted that I was right on that point.

This is discussion with few data points. Only one side is calling people silly, daft, and broody hens. You received a PM that TELLS you I'm right about the power and control for the storage stations.

It is easy to guess that in absense of anything more definitive then the plurality of "items" (where in the same sentence it ends be reverting back to the singular "it") that the two new items released at the same time would have the same characteristic.



Umm, I seem to remember ADMITTING I was incorrect regarding being based only buffs.

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But you got that opinion based on reading what thought was said, not what was said, and you're doing it again. You have no evidence what so ever that the higher end empowerment stations will require control or power. You're simply jumping to concusions yet again, based on nothing.

You received a PM that TELLS you I'm right about the power and control for the storage stations.

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I received no PM's at all... Let alone one that says your right. So I'm not sure what you're talking about.

that the two new items released at the same time would have the same characteristic.

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Jump to what ever concusions you want to. You've done it though out this whole thread.



It is easy to guess that in absense of anything more definitive then the plurality of "items"

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The question was 'What are the empowerment stations?' How is that not definitive?



I received no PM's at all... Let alone one that says your right. So I'm not sure what you're talking about.

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Oh, is that right???



The question was 'What are the storage stations?' How is that not definitive?

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See now I'm confused.

Is the question "What are the empowerment stations?"


Is the question "What are storage stations"?

Because there is definitely a difference between the 2.



I received no PM's at all... Let alone one that says your right. So I'm not sure what you're talking about.

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Oh, is that right???

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Yes it is right. I didn't recieve a PM either. The PM was posted in this very thread by someone else.



See now I'm confused.

Is the question "What are the empowerment stations?"

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Yes, it is. My error. Sorry. Have gone and edited. Toooooo many posts, not enough coffee.



See now I'm confused.

Is the question "What are the empowerment stations?"

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Yes, it is. My error. Sorry. Have gone and edited. Toooooo many posts, not enough coffee.

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True, you have sort of made this thread your crusade.



Yes it is right. I didn't recieve a PM either. The PM was posted in this very thread by someone else.

[/ QUOTE ] You have the time stamp/link?



I received no PM's at all... Let alone one that says your right. So I'm not sure what you're talking about.

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Oh, is that right???

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Dude, you really need to try reading the whole thread.

I didn't get a PM, someone else did, and that person did in fact post it. My comment there was based on the post of a PM from Posi.

The PM said, and proves beyond a doubt you are completely off base...

All of the Empowerment Stations are self-powered, self-controled. i.e. it's Power use is 0, and it's Control use is 0.

Salvage storage is the same. Enhancement and Inspiration storage does take power and control.

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True, you have sort of made this thread your crusade.

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Nah. My crusade was 'Save Sally'.




You have the time stamp/link?

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It's in the bloody thread. Look it up your damn self.



True, you have sort of made this thread your crusade.

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Nah. My crusade was 'Save Sally'.


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Cool, I killed her many many times.